Modified for compatibility with Rev.E. hardware

Fork of AkmSensor by AKM Development Platform



File content as of revision 23:50c98b286e41:


#include "mbed.h"
#include "Message.h"

// SPI Pin Number Definitions
#define SPI_SCK                          P0_8       // SPI, SCK 
#define SPI_MISO                         P0_9       // SPI, MISO
#define SPI_MOSI                         P0_10      //SPI, MOSI
#define SPI_CS                           P0_11      //SPI, CS
#define SPI_DRDY                         P0_7       //SPI, DRDY

// I2C Pin Number Definitions
#define I2C_SCL                          P0_8       //I2C, SCL
#define I2C_SDA                          P0_10      //I2C, SDA

// Digital Port Pin Number Definitions
#define DIGITAL_D0                       P0_11      
#define DIGITAL_D1                       P0_9

// DRDY Port Pin Number Definitions
#define I2C_DRDY                         P0_11

// Analog In Pin Number Definitions
#define ANALOG_IN_PIN                    P0_5       //P05

// I2C Speed Standards
#define I2C_SPEED_100KHZ                100000
#define I2C_SPEED_400KHZ                400000

// Sampling rate for ADC
#define SENSOR_SAMPLING_RATE            0.1         // 10Hz

 * Abstract base class for general AKM sensors.
class AkmSensor

     * Error type for debugging purposes.
    typedef enum {
        SUCCESS = 0,            /**< Successful termination (0) */
        ERROR,                  /**< Error during execution (1) */
    } Status;
     * Primary IDs for the major categories of sensors.
    typedef enum {
        AKM_PRIMARY_ID_AKD_SPI              = 0x0,      /**< AKD SPI Devices */
        AKM_PRIMARY_ID_UNIPOLAR             = 0x1,      /**< Unipolar Switches */
        AKM_PRIMARY_ID_OMNIPOLAR            = 0x2,      /**< Omnipolar Switches */
        AKM_PRIMARY_ID_LATCH                = 0x3,      /**< Bipolar Latches */
        AKM_PRIMARY_ID_DUAL_OUTPUT          = 0x4,      /**< Dual Output Switches */
        AKM_PRIMARY_ID_ONECHIP_ENCODER      = 0x5,      /**< One-Chip Encoders */
        AKM_PRIMARY_ID_TBD1                 = 0x6,      /**< Undefined */
        AKM_PRIMARY_ID_TBD2                 = 0x7,      /**< Undefined */
        AKM_PRIMARY_ID_LINEAR_SENSOR_LEGACY = 0x8,      /**< Linear Sensors (Legacy) */
        AKM_PRIMARY_ID_CURRENT_SENSOR       = 0x9,      /**< Current Sensors */
        AKM_PRIMARY_ID_MISC_ANALOG          = 0xA,      /**< Analog Devices */
        AKM_PRIMARY_ID_LINEAR_SENSOR        = 0xB,      /**< Linear Sensors */
        AKM_PRIMARY_ID_MOTOR_DRIVER         = 0xC,      /**< Motor Drivers */
        AKM_PRIMARY_ID_IR_SENSOR            = 0xD,      /**< IR Sensors */
        AKM_PRIMARY_ID_ANGLE_SENSOR         = 0xE,      /**< Angle Sensors */
        AKM_PRIMARY_ID_AKD_I2C              = 0xF,      /**< AKD I2C Devices */
    } SensorPrimaryId;

    virtual ~AkmSensor(){}

     * Process for intializing the selected sensor.
     * @return Termination status type for debugging purposes.
    virtual Status init(const uint8_t id, const uint8_t subid) = 0;
     * Simple flag process to determine if an event has occurred.
     * @return TRUE if event has occurred, FALSE if not.
    virtual bool isEvent() = 0;
     * Process abstraction for starting sensor operation.
     * @return Termination status type for debugging purposes.
    virtual Status startSensor() = 0;
     * Process abstraction for starting sensor operation.
     * @param sec Number of seconds of operation.
     * @return Termination status type for debugging purposes.
    virtual Status startSensor(const float sec) = 0;
     * Process abstraction for stopping sensor operation.
     * @return Termination status type for debugging purposes.
    virtual Status stopSensor() = 0;
     * Process abstraction for reading data from the sensor.
     * @param msg Message object that will hold the sensor data.
     * @return Termination status type for debugging purposes.
    virtual Status readSensorData(Message* msg) = 0;
     * Primary process for interfacing a sensor with the AKDP.  When implemented
     * in sensor class, it will transfer commands between the the sensor control
     * class and AkmSensorManager. 
     * @param in Command message to be processed by sensor.
     * @param out Message returned from sensor.
     * @return Termination status type for debugging purposes.
    virtual Status requestCommand(Message* in, Message* out) = 0;
     * Get the name of the sensor in char format.
     * @return Sensor name as a char array.
    virtual char* getSensorName() = 0;


