Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE mbed wave_player

Fork of missile_command by ECE 2035 TA

--- a/main.cpp	Wed Nov 12 02:06:48 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Nov 09 17:04:42 2016 +0000
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
 #include "wave_player.h"
 #include "SDFileSystem.h"
 #include "segment_display.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
 // Include header files for missile command project
 #include "globals.h"
@@ -34,7 +36,7 @@
 #include "player.h"
 // Platform initialization
-DigitalIn left_pb(p23); DigitalIn right_pb(p21); DigitalIn fire_pb(p22);
+DigitalIn left_pb(p23); DigitalIn right_pb(p21); DigitalIn fire_pb(p22);DigitalIn fourth_pb(p24);
 uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p28,p27,p29);
 AnalogOut DACout(p18);
 wave_player waver(&DACout);
@@ -49,19 +51,9 @@
 int main()
-    // [Demo of 7-segment display]
-    // 1.Initialize the segment display
-    // 2.show numbers
-    int i;
-    for(i=0;i<10;i++){
-        seg_driver(i);
-        wait(0.2);
-    }
-    // [Demo of play sound file]
-    playSound("/sd/wavfiles/BUZZER.wav");
+// playSound("/sd/wavfiles/BUZZER.wav");
     /// [Example of missile command implementation]
         /// Here is a rough flow to implement the missile command: <br><br>
@@ -72,12 +64,37 @@
     left_pb.mode(PullUp);  // The variable left_pb will be zero when the pushbutton for moving the player left is pressed    
     right_pb.mode(PullUp); // The variable rightt_pb will be zero when the pushbutton for moving the player right is pressed        
     fire_pb.mode(PullUp);  //the variable fire_pb will be zero when the pushbutton for firing a missile is pressed
+    fourth_pb.mode(PullUp);
+    int x=60;
+    int y=100;
+    int count=0;
+    int tem=0;
+    int num_city=4;
+    int life=3;
+    int delta=10;
+    int level=0;
+    int num_missile=0;;
+    int speed=0,interval=0,player_speed=0,pre_point=0;
+    int t=0;
+    CITY city;
+    MISSILE missile,player_missile;
     /// 2.Begin the game loop
+    int current_life;
+    current_life=life_generate(life);
+    //playSound("/sd/wavfiles/begin.wav");
+    char begin[20];
+    sprintf(begin,"%s" ,"Press PB4 To Start!");
+    uLCD.text_string(begin,0,8,3,0xFF9900);
+        if(fourth_pb==0){t=1;
+        playSound("/sd/wavfiles/start.wav");
+        uLCD.text_string(begin,0,8,3,BACKGROUND_COLOR);
+        break;}}
+    while(t){
+        display_score(count);
+        display_level(level);
         /// 3.Example of drawing the player
-        player_draw(60,100); // draws a player at the center of the screen
+        player_draw(x,y); // draws a player at the center of the screen
         /// 4.Example of calling the missile API.
         missile_generator(); /// It updates all incoming missiles on the screen
@@ -85,37 +102,148 @@
         /// 5.Implement the code to get user input and update the player
             /// -[Hint] You could see city_landscape.cpp to get some ideas about how to implement your player. <br>
         if(left_pb == 0){
+            if(x<=109){
+            player_clear(x,y);
+            x=x+3;
+            player_draw(x,y);
+            }
             /// -[Hint] Implement the code to move player left <br>
         if(right_pb == 0){
+            if(x>=3){
+            player_clear(x,y);
+            x=x-3;
+            player_draw(x,y);
+            }
             /// -[Hint] Implement the code to move player right <br>
-        if(fire_pb == 0){
-            /// -[Hint] Implement the code to fire player-missile <br>
-            // [Demo of play sound file]
-            playSound("/sd/wavfiles/BUZZER.wav");
-        }
-        /// 6.Implement the code to draw a user missile
-            /// -[Hint] You could see missile.cpp or missile_generator() for your reference <br>
-        /// 7.Implement the code to detect the collision between missiles and cities
-            /// -[Hint] You could use city_get_info() and  missile_get_info() <br>
-            /// -[Hint] You could use missile_set_exploded() to notify the missile module that the missile was exploded. <br>
-            /// -[Hint] You need to check which city was hit by the missile, and call city_destroy() to destroy it. <br>
-            /// -[Hint] You might also check whether the missile hit the land <br>
-        /// 8.Implement the code to detect a collision between player-missiles and incoming missiles
-            /// -[Hint] You could use missile_get_info() to get the position of incoming missile <br>
-            /// -[Hint] You could use missile_set_exploded() to notify the missile module that the missile was exploded. <br>
-            /// -[Hint] You might also check whether the missile hit the player <br>
+        //player_missile_generator(x, y);
+        if(fire_pb == 0){
+            while( fire_pb==0){
+                }
+            //implement the code to fire player-missile <br>
+            player_missile_create(x+8, y-8.5);
+            }
+         if(fourth_pb==0&&num_missile<4){
+                    while( fourth_pb==0){
+                }
+                    use_fourth_pb();
+            }    
+         if(left_pb==0&&right_pb==0){
+            speed++;interval=interval+5;
+            level++;
+            advanced_level(8-speed%8,100-interval%100);
+            }
+        player_missile_update_position();
+        int i,j,k;
+        for (i=0; i<MAX_NUM_MISSILE;i++){
+         missile=missile_get_info(i);
+         if(abs(missile.x-x)<10 &&abs(missile.y-y)<10&&missile.status==MISSILE_ACTIVE||abs(missile.x-x-10)<10 &&abs(missile.y-y)<10&&missile.status==MISSILE_ACTIVE){
+             missile_set_exploded(i);
+             life--;
+             life_reduce(current_life);
+             current_life=current_life-7;
+             }
+             for(k=0;k<MAX_NUM_CITY;k++){
+                 city=city_get_info(k);
+                 if(missile.y<127-city.height){
+                    if(abs(missile.x-city.x)<10 && abs(missile.y-city.y)<10 &&missile.status==MISSILE_ACTIVE&&city.status==EXIST){
+                        missile_set_exploded(i);
+                        city_destroy(k);
+                        num_city--;
+                        uLCD.filled_circle(missile.x , missile.y , 4, 0xCCAA00);
+                         wait(0.4);
+                        circle_explosion(missile.x , missile.y);
+                        uLCD.filled_circle(missile.x , missile.y , 4, BACKGROUND_COLOR);
+                        //count=count-10;
+                        display_score(count);
+                        city_destory();
+                        }
+                        }
+                else{
+                    if(abs(missile.x-(city.x-5))<10&&missile.status==MISSILE_ACTIVE &&city.status==EXIST ||abs(missile.x-(city.x+5))<10&&missile.status==MISSILE_ACTIVE&&city.status==EXIST){
+                        uLCD.filled_circle(missile.x , missile.y , 2, 0xCCAA00);
+                        missile_set_exploded(i);
+                        city_destroy(k);
+                        num_city--;
+                        uLCD.filled_circle(missile.x , missile.y , 4, 0xCCAA00);
+                         wait(0.4);
+                        circle_explosion(missile.x , missile.y);
+                        uLCD.filled_circle(missile.x , missile.y , 4, BACKGROUND_COLOR);
+                        //count=count-10;
+                        display_score(count);
+                        city_destory();
+                        }
+                 }
+                 }
+         for(j=0; j<MAX_NUM_PLAYER_MISSILE;j++){
+            player_missile=player_missile_get_info(j);
+            int radius_x=abs(missile.x-player_missile.x);
+            int radius_y=abs(player_missile.y-missile.y);
+            if(radius_x<delta &&radius_y<delta){
+                //delta can change depend on current level
+                if(missile.status==MISSILE_ACTIVE &&player_missile.status==MISSILE_ACTIVE){
+                    uLCD.filled_circle(missile.x , missile.y , 2, 0xC90000);
+                    missile_set_exploded(i);
+                    player_missile_set_exploded(j);
+                    wait(0.2);
+                    uLCD.filled_circle(missile.x , missile.y , 2, BACKGROUND_COLOR);
+                    interval=interval+5;
+                    set_missile_interval(interval);
+                    count++;
+                    display_score(count);
+                    point_get();
+                    }//if              
+                }//if
+            }//for j
+        }//for i
         /// 9.Implement the code to check the end of game
             /// -[Hint] For example, if there is no more city, it should be gameover. <br>
-    }
+            num_missile=num_missile_avi(tem);
+            seg_driver(5-num_missile%6);
+            //||num_city==0
+            if (life==-1||num_city==0){
+                 //player_clear(x,y);
+                break;}
+        if(count%10==0 && count!=0&&count>pre_point){
+            player_set_missile_speed((8-player_speed%8));
+            char level_up[10];
+            sprintf(level_up,"%s" ,"Level up");
+            uLCD.text_string(level_up,0,8,3,0xFF9900);
+            wait(0.3);
+            uLCD.text_string(level_up,0,8,3,BACKGROUND_COLOR);
+            char speed_up[10];
+            sprintf(speed_up,"%s" ,"Speed up");
+            uLCD.text_string(speed_up,0,8,3,0xFF9900);
+            wait(0.2);
+            uLCD.text_string(level_up,0,8,3,BACKGROUND_COLOR);
+            playSound("/sd/wavfiles/level.wav");
+            speed++;interval=interval+5;
+            level++;
+            advanced_level(8-speed%8,100-interval%100);
+            pre_point=count;
+            }
+    }  //while  
+    uLCD.text_char('g', 6, 2, 0xCCAA00);    uLCD.text_char('a', 7, 2, 0xCCAA00);    uLCD.text_char('m', 8, 2, 0xCCAA00); uLCD.text_char('e', 9, 2, 0xCCAA00);
+    uLCD.text_char('o', 6, 4, 0xCCAA00);uLCD.text_char('v', 7, 4, 0xCCAA00);uLCD.text_char('e', 8, 4, 0xCCAA00);uLCD.text_char('r', 9, 4, 0xCCAA00);
 // Example of implementation of your functions
 void playSound(char * wav)