The ST NUCLEO L4342KC and Digilent Pmod OLEDrgb tested. Be aware of the correct revision of the OS and correct versions of the display driver libraries!
Dependencies: Adafruit_SSD1331_Mbed Adafruit-GFX
The purpose of this project is to teach the students the development process and test that the hardware the ST NUCLEO-L432KC and the Digilent Pmod OLEDrgb work just fine. Be aware of correct revision of the OS and correct versions of the libraries!
2020-08-29, by timo_k2 [Sat, 29 Aug 2020 08:26:56 +0000] rev 0
The purpose of this project is to teach the students the development process and test that the hardware the ST NUCLEO-L432KC and the Digilent Pmod OLEDrgb work just fine. Be aware of correct revision of the OS and correct versions of the libraries!