Arianna autonomous DAQ firmware

Dependencies:   mbed SDFileSystemFilinfo AriSnProtocol NetServicesMin AriSnComm MODSERIAL PowerControlClkPatch DS1820OW



File content as of revision 116:8099b754fbb4:

#ifndef SN_SnPreCompOptions
#define SN_SnPreCompOptions

// whether to send debugging output to the serial (usb) port
// note that this file may not be included in cpp files, so it
// may be necessary to add more DEBUG defines in those files.
// also, the comms and peripherals packages will have their own
// separate debug switches too.
//#define DEBUG

// sorry for the double negative, but.. normally this is NOT DEFINED
// uncommenting this will allow any values to be specified in a configuration
// leaving it commented out is safer

// choose which communication peripherals will be used in the comms loop
// for now, twitter is completely not working.
// NOTE: remember to set kNcomms in SnConstants.h so it equals the number
// of comms enabled!!
//#define ENABLE_AFAR_TWITTER // this is stupid and doesn't work anymore. do not enable.

// turn this on to record how long it takes to take and save events

// print the start and stop running messages on the seial (USB) port
// even if other debugging messages are disabled.
//#define SSNOTIFY

// use MODSERIAL (a buffered serial interface) instead of the
// "standard" serial (unbuffered) provided by mbed

// available CHIPBOARDs -- these values should NEVER change!
// this is just a definition of constants. CHIPBOARD is the
// variable that must be set equal to one of these constants.
#define ATWD4CH        0  // set CHIPBOARD to this to get firmware for the 2012-2013 stations (value is arbitrary but unique)
#define SST4CH         1  // set CHIPBOARD to this to get firmware for the 2014/2015 stations with a single SST chip (value is arbitrary but unique)
#define SST4CH_1GHz    2  // set CHIPBOARD to this to get firmware for the 2015 station with a single SST chip running at 1GHz sampling rather than 2GHz (value is arbitrary but unique)
#define SST4CH512      3  // set CHIPBOARD to this to get firmware for the 2014/2015 stations with a single SST chip (value is arbitrary but unique)
#define SST4CH512_1GHz 4  // set CHIPBOARD to this to get firmware for the 2015 station with a single SST chip running at 1GHz sampling rather than 2GHz (value is arbitrary but unique)

// which chip/board combination to build this firmware for
//#define CHIPBOARD SST4CH512                // warning: 4*512 samples may fill up the 32kB of RAM. it may be necessary to disable Afar comms in order to free up RAM
//#define CHIPBOARD SST4CH512_1GHz           // warning: 4*512 samples may fill up the 32kB of RAM. it may be necessary to disable Afar comms in order to free up RAM

// whether or not to use the flash memory on the mbed board, to call
// the mbed provided function that gets the MAC address, etc.
// these functions all use the mbed interface chip. it has been found
// that once in while, functions accessing the interface chip will block
// forever and never return, resulting in a "brain dead" station.
// therefore, this should almost certainly be disabled (commented out)
// for stations installed in the ice.

// whether or not to use the lookup tables to speed up the FFTs

// use of the real time operating system has not been implemented
// for some time -- enabling this will not work any more.
// some development will be needed, including a RTOS aware networking package
//#define USE_RTOS // change USE_RTOS in CommConstants and EthernetPower also

// an outdated switch. currently only NetServicesMin is available.

#endif // SN_SnPreCompOptions