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dict.c File Reference

dict.c File Reference

Dict Object Type. More...

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PmReturn_t dict_new (pPmObj_t *r_pdict)
 Allocates space for a new Dict.
PmReturn_t dict_clear (pPmObj_t pdict)
 Clears the contents of a dict.
PmReturn_t dict_setItem (pPmObj_t pdict, pPmObj_t pkey, pPmObj_t pval)
 Sets a value in the dict using the given key.
PmReturn_t dict_getItem (pPmObj_t pdict, pPmObj_t pkey, pPmObj_t *r_pobj)
 Gets the value in the dict using the given key.
PmReturn_t dict_delItem (pPmObj_t pdict, pPmObj_t pkey)
 Removes a key and value from the dict.
PmReturn_t dict_print (pPmObj_t pdict)
 Prints out a dict.
PmReturn_t dict_update (pPmObj_t pdestdict, pPmObj_t psourcedict, uint8_t omit_underscored)
 Updates the destination dict with the key,value pairs from the source dict.
int8_t dict_compare (pPmObj_t d1, pPmObj_t d2)
 Returns C_SAME if the two given dictionaries have the same contents.

Detailed Description

Dict Object Type.

Dict object type operations.

Definition in file dict.c.

Function Documentation

PmReturn_t dict_clear ( pPmObj_t  pdict )

Clears the contents of a dict.

after this operation, the dict should in the same state as if it were just created using dict_new().

pdictptr to dict to clear.

Definition at line 48 of file dict.c.

int8_t dict_compare ( pPmObj_t  d1,
pPmObj_t  d2 

Returns C_SAME if the two given dictionaries have the same contents.

d1ptr to a dictionary object
d2ptr to another dictionary object

Definition at line 337 of file dict.c.

PmReturn_t dict_delItem ( pPmObj_t  pdict,
pPmObj_t  pkey 

Removes a key and value from the dict.

Throws TypeError if pdict is not a dict. Throws KeyError if pkey does not exist in pdict.

pdictPtr to dict to search
pkeyPtr to key obj
Return status

Definition at line 208 of file dict.c.

PmReturn_t dict_getItem ( pPmObj_t  pdict,
pPmObj_t  pkey,
pPmObj_t r_pobj 

Gets the value in the dict using the given key.

pdictptr to dict to search
pkeyptr to key obj
r_pobjReturn; addr of ptr to obj
Return status

Definition at line 159 of file dict.c.

PmReturn_t dict_new ( pPmObj_t r_pdict )

Allocates space for a new Dict.

Return a pointer to the dict by reference.

r_pdictReturn; Addr of ptr to dict
Return status

Definition at line 25 of file dict.c.

PmReturn_t dict_print ( pPmObj_t  pdict )

Prints out a dict.

Uses obj_print() to print elements.

pobjObject to print.
Return status

Definition at line 242 of file dict.c.

PmReturn_t dict_setItem ( pPmObj_t  pdict,
pPmObj_t  pkey,
pPmObj_t  pval 

Sets a value in the dict using the given key.

If the dict already contains a matching key, the value is replaced; otherwise the new key,val pair is inserted at the front of the dict (for fast lookup). In the later case, the length of the dict is incremented.

pdictptr to dict in which (key,val) will go
pkeyptr to key obj
pvalptr to val obj
Return status

Definition at line 89 of file dict.c.

PmReturn_t dict_update ( pPmObj_t  pdestdict,
pPmObj_t  psourcedict,
uint8_t  omit_underscored 

Updates the destination dict with the key,value pairs from the source dict.

pdestdictptr to destination dict in which key,val pairs will go
psourcedictptr to source dict which has all key,val pairs to copy
omit_underscoredBoolean set to true to omit key,val pairs where the key starts with an underscore '_'.
Return status

Definition at line 290 of file dict.c.