pin pong

Dependents:   SX1272PingPong

Fork of SX1276Lib by Semtech



File content as of revision 23:273a2f93ae99:

 / _____)             _              | |
( (____  _____ ____ _| |_ _____  ____| |__
 \____ \| ___ |    (_   _) ___ |/ ___)  _ \
 _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
(______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
    (C) 2014 Semtech

Description: -

License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project

Maintainers: Miguel Luis, Gregory Cristian and Nicolas Huguenin
#ifndef __SX1272_HAL_H__
#define __SX1272_HAL_H__
#include "sx1272.h"

 * \brief Radio hardware registers initialization definition
 * \remark Can be automatically generated by the SX1272 GUI (not yet implemented)
#define RADIO_INIT_REGISTERS_VALUE                \
{                                                 \
    { MODEM_FSK , REG_LNA                , 0x23 },\
    { MODEM_FSK , REG_RXCONFIG           , 0x1E },\
    { MODEM_FSK , REG_RSSICONFIG         , 0xD2 },\
    { MODEM_FSK , REG_OSC                , 0x07 },\
    { MODEM_FSK , REG_SYNCCONFIG         , 0x12 },\
    { MODEM_FSK , REG_SYNCVALUE1         , 0xC1 },\
    { MODEM_FSK , REG_SYNCVALUE2         , 0x94 },\
    { MODEM_FSK , REG_SYNCVALUE3         , 0xC1 },\
    { MODEM_FSK , REG_PACKETCONFIG1      , 0xD8 },\
    { MODEM_FSK , REG_FIFOTHRESH         , 0x8F },\
    { MODEM_FSK , REG_IMAGECAL           , 0x02 },\
    { MODEM_FSK , REG_DIOMAPPING1        , 0x00 },\
    { MODEM_FSK , REG_DIOMAPPING2        , 0x30 },\
}                                                 \

 * Actual implementation of a SX1272 radio, includes some modifications to make it compatible with the MB1 LAS board
class SX1272MB1xAS : public SX1272
     * Antenna switch GPIO pins objects
    DigitalInOut antSwitch;
    DigitalIn fake;
    static const RadioRegisters_t RadioRegsInit[];
    SX1272MB1xAS( RadioEvents_t *events,
//            PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName nss, PinName reset,
            PinName PTD6, PinName PTD7, PinName PTD5, PinName PTD4, PinName reset,
            PinName dio0, PinName dio1, PinName dio2, PinName dio3, PinName dio4, PinName dio5,
            PinName antSwitch ); 
    SX1272MB1xAS( RadioEvents_t *events );
    virtual ~SX1272MB1xAS( ) { };
     * @brief Initializes the radio I/Os pins interface
    virtual void IoInit( void );
     *  @brief Initializes the radio registers
    virtual void RadioRegistersInit( );
     * @brief Initializes the radio SPI
    virtual void SpiInit( void );
     * @brief Initializes DIO IRQ handlers
     * @param [IN] irqHandlers Array containing the IRQ callback functions
    virtual void IoIrqInit( DioIrqHandler *irqHandlers );

     * @brief De-initializes the radio I/Os pins interface. 
     * \remark Useful when going in MCU lowpower modes
    virtual void IoDeInit( void );

     * @brief Gets the board PA selection configuration
     * @param [IN] channel Channel frequency in Hz
     * @retval PaSelect RegPaConfig PaSelect value
    virtual uint8_t GetPaSelect( uint32_t channel );

     * @brief Set the RF Switch I/Os pins in Low Power mode
     * @param [IN] status enable or disable
    virtual void SetAntSwLowPower( bool status );

     * @brief Initializes the RF Switch I/Os pins interface
    virtual void AntSwInit( void );

     * @brief De-initializes the RF Switch I/Os pins interface 
     * \remark Needed to decrease the power consumption in MCU lowpower modes
    virtual void AntSwDeInit( void );

     * @brief Controls the antena switch if necessary.
     * \remark see errata note
     * @param [IN] rxTx [1: Tx, 0: Rx]
    virtual void SetAntSw( uint8_t rxTx );
     * @brief Detect the board connected by reading the value of the antenna switch pin
    virtual uint8_t DetectBoardType( void );    
     * @brief Checks if the given RF frequency is supported by the hardware
     * @param [IN] frequency RF frequency to be checked
     * @retval isSupported [true: supported, false: unsupported]
    virtual bool CheckRfFrequency( uint32_t frequency );
     * @brief Writes the radio register at the specified address
     * @param [IN]: addr Register address
     * @param [IN]: data New register value
    virtual void Write ( uint8_t addr, uint8_t data ) ;
     * @brief Reads the radio register at the specified address
     * @param [IN]: addr Register address
     * @retval data Register value
    virtual uint8_t Read ( uint8_t addr ) ;
     * @brief Writes multiple radio registers starting at address
     * @param [IN] addr   First Radio register address
     * @param [IN] buffer Buffer containing the new register's values
     * @param [IN] size   Number of registers to be written
    virtual void Write( uint8_t addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size ) ;
     * @brief Reads multiple radio registers starting at address
     * @param [IN] addr First Radio register address
     * @param [OUT] buffer Buffer where to copy the registers data
     * @param [IN] size Number of registers to be read
    virtual void Read ( uint8_t addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size ) ;
     * @brief Writes the buffer contents to the SX1272 FIFO
     * @param [IN] buffer Buffer containing data to be put on the FIFO.
     * @param [IN] size Number of bytes to be written to the FIFO
    virtual void WriteFifo( uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size ) ;

     * @brief Reads the contents of the SX1272 FIFO
     * @param [OUT] buffer Buffer where to copy the FIFO read data.
     * @param [IN] size Number of bytes to be read from the FIFO
    virtual void ReadFifo( uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size ) ;
     * @brief Reset the SX1272
    virtual void Reset( void );

#endif // __SX1272_HAL_H__