TI CC1101 Transceiver

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CC1101 Class Reference

CC1101 Class Reference

CC1101 Low-Power Sub-1 GHz RF Transceiver . More...

#include <CC1101.h>

Public Member Functions

 CC1101 (PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName clk, PinName csn, PinName RDmiso)
void init (void)
 Initialize CC1101 parameters.
unsigned char ReadReg (unsigned char addr)
 This function gets the value of a single specified CCxxx0 register.
void ReadBurstReg (unsigned char addr, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned char count)
 This function reads multiple CCxxx0 register, using SPI burst access.
void WriteReg (unsigned char addr, unsigned char value)
 Function for writing to a single CCxxx0 register.
void WriteBurstReg (unsigned char addr, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned char count)
 This function writes to multiple CCxxx0 register, using SPI burst access.
void SendPacket (unsigned char *txBuffer, unsigned char size)
 This function can be used to transmit a packet with packet length up to 63 bytes.
unsigned char TxFifoEmpty (void)
 This function check if the TX FIFO is empty.
int ReceivePacket (unsigned char *rxBuffer, unsigned char *length)
 This function can be used to receive a packet of variable packet length (first byte in the packet must be the length byte).
unsigned char RxFifoEmpty (void)
 This function check if the RX FIFO is empty.
unsigned char ReadChipStatusRX (void)
 This function returns the Chip Status RX register.
unsigned char ReadChipStatusTX (void)
 This function returns the Chip Status TX register.
unsigned char RdRSSI (void)
 This function returns the RSSI value based from the last packet received.
unsigned char RdLQI (void)
 This function returns the LQI value based from the last packet received.
void FlushRX (void)
 This function flushes the RX FIFO buffer.
void FlushTX (void)
 This function flushes the TX FIFO buffer.
void RXMode (void)
 This function change the state of CC1101 to RX mode.

Detailed Description

CC1101 Low-Power Sub-1 GHz RF Transceiver .

Definition at line 211 of file CC1101.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CC1101 ( PinName  mosi,
PinName  miso,
PinName  clk,
PinName  csn,
PinName  RDmiso 


mosimbed pin to use for MOSI line of SPI interface.
misombed pin to use for MISO line of SPI interface.
clkmbed pin to use for SCK line of SPI interface.
csnmbed pin to use for not chip select line of SPI interface.
RDmisombed pin connected to SPI MISO pin for CC1101 RDY read.

Definition at line 7 of file CC1101.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void FlushRX ( void   )

This function flushes the RX FIFO buffer.

Definition at line 516 of file CC1101.cpp.

void FlushTX ( void   )

This function flushes the TX FIFO buffer.

Definition at line 525 of file CC1101.cpp.

void init ( void   )

Initialize CC1101 parameters.

Definition at line 214 of file CC1101.cpp.

unsigned char RdLQI ( void   )

This function returns the LQI value based from the last packet received.

Return the LQI value.

Definition at line 349 of file CC1101.cpp.

unsigned char RdRSSI ( void   )

This function returns the RSSI value based from the last packet received.

Return the RSSI value.

Definition at line 330 of file CC1101.cpp.

void ReadBurstReg ( unsigned char  addr,
unsigned char *  buffer,
unsigned char  count 

This function reads multiple CCxxx0 register, using SPI burst access.

addrValue of the accessed CCxxx0 register
*bufferPointer to a byte array which stores the values read from a corresponding range of CCxxx0 registers.
countNumber of bytes to be read from the subsequent CCxxx0 registers.

Definition at line 261 of file CC1101.cpp.

unsigned char ReadChipStatusRX ( void   )

This function returns the Chip Status RX register.

Return the Chip Status RX register

Definition at line 503 of file CC1101.cpp.

unsigned char ReadChipStatusTX ( void   )

This function returns the Chip Status TX register.

Return the Chip Status TX register

Definition at line 495 of file CC1101.cpp.

unsigned char ReadReg ( unsigned char  addr )

This function gets the value of a single specified CCxxx0 register.

addrValue of the accessed CCxxx0 register
Value of the accessed CCxxx0 register

Definition at line 233 of file CC1101.cpp.

int ReceivePacket ( unsigned char *  rxBuffer,
unsigned char *  length 

This function can be used to receive a packet of variable packet length (first byte in the packet must be the length byte).

The packet length should not exceed the RX FIFO size.

*rxBufferPointer to the buffer where the incoming data should be stored
*lengthPointer to a variable containing the size of the buffer where the incoming data should be stored. After this function returns, that variable holds the packet length.
Return value is 1 if CRC OK or else 0 if CRC NOT OK (or no packet was put in the RX FIFO due to filtering)

Definition at line 401 of file CC1101.cpp.

unsigned char RxFifoEmpty ( void   )

This function check if the RX FIFO is empty.

Return value is 1 if the RX FIFO buffer is empty or else 0

Definition at line 357 of file CC1101.cpp.

void RXMode ( void   )

This function change the state of CC1101 to RX mode.

Definition at line 534 of file CC1101.cpp.

void SendPacket ( unsigned char *  txBuffer,
unsigned char  size 

This function can be used to transmit a packet with packet length up to 63 bytes.

*txBufferPointer to a buffer containing the data that are going to be transmitted
sizeThe size of the txBuffer

Definition at line 482 of file CC1101.cpp.

unsigned char TxFifoEmpty ( void   )

This function check if the TX FIFO is empty.

Return value is 1 if the TX FIFO buffer is empty or else 0

Definition at line 447 of file CC1101.cpp.

void WriteBurstReg ( unsigned char  addr,
unsigned char *  buffer,
unsigned char  count 

This function writes to multiple CCxxx0 register, using SPI burst access.

addrAddress of the first CCxxx0 register to be accessed.
*bufferArray of bytes to be written into a corresponding range of CCxx00 registers, starting by the address specified in _addr_.
countNumber of bytes to be written to the subsequent CCxxx0 registers.

Definition at line 314 of file CC1101.cpp.

void WriteReg ( unsigned char  addr,
unsigned char  value 

Function for writing to a single CCxxx0 register.

addrAddress of the first CCxxx0 register to be accessed.
valueValue to be written to the specified CCxxx0 register.

Definition at line 288 of file CC1101.cpp.