BLE demo for mbed Ported RunningElectronics's SBDBT firmware for BLE. It can communicate with iOS

Dependencies:   FatFileSystem mbed

Fork of BTstack by Norimasa Okamoto

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00001 #ifndef UVC_H
00002 #define UVC_H
00003 #include "UsbBaseClass.h"
00004 #include "usb_mem.h"
00005 #include "usb_mjpeg.h"
00007 #define CLASS_VIDEO 0x0E
00009 #define SET_CUR  0x01
00010 #define GET_CUR  0x81
00011 #define GET_MIN  0x82
00012 #define GET_MAX  0x83
00013 #define GET_RES  0x84
00014 #define GET_LEN  0x85
00015 #define GET_INFO 0x86
00016 #define GET_DEF  0x87
00018 #define VS_PROBE_CONTROL  0x01
00019 #define VS_COMMIT_CONTROL 0x02
00021 #define PAYLOAD_UNDEF 0
00022 #define PAYLOAD_MJPEG 1
00023 #define PAYLOAD_YUY2  2
00025 class uvc : public UsbBaseClass {
00026 public:
00027     uvc(int cam = 0);
00028     ~uvc();
00029     int setup();
00030     int get_jpeg(const char* path);
00031     int get_jpeg(uint8_t* buf, int size);
00032     bool interrupt();
00033     int isochronous();
00034     void attach(usb_stream* stream);
00035     void detach();
00036     ///set format index
00037     void SetFormatIndex(int index = 1);
00038     ///set frame index
00039     void SetFrameIndex(int index = 1);
00040     ///set frame interval
00041     void SetFrameInterval(int val = 2000000);
00042     ///set packet size
00043     void SetPacketSize(int size = 128);
00044     ///set image size
00045     void SetImageSize(int width = 160, int height = 120);
00046     ///set payload MJPEG or YUY2
00047     void SetPayload(int payload); // MJPEG,YUV422(YUY2)
00048     UsbErr Control(int req, int cs, int index, uint8_t* buf, int size);
00049     ///Setups the result callback
00050     /**
00051      @param pMethod : callback function
00052      */
00053     void setOnResult( void (*pMethod)(uint16_t, uint8_t*, int) );
00055     ///Setups the result callback
00056     /**
00057     @param pItem : instance of class on which to execute the callback method
00058     @param pMethod : callback method
00059     */
00060     class CDummy;
00061     template<class T> 
00062     void setOnResult( T* pItem, void (T::*pMethod)(uint16_t, uint8_t*, int) )
00063     {
00064         m_pCb = NULL;
00065         m_pCbItem = (CDummy*) pItem;
00066         m_pCbMeth = (void (CDummy::*)(uint16_t, uint8_t*, int)) pMethod;
00067     }
00068     void clearOnResult();
00070     void poll();
00071     void wait(float s);
00072     void wait_ms(int ms);
00073     uint16_t ReportConditionCode[16];
00074 protected:
00075     int _init();
00076     void _config(struct stcamcfg* cfg);
00077     void onResult(uint16_t frame, uint8_t* buf, int len);
00078     bool m_connect;
00079     bool m_init;
00080     int m_cam;
00081     UsbDevice* m_pDev;
00082     UsbEndpoint* m_pEpIntIn;
00083     UsbEndpoint* m_pEpIsoIn;
00084     int m_width;
00085     int m_height;
00086     int m_payload;
00087     int m_FormatIndex;
00088     int m_FrameIndex;
00089     int m_FrameInterval;
00090     int m_PacketSize;
00091     int m_FrameCount; // 1-8
00092     int m_itdCount;
00093     uint8_t m_int_buf[16];
00094     int m_int_seq;
00095     int m_iso_seq;
00096     uint16_t m_iso_frame;
00097     usb_stream* m_stream;
00098     CDummy* m_pCbItem;
00099     void (CDummy::*m_pCbMeth)(uint16_t, uint8_t*, int);
00100     void (*m_pCb)(uint16_t, uint8_t*, int);
00101 };
00102 #endif //UVC_H