EtherCAT slave that reads 3 Xsens IMU's connected to a Xbus Master

Dependencies:   MODSERIAL mbed KL25Z_ClockControl

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00001 /*
00002  * SOES Simple Open EtherCAT Slave
00003  *
00004  * File    : esc.h
00005  * Version : 1.0.0
00006  * Date    : 11-07-2010
00007  * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Arthur Ketels
00008  *
00009  * SOES is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
00010  * the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free
00011  * Software Foundation.
00012  *
00013  * SOES is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
00014  * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00015  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
00016  * for more details.
00017  *
00018  * As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
00019  * or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
00020  * with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
00021  * by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
00022  * License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
00023  * in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
00024  *
00025  * This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
00026  * this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
00027  *
00028  * The EtherCAT Technology, the trade name and logo "EtherCAT" are the intellectual
00029  * property of, and protected by Beckhoff Automation GmbH.
00030  */
00031 #ifndef __esc__
00032 #define __esc__
00034 // storage modifier for data stored in flashmemory
00035 #define FLASHSTORE              const
00036 //#define FLASHSTORE
00037 #define PACKED                  __attribute__((__packed__))
00039 #define ESCREG_ADDRESS          0x0010
00040 #define ESCREG_DLSTATUS         0x0110
00041 #define ESCREG_ALCONTROL        0x0120
00042 #define ESCREG_ALSTATUS         0x0130
00043 #define ESCREG_ALERROR          0x0134
00044 #define ESCREG_ALEVENT_SM_MASK  0x0310
00045 #define ESCREG_ALEVENT_SMCHANGE 0x0010
00046 #define ESCREG_ALEVENT_CONTROL  0x0001
00047 #define ESCREG_ALEVENT_SM2      0x0400
00048 #define ESCREG_WDSTATUS         0x0440
00049 #define ESCREG_SM0              0x0800
00050 #define ESCREG_SM0STATUS        ESCREG_SM0 + 5
00051 #define ESCREG_SM0PDI           ESCREG_SM0 + 7
00052 #define ESCREG_SM1              ESCREG_SM0 + 0x08
00053 #define ESCREG_SM2              ESCREG_SM0 + 0x10
00054 #define ESCREG_SM3              ESCREG_SM0 + 0x18
00055 #define ESCREG_LOCALTIME        0x0910
00056 #define ESCREG_SMENABLE_BIT     0x01
00058 #define ESCinit                 0x01
00059 #define ESCpreop                0x02
00060 #define ESCsafeop               0x04
00061 #define ESCop                   0x08
00062 #define ESCerror                0x10
00064 #define INIT_TO_INIT            0x11
00065 #define INIT_TO_PREOP           0x21
00066 #define INIT_TO_BOOT            0x31
00067 #define INIT_TO_SAFEOP          0x41
00068 #define INIT_TO_OP              0x81
00069 #define PREOP_TO_INIT           0x12
00070 #define PREOP_TO_PREOP          0x22
00071 #define PREOP_TO_BOOT           0x32
00072 #define PREOP_TO_SAFEOP         0x42
00073 #define PREOP_TO_OP             0x82
00074 #define SAFEOP_TO_INIT          0x14
00075 #define SAFEOP_TO_PREOP         0x24
00076 #define SAFEOP_TO_BOOT          0x34
00077 #define SAFEOP_TO_SAFEOP        0x44
00078 #define SAFEOP_TO_OP            0x84
00079 #define OP_TO_INIT              0x18
00080 #define OP_TO_PREOP             0x28
00081 #define OP_TO_BOOT              0x38
00082 #define OP_TO_SAFEOP            0x48
00083 #define OP_TO_OP                0x88
00085 #define ALERR_NONE                      0x0000
00086 #define ALERR_INVALIDSTATECHANGE        0x0011
00087 #define ALERR_UNKNOWNSTATE              0x0012
00088 #define ALERR_BOOTNOTSUPPORTED          0x0013
00089 #define ALERR_INVALIDMBXCONFIG          0x0016
00090 #define ALERR_INVALIDSMCONFIG           0x0017
00091 #define ALERR_WATCHDOG                  0x0019
00092 #define ALERR_INVALIDOUTPUTSM           0x001D
00093 #define ALERR_INVALIDINPUTSM            0x001E
00095 #define MBXERR_SYNTAX                   0x0001
00096 #define MBXERR_UNSUPPORTEDPROTOCOL      0x0002
00097 #define MBXERR_INVALIDCHANNEL           0x0003
00098 #define MBXERR_SERVICENOTSUPPORTED      0x0004
00099 #define MBXERR_INVALIDHEADER            0x0005
00100 #define MBXERR_SIZETOOSHORT             0x0006
00101 #define MBXERR_NOMOREMEMORY             0x0007
00102 #define MBXERR_INVALIDSIZE              0x0008
00104 #define ABORT_NOTOGGLE                  0x05030000
00105 #define ABORT_UNKNOWN                   0x05040001
00106 #define ABORT_UNSUPPORTED               0x06010000
00107 #define ABORT_WRITEONLY                 0x06010001
00108 #define ABORT_READONLY                  0x06010002
00109 #define ABORT_NOOBJECT                  0x06020000
00110 #define ABORT_TYPEMISMATCH              0x06070010
00111 #define ABORT_NOSUBINDEX                0x06090011
00112 #define ABORT_GENERALERROR              0x08000000
00113 #define ABORT_NOTINTHISSTATE            0x08000022
00115 #define MBXstate_idle                   0x00
00116 #define MBXstate_inclaim                0x01
00117 #define MBXstate_outclaim               0x02
00118 #define MBXstate_outreq                 0x03
00119 #define MBXstate_outpost                0x04
00120 #define MBXstate_backup                 0x05
00121 #define MBXstate_again                  0x06
00123 #define COE_DEFAULTLENGTH               0x0a
00124 #define COE_HEADERSIZE                  0x0a
00125 #define COE_SEGMENTHEADERSIZE           0x03
00126 #define COE_SDOREQUEST                  0x02
00127 #define COE_SDORESPONSE                 0x03
00128 #define COE_SDOINFORMATION              0x08
00129 #define COE_COMMAND_SDOABORT            0x80
00130 #define COE_COMMAND_UPLOADREQUEST       0x40
00131 #define COE_COMMAND_UPLOADRESPONSE      0x40
00132 #define COE_COMMAND_UPLOADSEGMENT       0x00
00133 #define COE_COMMAND_UPLOADSEGREQ        0x60
00135 #define COE_COMMAND_LASTSEGMENTBIT      0x01
00136 #define COE_SIZE_INDICATOR              0x01
00137 #define COE_EXPEDITED_INDICATOR         0x02
00138 #define COE_COMPLETEACCESS              0x10
00139 #define COE_TOGGLEBIT                   0x10
00140 #define COE_INFOERROR                   0x07
00141 #define COE_GETODLISTRESPONSE           0x02
00142 #define COE_GETODRESPONSE               0x04
00144 #define COE_VALUEINFO_ACCESS            0x01
00145 #define COE_VALUEINFO_OBJECT            0x02
00146 #define COE_VALUEINFO_MAPPABLE          0x04
00147 #define COE_VALUEINFO_TYPE              0x08
00148 #define COE_VALUEINFO_DEFAULT           0x10
00149 #define COE_VALUEINFO_MINIMUM           0x20
00150 #define COE_VALUEINFO_MAXIMUM           0x40
00152 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00153 #define MBXSIZE                         0x80
00154 #define MBXBUFFERS                      3
00156 #define MBX0_sma                        0x1000
00157 #define MBX0_sml                        MBXSIZE
00158 #define MBX0_sme                        MBX0_sma+MBX0_sml-1
00159 #define MBX0_smc                        0x26
00160 #define MBX1_sma                        0x1080
00161 #define MBX1_sml                        MBXSIZE
00162 #define MBX1_sme                        MBX1_sma+MBX1_sml-1
00163 #define MBX1_smc                        0x22
00165 #define SM2_sma                         0x1100
00166 #define SM2_smc                         0x24
00167 #define SM2_act                 0x01
00168 #define SM3_sma                         0x1180
00169 #define SM3_smc                         0x20
00170 #define SM3_act                 0x01
00171 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00173 #define MBXHSIZE                        sizeof(_MBXh)
00174 #define MBXDSIZE                        MBXSIZE-MBXHSIZE
00176 #define MBXERR                          0x00
00177 #define MBXAOE                          0x01
00178 #define MBXEOE                          0x02
00179 #define MBXCOE                          0x03
00180 #define MBXFOE                          0x04
00181 #define MBXODL                          0x10
00182 #define MBXOD                           0x20
00183 #define MBXED                           0x30
00184 #define MBXSEU                          0x40
00185 #define MBXSED                          0x50
00187 #define SMRESULT_ERRSM0                 0x01
00188 #define SMRESULT_ERRSM1                 0x02
00189 #define SMRESULT_ERRSM2                 0x04
00190 #define SMRESULT_ERRSM3                 0x08
00192 // Attention! this struct is always little-endian
00193 typedef struct  PACKED
00194   {
00195     uint16        PSA;
00196     uint16        Length;
00198 #if defined(EC_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
00199     uint8         Mode:2;
00200     uint8         Direction:2;
00201     uint8         IntECAT:1;
00202     uint8         IntPDI:1;
00203     uint8         WTE:1;
00204     uint8         R1:1;
00206     uint8         IntW:1;
00207     uint8         IntR:1;
00208     uint8         R2:1;
00209     uint8         MBXstat:1;
00210     uint8         BUFstat:2;
00211     uint8         R3:2;
00213     uint8         ECsm:1;
00214     uint8         ECrep:1;
00215     uint8         ECr4:4;
00216     uint8         EClatchEC:1;
00217     uint8         EClatchPDI:1;
00219     uint8         PDIsm:1;
00220     uint8         PDIrep:1;
00221     uint8         PDIr5:6;
00222 #endif
00224 #if defined(EC_BIG_ENDIAN)
00225     uint8         R1:1;
00226     uint8         WTE:1;
00227     uint8         IntPDI:1;
00228     uint8         IntECAT:1;
00229     uint8         Direction:2;
00230     uint8         Mode:2;
00232     uint8         R3:2;
00233     uint8         BUFstat:2;
00234     uint8         MBXstat:1;
00235     uint8         R2:1;
00236     uint8         IntR:1;
00237     uint8         IntW:1;
00239     uint8         EClatchPDI:1;
00240     uint8         EClatchEC:1;
00241     uint8         ECr4:4;
00242     uint8         ECrep:1;
00243     uint8         ECsm:1;
00245     uint8         PDIr5:6;
00246     uint8         PDIrep:1;
00247     uint8         PDIsm:1;
00248 #endif
00249   } _ESCsm;
00251 // Attention! this struct is always little-endian
00252 typedef struct PACKED
00253   {
00254     uint16        PSA;
00255     uint16        Length;
00256     uint8         Command;
00257     uint8         Status;
00258     uint8         ActESC;
00259     uint8         ActPDI;
00260   } _ESCsm2;
00262 typedef FLASHSTORE struct PACKED
00263   {
00264     uint16        PSA;
00265     uint16        Length;
00266     uint8         Command;
00267   } _ESCsmCompact;
00269 typedef struct
00270   {
00271     uint16        ALevent;
00272     uint16        ALstatus;
00273     uint16        ALcontrol;
00274     uint16        ALerror;
00275     uint16        DLstatus;
00276     uint16        address;
00277     uint8         mbxcnt;
00278     uint8         mbxincnt;
00279     uint8         mbxoutpost;
00280     uint8         mbxbackup;
00281     uint8         xoe;
00282     uint8         txcue;
00283     uint8         mbxfree;
00284     uint8         segmented;
00285     void          *data;
00286     uint16        entries;
00287     uint16        frags;
00288     uint16        fragsleft;
00290 #if defined(EC_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
00291     uint8         r1:1;
00292     uint8         toggle:1;
00293     uint8         r2:6;
00294 #endif
00296 #if defined(EC_BIG_ENDIAN)
00297     uint8         r2:6;
00298     uint8         toggle:1;
00299     uint8         r1:1;
00300 #endif
00302     uint8         SMtestresult;
00303     int16         temp;
00304     uint16        wdcnt;
00305     uint32        PrevTime;
00306     uint32        Time;
00307     _ESCsm        SM[4];
00308   } _ESCvar;
00310 typedef struct PACKED
00311   {
00312     uint16        length;
00313     uint16        address;
00315 #if defined(EC_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
00316     uint8         channel:6;
00317     uint8         priority:2;
00319     uint8         mbxtype:4;
00320     uint8         mbxcnt: 4;
00321 #endif
00323 #if defined(EC_BIG_ENDIAN)
00324     uint8         priority:2;
00325     uint8         channel:6;
00327     uint8         mbxcnt: 4;
00328     uint8         mbxtype:4;
00329 #endif
00330   } _MBXh;
00332 typedef struct PACKED
00333   {
00334     _MBXh         header;
00335     uint8         b[MBXDSIZE];
00336   } _MBX;
00338 typedef struct PACKED
00339   {
00340     uint16        numberservice;
00341   } _COEh;
00343 typedef struct PACKED
00344   {
00345 #if defined(EC_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
00346     uint8         opcode:7;
00347     uint8         incomplete:1;
00348 #endif
00350 #if defined(EC_BIG_ENDIAN)
00351     uint8         incomplete:1;
00352     uint8         opcode:7;
00353 #endif
00355     uint8         reserved;
00356     uint16        fragmentsleft;
00357   } _INFOh;
00359 typedef struct PACKED
00360   {
00361     _MBXh         mbxheader;
00362     uint16        type;
00363     uint16        detail;
00364   } _MBXerr;
00366 typedef struct PACKED
00367   {
00368     _MBXh         mbxheader;
00369     _COEh         coeheader;
00370     uint8         command;
00371     uint16        index;
00372     uint8         subindex;
00373     uint32        size;
00374   } _COEsdo;
00376 typedef struct PACKED
00377   {
00378     _MBXh         mbxheader;
00379     _COEh         coeheader;
00380     _INFOh        infoheader;
00381     uint16        index;
00382     uint16        datatype;
00383     uint8         maxsub;
00384     uint8         objectcode;
00385     char          name;
00386   } _COEobjdesc;
00388 typedef struct PACKED
00389   {
00390     _MBXh         mbxheader;
00391     _COEh         coeheader;
00392     _INFOh        infoheader;
00393     uint16        index;
00394     uint8         subindex;
00395     uint8         valueinfo;
00396     uint16        datatype;
00397     uint16        bitlength;
00398     uint16        access;
00399     char          name;
00400   } _COEentdesc;
00402 // state definition in mailbox
00403 // 0 : idle
00404 // 1 : claimed for inbox
00405 // 2 : claimed for outbox
00406 // 3 : request post outbox
00407 // 4 : outbox posted not send
00408 // 5 : backup outbox
00409 // 6 : mailbox needs to be transmitted again
00410 typedef struct
00411   {
00412     uint8         state;
00413   } _MBXcontrol;
00415 uint16 sizeTXPDO(void);
00416 uint16 sizeRXPDO(void);
00417 uint8 ESC_read(uint16 address,void *buf,uint8 len,void *tALevent);
00418 uint8 ESC_write(uint16 address,void *buf,uint8 len,void *tALevent);
00419 void ESC_ALerror(uint16 errornumber);
00420 void ESC_ALstatus(uint8 status);
00421 void ESC_SMstatus(uint8 n);
00422 uint8 ESC_WDstatus(void);
00423 uint8 ESC_startmbx(uint8 state);
00424 void ESC_stopmbx(void);
00425 uint8 ESC_mbxprocess(void);
00426 void ESC_coeprocess(void);
00427 void ESC_xoeprocess(void);
00428 uint8 ESC_startinput(uint8 state);
00429 void ESC_stopinput(void);
00430 uint8 ESC_startoutput(uint8 state);
00431 void ESC_stopoutput(void);
00432 void ESC_ALevent(void);
00433 void ESC_state(void);
00434 extern void ESC_objecthandler(uint16 index, uint8 subindex);
00435 extern void APP_safeoutput(void);
00437 extern _ESCvar         ESCvar;
00438 extern _MBX            MBX[MBXBUFFERS];
00439 extern _MBXcontrol     MBXcontrol[MBXBUFFERS];
00440 extern uint8           MBXrun;
00441 extern uint16          SM2_sml,SM3_sml;
00442 extern uint8           SDO1C12size;
00444 #endif