Test program running on MAX32625MBED. Control through USB Serial commands using a terminal emulator such as teraterm or putty.

Dependencies:   MaximTinyTester CmdLine MAX541 USBDevice

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Feb 19 22:47:05 2020 +0000
Commit message:
fixed conflict G gain vs CONVRUN pin name

Changed in this revision

MAX11043/MAX11043.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MAX11043/MAX11043.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Test_Menu_MAX11043.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/MAX11043/MAX11043.cpp	Wed Feb 19 06:22:45 2020 +0000
+++ b/MAX11043/MAX11043.cpp	Wed Feb 19 22:47:05 2020 +0000
@@ -1090,7 +1090,7 @@
-// Menu item 'JA'
+// Menu item 'GA'
 // Write AGain register
 // @param[in] gain 2's complement, 0x800=0.25V/V, 0x1000=0.5V/V, 0x2000=1VV/V, 0x4000=2V/V, default=0x2000
--- a/MAX11043/MAX11043.h	Wed Feb 19 06:22:45 2020 +0000
+++ b/MAX11043/MAX11043.h	Wed Feb 19 22:47:05 2020 +0000
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@
     uint8_t Read_ADCabcd(void);
-    /// Menu item 'JA'
+    /// Menu item 'GA'
     /// Write AGain register
     /// @param[in] gain 2's complement, 0x800=0.25V/V, 0x1000=0.5V/V, 0x2000=1VV/V, 0x4000=2V/V, default=0x2000
--- a/Test_Menu_MAX11043.cpp	Wed Feb 19 06:22:45 2020 +0000
+++ b/Test_Menu_MAX11043.cpp	Wed Feb 19 22:47:05 2020 +0000
@@ -125,12 +125,12 @@
 // CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
 // CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
 // CODE GENERATOR: MAX11043 Command Name = Write_AGain (uint32_t gain) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item hint description Menu item 'JA'
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item 'JA' -- Menu item JA
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11043 help: JA uint32_t gain -- Write_AGain
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11043 helpString: 'JA gain=? -- Write_AGain'
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'JA':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'JA gain=? -- Write_AGain'
+// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item hint description Menu item 'GA'
+// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item 'GA' -- Menu item GA
+// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11043 help: GA uint32_t gain -- Write_AGain
+// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11043 helpString: 'GA gain=? -- Write_AGain'
+// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'GA':
+// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'GA gain=? -- Write_AGain'
 // CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
 // CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Write_AGain'
 // CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'uint32_t gain'
@@ -235,9 +235,9 @@
 // CODE GENERATOR: shorten testMenuCommand to single character if unambiguous
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuCommand '!' already single character
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuCommand '$' already single character
-// CODE GENERATOR: shorten testMenuCommand 'JA' to single character 'J'
-// CODE GENERATOR: re.sub pattern:'JA' with repl:'J' in helpString 'JA gain=? -- Write_AGain'
-// CODE GENERATOR: updated 'J' help string to 'J gain=? -- Write_AGain'
+// CODE GENERATOR: shorten testMenuCommand 'GA' to single character 'G'
+// CODE GENERATOR: re.sub pattern:'GA' with repl:'G' in helpString 'GA gain=? -- Write_AGain'
+// CODE GENERATOR: updated 'G' help string to 'G gain=? -- Write_AGain'
 // CODE GENERATOR: cannot shorten testMenuCommand 'XX' to single character due to duplicates
 // CODE GENERATOR: cannot shorten testMenuCommand 'XY' to single character due to duplicates
@@ -250,9 +250,9 @@
     // CODE GENERATOR: command: $
     // CODE GENERATOR: help: $ -- Read_ADCabcd
     cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n $ -- Read_ADCabcd");
-    // CODE GENERATOR: command: J
-    // CODE GENERATOR: help: J gain=? -- Write_AGain
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n J gain=? -- Write_AGain");
+    // CODE GENERATOR: command: G
+    // CODE GENERATOR: help: G gain=? -- Write_AGain
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n G gain=? -- Write_AGain");
     // CODE GENERATOR: command: XX
     // CODE GENERATOR: help: XX linef=? rate=? -- Configure_XXXXX
     cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n XX linef=? rate=? -- Configure_XXXXX");
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
 // CODE GENERATOR: warning: conflict testMenuGPIOItemsDict['CONVRUN']['PinName'] = 'CONVRUN'
 #warning "No command case for 'CONVRUN' 'PinName' 'CONVRUN' due to conflict with reserved commands A-F, try changing pin name"
-#warning "Randomly assigned command 'G' for 'CONVRUN' due to name conflict"
+#warning "Randomly assigned command 'H' for 'CONVRUN' due to name conflict"
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['PinName'] = 'DACSTEP'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['Direction'] = 'output'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['Operation'] = 'Value'
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
 // CODE GENERATOR: warning: conflict testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['PinName'] = 'DACSTEP'
 #warning "No command case for 'DACSTEP' 'PinName' 'DACSTEP' due to conflict with reserved commands A-F, try changing pin name"
-#warning "Randomly assigned command 'H' for 'DACSTEP' due to name conflict"
+#warning "Randomly assigned command 'I' for 'DACSTEP' due to name conflict"
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['PinName'] = 'EOC'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['Direction'] = 'input'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['Operation'] = 'Value'
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
 // CODE GENERATOR: warning: conflict testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['PinName'] = 'EOC'
 #warning "No command case for 'EOC' 'PinName' 'EOC' due to conflict with reserved commands A-F, try changing pin name"
-#warning "Randomly assigned command 'I' for 'EOC' due to name conflict"
+#warning "Randomly assigned command 'J' for 'EOC' due to name conflict"
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['SHDN']['PinName'] = 'SHDN'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['SHDN']['Direction'] = 'output'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['SHDN']['Operation'] = 'Value'
@@ -304,30 +304,24 @@
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['UP_slash_DWNb']['Operation'] = 'Value'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['UP_slash_DWNb']['FunctionName'] = 'UP_slash_DWNboutputValue'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'A' 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'B' 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'C' 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'D' 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'E' 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'F' 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'G' 'CONVRUN'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'H' 'CONVRUN'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['CONVRUN']['PinName'] = 'CONVRUN'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['CONVRUN']['Direction'] = 'output'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['CONVRUN']['Operation'] = 'Value'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['CONVRUN']['FunctionName'] = 'CONVRUNoutputValue'
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n G -- CONVRUN output GH high GL low"); // TODO: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand testMenuGPIOItemsDict
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'H' 'DACSTEP'
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n H -- CONVRUN output HH high HL low"); // TODO: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand testMenuGPIOItemsDict
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'I' 'DACSTEP'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['PinName'] = 'DACSTEP'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['Direction'] = 'output'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['Operation'] = 'Value'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['FunctionName'] = 'DACSTEPoutputValue'
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n H -- DACSTEP output HH high HL low"); // TODO: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand testMenuGPIOItemsDict
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'I' 'EOC'
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n I -- DACSTEP output IH high IL low"); // TODO: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand testMenuGPIOItemsDict
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'J' 'EOC'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['PinName'] = 'EOC'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['Direction'] = 'input'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['Operation'] = 'Value'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['FunctionName'] = 'EOCinputValue'
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n I -- EOC input value"); // TODO: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand testMenuGPIOItemsDict
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n J -- EOC input value"); // TODO: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand testMenuGPIOItemsDict
 // CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'S' 'SHDN'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['SHDN']['PinName'] = 'SHDN'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['SHDN']['Direction'] = 'output'
@@ -340,12 +334,6 @@
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['UP_slash_DWNb']['Operation'] = 'Value'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['UP_slash_DWNb']['FunctionName'] = 'UP_slash_DWNboutputValue'
     cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n U -- UP_slash_DWNb output UH high UL low"); // TODO: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand testMenuGPIOItemsDict
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'a' 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'b' 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'c' 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'd' 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'e' 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'f' 'None'
@@ -537,18 +525,12 @@
 // CODE GENERATOR: TODO1: generate GPIO commands for LDAC, CLR, etc. based on device driver function names
         // case 'G'..'Z','g'..'z' are reserved for GPIO commands
         // case 'A'..'F','a'..'f' may be available if not claimed by bitstream commands
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'A' 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'B' 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'C' 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'D' 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'E' 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'F' 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'G' 'CONVRUN'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'H' 'CONVRUN'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['CONVRUN']['PinName'] = 'CONVRUN'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['CONVRUN']['Direction'] = 'output'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['CONVRUN']['Operation'] = 'Value'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['CONVRUN']['FunctionName'] = 'CONVRUNoutputValue'
-        case 'G':
+        case 'H':
             switch (cmdLine[1])
@@ -567,12 +549,12 @@
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'H' 'DACSTEP'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'I' 'DACSTEP'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['PinName'] = 'DACSTEP'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['Direction'] = 'output'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['Operation'] = 'Value'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['FunctionName'] = 'DACSTEPoutputValue'
-        case 'H':
+        case 'I':
             switch (cmdLine[1])
@@ -591,12 +573,12 @@
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'I' 'EOC'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'J' 'EOC'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['PinName'] = 'EOC'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['Direction'] = 'input'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['Operation'] = 'Value'
 // CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['FunctionName'] = 'EOCinputValue'
-        case 'I':
+        case 'J':
                 // TODO capture and print input Value
                 cmdLine.serial().printf("%d", g_MAX11043_device.EOCinputValue());
@@ -652,12 +634,6 @@
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'a' 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'b' 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'c' 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'd' 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'e' 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'f' 'None'
 // CODE GENERATOR: test menu
         // case '0'..'9','A'..'F','a'..'f' letters are reserved for bitstream commands
@@ -739,9 +715,9 @@
         } // end case '$'
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="J", testMenuFirstCharHandler="None"
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'J':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'J gain=? -- Write_AGain'
+// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="G", testMenuFirstCharHandler="None"
+// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'G':
+// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'G gain=? -- Write_AGain'
 // CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
 // CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Write_AGain'
 // CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'uint32_t gain'
@@ -751,11 +727,11 @@
 // CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
 // CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
 // CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-        // case 'J': // (single character) (testMenuFirstCharHandler="None")
-        case 'J':
+        // case 'G': // (single character) (testMenuFirstCharHandler="None")
+        case 'G':
-                    // test menu command 'J' handler:
-                    // helpString='J gain=? -- Write_AGain'
+                    // test menu command 'G' handler:
+                    // helpString='G gain=? -- Write_AGain'
                     // CMD_='None'
                     // CommandName='Write_AGain'
                     // CommandParamIn='uint32_t gain'
@@ -782,8 +758,8 @@
                     uint8_t result = g_MAX11043_device.Write_AGain(gain);
                     cmdLine.serial().printf(" =%d\r\n", result);
                     return true; // command handled by MAX11043
-// CODE GENERATOR: bottom of loop: testMenuCommand="J", testMenuFirstCharHandler="None"
-        } // end case 'J'
+// CODE GENERATOR: bottom of loop: testMenuCommand="G", testMenuFirstCharHandler="None"
+        } // end case 'G'
 // CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="XX", testMenuFirstCharHandler="None"