
Fork of mbed-os-example-mbed5-blinky by mbed-os-examples

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for mbed-os-example-blinky


_baidu_ca_coap_endpoint_s Endpoint registration parameters
_JitterBufferPacket Definition of an incoming packet
_meta_info Meta info : used for extract meta data and modules array data
_package_header Package header
DecState Structure representing the full state of the narrowband decoder
drft_lookup Discrete Rotational Fourier Transform lookup
EncState Structure representing the full state of the narrowband encoder
Scheduler::IOnEvent Scheduler 的事件回调接口
ltp_params LTP parameters
ns_iovec Scatter-gather descriptor
ns_list Underlying generic linked list head
ns_list_link The type for the link member in the user's entry structure
SBDecState Structure representing the full state of the sub-band decoder
SBEncState Structure representing the full state of the sub-band encoder
SpeexBits Bit-packing data structure representing (part of) a bit-stream
SpeexCallback Callback information
SpeexEchoState This holds the state of the echo canceller
SpeexHeader Speex header info for file-based formats
SpeexJitter Speex jitter-buffer state
SpeexMode Struct defining a Speex mode
SpeexNBMode Struct defining the encoding/decoding mode
SpeexSBMode Struct defining the encoding/decoding mode for SB-CELP (wideband)
SpeexStereoState State used for decoding (intensity) stereo information
SpeexSubmode Description of a Speex sub-mode (wither narrowband or wideband
split_cb_params Split codebook parameters
VBRState VBR state


_kiss_fft_guts.h [code]
arch.h [code] Various architecture definitions Speex
assembly.h [code]
baidu_ca.h [code]
baidu_ca_adapter.h [code]
baidu_ca_coap.h [code]
baidu_ca_coap_ep.h [code]
baidu_ca_conf.h [code]
baidu_ca_configuration.h [code]
baidu_ca_debug.h [code]
baidu_ca_handler.h [code]
baidu_ca_hashcode.h [code]
baidu_ca_internal.h [code]
baidu_ca_mbedtls_config.h [code]
baidu_ca_mbedtrace.h [code]
baidu_ca_memory.h [code]
baidu_ca_memory_adapter.h [code]
baidu_ca_message.h [code]
baidu_ca_mutex.h [code]
baidu_ca_network_adapter.h [code]
baidu_ca_network_socket.h [code]
baidu_ca_nsdl_adapter.h [code]
baidu_ca_object.h [code]
baidu_ca_random.h [code]
baidu_ca_scheduler.h [code]
baidu_ca_timestamp.h [code]
baidu_ca_trans_encrypted.h [code]
baidu_ca_trans_wrapper.h [code]
baidu_ca_transport.h [code]
baidu_ca_types.h [code]
baidu_ca_util_network.h [code]
baidu_http_client.h [code]
baidu_http_client_c.h [code]
baidu_iot_mutex.h [code]
baidu_iot_ota_coap_downloader.h [code]
baidu_iot_ota_decompresser.h [code]
baidu_iot_ota_downloader.h [code]
baidu_iot_ota_error.h [code]
baidu_iot_ota_http_downloader.h [code]
baidu_iot_ota_log.h [code]
baidu_iot_ota_manager.h [code]
baidu_iot_ota_reporter.h [code]
baidu_mbed_soc_wrapper.h [code]
baidu_measure_time.h [code]
baidu_measure_time_list.h [code]
baidu_media_base.h [code]
baidu_media_data_manager.h [code]
baidu_media_file_storer.h [code]
baidu_media_manager.h [code]
baidu_media_play.h [code]
baidu_media_play_buffer.h [code]
baidu_media_play_m4a.h [code]
baidu_media_play_type.h [code]
baidu_media_type.h [code]
baidu_recorder.h [code]
baidu_recorder_manager.h [code]
baidu_speex.h [code]
baidu_speex_encoder.h [code]
baidu_status_reporter.h [code]
baidu_time_calculate.h [code]
baidu_time_calculate_list.h [code]
baidu_util_list.h [code]
baidu_vs10xx_base.h [code]
cb_search.h [code] Overlapped codebook search
cb_search_arm4.h [code] Fixed codebook functions (ARM4 version)
cb_search_bfin.h [code] Fixed codebook functions (Blackfin version)
cb_search_sse.h [code] Fixed codebook functions (SSE version)
cJSON.h [code]
coap_client.h [code]
coder.h [code]
crc32.h [code]
datacollector.h [code]
decompress.h [code]
deflate.h [code]
device_controller.cpp [code]
device_controller.h [code]
duer_app.cpp [code]
duer_app.h [code]
duer_log.h [code]
events.cpp [code]
events.h [code]
factory_test.cpp [code]
factory_test.h [code]
fftwrap.h [code]
filterbank.h [code] Converting between psd and filterbank
filters.h [code] Various analysis/synthesis filters
filters_arm4.h [code] Various analysis/synthesis filters (ARM4 version)
filters_bfin.h [code] Various analysis/synthesis filters (Blackfin version)
filters_sse.h [code] Various analysis/synthesis filters (SSE version)
fixed_arm4.h [code] ARM4 fixed-point operations
fixed_arm5e.h [code] ARM-tuned fixed-point operations
fixed_bfin.h [code] Blackfin fixed-point operations
fixed_debug.h [code] Fixed-point operations with debugging
fixed_generic.h [code] Generic fixed-point operations
fs.h [code]
heap_monitor.h [code]
inffast.h [code]
inffixed.h [code]
inflate.h [code]
inftrees.h [code]
IOtaUpdater.h [code]
kiss_fft.h [code]
kiss_fftr.h [code]
lpc.h [code] Functions for LPC (Linear Prediction Coefficients) analysis
lpc_bfin.h [code] Functions for LPC (Linear Prediction Coefficients) analysis (Blackfin version)
lsp.h [code] Line Spectral Pair (LSP) functions
lsp_bfin.h [code] LSP routines optimised for the Blackfin
ltp.h [code] Long-Term Prediction functions
ltp_arm4.h [code] Long-Term Prediction functions (ARM4 version)
ltp_bfin.h [code] Long-Term Prediction functions (Blackfin version)
ltp_sse.h [code] Long-Term Prediction functions (SSE version)
DuerOS-Light-SDK-v1.1.0/demo/main.cpp [code]
main.cpp [code]
math_approx.h [code] Various math approximation functions for Speex
mbed_config.h [code]
misc.h [code] Various compatibility routines for Speex
misc_bfin.h [code] Various compatibility routines for Speex (Blackfin version)
modes.h [code] Describes the different modes of the codec
mp3common.h [code]
mp3dec.h [code]
mp4ff.h [code]
mp4ff_int_types.h [code]
mp4ffint.h [code]
mpadecobjfixpt.h [code]
nb_celp.h [code] Narrowband CELP encoder/decoder
new_firmware_image_unpack_tool.h [code]
ns_list.h [code] Linked list support library
ns_types.h [code] Basic compiler and type setup
pack_include.h [code]
package_api.h [code]
package_info.h [code]
pseudofloat.h [code] Pseudo-floating point This header file provides a lightweight floating point type for use on fixed-point platforms when a large dynamic range is required
quant_lsp.h [code] LSP vector quantization
quant_lsp_bfin.h [code] Various compatibility routines for Speex (Blackfin version)
rda_log.h [code]
rda_mp4.h [code]
sb_celp.h [code] Sub-band CELP mode used for wideband encoding
shared_buffer.h [code]
smallft.h [code] Discrete Rotational Fourier Transform (DRFT)
speex.h [code] Describes the different modes of the codec
speex_bits.h [code] Handles bit packing/unpacking
speex_callbacks.h [code] Describes callback handling and in-band signalling
speex_config_types.h [code]
speex_echo.h [code] Echo cancellation
speex_header.h [code] Describes the Speex header
speex_jitter.h [code] Adaptive jitter buffer for Speex
speex_preprocess.h [code] Speex preprocessor
speex_resampler.h [code]
speex_stereo.h [code] Describes the handling for intensity stereo
speex_types.h [code] Speex types
stack_alloc.h [code] Temporary memory allocation on stack
statname.h [code]
threading_alt.h [code]
trees.h [code]
url.h [code]
vbr.h [code] Variable Bit-Rate (VBR) related routines
verification.h [code]
vorbis_psy.h [code]
vq.h [code] Vector quantization
vq_arm4.h [code] ARM4-optimized vq routine
vq_bfin.h [code] Blackfin-optimized vq routine
vq_sse.h [code] SSE-optimized vq routine
wavfmt.h [code]
zconf.h [code]
zlib.h [code]
zutil.h [code]


duer File: device_controller.cpp Desc: Demo for control device