ICRS Eurobot 2013

Dependencies:   mbed mbed-rtos Servo QEI


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
20:70d651156779 2013-04-09 madcowswe Predict loop running, update loop not done. default tip
19:4b993a9a156e 2013-04-07 madcowswe Kalman init almost ready for testing
18:10adf96f5416 2013-04-07 madcowswe Oliver, tune this!
17:6263e90bf3ba 2013-04-07 madcowswe Still fixing init in kalman
16:52250d8d8fce 2013-04-07 madcowswe Kalman init half done
15:9c5aaeda36dc 2013-04-06 madcowswe Encoders fairly tuned, still has random noise in it
14:c638d4b9ee94 2013-04-06 madcowswe merged
13:76c9915db820 2013-04-06 madcowswe Still working on feedback test
12:d4b5851742a3 2013-04-05 twighk Printing Thread prints stuff
11:bbddc908c78c 2013-04-05 twighk neater;
10:1f0cf0182067 2013-04-05 twighk merge fix;
9:960410a01e6b 2013-04-05 twighk update to formula in cake sensor, as the 6cm point is not precice
8:69bdf20cb525 2013-04-04 twighk CakeSensor, may need recalibration for cake;
7:4340355261f9 2013-04-05 madcowswe Cleaned up bullshit uneeded stuff
6:995b3679155f 2013-04-05 madcowswe Added pinouts
5:56a5fdd373c9 2013-04-04 madcowswe Removed e stop button code, as power will be used through the button instead.
4:1be0f6c6ceae 2013-04-03 twighk State on 3rd of april
3:717de74f6ebd 2013-04-01 twighk Colour sensor, red SnR too Low
2:45da48fab346 2013-03-29 twighk Emergency Stop Button, Derive all actuator classes from the base class, and implement a virtual halt function that releases power from them
1:8119211eae14 2013-03-29 twighk Arms / servos
0:200635fa1b08 2013-03-29 twighk Main motors and motor encoders