MicroBit Project #02 for INF 294

Project description:

Using code for MicroBit built in C/C++, activate each LED in the matrix at random until the matrix is fully lit. Clear the field and repeat on loop.

This problem was solved by C.Schultz.

Algorithm as follows:

Instantiate a MicroBit object

Assign variables for plotting LED values x(row), y(column)

In main method:

Initialize MicroBit

While the fiber is open

set a counter to zero

while the counter is less than 25 (number of possible LEDs)

generate random values to activate an LED

get the value of the next randomly picked LED and test if it is equal to 0

if true, set the brightness value to 255 and iterate the counter

if false, jump to top of loop without further action

when counter equals 25:

clear full matrix field

set counter to 0

outer loop is unending


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