EtherCAT slave that reads 3 Xsens IMU's connected to a Xbus Master

Dependencies:   MODSERIAL mbed KL25Z_ClockControl

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00001 /*
00002  * SOES Simple Open EtherCAT Slave
00003  *
00004  * File    : esc_hw.c
00005  * Version : 0.9.2
00006  * Date    : 22-02-2010
00007  * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Arthur Ketels
00008  *
00009  * SOES is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
00010  * the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free
00011  * Software Foundation.
00012  *
00013  * SOES is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
00014  * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00015  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
00016  * for more details.
00017  *
00018  * As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
00019  * or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
00020  * with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
00021  * by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
00022  * License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
00023  * in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
00024  *
00025  * This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
00026  * this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
00027  *
00028  * The EtherCAT Technology, the trade name and logo "EtherCAT" are the intellectual
00029  * property of, and protected by Beckhoff Automation GmbH.
00030  */
00031 #include "cpuinit.h"
00032 #include "utypes.h"
00034 #define ESC_CMD_READ    0x02
00035 #define ESC_CMD_READWS  0x03
00036 #define ESC_CMD_WRITE   0x04
00037 #define ESC_CMD_NOP     0x00
00038 #define ESC_TERM        0xff
00039 #define ESC_NEXT        0x00
00041 #ifndef WSREAD
00043 /** \fn uint8 ESC_read(uint16 address, void *buf, uint8 len, void *tALevent)
00044     \brief Read a value from the ESC.
00045     \param address ESC address
00046     \param *buf pointer to buffer of uint8s in RAM
00047     \param len length of buffer in RAM
00048     \param *tALevent pointer to Application Layer event
00049 */
00050 uint8 ESC_read(uint16 address, void *buf, uint8 len, void *tALevent)
00051 {
00052     uint8 pstat;
00053     uint8 count;
00054     uint8 *ptr;
00055     uint16union adr;
00056     //SPI_Cmd(SPI1, ENABLE); //pull nSS low
00057     //GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOA, GPIO_Pin_4);
00058     et1100_ss.write(0);
00059     adr.w = address << 3;
00060     pstat = !; //last cmd result; read MISO pin state and invert
00061     ptr = (uint8_t *)tALevent;
00062     *ptr = et1100_spi.write(adr.b[1]);  //write first address byte
00063     ptr++;                                                        //increase write pointer
00064     *ptr = et1100_spi.write(adr.b[0] + ESC_CMD_READ);        //write second address byte, with read command
00065     count = len;                                                  //
00066     ptr = (uint8_t *)buf;                                                    //let ptr point to the buffer location
00067     while (count > 1) {                                           //while number of received bytes is smaller than len
00068         *ptr = et1100_spi.write(ESC_NEXT);                                 //write dummy byte to start transaction
00069         count--;                                                      //decrease bytecounter
00070         ptr++;                                                        //increase buffer pointer
00071     }
00072     *ptr = et1100_spi.write( ESC_TERM);                                //write last byte
00074     //SPI_Cmd(SPI1, DISABLE);                                       //set SS high
00075     et1100_ss.write(1);
00076     return pstat;      //return inverted MISO state from previous transaction
00077 }
00078 #endif
00080 #ifdef WSREAD
00081 // use read with wait state byte, needed if SPI>12Mhz or>16KB addressing
00082 /** void ESC_read(uint16 address, void *buf, uint8 len, void *tALevent)
00083     \brief read function for SPI ESC interface ("PDI")
00084     \param address - address of register in ESC
00085     \param *buf pointer to read buffer in microcontroller
00086     \param len  length of memory section to read, from start of 'address'
00087     \param *tAlevent microcontroller status register to write response to
00088 */
00089 uint8 ESC_read(uint16 address, void *buf, uint8 len, void *tALevent)
00090 {
00091     uint8 pstat;
00092     uint8 count;
00093     uint8 *ptr;
00094     uint16union adr;
00095     //SPI_Cmd(SPI1, ENABLE); //pull nSS low
00096     et1100_ss.write(0);
00097     adr.w = address << 3;
00098     pstat = !;
00099         ptr = tALevent;
00100     *ptr = et1100_spi.write(adr.b[1]);                                //write first address byte
00101     ptr++;                                                        //increase write pointer
00102     *ptr = et1100_spi.write(adr.b[0] + ESC_CMD_READWS);               //write second address byte, with readws command
00103     et1100_spi.write( ESC_TERM);                                //write byte to start transaction //COMMENT: Why not ESC_NEXT?
00104     ptr = buf;                                                  //change ptr to point to buffer
00105     count = len;                                                  //
00106     while (count > 1) {                                           //while number of received bytes is smaller than len
00107         *(ptr) = et1100_spi.write( ESC_NEXT);                         //write dummy byte to start transaction
00108         count--;                                                      //decrease bytecounter
00109         ptr++;                                                        //increase buffer pointer
00110     }
00111     *(ptr) = et1100_spi.write( ESC_TERM);                                //write last byte
00112     //SPI_Cmd(SPI1, DISABLE);                               //set SS high
00113     et1100_ss.write(1);
00114     return pstat;                                                 //return inverted MISO state from previous transaction
00115 }
00116 #endif
00118 /** void ESC_write(uint16 address, void *buf, uint8 len, void *tALevent)
00119     \brief write function for SPI ESC interface ("PDI")
00120     \param address - address of register in ESC
00121     \param *buf pointer to data buffer in microcontroller, buffer contains 'len' bytes to write to location 'address'
00122     \param len  length of memory section to write, from start of 'address'
00123     \param *tAlevent microcontroller status register to write response to
00124 */
00125 uint8 ESC_write(uint16 address, void *buf, uint8 len, void *tALevent)
00126 {
00127     uint8 pstat;
00128     uint8 count;
00129     uint8 *ptr;
00130     uint16union adr;
00131     adr.w = address << 3;                                      //shift 16-bit address value 3 places, then write to adr (union of uint16 and uint8[2])
00132     pstat = !3;                                        //last cmd result   ///////COMMENT: Shouldn't this be  pstat = !(PINB & (1 << i_spimiso));? Otherwise just return 0
00133     //SPI_Cmd(SPI1, ENABLE); //pull nSS low
00134     et1100_ss.write(0);
00135     ptr = (uint8_t *)tALevent;                                            //set pointer to tAlevent
00136     *ptr = et1100_spi.write( adr.b[1]);                                   //write first address byte
00137     ptr++;                                                     //increase pointer to second byte of tAlevent
00138     *ptr = et1100_spi.write(adr.b[0] + ESC_CMD_WRITE);                   //write second address byte with write command
00139     count = len;                                               //
00140     ptr = (uint8_t *)buf;                                                 //set pointer to buffer location
00141     while (count > 0) {                                        //while number of received bytes is smaller than len
00142         et1100_spi.write( *(ptr));                                        //write byte from buffer
00143         ptr++;                                                        //increase buffer pointer
00144         count--;                                                      //decrease counter
00145     }
00146     //SPI_Cmd(SPI1, DISABLE);                              //set SS high
00147     et1100_ss.write(1);
00148     return pstat;
00149 }