Create an Mbed program that - Outputs a string every time the button is pressed - Blinks LED1 if the button is pressed twice within two seconds - Use time_t seconds = time(NULL) to get current time


2; default tip

2018-11-29, by vicara [Thu, 29 Nov 2018 17:23:36 +0000] rev 1


- Outputs a string every time the button is pressed; - Blinks LED1 if the button is pressed twice within two; seconds; - Use time_t seconds = time(NULL); to get current time

2018-11-29, by vicara [Thu, 29 Nov 2018 17:05:46 +0000] rev 0

- Outputs a string every time the button is pressed; - Blinks LED1 if the button is pressed twice within two; seconds; - Use time_t seconds = time(NULL); to get current time