
Dependencies:   Hepta9axis HeptaBattery HeptaCamera_GPS HeptaTemp HeptaXbee SDFileSystem mbed

Fork of HEPTA_assembly by CLTP 8

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Sat Sep 02 22:01:18 2017 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

HeptaXbee.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 8f3982fa691d -r 13baaa9f5eb1 HeptaXbee.lib
--- a/HeptaXbee.lib	Wed Aug 23 10:41:13 2017 +0000
+++ b/HeptaXbee.lib	Sat Sep 02 22:01:18 2017 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
diff -r 8f3982fa691d -r 13baaa9f5eb1 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Aug 23 10:41:13 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Sep 02 22:01:18 2017 +0000
@@ -16,230 +16,110 @@
 int main()
-    char mode;
-    pc.baud(9600);
-    pc.printf("Hello world.\r\n");
+    int i=0,rcmd=0,cmdflag=0;
+    //char xdata[500];
+    //xbee.printf("Count Up!\r");
     while(1) {
-        pc.printf("\r\n");
-        pc.printf("*********************************\r\n");
-        pc.printf("Please select mode.\r\n");
-        pc.printf("a:SD test Mode\r\n");
-        pc.printf("b:Check Battery Level\r\n");
-        pc.printf("c:Gyro Sening Mode\r\n");
-        pc.printf("d:Accel Sensing Mode\r\n");
-        pc.printf("e:Magnet Sensig Mode\r\n");
-        pc.printf("f:GPS Test Sensing Mode\r\n");
-        pc.printf("g:GPS data_GPGGA Mode\r\n");
-        pc.printf("h:Camera Synchro Mode\r\n");
-        pc.printf("i:CAM SnapShot Mode\r\n");
-        pc.printf("j:Saving Camera Data Mode\r\n");
-        pc.printf("k:Camera Data Transmitting Mode\r\n");
-        pc.printf("l:Temperature Sensing Mode\r\n");
-        pc.printf("m:Xbee Mode\r\n");
-        pc.printf("n:All Transmitting Mode\r\n");;
-        pc.printf("*********************************");
-        pc.printf("\r\n");
-        mode = pc.getc();
-        pc.printf("Your select Mode = %c\r\n",mode);
-        switch(mode) {
-            case'a': {
-                pc.printf("SD test Mode\r\n");
-                FILE *fp = fopen("/fs/myfile.txt", "w");
-                if(fp == NULL) {
-                    pc.printf("Could not open file for write\r\n");
-                } else {
-                    fprintf(fp, "\n\rHello World!\n\r");
-                    pc.printf("SD Check Complete!!\r\n");
-                    fclose(fp);
-                }
-                break;
-            }//case'a'
-            case'b': {
-                pc.printf("Check Battery Level\r\n");
-                float bt;
-                for(int i = 0; i<30; i++) {
-                    bat.vol(&bt);
-                    pc.printf("V = %f\r\n",bt);
-                    wait(0.5);
-                }
-                break;
-            }//case'b'
+        //xbee.printf("num = %d\r",i);
+        i++;
+        wait(1.0);
+        xbee.xbee_recieve(&rcmd,&cmdflag);
+        pc.printf("rcmd=%d, cmdflag=%d\r\n",rcmd, cmdflag);
+        if (cmdflag == 1) {
+            pc.printf("Command Get %d\r\n",rcmd);
+            pc.printf("HEPTA Uplink OK\r");
-            case'c': {
-                pc.printf("Gyro sensing Mode\r\n");
-                float gx,gy,gz;
-                for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
-                    _9axis.sen_gyro(&gx,&gy,&gz);
-                    pc.printf("GX = %f,GY = %f,GZ = %f\r\n",gx,gy,gz);
-                    wait(0.5);
+            switch(rcmd) {
+                case'a': {
+                    char bt[4];
+                    int dsize[1];
+                    for(int j = 0;j <= 50; j++){
+                        bat.vol_u16(bt,&dsize[1]);
+                        xbee.putc('A');
+                        for(int k = 0; k<=3; k++) {
+                            xbee.putc(bt[k]);
+                        }
+                        xbee.printf("\n");
+                        wait(0.5);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    //*/
-                break;
-            }//case'c'
-            case'd': {
-                pc.printf("Accel sensing Mode\r\n");
-                float ax,ay,az;
-                for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
-                    _9axis.sen_acc(&ax,&ay,&az);
-                    pc.printf("AX = %f,AY = %f,AZ = %f\r\n",ax,ay,az);
-                    wait(0.5);
-                }
-                break;
-            }//case'd'
-            case'e': {
-                float mx,my,mz;
-                pc.printf("Magnet sensing Mode\r\n");
-                for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
-                    _9axis.sen_mag(&mx,&my,&mz);
-                    pc.printf("MX = %f,MY = %f,MZ = %f\r\n",mx,my,mz);
-                    wait(0.5);
-                }
-                break;
-            }//case'e'
+                case'b': {
+                    break;
+                }//case'c'
+                case'c': {
+                    break;
+                }//case'd'
-            case'f': {
-                pc.printf("GPS sensing Mode\r\n");
-                cam_gps.gps_setting();
-                cam_gps.flushSerialBuffer();
-                while(1) pc.putc(cam_gps.getc());
-                break;
-            }//case'f'
+                case'd': {
+                }//case'e'
-            case'g': {
-                cam_gps.gps_setting();
-                cam_gps.flushSerialBuffer();
-                pc.printf("GPS GPGGA Mode\r\n");
-                int quality=0,stnum=0,gps_check=0;
-                char ns='A',ew='B',aunit='m';
-                float time=0.0,latitude=0.0,longitude=0.0,hacu=0.0,altitude=0.0;
-                for(int i=1; i<10; i++) {
-                    cam_gps.gga_sensing(&time, &latitude, &ns, &longitude, &ew, &quality, &stnum, &hacu, &altitude, &aunit, &gps_check);
-                    if((gps_check==0)|(gps_check==1)) {
-                        pc.printf("GPGGA,%f,%f,%c,%f,%c,%d,%d,%f,%f,%c\r\n",time,latitude,ns,longitude,ew,quality,stnum,hacu,altitude,aunit);
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            }//case'g'
+                case'e': {
+                    cam_gps.gps_setting();
+                    cam_gps.flushSerialBuffer();
+                    break;
+                }//case'g'
-            case'h': {
-                wait(0.5);
-                pc.printf("Camera Synchro\r\n");
-                cam_gps.Sync();
-                break;
-            }//case'h'
-            case'i': {
-                pc.printf("CAM snapshot Mode\r\n");
-                cam_gps.initialize(HeptaCamera_GPS::Baud115200, HeptaCamera_GPS::JpegResolution320x240);
-                cam_gps.test_jpeg_snapshot_picture(1);
-                break;
-            }//case'i'
-            case'j': {
-                pc.printf("Saving Camera Data Mode\r\n");
-                cam_gps.initialize(HeptaCamera_GPS::Baud115200, HeptaCamera_GPS::JpegResolution320x240);
-                cam_gps.test_jpeg_snapshot_data(1);
-                break;
-            }//case'j'
+                case'f': {
+                    break;
+                }//case'l'
-            case'k': {
-                pc.printf("Camera Data Transmitting  Mode\r\n");
-                cam_gps.initialize(HeptaCamera_GPS::Baud115200, HeptaCamera_GPS::JpegResolution320x240);
-                cam_gps.test_jpeg_snapshot_picture(1);
-                FILE *fp = fopen("/fs/test.txt", "r");
-                if(fp == NULL) {
-                    pc.printf("Could not open file for write\r\n");
-                } else {
-                    char str[1024];
-                    while((fgets(str,256,fp))!=NULL) {
-                        //pc.printf("%s",str);
-                        pc.printf("%s",str);
-                        wait(0.001);
-                    }
-                    fclose(fp);
-                }
-                break;
-            }//case'k'
-            case'l': {
-                pc.printf("Temp sensing Mode\r\n");
-                float temp;
-                for(int i = 0; i<100; i++) {
-                    heptatemp.temp_sense(&temp);
-                    pc.printf("temper = %f\r\n",temp);
-                    //xbee.printf("%f\r\n",temp);
-                }
-                break;
-            }//case'l'
+                case'g': {
+                   // pc.printf("CAM snapshot Mode\r\n");
+                    cam_gps.Sync();
+                    cam_gps.initialize(HeptaCamera_GPS::Baud115200, HeptaCamera_GPS::JpegResolution320x240);
+                    cam_gps.test_jpeg_snapshot_picture(1);
+                    break;
+                }//case'h'
-            case'm': {
-                int i=0,rcmd=0,cmdflag=0;
-                xbee.printf("Count Up!\r");
-                while(1) {
-                    xbee.printf("num = %d\r",i);
-                    i++;
-                    wait(1.0);
-                    xbee.xbee_recieve(&rcmd,&cmdflag);
-                    pc.printf("rcmd=%d, cmdflag=%d\r\n",rcmd, cmdflag);
-                    if (cmdflag == 1) {
-                        if (rcmd == 'a') {
-                            xbee.printf("Command Get %d\r\n",rcmd);
-                            xbee.printf("HEPTA Uplink OK\r");
+                case'h': {
+                    cam_gps.gps_setting();
+                    cam_gps.flushSerialBuffer();
+                    //pc.printf("All Transmitting Mode\r\n");
+                    //char iii = pc.getc();
+                    char gx[4],gy[4],gz[4],ax[4],ay[4],az[4],mx[4],my[4],mz[4],lad[8],log[8],height[4],bt[4],temp[4];
+                    char ddata[64];
+                    int dsize[7];
+                    int Count = 0;
+                    char fname[64];
+                    while(1) {
+                        snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "/fs/telemetry.txt");
+                        FILE*fpx = fopen(fname, "a");
+                        _9axis.sen_gyro_u16(gx,gy,gz,&dsize[0]);
+                        _9axis.sen_acc_u16(ax,ay,az,&dsize[1]);
+                        _9axis.sen_mag_u16(mx,my,mz,&dsize[2]);
+                        bat.vol_u16(bt,&dsize[5]);
+                        heptatemp.temp_sense_u16(temp,&dsize[6]);
+                        cam_gps.lat_log_sensing_u16(lad,log,height,&dsize[3],&dsize[4]);
+                        //xbee.printf("DN:%d",Count);
+                        xbee.putc('H');
+                        xbee.xbee_transmit(ddata,64,gx,gy,gz,ax,ay,az,mx,my,mz,lad,log,height,bt,temp,dsize[0],dsize[0],dsize[0],dsize[1],dsize[1],dsize[1],dsize[2],dsize[2],dsize[2],dsize[3],dsize[3],dsize[4],dsize[5],dsize[6],14);
+                        fprintf(fpx,"DN%d:",Count);
+                        for(int ii = 0; ii<64; ii++) {
+                            fprintf(fpx,"%c",ddata[ii]);
-                        xbee.initialize();
+                        fprintf(fpx,"\r\n");
+                        fclose(fpx);
+                        Count++;
-                }
-                break;
-            }//case'm'
+                    break;
+                }//case'9'
-            case'n': {
-                cam_gps.gps_setting();
-                cam_gps.flushSerialBuffer();
-                pc.printf("All Transmitting Mode\r\n");
-                //char iii = pc.getc();
-                char gx[4],gy[4],gz[4],ax[4],ay[4],az[4],mx[4],my[4],mz[4],lad[8],log[8],height[4],bt[4],temp[4];
-                char ddata[64];
-                int dsize[7];
-                int Count = 0;
-                char fname[64];
-                while(1) {
-                    snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "/fs/telemetry.txt");
-                    FILE*fpx = fopen(fname, "a");
-                    _9axis.sen_gyro_u16(gx,gy,gz,&dsize[0]);
-                    _9axis.sen_acc_u16(ax,ay,az,&dsize[1]);
-                    _9axis.sen_mag_u16(mx,my,mz,&dsize[2]);
-                    bat.vol_u16(bt,&dsize[5]);
-                    heptatemp.temp_sense_u16(temp,&dsize[6]);
-                    cam_gps.lat_log_sensing_u16(lad,log,height,&dsize[3],&dsize[4]);
-                    //xbee.printf("DN:%d",Count);
-                    xbee.xbee_transmit(ddata,64,gx,gy,gz,ax,ay,az,mx,my,mz,lad,log,height,bt,temp,dsize[0],dsize[0],dsize[0],dsize[1],dsize[1],dsize[1],dsize[2],dsize[2],dsize[2],dsize[3],dsize[3],dsize[4],dsize[5],dsize[6],14);
-                    fprintf(fpx,"DN%d:",Count);
-                    for(int ii = 0; ii<64; ii++) {
-                        fprintf(fpx,"%c",ddata[ii]);
-                    }
-                    fprintf(fpx,"\r\n");
-                    fclose(fpx);
-                    Count++;
-                }
-                break;
-            }//case'9'
-            default:
-                break;
+                default:
+                    break;
-        }
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
+            }//switch
+            xbee.initialize();
+        }//if(cmdflag)
+    }//while
\ No newline at end of file