Prvi publish za klima komoru bez regulacije

Dependencies:   mbed Adafruit_GFX DS1820

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Nov 11 19:04:21 2021 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Jun 29 12:35:37 2022 +0000
@@ -1,53 +1,216 @@
- * Primer regulacije osvetljaja diode LED2 pomoću potenciometra POT1
- * pisan za STM32L476RG napisan koristeci mbed.h biblioteku.
+ * Enviromental Chamber for PCB testing
+ * 
+ * The Department of Electronics and Digital Systems
+ * School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade
- * Katedra za Elektroniku i digitalne sisteme
- * Elektrotehnicki fakultet
- * Beograd 
- *
- * Novembar 2021.
+ * May 2022.
- * Biblioteke za uvoz:
- */
 #include "mbed.h"
+#include "Adafruit_GFX.h"
+#include "Adafruit_GFX_Config.h"
+#include "Adafruit_SSD1306.h"
+#include "DHT.h"
+#include "DS1820.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+// A pin used for temperature sensor
+#define DATA_PIN        A0
+#define MAX_PROBES      16
+// I2C address, 60d or 0x3c:
+#define I2C_REAL_ADD                                                        0x3c
+#define I2C_ADDRESS                                            I2C_REAL_ADD << 1 
- * Definisanje makroa:
- */
-#define INCREMENT 0.1f
- * Globalne promenljive:
- */
-PwmOut blue_led(PB_15);     // Kreiranje promenljive diode
-AnalogIn potentiometer(PA_0);    // Kreiranje promenljive potenciometra POT1
+// Set OLED width and heigth [pixel]:
+#define OLED_WIDTH_PX                                                        128
+#define OLED_HEIGHT_PX                                                        64
+// Multipliers of POT1 and POT2 for OLED rectangle position:
+#define WIDTH_SCALER                                                         128
+#define HEIGHT_SCALER  
+// Min and max temp:
+#define TEMP_MIN 0
+#define TEMP_MAX 70
+// UART2 defines
+#define COMMAND_LENGTH  3                                                        
+// Time delay for acquisition
+#define TEMP_DELAY  1.0f
+// Time delay for debounce [ms]
+#define DEBOUNCE_PER 30
- * Deklaracija funkcija:
+ * Globar variables
+// Timer for temperature acquisition
+Ticker temp_timer;
- * Glavna funkcija:
- */
+// Buttons for relay control
+InterruptIn button_sw1 (PC_9);
+InterruptIn button_sw2 (PC_8);
+// Relay selection signals
+DigitalOut relay_select1(PA_10); // D2
+DigitalOut relay_select2(PB_3); // D3
+// DS1820 sensor object
+DS1820* probe[MAX_PROBES];
+// Temperature variables
+float temp;
+int end_temp;
+// DS1820 status and acquisition confirmation flag
+char data_acquired = 0;
+// UART2 flags and variables
+char command_received = 0;
+char command_buffer[COMMAND_LENGTH] = {0};
+char incorrect_command = 0;
+char intro_printed = 0;
+// Initialize UART for CLI
+Serial uart2(PA_2, PA_3);
+// Initialize I2C for OLED display
+I2C i2c(PB_14,PB_13);
+// Initialize OLED display:
+Adafruit_SSD1306_I2c myOled(i2c,PB_5,I2C_ADDRESS,OLED_HEIGHT_PX,OLED_WIDTH_PX);
+// Declarations for interrupt routines
+void ISR_button_sw1 (void);
+void ISR_button_sw2 (void);
+void ISR_temp(void);
+void ISR_Rx(void);
+// Declaration of display refresh function
+void refresh_display (void);
+// Declaration of message parsing function
+void parse_message (void);
 int main()
+    char cmd = 0;
+    int ref_temp = 0;
-    // Inicijalizacija i funckije koje se jednom izvrsavaju:
+    // Initialize OLED:
+    myOled.begin();
+    // Set ISRs for buttons
+    button_sw1.fall(&ISR_button_sw1);
+    button_sw2.fall(&ISR_button_sw2);
-    // Glavna petlja:
+    // Initialize probes
+    int num_devices = 0;
+    while(DS1820::unassignedProbe(DATA_PIN)) {
+        probe[num_devices] = new DS1820(DATA_PIN);
+        num_devices++;
+        if (num_devices == MAX_PROBES)
+            break;
+    }
+    printf("Found %d device(s)\r\n\n", num_devices);
+    printf("Dobrodosli u Pajinu i Cveletovu komoru!\n\r");
+    printf("Spremite se jer polecemo!!1!\n\r");
-        blue_led.write(;
-        //ili:
-        // blue_led = potentiometer;
+        if (!intro_printed)
+        {
+            printf("Molimo, unesite 's' za start: \n\r");
+            scanf("%c", &cmd);
+            intro_printed = 1;
+        }
+        if (cmd == 's')
+        {
+            printf("Molimo, unesite zeljenu temperaturu: \n\r");
+            scanf("%d", &ref_temp);
+            if (ref_temp > TEMP_MIN && ref_temp < TEMP_MAX)
+            {
+                temp_timer.attach(&ISR_temp, TEMP_DELAY);      
+            }
+            cmd = 0;
+        }
+        if (data_acquired)
+        {
+            refresh_display();
+            data_acquired = 0;
+        }
+// Display refresh function definition
+void refresh_display (void)
+    myOled.clearDisplay();
+  //  myOled.printf("It is %3.1foC\r\n", probe.temperature());
+    myOled.display();
+   // printf("It is %3.1foC\r\n", probe.temperature());
- * Definicija funkcija:
- */
\ No newline at end of file
+// Definition of message parsing function
+void parse_message (void)
+    if (command_buffer[0] == 's')
+    {
+        if (isdigit(command_buffer[1]) && isdigit(command_buffer[2]))
+        {
+            end_temp = (command_buffer[1] - 48) * 10 + (command_buffer[2] - 48);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            incorrect_command = 1;    
+        }
+    }
+    else if (command_buffer[0] == 'e')
+    {
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        incorrect_command = 1;
+    }    
+// ISR for temperature acquisition
+void ISR_temp (void)
+    printf("t\n");
+    probe[0]->convertTemperature(true, DS1820::all_devices);
+    printf("It is %3.1foC\r\n", probe[0]->temperature());
+    data_acquired = 1;
+// ISR for Relay 1 control
+void ISR_button_sw1 (void)
+    wait_ms(DEBOUNCE_PER);
+    if (!button_sw1)
+    {
+        relay_select1 = !relay_select1; 
+    }
+// ISR for Relay 2 control
+void ISR_button_sw2 (void)
+    wait_ms(DEBOUNCE_PER);
+    if (!button_sw2)
+    {
+        relay_select2 = !relay_select2; 
+    }