nanimo kaete nai

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Tue Jun 14 07:37:36 2022 +0000
Commit message:
nanimo kaete nai to omou

Changed in this revision

Log.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Matrix.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Matrix.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Operators.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 4ff90c5befd9 Log.c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Log.c	Tue Jun 14 07:37:36 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ * @brief  Keep track of changes since version 1.6             e-mail:
+ * @file   Log.c
+ * @author Ernesto Palacios
+ */
+    30/10/2011
+           -->> MATRIX_H
+            *  Eliminated namespace std; already included in mbed.h
+            *  Operator Overloaded (). For assignment and getValue.
+            *  Almost all operators declared as friend functions.
+            -->> MATRIXMATH_H
+            *  Added Function Eye(). Creates an identity Matrix of specified dimensions.
+            *  Added Function dotProduct(). to find the dot product of two vectors.
+               -->> You need to pass two Vector Matrices of any dimmensions.
+                    They could be in the form: A( 1,n ) B( 1,n )
+                                               A( n,1 ) B( 1,n )
+                                               A( n,1 ) B( n,1 )
+                                               A( 1,n ) B( n,1 )
+                    As long as have same 'depth' and are vectors, the dot product.
+                    will be returned.
+            -->> MATRIXMATH_Kinematics.cpp
+            *  Created file MatrixMath_Kinematics.cpp To Hold the definitions of
+               kinematic operations.
+            *  Define Functions RotX, RotY, RotZ, Transl. for Matrix Transformation
+               operations.
+     22/10/2011
+            -->> MATRIX_H
+            *  Changed static member Matrix::AddColumn( ... )  -> Matrix::AddCol( ... )
+            *  Overload AddCol/AddRow, it now can accept SingleCol/ SingleRow as arguments.
+               Still works the same for inserting new Col/Row. Usage:
+               Matrix::AddRow( myMatrix, 3 );  // Inserts an empty col at index 3 of myMatrix
+               Matrix::AddCol( myMatrix, SingleCol, 3 ); // Inserts a SingleCol Matrix into index 3 of myMarix
+            -->> MATRIXMATH_H
+            *  float det = MatrixMath::det( myMatrix );
+               Returns the determinant of any nxn Matrix.
+            *  Matrix Inv = MatrixMath::Inv( myMatrix )
+               Returns the determinant of any nxn Matrix, if it's not a Singular matrix
+               WARNING: If it is a Singular Matrix it will return the same Matrix.
+                        A singular Matrix is one whose inverse does not exists.
+     21/10/2011
+            First class ready to work. but still some rough edges to polish. Better use 1.6.2
+1.0         15/09/2011
+            First Version.- Buggy and no longer supported.
diff -r 000000000000 -r 4ff90c5befd9 Matrix.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Matrix.cpp	Tue Jun 14 07:37:36 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+ * @brief  Source Code for the Matrix Class.
+ * @file   Matrix.cpp
+ * @author Ernesto Palacios
+ *
+ * Created on September 2011.
+ *
+ * Develop Under  GPL v3.0 License
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Matrix.h"
+/// Rows by Cols Matrix Constructor
+Matrix::Matrix(int Rows, int Cols): _nRows(Rows), _nCols(Cols)
+    _matrix.resize(_nRows);
+    for( int i = 0; i < _nRows; i++ )
+        _matrix[i].resize(_nCols);
+    _pRow = 0;
+    _pCol = 0;
+    this->Clear();  //Make all elements zero by default.
+/// Copies one matrix into a new one
+Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix& base)
+    _nCols = base._nCols;
+    _nRows = base._nRows;
+    _pRow  = base._pRow;
+    _pCol  = base._pCol;
+    _matrix.resize(_nRows);
+    for( int i = 0; i < _nRows; i++ )
+        _matrix[i].resize(_nCols);
+    for( int i = 0; i < _nRows; i++ )
+        for( int j = 0; j < _nCols; j++ )
+            _matrix[i][j] = base._matrix[i][j];
+/// Default Constructor
+    _nCols = 0;
+    _nRows = 0;
+    _pRow = 0;
+    _pCol = 0;
+/// Returns true if matrix is full of zeros
+bool Matrix::isZero() const
+    bool zero = false;
+    for( int i = 0; i < this->_nRows; i++ )
+        for( int j = 0; j < this->_nCols; j++ )
+            if( _matrix[i][j] != 0 )
+                zero = zero || true;
+    return !zero;
+/// Returns true if Matrix is Single Row ot Single Column.
+bool Matrix::isVector() const
+    if( _nRows == 1 || _nCols == 1 )
+        return true;
+    else
+        return false;
+/// Returns all elements in Matrix as a single Row vector.
+const Matrix Matrix::ToPackedVector( const Matrix& Mat )
+    Matrix Crushed( 1, Mat._nRows * Mat._nCols );
+    int cont = 0;
+    for( int i = 0; i < Mat._nRows; i++ )
+        for( int j = 0; j < Mat._nCols; j++ )
+        {
+            Crushed._matrix[0][cont] = Mat._matrix[i][j];
+            cont++;
+        }
+    Crushed._pRow = Crushed._nRows;
+    Crushed._pCol = Crushed._nCols;
+    return Crushed;
+/// To add (Insert) a Single Row to a Matrix.
+void Matrix::AddRow(Matrix& Mat, int index)
+    --index;
+    if( index > Mat._nRows + 1)
+    {
+        printf("\n\nERROR:\nRow out of Limits @ AddRow()\n");
+    }else{
+       Mat._nRows++;
+       Mat._matrix.resize( Mat._nRows );
+       Mat._matrix[ Mat._nRows - 1 ].resize( Mat._nCols );
+       for( int i = Mat._nRows - 1; i > index; i-- )
+           for( int j = 0; j < Mat._nCols; j++ )
+               Mat._matrix[i][j] = Mat._matrix[i - 1][j];
+       for( int j = 0; j < Mat._nCols; j++ )
+           Mat._matrix[index][j] = 0.0;
+    }
+void Matrix::AddRow(Matrix& Receip, const Matrix& Row, int index)
+    Matrix::AddRow( Receip, index );  //Make Room
+    --index;
+    for( int i = 0; i < Receip._nCols; i++ )
+        Receip._matrix[index][i] = Row._matrix[0][i];   //Copy Data.
+/// To add (Insert) a single Column to a Matrix
+void Matrix::AddCol( Matrix& Mat, int index )
+    --index;
+    if( index > Mat._nCols + 1 )
+    {
+        printf("\n\nERROR:\nRow out of Limits on AddCol()\n");
+    }else{
+            Mat._nCols++;
+            for( int i = 0; i < Mat._nRows; i++ )
+                Mat._matrix[i].resize( Mat._nCols );
+            for( int i = 0; i < Mat._nRows; i++ )
+                for( int j = Mat._nCols; j > index; j-- )
+                    Mat._matrix[i][j] = Mat._matrix[i][j - 1];
+            for( int i = 0; i < Mat._nRows; i++ )
+                Mat._matrix[i][index] = 0.0;
+    }
+void Matrix::AddCol(Matrix& Receip, const Matrix& Row, int index)
+    Matrix::AddCol( Receip, index ); // Make Rom
+    --index;
+    for( int i = 0; i < Receip._nRows; i++ )
+        Receip._matrix[i][index] = Row._matrix[i][0];   //Copy Data.
+/// Delete a Single Column From Matrix.
+void Matrix::DeleteCol( Matrix& Mat, int Col)
+    --Col; // Because of Column zero.
+    if( Col > Mat._nCols )
+    {
+        printf("\n\nERROR:\nColumn out of Limits @ DeleteCol()\n");
+    }else{
+        for( int i = 0; i < Mat._nRows; i++ )
+            for( int j = Col; j < Mat._nCols; j++ )
+                Mat._matrix[i][j] = Mat._matrix[i][j+1];
+        // If adressing last element of Column,
+        // wich no longer exists
+        if( Mat._pCol == Mat._nCols )
+            Mat._pCol--;
+        // Decrease one column
+        Mat._nCols--;
+        //Erase last Column
+        for( int i = 0; i < Mat._nRows; i++ )
+            Mat._matrix[i].reserve(Mat._nCols);
+    }
+/// Delete a Single Row form Matrix
+void Matrix::DeleteRow(Matrix& Mat, int Row)
+    --Row;
+    if( Row > Mat._nRows )
+    {
+        printf("\n\nERROR:\nColumn out of Limits @ DeleteCol()\n");
+    }else{
+        for( int i = Row; i < Mat._nRows - 1; i++ )
+            for( int j = 0; j < Mat._nCols; j++ )
+                Mat._matrix[i][j] = Mat._matrix[i+1][j];
+        Mat._nRows--;
+        Mat._matrix.resize(Mat._nRows);
+    }
+/// Extracts a single row form calling matrix and saves it to another matrix.
+const Matrix Matrix::ExportRow( const Matrix& Mat, int row )
+    --row;
+    if( row > Mat._nRows )
+    {
+        printf( "\n\nERROR:\nRow out of dimmensions @ GetRow\n"
+                "Nothing Done.\n\n" );
+    }else{
+        Matrix SingleRow( 1 , Mat._nCols );
+        SingleRow.Clear();
+        for( int j = 0; j < Mat._nCols; j++ )
+        SingleRow._matrix[0][j] = Mat._matrix[row][j];
+        SingleRow._pCol = SingleRow._nCols;
+        SingleRow._pRow = 0;
+        return SingleRow;
+    }
+/// Extracts a single column form calling matrix and saves it to another matrix.
+const Matrix Matrix::ExportCol( const Matrix& Mat, int col )
+    --col;
+    if( col > Mat._nCols )
+    {
+        printf( "\n\nERROR:\nColumn out of dimmensions.\n"
+                "Nothing Done.\n\n" );
+    }else{
+        Matrix SingleCol( Mat._nRows, 1 );
+        for(int i = 0; i < Mat._nRows; i++ )
+            SingleCol._matrix[i][0] = Mat._matrix[i][col];
+        SingleCol._pCol = 0;
+        SingleCol._pRow = SingleCol._nRows;
+        return SingleCol;
+    }
+/// Makes matrix Bigger!
+void Matrix::Resize( int Rows, int Cols )
+    _nRows = Rows;  //Decreases one because internally
+    _nCols = Cols; // Index starts at zero.
+    _matrix.resize( _nRows );
+    for( int i = 0; i< _nRows ; i++ )
+        _matrix[i].resize(_nCols);
+    _pRow = 0; // If matrix is resized the <<
+    _pCol = 0; // operator overwrites everything!
+/// Ask user for elemnts in Matrix
+void Matrix::FillMatrix()
+    for(int i = 0; i < _nRows; i++)
+    {
+        for(int j = 0; j < _nCols; j++)
+        {
+            printf( "Position [%u][%u]: ", i, j );
+            float numero;
+            scanf( "%f", &numero );
+            printf("%.3f ", numero);
+            this->_matrix[i][j] = numero;
+        }
+        printf("\n");
+    }
+    printf("\n");
+    _pRow = _nRows;
+    _pCol = _nCols;
+/// Prints out Matrix.
+void Matrix::print() const
+    for( int i = 0; i < _nRows; i++ )
+    {
+        for( int j = 0; j < _nCols; j++ )
+        {
+            printf( "%.3f, ",_matrix[i][j] );
+        }
+        printf( "\n" );
+    }
+/// Fills matrix with zeros.
+void Matrix::Clear()
+    for( int i = 0; i < _nRows; i++ )
+       for( int j = 0; j < _nCols; j++ )
+           _matrix[i][j] = 0;
+    _pCol = 0;  // New data can be added
+    _pRow = 0;
+/// Inserts a Single element in a desired Position( Index starts at [1][1] );
+void Matrix::add(int Row, int Col, float number)
+    --Col; --Row;
+    if( Row > _nRows || Col > _nCols )
+    {
+        printf("\n\nERROR:\nOut of limits of Matrix @ mat.Add()");
+    }else{
+        _matrix[Row][Col] = number;
+    }
+/// Adds all elements in matrix and returns the answer.
+float Matrix::sum() const
+    float total = 0;
+    for( int i = 0; i < _nRows; i++ )
+        for( int j = 0; j < _nCols; j++ )
+            total += _matrix[i][j];
+    return total;
+/// Returns the specified element. Index Starts at [1][1].
+float Matrix::getNumber( int Row, int Col ) const
+{ return this->_matrix[Row -1][Col - 1]; }
+/// Returns the number of Rows in Matrix.
+int Matrix::getRows() const{ return this->_nRows; }
+/// Returns the number of Columns in Matrix.
+int Matrix::getCols() const{ return this->_nCols; }
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 4ff90c5befd9 Matrix.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Matrix.h	Tue Jun 14 07:37:36 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+ * @brief  API for Matrix Library
+ * @file   Matrix.h
+ * @author Ernesto Palacios
+ *
+ * Created on 13 de septiembre de 2011, 03:49 PM
+ *
+ * Develop Under  GPL v3.0 License
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef MATRIX_H
+#define MATRIX_H
+#include <vector>
+using namespace std;
+class MatrixMath;
+ * @brief This class provide basic manipulation for 2D matrices see Log.c for more info
+ * version 1.6.4.
+ *
+ */
+class Matrix{
+    /// Creates a nex Matrix of Size [ Row x Cols ]
+    Matrix( int Rows, int Cols );
+    /// Creates a new Matrix identical to an input Matrix
+    Matrix( const Matrix& base );
+    /// Default Constructor
+    Matrix();
+    /**@brief This includes the Class to handle Matrix Operations.
+     */
+    friend class MatrixMath;
+    /**@brief
+     * Subindex for Matrix elements assignation.
+     * @param row
+     * @param col
+     * @return pointer to the element.
+     */
+    float& operator() ( int row, int col );
+    /**@brief
+     *Subindex for Matrix element.
+     * @param row
+     * @param col
+     * @return the element.
+     */
+    float  operator() ( int row, int col ) const;
+    /** @brief
+     * Overwrites all data. To be used Carefully!
+     */
+    Matrix& operator = ( const Matrix& rightM );
+    /** @brief
+     * Overload opeartor for the compare Matrices
+     *
+     * @param rightM
+     * @return Boolean 'false' if different.
+     */
+    friend bool operator == ( const Matrix& leftM, const Matrix& rightM );
+    /** @brief
+     * Overload opeartor for the compare Matrices
+     *
+     * @param rightM
+     * @return Boolean 'true' if different
+     */
+    friend bool operator != ( const Matrix& leftM, const Matrix& rightM );
+    /** @brief
+     * Overload Copmpound assignment.
+     * @param rightM
+     * @return A new Matrix to be assigned to itself.
+     */
+    friend Matrix& operator += ( Matrix& leftM, const Matrix& rightM );
+    /** @brief
+     * Overload Compund decrease.
+     * @param rightM Right hand matrix
+     * @return A new Matrix to be assigned to itself
+     */
+    friend Matrix& operator -= ( Matrix& leftM, const Matrix& rightM );
+    /** @brief
+     * Overload Compound CrossProduct Matrix operation.
+     * @param rightM
+     * @return
+     */
+    friend Matrix& operator *=( Matrix& leftM, const Matrix& rightM );
+    /** @brief
+     * Overload Compund Element-by-elemnt scalar multiplication.
+     * @param number
+     * @return
+     */
+    friend Matrix& operator *=( Matrix& leftM, float number );
+    /**@brief
+     * All elements in matrix are multiplied by (-1).
+     * @return A new Matrix object with inverted values.
+     */
+    const Matrix operator -();
+    /**@brief
+     * Overload Compound add with scalar.
+     * Because the '=' operator checks for self Assign, no extra operations
+     * are needed.
+     * @return Same Matrix to self Assign.
+     */
+    friend const Matrix operator +=( Matrix& leftM, float number );
+    /**@brief
+     * Compound substract with scalar.
+     * @return Same matrix to self Assign.
+     */
+    friend const Matrix operator -=( Matrix& leftM, float number );
+    /** @brief
+     * Adds two matrices of the same dimensions, element-by-element.
+     * If diferent dimensions -> ERROR.
+     * @return A new object Matrix with the result.
+     */
+    friend const Matrix operator +( const Matrix& leftM, const Matrix& rightM);
+    /** @brief
+     * Adds the given nomber to each element of matrix.
+     * Mimic MATLAB operation.
+     * @return A new matrix object with the result.
+     */
+    friend const Matrix operator +( const Matrix& leftM, float number );
+    /**@brief
+     * Adds the given number to each element in Matrix.
+     * @return A new Matrix object with the result.
+     */
+    friend const Matrix operator +( float number, const Matrix& leftM );
+    /**@brief
+     * Substracts two matrices of the same size, element-by-element.
+     * If different dimensions -> ERROR.
+     * @return  A new object Matrix with the result.
+     */
+    friend const Matrix operator -( const Matrix& leftM, const Matrix& rightM );
+    /**@brief
+     * Substracts each element in Matrix by number.
+     * @return A new matrix object with the result.
+     */
+    friend const Matrix operator -( const Matrix& leftM, float number );
+    /**@brief
+     * Substracts each element in Matrix by number
+     * @return A new matrix object with the result.
+     */
+    friend const Matrix operator -( float number, const Matrix& leftM );
+    /**
+     * Preforms Crossproduct between two matrices.
+     * @return
+     */
+    friend const Matrix operator *( const Matrix& leftM, const Matrix& rightM );
+    /**@brief
+     * Multiplies a scalar number with each element on Matrix.
+     * @return A new object with the result.
+     */
+    friend const Matrix operator *( const Matrix& leftM, float number );
+    /**@brief
+     * Multiplies a scalar number with each element on Matrix.
+     * @return
+     */
+    friend const Matrix operator *( float number, const Matrix& leftM );
+    /**@brief
+     * Inputs numbres into a Matrix, the matrix needs to be costructed as
+     * Matrix( _nRows, _nCols ).
+     * This does NOT work on an only declared Matrix such as:
+     * Matrix obj;
+     * obj << 5; //Error
+     * @return
+     */
+    friend Matrix& operator <<( Matrix& leftM, float number );
+    /** @brief
+     * Returns TRUE if the matrix is zero, FALSE otherwhise
+     * @param mat: Matrix to be tested
+     */
+    bool isZero() const;
+    /** @brief
+     * Determines weather a Matrix is a Single Column or Row.
+     */
+    bool isVector() const;
+    /** @brief
+     * Shatters the matrix into a single Row Vector.
+     * Important: Returns NEW matrix, does no modify existing one.
+     */
+    static const Matrix ToPackedVector( const Matrix& Mat );
+    /** @brief
+     * Invoking this static method will increase a Row in Mat in the desired
+     * position.
+     * The current Row will be moved down to allocate space, and all elements will
+     * be initialized to zero in the new row.
+     * @param Mat: Matrix in wich to insert a Row
+     * @param Row: Number of row to insert, starts with one, not zero.
+     */
+    static void AddRow( Matrix& Mat, int index );
+    /**@brief
+     * Adds to Receip a new Row from another Matrix in desired index.
+     * Must be same size.
+     * The Row matrix must be SingleRow Matrix, you can use ExportRow
+     * to extract a Row from another Matrix.
+     * @param Receip Matrix to be Modified.
+     * @param Row Row to be added.
+     * @param index position in wich to be added, _nRow + 1 last position.
+     */
+    static void AddRow( Matrix& Receip, const Matrix& Row, int index );
+    /** @brief
+     * Invoking this static method will increase a Column in Matrix in the
+     * desired Position.
+     * @param Mat: Matrix in wich to insert a Column
+     * @param Col: Number of column, strats with one, not zero.
+     */
+    static void AddCol( Matrix& Mat, int index );
+    /**@brief
+     * This will copy a Column Matrix into Receip in desired Position,
+     * Must be same size.
+     * The Col Matrix must be a SingleCol Matrix, you can use ExportCol
+     * to extract a Column from another Matrix.
+     * @param Receip Matrix to be modified.
+     * @param Column Data to be copied.
+     * @param index Postion in Receip Matrix .
+     */
+    static void AddCol( Matrix& Receip, const Matrix& Col, int index  );
+    /** @brief
+     * Static Function Deletes Row from Matrix, Static to prevent missuse
+     * @param Mat: Matrix to delete Row from
+     * @param Row: Number of Row (first Row = 1)
+     */
+    static void DeleteRow( Matrix& Mat, int Row );
+    /** @brief
+     * Static Function Deletes Column from Matrix, it's Static to prevent
+     * missuse.
+     * Print error and does nothing if out of limits.
+     * @param Col: Number of Col to delete (first Col = 1)
+     * @param Mat: Matrix to delete from.
+     */
+    static void DeleteCol( Matrix& Mat, int Col );
+     /** @brief
+     * This method extracts a Row from a Matrix and Saves it in Mat.
+     * If Row is out of the parameters it does nothing, but prints a warning.
+     * @param Row: number of row to extract elements. this->_nRows.
+     * @param Mat: Matrix to extract from.
+     * @return New Row Matrix.
+     */
+     static const Matrix ExportRow( const Matrix& Mat, int row );
+    /** @brief
+     * This method extracts a Column from a Matrix and returns the Column
+     * as a new Matrix.
+     * If Row is out of the parameters, it does nothing and prints a warning.
+     * @param Col: number of Column to extract elements. this->_nCols.
+     * @param Mat: Matrix to extract from.
+     * @return New Row Matrix.
+     */
+     static const Matrix ExportCol( const Matrix& Mat, int col );
+    /** @brief
+     * This function resizes the Matrix to fit new data or cropped it,
+     * operator << can overwrite entire Matrix.
+     *
+     * @param Rows: New Number of Rows
+     * @param Cols: New numbler of columns
+     */
+    void Resize( int Rows, int Cols );
+    /** @brief
+     * Asks user for numbers to fill the Matrix elements, one by one.
+     * It uses printf(); by default the USBTX, USBRX, 9600, 1N8.
+     */
+    virtual void FillMatrix();
+    /** @brief
+     * Prints the entire Matrix using standard PRINTF
+     */
+    virtual void print() const;
+    /** @brief
+     * Makes all values on Matrix object zero.
+     * Also make posible use the '<<' operator to add elements and keep
+     * track of last element added.
+     */
+    void Clear();
+    /** @brief
+     * Assigns a float number to the matrix in a specified position
+     * Index starts at [1][1].
+     *
+     * @param number:   Number to be set
+     * @param Row:      Row of Matrix
+     * @param Col:      Column of Matrix
+     */
+    void add( int Row, int Col, float number );
+    /** @brief
+     * Returns the sum of every cell in the Matrix.
+     */
+    float sum() const;
+    /** @brief
+     * Return the number in position [Row],[Col]
+     * @param Row = number of row in matrix
+     * @param Col = number of Col in matrix
+     * @return Num = float number in matrix
+     */
+    float getNumber( int Row, int Col ) const;
+    /**@brief
+     * Retuns the number of Columns in Matrix, index starts at 1.
+     */
+    int  getCols() const;
+    /**@brief
+     *Retruns the number of Rows in Matrix, index starts at 1.
+     */
+    int  getRows() const;
+    /** 2-D Vector Array*/
+    vector < vector<float> > _matrix;
+    /** Number of Rows in Matrix*/
+    int _nRows;
+    /**Number of Columns in Matrix*/
+    int _nCols;
+    /**Last Element Row position in Matrix*/
+    int _pRow;
+    /**Last Element Col position in Matrix*/
+    int _pCol;
+#endif    /* MATRIX_H */
diff -r 000000000000 -r 4ff90c5befd9 Operators.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Operators.cpp	Tue Jun 14 07:37:36 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+ * @brief  Source Code for the Operator of Matrix Class.
+ * @file   Operators.cpp
+ * @author Ernesto Palacios
+ * 
+ * Created on September 2011.
+ *
+ * Develop Under  GPL v3.0 License
+ *
+ * 
+ */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Matrix.h"
+/// Subindex in Matrix left side
+float& Matrix::operator ()(int row, int col)
+    --row; --col;
+    if( row >= _nRows || col >= _nCols)
+    {
+        printf("\n\nError:\nOut of limits @ Matrix::operator()\n");
+    }else{
+        return _matrix[row][col];
+    }
+/// Subindex in Matrix right side
+float Matrix::operator ()(int row, int col) const
+    --row; --col;
+    if( row >= _nRows || col >= _nCols)
+    {
+        printf("\n\nError:\nOut of limits @ Matrix::operator()\n");
+    }else{
+        return _matrix[row][col];
+    }
+/// Overloaded Asign Operator. Resizes Matrix
+Matrix& Matrix::operator = ( const Matrix& rightM )
+    if (this != &rightM )
+    {
+         _nRows = rightM._nRows;
+         _nCols = rightM._nCols;
+         _matrix.resize( rightM._nRows );
+         for( int i = 0; i < rightM._nRows; i++ )
+             _matrix [i].resize(rightM._nCols);
+         for( int i = 0; i < _nRows; i++ )
+             for( int j = 0; j < _nCols; j++ )
+                 _matrix[i][j] = rightM._matrix[i][j];
+    }
+     return *this;
+const Matrix Matrix::operator -()
+    Matrix result( _nRows, _nCols );
+     for( int i = 0; i < _nRows; i++ )
+           for( int j = 0; j < _nCols; j++ )
+              result._matrix[i][j] = _matrix[i][j] * -1;
+    return result;
+/// Comapre element by element
+bool operator == ( const Matrix& leftM, const Matrix& rightM )
+    if( leftM._nRows == rightM._nRows  &&  leftM._nCols == rightM._nCols )
+    {
+        bool equal = false;
+        for( int i = 0; i < leftM._nRows; i++ )
+            for( int j = 0; j < leftM._nCols; j++ )
+                if( leftM._matrix[i][j] != rightM._matrix[i][j] )
+                    equal = equal || true;
+        return !equal;
+    }else{  return false;  }
+/// Calls for '==' operator
+bool operator != ( const Matrix& leftM, const Matrix& rightM )
+    return !( leftM == rightM );
+/// Matrices must be same size.
+/// Element by element adition.
+Matrix& operator +=( Matrix& leftM, const Matrix& rightM )
+    if( leftM._nRows == rightM._nRows  &&  leftM._nCols == rightM._nCols )
+    {
+        for( int i = 0; i < leftM._nRows; i++ )
+            for( int j = 0; j < leftM._nCols; j++ )
+                leftM._matrix[i][j] += rightM._matrix[i][j];
+        return leftM;
+    }else{ printf( "\n\nERROR:\nDiferent Dimensions @ += operator\n" );  }
+/// Matrices must be same size.
+/// Element by element Substraction
+Matrix& operator -=( Matrix& leftM, const Matrix& rightM )
+    if( leftM._nRows == rightM._nRows  &&  leftM._nCols == rightM._nCols )
+    {
+        for( int i = 0; i < leftM._nRows; i++ )
+            for( int j = 0; j < leftM._nCols; j++ )
+                leftM._matrix[i][j] -= rightM._matrix[i][j];
+        return leftM;
+    }else{
+        printf( "\n\nERROR:\nDiferent Dimensions @ -= operator\n" );
+    }
+Matrix& operator *=( Matrix& leftM, const Matrix& rightM )
+    if( leftM._nCols == rightM._nRows )
+    {
+        Matrix resultM ( leftM._nRows, rightM._nCols );
+        for( int i = 0; i < resultM._nRows; i++ )
+            for( int j = 0; j < resultM._nCols; j++ )
+                for( int m = 0; m < rightM._nRows; m++ )
+                    resultM._matrix[i][j] += leftM._matrix[i][m] * rightM._matrix[m][j];
+        return resultM;
+    }else{
+        printf( "\n\nERROR:\nDiferent Dimensions @ *= operator\n" );
+    }
+Matrix& operator *=( Matrix& leftM, float number )
+    for( int i = 0; i < leftM._nRows; i++ )
+            for( int j = 0; j < leftM._nCols; j++ )
+                leftM._matrix[i][j] *= number;
+    return leftM;
+// Overload operators
+const Matrix operator +=( Matrix& leftM, float number )
+    for( int i = 0; i < leftM._nRows; i++ )
+           for( int j = 0; j < leftM._nCols; j++ )
+              leftM._matrix[i][j] += number;
+    return leftM;
+const Matrix operator -=( Matrix& leftM, float number )
+    for( int i = 0; i < leftM._nRows; i++ )
+           for( int j = 0; j < leftM._nCols; j++ )
+              leftM._matrix[i][j] -= number;
+    return leftM;
+const Matrix operator +( const Matrix& leftM, const Matrix& rightM)
+    if( leftM._nRows == rightM._nRows  &&  leftM._nCols == rightM._nCols )
+    {
+        Matrix result( leftM._nRows, leftM._nCols );
+        for( int i = 0; i < leftM._nRows; i++ )
+           for( int j = 0; j < leftM._nCols; j++ )
+              result._matrix[i][j] = leftM._matrix[i][j] + rightM._matrix[i][j];
+        return result;
+    }else{
+        printf( "\n\nERROR\nDiferent Dimensions @ + operator \n" );
+        //Matrix error(4);
+        //error.Clear();
+        //return error;
+    }
+const Matrix operator +( const Matrix& leftM, float number )
+    Matrix result( leftM._nRows, leftM._nCols );
+    for( int i = 0; i < leftM._nRows; i++ )
+        for( int j = 0; j < leftM._nCols; j++ )
+            result._matrix[i][j] = leftM._matrix[i][j] + number;
+    return result;
+const Matrix operator +( float number, const Matrix& leftM )
+    return ( leftM + number );
+const Matrix operator -( const Matrix& leftM, const Matrix& rightM )
+    if( leftM._nRows == rightM._nRows  &&  leftM._nCols == rightM._nCols )
+    {
+        Matrix result( leftM._nRows, leftM._nCols );
+        for( int i = 0; i < leftM._nRows; i++ )
+           for( int j = 0; j < leftM._nCols; j++ )
+              result._matrix[i][j] = leftM._matrix[i][j] - rightM._matrix[i][j];
+        return result;
+    }else{
+        printf( "\n\nERROR:\nDiferent Dimensions @ + operator \n" );
+    }
+const Matrix operator -( const Matrix& leftM, float number )
+    Matrix result( leftM._nRows, leftM._nCols );
+    for( int i = 0; i < leftM._nRows; i++ )
+       for( int j = 0; j < leftM._nCols; j++ )
+          result._matrix[i][j] = leftM._matrix[i][j] - number;
+    return result;
+const Matrix operator -( float number, const Matrix& leftM )
+    return ( leftM - number );
+const Matrix operator *( const Matrix& leftM, const Matrix& rightM )
+    if( leftM._nCols == rightM._nRows )
+    {
+        Matrix resultM ( leftM._nRows, rightM._nCols );
+        resultM.Clear();
+        for( int i = 0; i < resultM._nRows; i++ )
+            for( int j = 0; j < resultM._nCols; j++ )
+                for( int m = 0; m < rightM._nRows; m++ )
+                    resultM._matrix[i][j] += leftM._matrix[i][m] * rightM._matrix[m][j];
+        return resultM;
+    } else {
+        printf("\n\nERROR:\nDiferent Dimension matrices @ * operator");
+    }
+const Matrix operator *( const Matrix& leftM, float number )
+    Matrix result( leftM._nRows, leftM._nCols );
+    for( int i = 0; i < leftM._nRows; i++ )
+       for( int j = 0; j < leftM._nCols; j++ )
+          result._matrix[i][j] = leftM._matrix[i][j] * number;
+    return result;
+const Matrix operator *( float number, const Matrix& leftM )
+    return ( leftM * number );
+Matrix& operator <<( Matrix& leftM, float number )
+    if( leftM._pCol == leftM._nCols ) //end of Row
+    {
+        leftM._pCol = 0;
+        leftM._pRow++;
+    }
+    if( leftM._pRow > leftM._nRows )
+    {
+        printf( "\n\nERROR:\nAssignment out of limits @ << operator" );
+        return leftM;
+    }else{
+        leftM._matrix[ leftM._pRow ][ leftM._pCol ] = number;
+        leftM._pCol++;
+        return leftM;
+    }