Arianna autonomous DAQ firmware

Dependencies:   mbed SDFileSystemFilinfo AriSnProtocol NetServicesMin AriSnComm MODSERIAL PowerControlClkPatch DS1820OW

--- a/SnSigProcDataTable.h	Fri Dec 04 02:57:12 2015 +0000
+++ b/SnSigProcDataTable.h	Tue May 03 02:01:35 2016 +0000
@@ -56,5 +56,27 @@
+// hard code the number here because these tables are only valid for this value.
+// use kNsamps when instantiating it, though, so a compiler error will happen
+// if there's no data table for that number of samples.
+struct SnSigProcDataTable<512> {
+    // these are the pairs: (j, m) at each step of the loop over odd
+    // values of i in DiscreteCpxFFT
+    typedef      uint16_t                DfftDivideIndicies_t;    // need 9 bits for 512 samples (biggest value in array is 511)
+    static const DfftDivideIndicies_t   kDfftDivideIndicies[512];
+    // these are the twidle factors: wr, wi used in DiscreteCpxFFT
+    typedef      float                  DfftTwidleFactor_t;
+    static const DfftTwidleFactor_t     kDfftTwidleFactors[510];
+    typedef      float                  RealDfftTwidleFactor_t;
+    static const RealDfftTwidleFactor_t kRealDfftTwidleFactor[254];
 #endif // SnSigProcDataTable
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