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pm.c File Reference

pm.c File Reference

PyMite User API. More...

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PmReturn_t pm_init (uint8_t *heap_base, uint32_t heap_size, PmMemSpace_t memspace, uint8_t const *const pusrimg)
 Initializes the PyMite virtual machine and indexes the user's application image.
PmReturn_t pm_run (uint8_t const *modstr)
 Executes the named module.
PmReturn_t pm_vmPeriodic (uint16_t usecsSinceLastCall)
 Needs to be called periodically by the host program.


volatile uint32_t pm_timerMsTicks = 0
 Stores the timer millisecond-ticks since system start.
volatile uint32_t pm_lastRescheduleTimestamp = 0
 Stores tick timestamp of last scheduler run.

Detailed Description

PyMite User API.

High-level functions to initialize and run PyMite

Definition in file pm.c.

Function Documentation

PmReturn_t pm_init ( uint8_t *  heap_base,
uint32_t  heap_size,
PmMemSpace_t  memspace,
uint8_t const *const   pusrimg 

Initializes the PyMite virtual machine and indexes the user's application image.

The VM heap and globals are reset. The argument, pusrimg, may be null for interactive sessions.

heap_baseThe address where the contiguous heap begins
heap_sizeThe size in bytes (octets) of the given heap. Must be a multiple of four.
memspaceMemory space in which the user image is located
pusrimgAddress of the user image in the memory space
Return status

Definition at line 36 of file pm.c.

PmReturn_t pm_run ( uint8_t const *  modstr )

Executes the named module.

modstrName of module to run
Return status

Definition at line 63 of file pm.c.

PmReturn_t pm_vmPeriodic ( uint16_t  usecsSinceLastCall )

Needs to be called periodically by the host program.

For the desktop target, it is periodically called using a signal. For embedded targets, it needs to be called periodically. It should be called from a timer interrupt.

usecsSinceLastCallMicroseconds (not less than those) that passed since last call. This must be <64535.
Return status

Definition at line 102 of file pm.c.

Variable Documentation

volatile uint32_t pm_lastRescheduleTimestamp = 0

Stores tick timestamp of last scheduler run.

Definition at line 32 of file pm.c.

volatile uint32_t pm_timerMsTicks = 0

Stores the timer millisecond-ticks since system start.

Definition at line 29 of file pm.c.