Modified Bomberman Game in mbed

Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE USBDevice mbed

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00001 // uLCD-144-G2 demo program for uLCD-4GL LCD driver library
00002 //
00003 #include "mbed.h"
00004 #include "uLCD_4DGL.h"
00005 #include "rtos.h"
00007 Ticker dirSet; 
00008 Ticker XorY;
00009 Serial pc (USBTX,USBRX);
00010 Mutex mutex;
00012 uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p9,p10,p11); // serial tx, serial rx, reset pin;
00013 float fx1=rand()%100+1,fy1=rand()%100+1,fx2=rand()%100+1,fy2=rand()%100+1,fx3=rand()%100+1,fy3=rand()%100+1, vx=1, vy=1;
00014 int x1=(int)fx1,y1=(int)fy1,x2=(int)fx2,y2=(int)fy2,x3=(int)fx3,y3=(int)fy3, radius=3;
00015 int xory1;
00016 int xory2;
00017 int xdir1; 
00018 int xdir2;
00019 int ydir1;
00020 int ydir2;
00021 int hit1=0;
00022 int hit2=0;
00023 int timer=0;
00024 int x4;
00025 int y4;
00026 char move;
00028 void drawWalls() {
00029     //draw walls
00030     uLCD.line(0, 0, 127, 0, WHITE);
00031     uLCD.line(127, 0, 127, 127, WHITE);
00032     uLCD.line(127, 127, 0, 127, WHITE);
00033     uLCD.line(0, 127, 0, 0, WHITE);
00034 }
00036 void setxory(){
00037     xory1 = rand()%2;
00038     xory2 = rand()%2;
00039 }
00041 void setDir(){
00042     //set value of movement left/right and up/down
00043     xdir1 = rand()%2;
00044     ydir1 = rand()%2;
00045     xdir2 = rand()%2;
00046     ydir2 = rand()%2;
00047 }
00049 void drawBaddie1() {
00050     //draw baddie1
00051     uLCD.filled_circle(x1, y1, radius, RED);
00052 }
00054 void drawBaddie2() {  
00055     //draw baddie2  
00056     uLCD.filled_circle(x2, y2, radius, RED);
00057 }
00058 void eraseBaddie1() {
00059     //erase old baddie1's locations
00060     uLCD.filled_circle(x1, y1, radius, BLACK);
00061 }
00062 void eraseBaddie2() {
00063     //erase old baddie2's locations
00064     uLCD.filled_circle(x2, y2, radius, BLACK);
00065 }
00066 void moveBaddie1() {
00067     //move baddie1
00068     if (xory1==0){
00069         if ((xdir1==0)||(x1<=radius+1)) fx1=fx1+vx;
00070         if ((xdir1==1)||(x1>=126-radius)) fx1=fx1-vx;
00071     } else if (xory1==1){
00072         if ((ydir1==0)||(y1<=radius+1)) fy1=fy1+vy;
00073         if ((ydir1==1)||(y1>=126-radius)) fy1=fy1-vy;
00074     }
00075     x1=(int)fx1;
00076     y1=(int)fy1;
00077 }
00079 void moveBaddie2() {
00080     //move baddie2
00081     if (xory2==0){
00082         if ((xdir2==0)||(x2<=radius+1)) fx2=fx2+vx;
00083         if ((xdir2==1)||(x2>=126-radius)) fx2=fx2-vx;
00084     } else if (xory1==1){
00085         if ((ydir2==0)||(y2<=radius+1)) fy2=fy2+vy;
00086         if ((ydir2==1)||(y2>=126-radius)) fy2=fy2-vy;
00087     }
00088     x2=(int)fx2;
00089     y2=(int)fy2;
00090 }
00092 void drawHero() {
00093     //draw Hero
00094     uLCD.filled_circle(x3, y3, radius, GREEN);
00095 }
00097 void eraseHero() {
00098     //erase old hero's location
00099     uLCD.filled_circle(x3, y3, radius, BLACK);
00100 }
00102 void moveHero() {
00103     //move hero's location
00104     if (pc.readable()){
00105         move = pc.getc();
00106         if ((move=='d')||(x3<=radius+1)) fx3=fx3+2;
00107         else if ((move=='a')||(x3>=126-radius)) fx3=fx3-2;
00108         else if ((move=='s')||(y3<=radius+1)) fy3=fy3+2;
00109         else if ((move=='w')||(y3>=126-radius)) fy3=fy3-2;
00110     }
00111     x3=(int)fx3;
00112     y3=(int)fy3;
00113 }
00114 void bomb() {
00115     if (move=='m'){
00116         pc.printf("Boooooom!\n\r");    
00117         x4=x3;
00118         y4=y3;
00119         while(timer<=50){  
00120             uLCD.filled_circle(x4,y4,radius,BLUE);    
00121             drawHero();
00122             eraseHero();
00123             moveHero();
00124             drawHero();
00125             drawBaddie1();
00126             eraseBaddie1();        
00127             moveBaddie1();
00128             drawBaddie1();
00129             drawBaddie2();
00130             eraseBaddie2();        
00131             moveBaddie2();
00132             drawBaddie2();
00133             timer++;
00134         }
00135         timer=0;
00136         uLCD.filled_rectangle(x4+3, y4+20, x4-3, y4-20, BLUE);
00137         uLCD.filled_rectangle(x4+20, y4+3, x4-20, y4-3, BLUE);
00138         wait(1);
00139         uLCD.filled_rectangle(x4+3, y4+20, x4-3, y4-20, BLACK);
00140         uLCD.filled_rectangle(x4+20, y4+3, x4-20, y4-3, BLACK);
00141         if ((((x1-radius)<=(x4+20))&&((y1>=y4-5)&&(y1<=y4+5)))&&(((x1+radius)>=(x4-20))&&((y1>=y4-5)&&(y1<=y4+5)))){
00142             hit1=1;
00143             eraseBaddie1();
00144         }
00145         else if((((y1-radius)<=(y4+20))&&((x1>=x4-5)&&(x1<=x4+5)))&&(((y1-radius)>=(y4-20))&&((x1>=x4-5)&&(x1<=x4+5)))){
00146             hit1=1;
00147             eraseBaddie1();
00148         }
00149         else if ((((x2-radius)<=(x4+20))&&((y2>=y4-5)&&(y2<=y4+5)))&&(((x2+radius)>=(x4-20))&&((y2>=y4-5)&&(y2<=y4+5)))){
00150             hit2=1;
00151             eraseBaddie2();
00152         }
00153         else if ((((y2-radius)<=(y4+20))&&((x2>=x4-5)&&(x2<=x4+5)))&&(((y2-radius)>=(y4-20))&&((x2>=x4-5)&&(x2<=x4+5)))){
00154             hit2=1;
00155             eraseBaddie1();
00156         }
00157     }
00158 }
00160 int main(){
00161     uLCD.baudrate(300000);
00162     uLCD.background_color(BLACK);
00163     uLCD.cls();
00164     uLCD.text_width(1);
00165     uLCD.text_height(1);
00166     uLCD.printf("Modified Bomberman\n\r\n\rPress s\n\rto start Game");
00167     if(pc.getc()=='s'){
00168         uLCD.background_color(BLACK);
00169         uLCD.cls();
00170     }
00171     drawWalls();
00172     XorY.attach(&setxory, 0.5);
00173     dirSet.attach(&setDir,0.5);
00174     while(1){ 
00175         drawHero();
00176         eraseHero();
00177         moveHero();
00178         bomb();
00179         drawHero();  
00180         if(hit1!=1){    
00181             drawBaddie1();
00182             eraseBaddie1();        
00183             moveBaddie1();
00184             drawBaddie1();
00185         }
00186          if(hit2!=1){
00187             drawBaddie2();
00188             eraseBaddie2();        
00189             moveBaddie2();
00190             drawBaddie2();
00191         }
00192         if(hit1==1&&hit2==1)
00193         {
00194             uLCD.cls();
00195             uLCD.printf("YOU WIN!");
00196             break;
00197         }
00198     }
00199 }