MPU6050 FreeIMU library

Dependents:   FreeIMU FreeIMU_external_magnetometer

Fork of MPU6050_tmp by Aloïs Wolff

Async MPU6050 library

My port of the MPU6050 library samples the chip at 500Hz using Timer. Async I2C is achieved using a custom I2C library, which supports I2C calls from interrupts. Link given below:

Import libraryMODI2C

Improvements to Olieman's MODI2C library. Supports calls from IRQ.

Difference between this port and the Arduino MPU6050 library

The getMotion6 function only returns a copy of the last obtained readings, which is sampled at a frequency of 500Hz (adjustable). Hence it can be called at any frequency without taxing the I2C.

--- a/I2Cdev.h	Sat Nov 09 08:51:07 2013 +0000
+++ b/I2Cdev.h	Mon Dec 23 08:34:58 2013 +0000
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@
         char* allocbuffer();
         void freebuffer();
-        MemoryPool<char[20], 20> pool;
-        Queue<char, 20> queue;
+        MemoryPool<char[14], 16> pool;
+        Queue<char, 16> queue;
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