Dependencies:   mbed CRC16 mbed-rtos

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/APP_match.cpp	Sat Feb 20 18:26:09 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "LPC17xx.h"
+#define CLOCKS_TO_SECOND 96000000
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+int state = 0;
+int temps = -1;
+float tempsHaut = 0.4;
+float tempsBas = 0.1;
+void asdf()
+    for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++)
+    {
+    }
+int benchSwag(void (*function) (void))
+    int counter = LPC_TIM2->TC;
+    function();
+    return LPC_TIM2->TC - counter;
+void swagger()
+    if ((LPC_TIM2->IR & 0x01) == 0x01) // if MR0 interrupt, proceed
+    {
+        if (state == 0)
+        {
+            state = 1;
+            LPC_TIM2->MR0 = (int) CLOCKS_TO_SECOND * tempsHaut;
+        }
+        else if (state == 1)
+        {
+            state = 0;
+            LPC_TIM2->MR0 = (int) CLOCKS_TO_SECOND * tempsBas;
+        }
+        LPC_TIM2->IR |= 1 << 0;        // Clear MR0 interrupt flag
+    }
+extern "C" void TIMER2_IRQHandler()
+    temps = benchSwag(swagger);
+void initTimer2()
+    LPC_SC->PCLKSEL1 |= (1 << 12);     // pclk = cclk timer2
+    LPC_SC->PCONP |= (1 << 22);        // timer2 power on
+    LPC_TIM2->MR0 = 9600000;           // 100 msec
+    LPC_TIM2->MCR = 1;                 // interrupt and reset control
+                                       // 3 = Interrupt & reset timer2 on match
+                                       // 1 = Interrupt only, no reset of timer0
+    LPC_TIM2->EMR = (3 << 4);          // EMC0 = 11 (Toogle)
+    NVIC_EnableIRQ(TIMER2_IRQn);       // enable timer2 interrupt
+    LPC_TIM2->TCR = 1;                 // enable Timer2
+int main () 
+    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (3 << 12);  // P0.6 = MAT2.0
+    initTimer2();
+    pc.printf("Time = %i\r\n", temps);
+    while(1)
+    {
+        wait(1.0);
+    }