Buffer -> MyBuff

Dependencies:   Buffer SoftSerial

Fork of BufferedSoftSerial by Erik -

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Mon Mar 24 19:56:57 2014 +0000
Commit message:
Updated example in documentation. Tested with mbed.bld 81 and works with LPC1768, LPC11U24, KL25Z, KL46Z, KL05Z

Changed in this revision

BufferedSerial.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/BufferedSerial.h	Mon Dec 30 18:16:39 2013 +0000
+++ b/BufferedSerial.h	Mon Mar 24 19:56:57 2014 +0000
@@ -40,26 +40,24 @@
  *  BufferedSerial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
  *  int main()
- *  {
- *      pc.baud(115200);
- *    
+ *  { 
  *      while(1)
  *      {
  *          Timer s;
  *          s.start();
- *          pc.printf("Hello World - buff\n");
+ *          pc.printf("Hello World - buffered\n");
  *          int buffered_time = s.read_us();
  *          wait(0.1f); // give time for the buffer to empty
  *          s.reset();
- *          printf("Hello World - poll\n");
+ *          printf("Hello World - blocking\n");
  *          int polled_time = s.read_us();
  *          s.stop();
  *          wait(0.1f); // give time for the buffer to empty
  *          pc.printf("printf buffered took %d us\n", buffered_time);
- *          pc.printf("printf polled took %d us\n", polled_time);
+ *          pc.printf("printf blocking took %d us\n", polled_time);
  *          wait(0.5f);
  *      }
  *  }