Simple library for controlling LEDs. Turn them on & off, blink them at specified rates and toggle their output. Don't forget to add a timer for the LEDs to use. Documentation found in header file.

--- a/LEDControl.h	Thu Jul 09 13:07:50 2015 +0000
+++ b/LEDControl.h	Fri Jul 31 18:15:08 2015 +0000
@@ -11,14 +11,21 @@
  * #include "LEDControl.h"
  * int main() {
- *    LEDControl Blue(PC_10);
- *    Blue.on(); (default blink rate is 10 Hertz)
+     Timer LEDTime; // Create a Timer for the LEDs to use that isn't used by anything else. Multiple LED objects can all use the same timer.
+ *    LEDControl Blue(PC_10, &LEDTime); //There is a blue LED on pin PC_10 and it'll use the LEDTime timer.
+ *    LEDControl Green(PA_13, &LEDTime); // There is a Green LED on pin PA_13 and it'll use the LEDTime Timer.
+ *    Green.blink(); //default Blink rate is 10Hz, so green will blink at 10Hz
+ *    Blue.on(); //Turn on the Blue LED. It'll stay on until off() is called.
  *    wait(2);
- *    Blue.on(100); // Blink at 100Hz
+ *; // Turn Green off
+ *    Green.toggle(); // This just toggles the LED from it's current state. If it's off, it'll go on. 
+ *    Blue.blink(); // Blue blinks at 10hz
+ *    Blue.blink(100); // Blue Blink at 100Hz
  *; // LED OFF
- *    Blue.alwayson(); // LED Stays on until off is called
  * }
 class LEDControl {
     Timer *_Time;