Memory to Memory DMA demo from CMSIS example. This demo execute 1000 times of 32 word memory to memory DMA (copy), and also measures number of dummy loop execution during DMA cylcles. Line 56 of "DMA_M2M.c" can change DMA source. where; 1)static : source is SRAM 2)const : source is Flash ROM

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00001 /***********************************************************************//**
00002  * @file        lpc17xx_gpdma.h
00003  * @brief        Contains all macro definitions and function prototypes
00004  *                 support for GPDMA firmware library on LPC17xx
00005  * @version        2.0
00006  * @date        21. May. 2010
00007  * @author        NXP MCU SW Application Team
00008  **************************************************************************
00009  * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
00010  * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
00011  * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
00012  * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
00013  * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
00014  * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
00015  * reserves the right to make changes in the software without
00016  * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
00017  * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
00018  * use without further testing or modification.
00019  **************************************************************************/
00021 /* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */
00022 /** @defgroup GPDMA GPDMA
00023  * @ingroup LPC1700CMSIS_FwLib_Drivers
00024  * @{
00025  */
00027 #ifndef LPC17XX_GPDMA_H_
00028 #define LPC17XX_GPDMA_H_
00030 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00031 #include "LPC17xx.h"
00032 #include "lpc_types.h"
00035 #ifdef __cplusplus
00036 extern "C"
00037 {
00038 #endif
00040 /* Public Macros -------------------------------------------------------------- */
00041 /** @defgroup GPDMA_Public_Macros GPDMA Public Macros
00042  * @{
00043  */
00045 /** Peripheral declaration   */
00046 #define DMAREQSEL                      (*(__IO uint32_t *)  ( 0x4000C1C4))
00048 /** DMA Connection number definitions */
00049 #define GPDMA_CONN_SSP0_Tx             ((0UL))         /**< SSP0 Tx */
00050 #define GPDMA_CONN_SSP0_Rx             ((1UL))         /**< SSP0 Rx */
00051 #define GPDMA_CONN_SSP1_Tx             ((2UL))         /**< SSP1 Tx */
00052 #define GPDMA_CONN_SSP1_Rx             ((3UL))         /**< SSP1 Rx */
00053 #define GPDMA_CONN_ADC                 ((4UL))         /**< ADC */
00054 #define GPDMA_CONN_I2S_Channel_0       ((5UL))         /**< I2S channel 0 */
00055 #define GPDMA_CONN_I2S_Channel_1       ((6UL))         /**< I2S channel 1 */
00056 #define GPDMA_CONN_DAC                 ((7UL))         /**< DAC */
00057 #define GPDMA_CONN_UART0_Tx            ((8UL))         /**< UART0 Tx */
00058 #define GPDMA_CONN_UART0_Rx            ((9UL))         /**< UART0 Rx */
00059 #define GPDMA_CONN_UART1_Tx            ((10UL))         /**< UART1 Tx */
00060 #define GPDMA_CONN_UART1_Rx            ((11UL))         /**< UART1 Rx */
00061 #define GPDMA_CONN_UART2_Tx            ((12UL))         /**< UART2 Tx */
00062 #define GPDMA_CONN_UART2_Rx            ((13UL))         /**< UART2 Rx */
00063 #define GPDMA_CONN_UART3_Tx            ((14UL))         /**< UART3 Tx */
00064 #define GPDMA_CONN_UART3_Rx            ((15UL))         /**< UART3 Rx */
00065 #define GPDMA_CONN_MAT0_0              ((16UL))         /**< MAT0.0 */
00066 #define GPDMA_CONN_MAT0_1              ((17UL))         /**< MAT0.1 */
00067 #define GPDMA_CONN_MAT1_0              ((18UL))         /**< MAT1.0 */
00068 #define GPDMA_CONN_MAT1_1              ((19UL))         /**< MAT1.1 */
00069 #define GPDMA_CONN_MAT2_0              ((20UL))         /**< MAT2.0 */
00070 #define GPDMA_CONN_MAT2_1              ((21UL))         /**< MAT2.1 */
00071 #define GPDMA_CONN_MAT3_0              ((22UL))         /**< MAT3.0 */
00072 #define GPDMA_CONN_MAT3_1              ((23UL))         /**< MAT3.1 */
00074 /** GPDMA Transfer type definitions */
00075 #define GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_M2M         ((0UL))     /**< Memory to memory - DMA control */
00076 #define GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_M2P         ((1UL))     /**< Memory to peripheral - DMA control */
00077 #define GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_P2M         ((2UL))     /**< Peripheral to memory - DMA control */
00078 #define GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_P2P         ((3UL))     /**< Source peripheral to destination peripheral - DMA control */
00080 /** Burst size in Source and Destination definitions */
00081 #define GPDMA_BSIZE_1      ((0UL)) /**< Burst size = 1 */
00082 #define GPDMA_BSIZE_4      ((1UL)) /**< Burst size = 4 */
00083 #define GPDMA_BSIZE_8      ((2UL)) /**< Burst size = 8 */
00084 #define GPDMA_BSIZE_16     ((3UL)) /**< Burst size = 16 */
00085 #define GPDMA_BSIZE_32     ((4UL)) /**< Burst size = 32 */
00086 #define GPDMA_BSIZE_64     ((5UL)) /**< Burst size = 64 */
00087 #define GPDMA_BSIZE_128    ((6UL)) /**< Burst size = 128 */
00088 #define GPDMA_BSIZE_256    ((7UL)) /**< Burst size = 256 */
00090 /** Width in Source transfer width and Destination transfer width definitions */
00091 #define GPDMA_WIDTH_BYTE         ((0UL)) /**< Width = 1 byte */
00092 #define GPDMA_WIDTH_HALFWORD     ((1UL)) /**< Width = 2 bytes */
00093 #define GPDMA_WIDTH_WORD         ((2UL)) /**< Width = 4 bytes */
00095 /** DMA Request Select Mode definitions */
00096 #define GPDMA_REQSEL_UART      ((0UL)) /**< UART TX/RX is selected */
00097 #define GPDMA_REQSEL_TIMER     ((1UL)) /**< Timer match is selected */
00099 /**
00100  * @}
00101  */
00104 /* Private Macros ------------------------------------------------------------- */
00105 /** @defgroup GPDMA_Private_Macros GPDMA Private Macros
00106  * @{
00107  */
00109 /* --------------------- BIT DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------- */
00110 /*********************************************************************//**
00111  * Macro defines for DMA Interrupt Status register
00112  **********************************************************************/
00113 #define GPDMA_DMACIntStat_Ch(n)            (((1UL<<n)&0xFF))
00114 #define GPDMA_DMACIntStat_BITMASK        ((0xFF))
00116 /*********************************************************************//**
00117  * Macro defines for DMA Interrupt Terminal Count Request Status register
00118  **********************************************************************/
00119 #define GPDMA_DMACIntTCStat_Ch(n)        (((1UL<<n)&0xFF))
00120 #define GPDMA_DMACIntTCStat_BITMASK        ((0xFF))
00122 /*********************************************************************//**
00123  * Macro defines for DMA Interrupt Terminal Count Request Clear register
00124  **********************************************************************/
00125 #define GPDMA_DMACIntTCClear_Ch(n)        (((1UL<<n)&0xFF))
00126 #define GPDMA_DMACIntTCClear_BITMASK    ((0xFF))
00128 /*********************************************************************//**
00129  * Macro defines for DMA Interrupt Error Status register
00130  **********************************************************************/
00131 #define GPDMA_DMACIntErrStat_Ch(n)        (((1UL<<n)&0xFF))
00132 #define GPDMA_DMACIntErrStat_BITMASK    ((0xFF))
00134 /*********************************************************************//**
00135  * Macro defines for DMA Interrupt Error Clear register
00136  **********************************************************************/
00137 #define GPDMA_DMACIntErrClr_Ch(n)        (((1UL<<n)&0xFF))
00138 #define GPDMA_DMACIntErrClr_BITMASK        ((0xFF))
00140 /*********************************************************************//**
00141  * Macro defines for DMA Raw Interrupt Terminal Count Status register
00142  **********************************************************************/
00143 #define GPDMA_DMACRawIntTCStat_Ch(n)    (((1UL<<n)&0xFF))
00144 #define GPDMA_DMACRawIntTCStat_BITMASK    ((0xFF))
00146 /*********************************************************************//**
00147  * Macro defines for DMA Raw Error Interrupt Status register
00148  **********************************************************************/
00149 #define GPDMA_DMACRawIntErrStat_Ch(n)    (((1UL<<n)&0xFF))
00150 #define GPDMA_DMACRawIntErrStat_BITMASK    ((0xFF))
00152 /*********************************************************************//**
00153  * Macro defines for DMA Enabled Channel register
00154  **********************************************************************/
00155 #define GPDMA_DMACEnbldChns_Ch(n)        (((1UL<<n)&0xFF))
00156 #define GPDMA_DMACEnbldChns_BITMASK        ((0xFF))
00158 /*********************************************************************//**
00159  * Macro defines for DMA Software Burst Request register
00160  **********************************************************************/
00161 #define    GPDMA_DMACSoftBReq_Src(n)        (((1UL<<n)&0xFFFF))
00162 #define GPDMA_DMACSoftBReq_BITMASK        ((0xFFFF))
00164 /*********************************************************************//**
00165  * Macro defines for DMA Software Single Request register
00166  **********************************************************************/
00167 #define GPDMA_DMACSoftSReq_Src(n)         (((1UL<<n)&0xFFFF))
00168 #define GPDMA_DMACSoftSReq_BITMASK        ((0xFFFF))
00170 /*********************************************************************//**
00171  * Macro defines for DMA Software Last Burst Request register
00172  **********************************************************************/
00173 #define GPDMA_DMACSoftLBReq_Src(n)        (((1UL<<n)&0xFFFF))
00174 #define GPDMA_DMACSoftLBReq_BITMASK        ((0xFFFF))
00176 /*********************************************************************//**
00177  * Macro defines for DMA Software Last Single Request register
00178  **********************************************************************/
00179 #define GPDMA_DMACSoftLSReq_Src(n)         (((1UL<<n)&0xFFFF))
00180 #define GPDMA_DMACSoftLSReq_BITMASK        ((0xFFFF))
00182 /*********************************************************************//**
00183  * Macro defines for DMA Configuration register
00184  **********************************************************************/
00185 #define GPDMA_DMACConfig_E                ((0x01))     /**< DMA Controller enable*/
00186 #define GPDMA_DMACConfig_M                ((0x02))     /**< AHB Master endianness configuration*/
00187 #define GPDMA_DMACConfig_BITMASK        ((0x03))
00189 /*********************************************************************//**
00190  * Macro defines for DMA Synchronization register
00191  **********************************************************************/
00192 #define GPDMA_DMACSync_Src(n)            (((1UL<<n)&0xFFFF))
00193 #define GPDMA_DMACSync_BITMASK            ((0xFFFF))
00195 /*********************************************************************//**
00196  * Macro defines for DMA Request Select register
00197  **********************************************************************/
00198 #define GPDMA_DMAReqSel_Input(n)        (((1UL<<(n-8))&0xFF))
00199 #define GPDMA_DMAReqSel_BITMASK            ((0xFF))
00201 /*********************************************************************//**
00202  * Macro defines for DMA Channel Linked List Item registers
00203  **********************************************************************/
00204 /** DMA Channel Linked List Item registers bit mask*/
00205 #define GPDMA_DMACCxLLI_BITMASK         ((0xFFFFFFFC))
00207 /*********************************************************************//**
00208  * Macro defines for DMA channel control registers
00209  **********************************************************************/
00210 #define GPDMA_DMACCxControl_TransferSize(n) (((n&0xFFF)<<0))     /**< Transfer size*/
00211 #define GPDMA_DMACCxControl_SBSize(n)        (((n&0x07)<<12))     /**< Source burst size*/
00212 #define GPDMA_DMACCxControl_DBSize(n)        (((n&0x07)<<15))     /**< Destination burst size*/
00213 #define GPDMA_DMACCxControl_SWidth(n)        (((n&0x07)<<18))     /**< Source transfer width*/
00214 #define GPDMA_DMACCxControl_DWidth(n)        (((n&0x07)<<21))     /**< Destination transfer width*/
00215 #define GPDMA_DMACCxControl_SI                ((1UL<<26))         /**< Source increment*/
00216 #define GPDMA_DMACCxControl_DI                ((1UL<<27))         /**< Destination increment*/
00217 #define GPDMA_DMACCxControl_Prot1            ((1UL<<28))         /**< Indicates that the access is in user mode or privileged mode*/
00218 #define GPDMA_DMACCxControl_Prot2            ((1UL<<29))         /**< Indicates that the access is bufferable or not bufferable*/
00219 #define GPDMA_DMACCxControl_Prot3            ((1UL<<30))         /**< Indicates that the access is cacheable or not cacheable*/
00220 #define GPDMA_DMACCxControl_I                ((1UL<<31))         /**< Terminal count interrupt enable bit */
00221 /** DMA channel control registers bit mask */
00222 #define GPDMA_DMACCxControl_BITMASK            ((0xFCFFFFFF))
00224 /*********************************************************************//**
00225  * Macro defines for DMA Channel Configuration registers
00226  **********************************************************************/
00227 #define GPDMA_DMACCxConfig_E                     ((1UL<<0))            /**< DMA control enable*/
00228 #define GPDMA_DMACCxConfig_SrcPeripheral(n)     (((n&0x1F)<<1))     /**< Source peripheral*/
00229 #define GPDMA_DMACCxConfig_DestPeripheral(n)     (((n&0x1F)<<6))     /**< Destination peripheral*/
00230 #define GPDMA_DMACCxConfig_TransferType(n)         (((n&0x7)<<11))     /**< This value indicates the type of transfer*/
00231 #define GPDMA_DMACCxConfig_IE                     ((1UL<<14))            /**< Interrupt error mask*/
00232 #define GPDMA_DMACCxConfig_ITC                     ((1UL<<15))         /**< Terminal count interrupt mask*/
00233 #define GPDMA_DMACCxConfig_L                     ((1UL<<16))         /**< Lock*/
00234 #define GPDMA_DMACCxConfig_A                     ((1UL<<17))         /**< Active*/
00235 #define GPDMA_DMACCxConfig_H                     ((1UL<<18))         /**< Halt*/
00236 /** DMA Channel Configuration registers bit mask */
00237 #define GPDMA_DMACCxConfig_BITMASK                ((0x7FFFF))
00239 /* ---------------- CHECK PARAMETER DEFINITIONS ---------------------------- */
00240 /* Macros check GPDMA channel */
00241 #define PARAM_GPDMA_CHANNEL(n)    ((n>=0) && (n<=7))
00243 /* Macros check GPDMA connection type */
00244 #define PARAM_GPDMA_CONN(n)        ((n==GPDMA_CONN_SSP0_Tx) || (n==GPDMA_CONN_SSP0_Rx) \
00245 || (n==GPDMA_CONN_SSP1_Tx) || (n==GPDMA_CONN_SSP1_Rx) \
00246 || (n==GPDMA_CONN_ADC) || (n==GPDMA_CONN_I2S_Channel_0) \
00247 || (n==GPDMA_CONN_I2S_Channel_1) || (n==GPDMA_CONN_DAC) \
00248 || (n==GPDMA_CONN_UART0_Tx) || (n==GPDMA_CONN_UART0_Rx) \
00249 || (n==GPDMA_CONN_UART1_Tx) || (n==GPDMA_CONN_UART1_Rx) \
00250 || (n==GPDMA_CONN_UART2_Tx) || (n==GPDMA_CONN_UART2_Rx) \
00251 || (n==GPDMA_CONN_UART3_Tx) || (n==GPDMA_CONN_UART3_Rx) \
00252 || (n==GPDMA_CONN_MAT0_0) || (n==GPDMA_CONN_MAT0_1) \
00253 || (n==GPDMA_CONN_MAT1_0) || (n==GPDMA_CONN_MAT1_1) \
00254 || (n==GPDMA_CONN_MAT2_0) || (n==GPDMA_CONN_MAT2_1) \
00255 || (n==GPDMA_CONN_MAT3_0) || (n==GPDMA_CONN_MAT3_1))
00257 /* Macros check GPDMA burst size type */
00258 #define PARAM_GPDMA_BSIZE(n)    ((n==GPDMA_BSIZE_1) || (n==GPDMA_BSIZE_4) \
00259 || (n==GPDMA_BSIZE_8) || (n==GPDMA_BSIZE_16) \
00260 || (n==GPDMA_BSIZE_32) || (n==GPDMA_BSIZE_64) \
00261 || (n==GPDMA_BSIZE_128) || (n==GPDMA_BSIZE_256))
00263 /* Macros check GPDMA width type */
00265 || (n==GPDMA_WIDTH_WORD))
00267 /* Macros check GPDMA status type */
00268 #define PARAM_GPDMA_STAT(n)    ((n==GPDMA_STAT_INT) || (n==GPDMA_STAT_INTTC) \
00272 /* Macros check GPDMA transfer type */
00276 /* Macros check GPDMA state clear type */
00279 /* Macros check GPDMA request select type */
00281 /**
00282  * @}
00283  */
00286 /* Public Types --------------------------------------------------------------- */
00287 /** @defgroup GPDMA_Public_Types GPDMA Public Types
00288  * @{
00289  */
00291 /**
00292  * @brief GPDMA Status enumeration
00293  */
00294 typedef enum {
00295     GPDMA_STAT_INT,            /**< GPDMA Interrupt Status */
00296     GPDMA_STAT_INTTC,        /**< GPDMA Interrupt Terminal Count Request Status */
00297     GPDMA_STAT_INTERR,        /**< GPDMA Interrupt Error Status */
00298     GPDMA_STAT_RAWINTTC,    /**< GPDMA Raw Interrupt Terminal Count Status */
00299     GPDMA_STAT_RAWINTERR,    /**< GPDMA Raw Error Interrupt Status */
00300     GPDMA_STAT_ENABLED_CH    /**< GPDMA Enabled Channel Status */
00301 } GPDMA_Status_Type;
00303 /**
00304  * @brief GPDMA Interrupt clear status enumeration
00305  */
00306 typedef enum{
00307     GPDMA_STATCLR_INTTC,    /**< GPDMA Interrupt Terminal Count Request Clear */
00308     GPDMA_STATCLR_INTERR    /**< GPDMA Interrupt Error Clear */
00309 }GPDMA_StateClear_Type;
00311 /**
00312  * @brief GPDMA Channel configuration structure type definition
00313  */
00314 typedef struct {
00315     uint32_t ChannelNum;     /**< DMA channel number, should be in
00316                                 range from 0 to 7.
00317                                 Note: DMA channel 0 has the highest priority
00318                                 and DMA channel 7 the lowest priority.
00319                                 */
00320     uint32_t TransferSize;    /**< Length/Size of transfer */
00321     uint32_t TransferWidth;    /**< Transfer width - used for TransferType is GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_M2M only */
00322     uint32_t SrcMemAddr;    /**< Physical Source Address, used in case TransferType is chosen as
00323                                  GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_M2M or GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_M2P */
00324     uint32_t DstMemAddr;    /**< Physical Destination Address, used in case TransferType is chosen as
00325                                  GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_M2M or GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_P2M */
00326     uint32_t TransferType;    /**< Transfer Type, should be one of the following:
00327                             - GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_M2M: Memory to memory - DMA control
00328                             - GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_M2P: Memory to peripheral - DMA control
00329                             - GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_P2M: Peripheral to memory - DMA control
00330                             - GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_P2P: Source peripheral to destination peripheral - DMA control
00331                             */
00332     uint32_t SrcConn;        /**< Peripheral Source Connection type, used in case TransferType is chosen as
00333                             GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_P2M or GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_P2P, should be one of
00334                             following:
00335                              - GPDMA_CONN_SSP0_Tx: SSP0, Tx
00336                              - GPDMA_CONN_SSP0_Rx: SSP0, Rx
00337                              - GPDMA_CONN_SSP1_Tx: SSP1, Tx
00338                              - GPDMA_CONN_SSP1_Rx: SSP1, Rx
00339                              - GPDMA_CONN_ADC: ADC
00340                              - GPDMA_CONN_I2S_Channel_0: I2S Channel 0
00341                              - GPDMA_CONN_I2S_Channel_1: I2S Channel 1
00342                              - GPDMA_CONN_DAC: DAC
00343                              - GPDMA_CONN_UART0_Tx_MAT0_0: UART0 Tx / MAT0.0
00344                              - GPDMA_CONN_UART0_Rx_MAT0_1: UART0 Rx / MAT0.1
00345                              - GPDMA_CONN_UART1_Tx_MAT1_0: UART1 Tx / MAT1.0
00346                              - GPDMA_CONN_UART1_Rx_MAT1_1: UART1 Rx / MAT1.1
00347                              - GPDMA_CONN_UART2_Tx_MAT2_0: UART2 Tx / MAT2.0
00348                              - GPDMA_CONN_UART2_Rx_MAT2_1: UART2 Rx / MAT2.1
00349                              - GPDMA_CONN_UART3_Tx_MAT3_0: UART3 Tx / MAT3.0
00350                              - GPDMA_CONN_UART3_Rx_MAT3_1: UART3 Rx / MAT3.1
00351                              */
00352     uint32_t DstConn;        /**< Peripheral Destination Connection type, used in case TransferType is chosen as
00353                             GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_M2P or GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_P2P, should be one of
00354                             following:
00355                              - GPDMA_CONN_SSP0_Tx: SSP0, Tx
00356                              - GPDMA_CONN_SSP0_Rx: SSP0, Rx
00357                              - GPDMA_CONN_SSP1_Tx: SSP1, Tx
00358                              - GPDMA_CONN_SSP1_Rx: SSP1, Rx
00359                              - GPDMA_CONN_ADC: ADC
00360                              - GPDMA_CONN_I2S_Channel_0: I2S Channel 0
00361                              - GPDMA_CONN_I2S_Channel_1: I2S Channel 1
00362                              - GPDMA_CONN_DAC: DAC
00363                              - GPDMA_CONN_UART0_Tx_MAT0_0: UART0 Tx / MAT0.0
00364                              - GPDMA_CONN_UART0_Rx_MAT0_1: UART0 Rx / MAT0.1
00365                              - GPDMA_CONN_UART1_Tx_MAT1_0: UART1 Tx / MAT1.0
00366                              - GPDMA_CONN_UART1_Rx_MAT1_1: UART1 Rx / MAT1.1
00367                              - GPDMA_CONN_UART2_Tx_MAT2_0: UART2 Tx / MAT2.0
00368                              - GPDMA_CONN_UART2_Rx_MAT2_1: UART2 Rx / MAT2.1
00369                              - GPDMA_CONN_UART3_Tx_MAT3_0: UART3 Tx / MAT3.0
00370                              - GPDMA_CONN_UART3_Rx_MAT3_1: UART3 Rx / MAT3.1
00371                              */
00372     uint32_t DMALLI;        /**< Linker List Item structure data address
00373                             if there's no Linker List, set as '0'
00374                             */
00375 } GPDMA_Channel_CFG_Type;
00377 /**
00378  * @brief GPDMA Linker List Item structure type definition
00379  */
00380 typedef struct {
00381     uint32_t SrcAddr;    /**< Source Address */
00382     uint32_t DstAddr;    /**< Destination address */
00383     uint32_t NextLLI;    /**< Next LLI address, otherwise set to '0' */
00384     uint32_t Control;    /**< GPDMA Control of this LLI */
00385 } GPDMA_LLI_Type;
00388 /**
00389  * @}
00390  */
00392 /* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */
00393 /** @defgroup GPDMA_Public_Functions GPDMA Public Functions
00394  * @{
00395  */
00397 void GPDMA_Init(void);
00398 //Status GPDMA_Setup(GPDMA_Channel_CFG_Type *GPDMAChannelConfig, fnGPDMACbs_Type *pfnGPDMACbs);
00399 Status GPDMA_Setup(GPDMA_Channel_CFG_Type *GPDMAChannelConfig);
00400 IntStatus GPDMA_IntGetStatus(GPDMA_Status_Type type, uint8_t channel);
00401 void GPDMA_ClearIntPending(GPDMA_StateClear_Type type, uint8_t channel);
00402 void GPDMA_ChannelCmd(uint8_t channelNum, FunctionalState NewState);
00403 //void GPDMA_IntHandler(void);
00405 /**
00406  * @}
00407  */
00410 #ifdef __cplusplus
00411 }
00412 #endif
00414 #endif /* LPC17XX_GPDMA_H_ */
00416 /**
00417  * @}
00418  */
00420 /* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */