Opencv 3.1 project on GR-PEACH board

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Auto generated API documentation and code listings for gr-peach-opencv-project


_ARM_DRIVER_STORAGE This is the set of operations constituting the Storage driver
_ARM_STORAGE_BLOCK A storage block is a range of memory with uniform attributes
_ARM_STORAGE_BLOCK_ATTRIBUTES Attributes of the storage range within a storage block
_ARM_STORAGE_CAPABILITIES Storage Driver API Capabilities
_ARM_STORAGE_INFO Storage information
_ARM_STORAGE_SECURITY_FEATURES Device Data Security Protection Features
_ARM_STORAGE_STATUS Operating status of the storage controller
_InputArray This is the proxy class for passing read-only input arrays into OpenCV functions
_IplImage The IplImage is taken from the Intel Image Processing Library, in which the format is native
_OutputArray This type is very similar to InputArray except that it is used for input/output and output function parameters
Affine3< T > Affine transform
Algorithm This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV
Allocator< _Tp >
AnalogIn An analog input, used for reading the voltage on a pin
AnalogOut An analog output, used for setting the voltage on a pin
APSR_Type Union type to access the Application Program Status Register (APSR)
arm_bilinear_interp_instance_f32 Instance structure for the floating-point bilinear interpolation function
arm_bilinear_interp_instance_q15 Instance structure for the Q15 bilinear interpolation function
arm_bilinear_interp_instance_q31 Instance structure for the Q31 bilinear interpolation function
arm_bilinear_interp_instance_q7 Instance structure for the Q15 bilinear interpolation function
arm_biquad_cas_df1_32x64_ins_q31 Instance structure for the high precision Q31 Biquad cascade filter
arm_biquad_cascade_df2T_instance_f32 Instance structure for the floating-point transposed direct form II Biquad cascade filter
arm_biquad_cascade_df2T_instance_f64 Instance structure for the floating-point transposed direct form II Biquad cascade filter
arm_biquad_cascade_stereo_df2T_instance_f32 Instance structure for the floating-point transposed direct form II Biquad cascade filter
arm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_f32 Instance structure for the floating-point Biquad cascade filter
arm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_q15 Instance structure for the Q15 Biquad cascade filter
arm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_q31 Instance structure for the Q31 Biquad cascade filter
arm_cfft_instance_f32 Instance structure for the floating-point CFFT/CIFFT function
arm_cfft_instance_q15 Instance structure for the fixed-point CFFT/CIFFT function
arm_cfft_instance_q31 Instance structure for the fixed-point CFFT/CIFFT function
arm_cfft_radix2_instance_f32 Instance structure for the floating-point CFFT/CIFFT function
arm_cfft_radix2_instance_q15 Instance structure for the Q15 CFFT/CIFFT function
arm_cfft_radix2_instance_q31 Instance structure for the Radix-2 Q31 CFFT/CIFFT function
arm_cfft_radix4_instance_f32 Instance structure for the floating-point CFFT/CIFFT function
arm_cfft_radix4_instance_q15 Instance structure for the Q15 CFFT/CIFFT function
arm_cfft_radix4_instance_q31 Instance structure for the Q31 CFFT/CIFFT function
arm_dct4_instance_f32 Instance structure for the floating-point DCT4/IDCT4 function
arm_dct4_instance_q15 Instance structure for the Q15 DCT4/IDCT4 function
arm_dct4_instance_q31 Instance structure for the Q31 DCT4/IDCT4 function
arm_fir_decimate_instance_f32 Instance structure for the floating-point FIR decimator
arm_fir_decimate_instance_q15 Instance structure for the Q15 FIR decimator
arm_fir_decimate_instance_q31 Instance structure for the Q31 FIR decimator
arm_fir_instance_f32 Instance structure for the floating-point FIR filter
arm_fir_instance_q15 Instance structure for the Q15 FIR filter
arm_fir_instance_q31 Instance structure for the Q31 FIR filter
arm_fir_instance_q7 Instance structure for the Q7 FIR filter
arm_fir_interpolate_instance_f32 Instance structure for the floating-point FIR interpolator
arm_fir_interpolate_instance_q15 Instance structure for the Q15 FIR interpolator
arm_fir_interpolate_instance_q31 Instance structure for the Q31 FIR interpolator
arm_fir_lattice_instance_f32 Instance structure for the floating-point FIR lattice filter
arm_fir_lattice_instance_q15 Instance structure for the Q15 FIR lattice filter
arm_fir_lattice_instance_q31 Instance structure for the Q31 FIR lattice filter
arm_fir_sparse_instance_f32 Instance structure for the floating-point sparse FIR filter
arm_fir_sparse_instance_q15 Instance structure for the Q15 sparse FIR filter
arm_fir_sparse_instance_q31 Instance structure for the Q31 sparse FIR filter
arm_fir_sparse_instance_q7 Instance structure for the Q7 sparse FIR filter
arm_iir_lattice_instance_f32 Instance structure for the floating-point IIR lattice filter
arm_iir_lattice_instance_q15 Instance structure for the Q15 IIR lattice filter
arm_iir_lattice_instance_q31 Instance structure for the Q31 IIR lattice filter
arm_linear_interp_instance_f32 Instance structure for the floating-point Linear Interpolate function
arm_lms_instance_f32 Instance structure for the floating-point LMS filter
arm_lms_instance_q15 Instance structure for the Q15 LMS filter
arm_lms_instance_q31 Instance structure for the Q31 LMS filter
arm_lms_norm_instance_f32 Instance structure for the floating-point normalized LMS filter
arm_lms_norm_instance_q15 Instance structure for the Q15 normalized LMS filter
arm_lms_norm_instance_q31 Instance structure for the Q31 normalized LMS filter
arm_matrix_instance_f32 Instance structure for the floating-point matrix structure
arm_matrix_instance_f64 Instance structure for the floating-point matrix structure
arm_matrix_instance_q15 Instance structure for the Q15 matrix structure
arm_matrix_instance_q31 Instance structure for the Q31 matrix structure
arm_pid_instance_f32 Instance structure for the floating-point PID Control
arm_pid_instance_q15 Instance structure for the Q15 PID Control
arm_pid_instance_q31 Instance structure for the Q31 PID Control
arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 Instance structure for the floating-point RFFT/RIFFT function
arm_rfft_instance_f32 Instance structure for the floating-point RFFT/RIFFT function
arm_rfft_instance_q15 Instance structure for the Q15 RFFT/RIFFT function
arm_rfft_instance_q31 Instance structure for the Q31 RFFT/RIFFT function
Arrays Wrapper for OpenGL Client-Side Vertex arrays
AutoBuffer< _Tp, fixed_size > Automatically Allocated Buffer Class
BIF Implementation of bio-inspired features ( BIF ) from the paper: Guo, Guodong, et al
BlockDevice A hardware device capable of writing and reading blocks
Buffer Smart pointer for OpenGL buffer object with reference counting
buffer_s Generic buffer structure
BusIn A digital input bus, used for reading the state of a collection of pins
BusInOut A digital input output bus, used for setting the state of a collection of pins
BusOut A digital output bus, used for setting the state of a collection of pins
Callback< R()> Callback class based on template specialization
Callback< R(A0)> Callback class based on template specialization
Callback< R(A0, A1)> Callback class based on template specialization
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2)> Callback class based on template specialization
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> Callback class based on template specialization
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> Callback class based on template specialization
CAN A can bus client, used for communicating with can devices
CANMessage CANMessage class
CascadeClassifier Cascade classifier class for object detection
CircularBuffer< T, BufferSize, CounterType > Templated Circular buffer class
CommandLineParser Designed for command line parsing
Complex< _Tp > A complex number class
ConjGradSolver This class is used to perform the non-linear non-constrained minimization of a function with known gradient,
CThunk< T > Class for created a pointer with data bound to it
CvAttrList List of attributes
CvChainPtReader Freeman chain reader state
CvConnectedComp Connected component structure
CvConvexityDefect Convexity defect
CvFileNode Basic element of the file storage - scalar or collection:
CvFont Font structure
CvHuMoments Hu invariants
CvLineIterator Line iterator state:
CvMat Matrix elements are stored row by row
CvMoments Spatial and central moments
CvNArrayIterator Matrix iterator: used for n-ary operations on dense arrays
CvStringHashNode All the keys (names) of elements in the readed file storage are stored in the hash to speed up the lookup operations:
CvType Class for automatic module/RTTI data registration/unregistration
CvTypeInfo Type information
DataDepth< _Tp > A helper class for cv::DataType
DataType< _Tp > Template "trait" class for OpenCV primitive data types
DataType< Matx< _Tp, m, n > >
DataType< Vec< _Tp, cn > >
DetectionROI Struct for detection region of interest (ROI)
DeviceInfo Class providing functionality for querying the specified GPU properties
DigitalIn A digital input, used for reading the state of a pin
DigitalInOut A digital input/output, used for setting or reading a bi-directional pin
DigitalOut A digital output, used for setting the state of a pin
Dir Dir class
DirHandle Represents a directory stream
DisplayBase Display driver wrapper class for GR-PEACH
DMatch Class for matching keypoint descriptors
DownhillSolver This class is used to perform the non-linear non-constrained minimization of a function,
Ethernet An ethernet interface, to use with the ethernet pins
EventAccessor Class that enables getting cudaEvent_t from cuda::Event
Exception Class passed to an error
FaceRecognizer Abstract base class for all face recognition models
FATFileSystem FATFileSystem based on ChaN's Fat Filesystem library v0.8
File File class
FileHandle Class FileHandle
FileNode File Storage Node class
FileNodeIterator Used to iterate through sequences and mappings
FileStorage XML/YAML file storage class that encapsulates all the information necessary for writing or reading data to/from a file
FileSystem A filesystem object provides filesystem operations and file operations for the File and Dir classes on a block device
FileSystemHandle A filesystem-like object is one that can be used to open file-like objects though it by fopen("/name/filename", mode)
FileSystemLike A filesystem-like object is one that can be used to open file-like objects though it by fopen("/name/filename", mode)
FlashIAP Flash IAP driver
MinProblemSolver::Function Represents function being optimized
GeneralizedHough Finds arbitrary template in the grayscale image using Generalized Hough Transform
GeneralizedHoughBallard Ballard, D.H
GeneralizedHoughGuil Guil, N., González-Linares, J.M
GpuMat Base storage class for GPU memory with reference counting
SparseMat::Hdr Sparse matrix header
HostMem Class with reference counting wrapping special memory type allocation functions from CUDA
I2C An I2C Master, used for communicating with I2C slave devices
i2c_t Asynch I2C HAL structure
I2CSlave An I2C Slave, used for communicating with an I2C Master device
InterruptIn A digital interrupt input, used to call a function on a rising or falling edge
InterruptManager Use this singleton if you need to chain interrupt handlers
IUSBHostSerial Generic interface to abstract 3G dongles' impl
KeyPoint Data structure for salient point detectors
DisplayBase::lcd_config_t LCD configuration
LDA Linear Discriminant Analysis
LineIterator Line iterator
LineSegmentDetector Line segment detector class
LocalFileSystem A filesystem for accessing the local mbed Microcontroller USB disk drive
USBHost::Lock Instantiate to protect USB thread from accessing shared objects (USBConnectedDevices and Interfaces)
LowPowerTicker Low Power Ticker
LowPowerTimeout Low Power Timout
LowPowerTimer Low power timer
Mail< T, queue_sz > The Mail class allow to control, send, receive, or wait for mail
Mat N-dimensional dense array class
Mat_< _Tp > Template matrix class derived from Mat
MatAllocator Custom array allocator
MatCommaInitializer_< _Tp > Comma-separated Matrix Initializer
MatConstIterator_< _Tp > Matrix read-only iterator
MatExpr Matrix expression representation
MatIterator_< _Tp > Matrix read-write iterator
Matx< _Tp, m, n > Template class for small matrices whose type and size are known at compilation time
MatxCommaInitializer< _Tp, m, n > Comma-separated Matrix Initializer
MBRBlockDevice Block device for managing a Master Boot Record
MemoryPool< T, pool_sz > Define and manage fixed-size memory pools of objects of a given type
MinProblemSolver Basic interface for all solvers
Moments Struct returned by cv::moments
Mutex Used to synchronise the execution of threads
NAryMatIterator N-ary multi-dimensional array iterator
SparseMat::Node Sparse matrix node - element of a hash table
ParallelLoopBody Base class for parallel data processors
PCA Principal Component Analysis
PlatformMutex A stub mutex for when an RTOS is not present
Point3_< _Tp > Template class for 3D points specified by its coordinates `x`, `y` and `z`
Point_< _Tp > Template class for 2D points specified by its coordinates `x` and `y`
PortIn A multiple pin digital input
PortInOut A multiple pin digital in/out used to set/read multiple bi-directional pins
PortOut A multiple pin digital out
PredictCollector Abstract base class for all strategies of prediction result handling
Ptr< T > Template class for smart pointers with shared ownership
PwmOut A pulse-width modulation digital output
Queue< T, queue_sz > The Queue class allow to control, send, receive, or wait for messages
Range Template class specifying a continuous subsequence (slice) of a sequence
RawSerial A serial port (UART) for communication with other serial devices This is a variation of the Serial class that doesn't use streams, thus making it safe to use in interrupt handlers with the RTOS
Rect_< _Tp > Template class for 2D rectangles
DisplayBase::rect_t The relative position within the graphics display area
RNG Random Number Generator
RNG_MT19937 Mersenne Twister random number generator
RotatedRect The class represents rotated (i.e
RtosTimer Allow creating and and controlling of timer functions in the system
Scalar_< _Tp > Template class for a 4-element vector derived from Vec
SDBlockDevice_GR_PEACH A class to communicate a SD
Semaphore Used to manage and protect access to a set of shared resources
Seq< _Tp >
SeqIterator< _Tp >
Serial A serial port (UART) for communication with other serial devices
serial_t Asynch serial HAL structure
SerialBase A base class for serial port implementations Can't be instantiated directly (use Serial or RawSerial )
SimilarRects Class for grouping object candidates, detected by Cascade Classifier, HOG etc
SingletonPtr< T > Utility class for creating an using a singleton
Size_< _Tp > Template class for specifying the size of an image or rectangle
SparseMat The class SparseMat represents multi-dimensional sparse numerical arrays
SparseMat_< _Tp > Template sparse n-dimensional array class derived from SparseMat
SparseMatConstIterator Read-Only Sparse Matrix Iterator
SparseMatConstIterator_< _Tp > Template Read-Only Sparse Matrix Iterator Class
SparseMatIterator Read-write Sparse Matrix Iterator
SparseMatIterator_< _Tp > Template Read-Write Sparse Matrix Iterator Class
SPI A SPI Master, used for communicating with SPI slave devices
spi_t Asynch SPI HAL structure
SPISlave A SPI slave, used for communicating with a SPI Master device
StandardCollector Default predict collector
Stream This class encapsulates a queue of asynchronous calls
Stream File stream
StreamAccessor Class that enables getting cudaStream_t from cuda::Stream
SVD Singular Value Decomposition
TargetArchs Class providing a set of static methods to check what NVIDIA\* card architecture the CUDA module was built for
TermCriteria The class defining termination criteria for iterative algorithms
Texture2D Smart pointer for OpenGL 2D texture memory with reference counting
Thread Allow defining, creating, and controlling thread functions in the system
Ticker A Ticker is used to call a function at a recurring interval
ticker_data_t Ticker's data structure
ticker_event_queue_t Ticker's event queue structure
ticker_event_s Ticker's event structure
ticker_interface_t Ticker's interface structure - required API for a ticker
Timeout A Timeout is used to call a function at a point in the future
Timer A general purpose timer
TimerEvent Base abstraction for timer interrupts
TouchKey::touch_pos_t Touch position structure
TouchKey The class to acquire touch coordinates
TouchKey_4_3inch The class to acquire touch coordinates
TouchKey_7_1inch The class to acquire touch coordinates
TouchKey_RSK_TFT The class to acquire touch coordinates
Transaction< Class > Transaction class defines a transaction
transaction_t Transaction structure
USBDeviceConnected USBDeviceConnected class
USBEndpoint USBEndpoint class
USBHost USBHost class This class is a singleton
USBHostHub A class to use a USB Hub
USBHostKeyboard A class to communicate a USB keyboard
USBHostMIDI A class to communicate a USB MIDI device
USBHostMouse A class to communicate a USB mouse
USBHostMSD A class to communicate a USB flash disk
USBHostSerialPort A class to communicate a USB virtual serial port
Vec< _Tp, cn > Template class for short numerical vectors, a partial case of Matx
VecCommaInitializer< _Tp, m > Comma-separated Vec Initializer
DisplayBase::video_ext_in_config_t Digital Video Input configuration
WANDongle A class to use a WAN (3G/LTE) access dongle
WANDongleSerialPort A class to use a WAN (3G/LTE) access dongle
WImage< T > Image class which provides a thin layer around an IplImage
WImageBuffer< T > Image class which owns the data, so it can be allocated and is always freed
WImageBufferC< T, C > Like a WImageBuffer class but when the number of channels is known at compile time
WImageC< T, C > Image class when both the pixel type and number of channels are known at compile time
WImageView< T > View into an image class which allows treating a subimage as an image or treating external data as an image


_geom.h [code]
accum.cpp [code]
affine.hpp [code]
algorithm.cpp [code]
alloc.cpp [code]
AnalogIn.cpp [code]
AnalogIn.h [code]
analogin_api.h [code]
AnalogOut.h [code]
analogout_api.h [code]
approx.cpp [code]
arithm.cpp [code]
arithm_core.hpp [code]
arithm_simd.hpp [code]
arm_common_tables.h [code]
arm_const_structs.h [code]
arm_math.h [code]
array.cpp [code]
ATCmdParser.cpp [code]
ATCmdParser.h [code]
base.hpp [code]
basic.cpp [code] POSIX File API (stdio) test cases
bif.cpp [code]
bif.hpp [code]
blend.cpp [code]
block.hpp [code]
BlockDevice.h [code]
border_interpolate.hpp [code]
buffer.h [code]
bufferpool.hpp [code]
bufferpool.impl.hpp [code]
BusIn.cpp [code]
BusIn.h [code]
BusInOut.cpp [code]
BusInOut.h [code]
BusOut.cpp [code]
BusOut.h [code]
Callback.h [code]
CallChain.cpp [code]
CallChain.h [code]
CAN.cpp [code]
CAN.h [code]
can_api.h [code]
can_helper.h [code]
canny.cpp [code]
cascadedetect.cpp [code]
cascadedetect.hpp [code]
cascadedetect_convert.cpp [code]
ccsbcs.cpp [code]
ChainingBlockDevice.cpp [code]
ChainingBlockDevice.h [code]
CircBufferHostSerial.h [code]
CircularBuffer.h [code]
clahe.cpp [code]
color.cpp [code]
color.hpp [code]
color_detail.hpp [code]
colormap.cpp [code]
command_line_parser.cpp [code]
common.hpp [code]
conjugate_gradient.cpp [code]
connectedcomponents.cpp [code]
contours.cpp [code]
convert.cpp [code]
convhull.cpp [code]
copy.cpp [code]
core/core.hpp [code]
core.hpp [code]
core_c.h [code]
core_ca9.h [code] CMSIS Cortex-A9 Core Peripheral Access Layer Header File
core_ca_mmu.h [code] ; * ; *
core_caFunc.h [code] CMSIS Cortex-A Core Function Access Header File
core_caInstr.h [code] CMSIS Cortex-A9 Core Peripheral Access Layer Header File
core_cm0.h [code] CMSIS Cortex-M0 Core Peripheral Access Layer Header File
core_cm0plus.h [code] CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Core Peripheral Access Layer Header File
core_cm3.h [code] CMSIS Cortex-M3 Core Peripheral Access Layer Header File
core_cm4.h [code] CMSIS Cortex-M4 Core Peripheral Access Layer Header File
core_cm4_simd.h [code] CMSIS Cortex-M4 SIMD Header File
core_cm7.h [code] CMSIS Cortex-M7 Core Peripheral Access Layer Header File
core_cmFunc.h [code] CMSIS Cortex-M Core Function Access Header File
core_cmInstr.h [code] CMSIS Cortex-M Core Instruction Access Header File
core_cmSecureAccess.h [code] CMSIS Cortex-M Core Secure Access Header File
core_cmSimd.h [code] CMSIS Cortex-M SIMD Header File
core_sc000.h [code] CMSIS SC000 Core Peripheral Access Layer Header File
core_sc300.h [code] CMSIS SC300 Core Peripheral Access Layer Header File
corner.cpp [code]
cornersubpix.cpp [code]
cProcess.cpp [code]
cProcess.hpp [code]
critical.h [code]
CThunk.h [code]
cuda.hpp [code]
cuda.inl.hpp [code]
cuda_gpu_mat.cpp [code]
cuda_host_mem.cpp [code]
cuda_info.cpp [code]
cuda_stream.cpp [code]
cuda_stream_accessor.hpp [code] This is only header file that depends on CUDA Runtime API
cuda_types.hpp [code]
custom_hal.hpp [code]
cvconfig.h [code]
cvdef.h [code]
cvstd.hpp [code]
cvstd.inl.hpp [code]
datamov_utils.hpp [code]
datastructs.cpp [code]
dbg.h [code]
define.h [code]
demosaicing.cpp [code]
deriv.cpp [code]
detection_based_tracker.cpp [code]
detection_based_tracker.hpp [code]
DigitalIn.h [code]
DigitalInOut.h [code]
DigitalOut.h [code]
Dir.cpp [code]
Dir.h [code]
directx.cpp [code]
directx.hpp [code] [code]
DirHandle.h [code]
diskio.h [code]
DisplayBace.h [code]
DisplayBase.cpp [code]
distortion_model.hpp [code]
distransform.cpp [code]
dma_api.h [code]
downhill_simplex.cpp [code]
drawing.cpp [code]
Driver_Common.h [code]
Driver_Storage.h [code]
dxt.cpp [code]
dynamic_smem.hpp [code]
eigen.hpp [code]
eigen_faces.cpp [code]
emac_api.h [code]
emd.cpp [code]
emulation.hpp [code]
Ethernet.cpp [code]
Ethernet.h [code]
ethernet_api.h [code]
example1.cpp [code]
face.hpp [code]
face_basic.hpp [code]
facerec.cpp [code]
facerec.hpp [code]
fast_math.hpp [code]
FATFileSystem.cpp [code]
FATFileSystem.h [code]
featureselect.cpp [code]
ff.cpp [code]
ff.h [code]
ffconf.h [code]
File.cpp [code]
File.h [code]
FileBase.cpp [code]
FileBase.h [code]
FileHandle.cpp [code]
FileHandle.h [code]
FileLike.h [code]
FilePath.cpp [code]
FilePath.h [code]
FileSystem.cpp [code]
FileSystem.h [code]
FileSystemHandle.cpp [code]
FileSystemHandle.h [code]
FileSystemLike.h [code]
filter.cpp [code]
filterengine.hpp [code]
filters.hpp [code]
fisher_faces.cpp [code]
flash_api.h [code]
FlashIAP.cpp [code]
FlashIAP.h [code]
floodfill.cpp [code]
fopen.cpp [code] Test cases to POSIX file fopen() interface
fsfat_debug.h [code] Component debug header file
fsfat_test.c [code]
fsfat_test.h [code] Mbed Microcontroller Library Copyright (c) 2006-2016 ARM Limited
funcattrib.hpp [code]
functional.hpp [code]
FunctionPointer.h [code]
gabor.cpp [code]
gcgraph.hpp [code]
generalized_hough.cpp [code]
geometry.cpp [code]
gl_core_3_1.cpp [code]
gl_core_3_1.hpp [code]
gpio_api.h [code]
gpio_irq_api.h [code]
gr_peach_vdc5.c [code] VDC5 driver API wrapper function in C interface
gr_peach_vdc5.h [code] Graphics driver wrapper function definitions in C
grabcut.cpp [code]
haar.cpp [code]
haar_cascade.h [code]
hal.hpp [code]
hal_replacement.hpp [code]
HeapBlockDevice.cpp [code]
HeapBlockDevice.h [code]
hershey_fonts.cpp [code]
histogram.cpp [code]
hog.cpp [code]
hough.cpp [code]
I2C.cpp [code]
I2C.h [code]
i2c_api.h [code]
I2CSlave.cpp [code]
I2CSlave.h [code]
imgproc/imgproc.hpp [code]
imgproc.hpp [code]
imgproc_c.h [code]
imgwarp.cpp [code]
integer.h [code]
interface.h [code]
InterruptIn.cpp [code]
InterruptIn.h [code]
InterruptManager.cpp [code]
InterruptManager.h [code]
intersection.cpp [code]
intrin.hpp [code]
intrin_cpp.hpp [code]
intrin_neon.hpp [code]
intrin_sse.hpp [code]
ippasync.hpp [code]
IUSBEnumerator.h [code]
IUSBHostSerial.h [code]
IUSBHostSerialListener.h [code]
kmeans.cpp [code]
lapack.cpp [code]
lbph_faces.cpp [code]
lcd_analog_rgb.h [code] LCD panel definition header
lcd_analog_rgb_ch0.c [code] LCD panel for vdc5 channel 0 function
lcd_analog_rgb_ch0.h [code] LCD panel for vdc5 channel 0 definition header
lcd_analog_rgb_ch1.c [code] LCD panel for vdc5 channel 1 function
lcd_analog_rgb_ch1.h [code] LCD panel for vdc5 channel 1 definition header
lcd_gr_peach_ch0.c [code] LCD panel for vdc5 channel 0 function
lcd_gr_peach_ch0.h [code] LCD panel for vdc5 channel 0 definition header
lcd_panel.h [code] LCD panel definition header
lcd_settings.c [code] VDC5 driver LCD panel settings sample
LCD_shield_config_4_3inch.h [code]
LCD_shield_config_7_1inch.h [code]
LCD_shield_config_RSK_TFT.h [code]
LcdCfg_4_3inch.cpp [code]
LcdCfg_4_3inch.h [code]
LcdCfg_7_1inch.cpp [code]
LcdCfg_7_1inch.h [code]
lda.cpp [code]
limits.hpp [code]
linefit.cpp [code]
LocalFileSystem.cpp [code]
LocalFileSystem.h [code]
LowPowerTicker.h [code]
LowPowerTimeout.h [code]
LowPowerTimer.h [code]
lp_ticker_api.h [code]
lpsolver.cpp [code]
lsd.cpp [code]
lvds_pll_calc.h [code] Debug function header
lvds_pll_data.c [code] Lvds pll for vdc5 channel 0 data
lvds_pll_main.c [code] Lvds pll setting value
Mail.h [code]
main.cpp [code]
opencv_3_1/opencv2/imgproc/src/main.cpp [code]
SDBlockDevice_GR_PEACH/sd-driver-hs/features/TESTS/filesystem/spif/main.cpp [code]
mat.hpp [code]
mat.inl.hpp [code]
matchcontours.cpp [code]
mathfuncs.cpp [code]
mathfuncs_core.cpp [code]
matmul.cpp [code]
matop.cpp [code]
matrix.cpp [code]
matrix_decomp.cpp [code]
matx.hpp [code]
mbed.h [code]
mbed_alloc_wrappers.cpp [code]
mbed_application.c [code]
mbed_application.h [code]
mbed_assert.c [code]
mbed_assert.h [code]
mbed_board.c [code]
mbed_critical.c [code]
mbed_critical.h [code]
mbed_debug.h [code]
mbed_error.c [code]
mbed_error.h [code]
mbed_filesystem.h [code]
mbed_gpio.c [code]
mbed_interface.c [code]
mbed_interface.h [code]
mbed_lp_ticker_api.c [code]
mbed_mem_trace.c [code]
mbed_mem_trace.h [code]
mbed_pinmap_common.c [code]
mbed_poll.cpp [code]
mbed_poll.h [code]
mbed_preprocessor.h [code]
mbed_retarget.cpp [code]
mbed_retarget.h [code]
mbed_rtc_time.cpp [code]
mbed_rtc_time.h [code]
mbed_sdk_boot.c [code]
mbed_semihost_api.c [code]
mbed_semihost_api.h [code]
mbed_sleep.h [code]
mbed_stats.c [code]
mbed_stats.h [code]
mbed_ticker_api.c [code]
mbed_toolchain.h [code]
mbed_us_ticker_api.c [code]
mbed_wait_api.h [code]
mbed_wait_api_no_rtos.c [code]
mbed_wait_api_rtos.cpp [code]
MBRBlockDevice.cpp [code]
MBRBlockDevice.h [code]
MemoryPool.h [code]
merge.cpp [code]
mGraphic.cpp [code]
mGraphic.hpp [code]
min_enclosing_triangle.cpp [code]
moments.cpp [code]
morph.cpp [code]
mStorage.cpp [code]
mStorage.hpp [code]
MtxCircBuffer.h [code]
Mutex.cpp [code]
Mutex.h [code]
myImage.h [code]
neon_utils.hpp [code]
objdetect/objdetect.hpp [code]
objdetect.hpp [code]
objdetect_c.h [code]
ocl.cpp [code]
ocl.hpp [code]
ocl_defs.hpp [code]
ocl_genbase.hpp [code]
autogenerated/opencl_clamdblas.hpp [code]
opencl_clamdblas.hpp [code]
autogenerated/opencl_clamdfft.hpp [code]
opencl_clamdfft.hpp [code]
autogenerated/opencl_core.hpp [code]
opencl_core.hpp [code]
autogenerated/opencl_core_wrappers.hpp [code]
opencl_core_wrappers.hpp [code]
autogenerated/opencl_gl.hpp [code]
opencl_gl.hpp [code]
autogenerated/opencl_gl_wrappers.hpp [code]
opencl_gl_wrappers.hpp [code]
opencl_kernels_core.hpp [code]
opencl_kernels_imgproc.hpp [code]
opencl_svm.hpp [code]
opencl_svm_20.hpp [code]
opencl_svm_definitions.hpp [code]
opencl_svm_hsa_extension.hpp [code]
opencv_modules.hpp [code]
opengl.cpp [code]
opengl.hpp [code]
operations.hpp [code]
optim.hpp [code]
out.cpp [code]
parallel.cpp [code]
parallel_pthreads.cpp [code]
pca.cpp [code]
persistence.cpp [code]
persistence.hpp [code]
phasecorr.cpp [code]
pinmap.h [code]
platform.h [code]
PlatformMutex.h [code]
port_api.h [code]
PortIn.h [code]
PortInOut.h [code]
PortOut.h [code]
core/src/precomp.hpp [code]
face/src/precomp.hpp [code]
imgproc/src/precomp.hpp [code]
objdetect/src/precomp.hpp [code]
predict_collector.cpp [code]
predict_collector.hpp [code]
private.cuda.hpp [code]
private.hpp [code]
ptr.inl.hpp [code]
PwmOut.h [code]
pwmout_api.h [code]
pyramids.cpp [code]
Queue.h [code]
r_vdc5.c [code] VDC5 driver API function
r_vdc5.h [code] VDC5 driver API definitions
r_vdc5_check_parameter.c [code] VDC5 driver parameter check processing
r_vdc5_check_parameter.h [code] VDC5 driver parameter check definitions
r_vdc5_interrupt.c [code] VDC5 driver interrupt related processing
r_vdc5_register.c [code] VDC5 driver register setup processing
r_vdc5_register.h [code] VDC5 driver register setup definitions
r_vdc5_register_address.c [code] VDC5 driver register address table
r_vdc5_shared_param.c [code] VDC5 driver shared parameter processing
r_vdc5_shared_param.h [code] VDC5 driver shared parameter definitions
r_vdc5_user.h [code] VDC5 driver user-defined header
r_vdec.c [code] VDEC driver API function
r_vdec.h [code] VDEC driver API definitions
r_vdec_check_parameter.c [code] VDEC driver parameter check processing
r_vdec_check_parameter.h [code] VDEC driver parameter check definitions
r_vdec_register.c [code] VDEC driver register setup processing
r_vdec_register.h [code] VDEC driver register setup definitions
r_vdec_register_address.c [code] VDEC driver register address table
r_vdec_user.h [code] VDEC driver user-defined header
rand.cpp [code]
RawSerial.cpp [code]
RawSerial.h [code]
cuda/reduce.hpp [code]
detail/reduce.hpp [code]
reduce_key_val.hpp [code]
rotcalipers.cpp [code]
rtc_api.h [code]
rtc_time.h [code]
rtos.h [code]
rtos_idle.c [code]
rtos_idle.h [code]
RtosTimer.cpp [code]
RtosTimer.h [code]
samplers.cpp [code]
saturate.hpp [code]
saturate_cast.hpp [code]
scan.hpp [code]
SDBlockDevice.cpp [code]
SDBlockDevice.h [code]
SDBlockDevice_GR_PEACH.h [code]
segmentation.cpp [code]
Semaphore.cpp [code]
Semaphore.h [code]
semihost_api.h [code]
Serial.cpp [code]
Serial.h [code]
serial_api.h [code]
SerialBase.cpp [code]
SerialBase.h [code]
shapedescr.cpp [code]
simd_functions.hpp [code]
SingletonPtr.h [code]
sleep.h [code]
sleep_api.h [code]
SlicingBlockDevice.cpp [code]
SlicingBlockDevice.h [code]
smooth.cpp [code]
spatialgradient.cpp [code]
SPI.cpp [code]
SPI.h [code]
spi_api.h [code]
SPIFBlockDevice.cpp [code]
SPIFBlockDevice.h [code]
SPISlave.cpp [code]
SPISlave.h [code]
split.cpp [code]
sse_utils.hpp [code]
stat.cpp [code]
stl.cpp [code]
Stream.cpp [code]
Stream.h [code]
subdivision2d.cpp [code]
sumpixels.cpp [code]
system.cpp [code]
core/src/tables.cpp [code]
imgproc/src/tables.cpp [code]
templmatch.cpp [code]
Thread.cpp [code]
Thread.h [code]
thresh.cpp [code]
Ticker.cpp [code]
Ticker.h [code]
ticker_api.h [code]
Timeout.cpp [code]
Timeout.h [code]
Timer.cpp [code]
Timer.h [code]
TimerEvent.cpp [code]
TimerEvent.h [code]
toolchain.h [code]
TouchKey.h [code] TouchKey API
TouchKey_4_3inch.cpp [code]
TouchKey_4_3inch.h [code] TouchKey_4_3inch API
TouchKey_7_1inch.cpp [code]
TouchKey_7_1inch.h [code] TouchKey_7_1inch API
TouchKey_RSK_TFT.cpp [code]
TouchKey_RSK_TFT.h [code] TouchKey_RSK_TFT API
traits.hpp [code]
Transaction.h [code]
transform.hpp [code]
transform_detail.hpp [code]
trng_api.h [code]
type_traits.hpp [code]
type_traits_detail.hpp [code]
types.cpp [code]
types.hpp [code]
core/types_c.h [code]
imgproc/types_c.h [code]
UARTSerial.cpp [code]
UARTSerial.h [code]
umatrix.cpp [code]
undistort.cpp [code]
us_ticker_api.h [code]
USBDeviceConnected.cpp [code]
USBDeviceConnected.h [code]
USBEndpoint.cpp [code]
USBEndpoint.h [code]
USBHALHost.h [code]
USBHALHost_LPC17.cpp [code]
USBHALHost_RZ_A1.cpp [code]
USBHost.cpp [code]
USBHost.h [code]
USBHostConf.h [code]
USBHostHub.cpp [code]
USBHostHub.h [code]
USBHostKeyboard.cpp [code]
USBHostKeyboard.h [code]
USBHostMIDI.cpp [code]
USBHostMIDI.h [code]
USBHostMouse.cpp [code]
USBHostMouse.h [code]
USBHostMSD.cpp [code]
USBHostMSD.h [code]
USBHostSerial.cpp [code]
USBHostSerial.h [code]
USBHostTypes.h [code]
cuda/utility.hpp [code]
utility.hpp [code]
utils.cpp [code]
va_intel.cpp [code]
va_intel.hpp [code]
vec_distance.hpp [code]
vec_distance_detail.hpp [code]
vec_math.hpp [code]
vec_traits.hpp [code]
version.hpp [code] [code]
video_decoder.c [code] Video decoder function
video_decoder.h [code] Video decoder function header
wait_api.h [code]
WANDongle.cpp [code]
WANDongle.h [code]
WANDongleInitializer.h [code]
WANDongleSerialPort.cpp [code]
WANDongleSerialPort.h [code]
warp.hpp [code]
warp_reduce.hpp [code]
warp_shuffle.hpp [code]
wimage.hpp [code]
