modified for nuc472

Dependents:   modbus-over-rs485-sample NTOUEE-mbed-modbus-RTU NuMaker_NuWicam_Lite

Fork of Modbus by Matthew Waddilove

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Oct 06 02:54:27 2017 +0000
Commit message:
Support M487 board.

Changed in this revision

portserial.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/portserial.cpp	Wed Jan 04 08:31:29 2017 +0000
+++ b/portserial.cpp	Fri Oct 06 02:54:27 2017 +0000
@@ -38,20 +38,26 @@
 //#define DEF_RS485_PORT 1
 /* ----------------------- System Variables ---------------------------------*/
-#if defined(DEF_RS485_PORT) // mbed serial port
+#if defined(MBED_CONF_APP_DEF_RS485_PORT) && (MBED_CONF_APP_DEF_RS485_PORT)// mbed serial port
     #include "nvt_rs485.h"
     // RS485 TX, RX, RTS pins
-    #if defined(TARGET_NUMAKER_PFM_NUC472)      // for NUC472 board
+    #if defined(TARGET_NUMAKER_PFM_NUC472)  // for NUC472 board
         NvtRS485  pc(PF_13, PF_14, PF_11);
     #elif defined(TARGET_NUMAKER_PFM_M453)  // for M453 board
         NvtRS485  pc(PE_8, PE_9, PE_11);
+    #else
+        #error "The demo code can't be executed on this board."
     //UART TX, RX
-    #if defined(TARGET_NUMAKER_PFM_NUC472)  // for NUC472 board
+    #if defined(TARGET_NUMAKER_PFM_NUC472)      // for NUC472 board
     Serial pc(PG_2, PG_1);
     #elif defined(TARGET_NUMAKER_PFM_M453)  // for M453 board
     Serial pc(PD_1, PD_6);    
+    #elif defined(TARGET_NUMAKER_PFM_M487)  // for M478 board
+    Serial pc(PC_12, PC_11);
+    #else
+        #error "The demo code can't be executed on this board."    