First Working Master with Adaptronic simulator

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00003 #include <stdio.h>
00004 #include <string.h>
00005 #include <stdlib.h>
00006 #include <stdint.h>
00008 #include <errno.h>
00009 #include <limits.h>
00012 #include "modbus.h"
00014 #include "mbed.h"
00015 extern Serial serial;
00017 #define UNKNOWN_ERROR_MSG "Not defined in modbus specification"
00019 /* This structure reduces the number of params in functions and so
00020  * optimizes the speed of execution (~ 37%). */
00021 typedef struct {
00022         int slave;
00023         int function;
00024         int t_id; 
00025 } sft_t;
00027 static const uint8_t NB_TAB_ERROR_MSG = 12;
00028 static const char *TAB_ERROR_MSG[] = {
00029         /* 0x00 */ UNKNOWN_ERROR_MSG,
00030         /* 0x01 */ "Illegal function code",
00031         /* 0x02 */ "Illegal data address",
00032         /* 0x03 */ "Illegal data value",
00033         /* 0x04 */ "Slave device or server failure",
00034         /* 0x05 */ "Acknowledge",
00035         /* 0x06 */ "Slave device or server busy",
00036         /* 0x07 */ "Negative acknowledge",
00037         /* 0x08 */ "Memory parity error",
00038         /* 0x09 */ UNKNOWN_ERROR_MSG,
00039         /* 0x0A */ "Gateway path unavailable",
00040         /* 0x0B */ "Target device failed to respond"
00041 };
00043 /* Table of CRC values for high-order byte */
00044 static uint8_t table_crc_hi[] = {
00045         0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 
00046         0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 
00047         0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 
00048         0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 
00049         0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 
00050         0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 
00051         0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 
00052         0x81, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 
00053         0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 
00054         0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 
00055         0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 
00056         0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 
00057         0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 
00058         0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 
00059         0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 
00060         0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 
00061         0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 
00062         0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 
00063         0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 
00064         0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 
00065         0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 
00066         0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 
00067         0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 
00068         0x81, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 
00069         0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 
00070         0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40
00071 };
00073 /* Table of CRC values for low-order byte */
00074 static uint8_t table_crc_lo[] = {
00075         0x00, 0xC0, 0xC1, 0x01, 0xC3, 0x03, 0x02, 0xC2, 0xC6, 0x06, 
00076         0x07, 0xC7, 0x05, 0xC5, 0xC4, 0x04, 0xCC, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0xCD, 
00077         0x0F, 0xCF, 0xCE, 0x0E, 0x0A, 0xCA, 0xCB, 0x0B, 0xC9, 0x09, 
00078         0x08, 0xC8, 0xD8, 0x18, 0x19, 0xD9, 0x1B, 0xDB, 0xDA, 0x1A, 
00079         0x1E, 0xDE, 0xDF, 0x1F, 0xDD, 0x1D, 0x1C, 0xDC, 0x14, 0xD4, 
00080         0xD5, 0x15, 0xD7, 0x17, 0x16, 0xD6, 0xD2, 0x12, 0x13, 0xD3, 
00081         0x11, 0xD1, 0xD0, 0x10, 0xF0, 0x30, 0x31, 0xF1, 0x33, 0xF3, 
00082         0xF2, 0x32, 0x36, 0xF6, 0xF7, 0x37, 0xF5, 0x35, 0x34, 0xF4, 
00083         0x3C, 0xFC, 0xFD, 0x3D, 0xFF, 0x3F, 0x3E, 0xFE, 0xFA, 0x3A, 
00084         0x3B, 0xFB, 0x39, 0xF9, 0xF8, 0x38, 0x28, 0xE8, 0xE9, 0x29, 
00085         0xEB, 0x2B, 0x2A, 0xEA, 0xEE, 0x2E, 0x2F, 0xEF, 0x2D, 0xED, 
00086         0xEC, 0x2C, 0xE4, 0x24, 0x25, 0xE5, 0x27, 0xE7, 0xE6, 0x26, 
00087         0x22, 0xE2, 0xE3, 0x23, 0xE1, 0x21, 0x20, 0xE0, 0xA0, 0x60, 
00088         0x61, 0xA1, 0x63, 0xA3, 0xA2, 0x62, 0x66, 0xA6, 0xA7, 0x67, 
00089         0xA5, 0x65, 0x64, 0xA4, 0x6C, 0xAC, 0xAD, 0x6D, 0xAF, 0x6F, 
00090         0x6E, 0xAE, 0xAA, 0x6A, 0x6B, 0xAB, 0x69, 0xA9, 0xA8, 0x68, 
00091         0x78, 0xB8, 0xB9, 0x79, 0xBB, 0x7B, 0x7A, 0xBA, 0xBE, 0x7E, 
00092         0x7F, 0xBF, 0x7D, 0xBD, 0xBC, 0x7C, 0xB4, 0x74, 0x75, 0xB5, 
00093         0x77, 0xB7, 0xB6, 0x76, 0x72, 0xB2, 0xB3, 0x73, 0xB1, 0x71, 
00094         0x70, 0xB0, 0x50, 0x90, 0x91, 0x51, 0x93, 0x53, 0x52, 0x92, 
00095         0x96, 0x56, 0x57, 0x97, 0x55, 0x95, 0x94, 0x54, 0x9C, 0x5C, 
00096         0x5D, 0x9D, 0x5F, 0x9F, 0x9E, 0x5E, 0x5A, 0x9A, 0x9B, 0x5B, 
00097         0x99, 0x59, 0x58, 0x98, 0x88, 0x48, 0x49, 0x89, 0x4B, 0x8B, 
00098         0x8A, 0x4A, 0x4E, 0x8E, 0x8F, 0x4F, 0x8D, 0x4D, 0x4C, 0x8C, 
00099         0x44, 0x84, 0x85, 0x45, 0x87, 0x47, 0x46, 0x86, 0x82, 0x42, 
00100         0x43, 0x83, 0x41, 0x81, 0x80, 0x40
00101 };
00103 /* Treats errors and flush or close connection if necessary */
00104 static void error_treat(modbus_param_t *mb_param, int code, const char *string)
00105 {
00106         printf("\nERROR %s (%d)\n", string, code);
00108         if (mb_param->error_handling == FLUSH_OR_RECONNECT_ON_ERROR) {
00109                 switch (code) {
00110                 case ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE:
00111                 case ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS:
00112                 case ILLEGAL_FUNCTION:
00113                         break;
00114                 default:
00115                  //               tcflush(mb_param->fd, TCIOFLUSH);
00117                  }
00118         }
00119 }
00121 /* Computes the length of the expected response */
00122 static unsigned int compute_response_length(modbus_param_t *mb_param, 
00123                                             uint8_t *query)
00124 {
00125         int length;
00126         int offset;
00128         offset = mb_param->header_length;
00130         switch (query[offset + 1]) {
00131         case FC_READ_COIL_STATUS:
00132         case FC_READ_INPUT_STATUS: {
00133                 /* Header + nb values (code from force_multiple_coils) */
00134                 int nb = (query[offset + 4] << 8) | query[offset + 5];
00135                 length = 3 + (nb / 8) + ((nb % 8) ? 1 : 0);
00136         }
00137                 break;
00138         case FC_READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS:
00139         case FC_READ_INPUT_REGISTERS:
00140                 /* Header + 2 * nb values */
00141                 length = 3 + 2 * (query[offset + 4] << 8 | 
00142                                        query[offset + 5]);
00143                 break;
00144         case FC_READ_EXCEPTION_STATUS:
00145                 length = 4;
00146                 break;
00147         default:
00148                 length = 6;
00149         }
00151         return length + offset + mb_param->checksum_length;
00152 }
00154 /* Builds a RTU query header */
00155  int build_query_basis_rtu(int slave, int function,
00156                                  int start_addr, int nb,
00157                                  uint8_t *query)
00158 {
00159         query[0] = slave;
00160         query[1] = function;
00161         query[2] = start_addr >> 8;
00162         query[3] = start_addr & 0x00ff;
00163         query[4] = nb >> 8;
00164         query[5] = nb & 0x00ff;
00166         return PRESET_QUERY_LENGTH_RTU;
00167 }
00170 static int build_query_basis(modbus_param_t *mb_param, int slave, 
00171                              int function, int start_addr,
00172                              int nb, uint8_t *query)
00173 {
00175                 return build_query_basis_rtu(slave, function, start_addr,
00176                                              nb, query);
00178 }
00180 /* Builds a RTU response header */
00181 static int build_response_basis_rtu(sft_t *sft, uint8_t *response)
00182 {
00183         response[0] = sft->slave;
00184         response[1] = sft->function;
00186         return PRESET_RESPONSE_LENGTH_RTU;
00187 }
00189 static int build_response_basis(modbus_param_t *mb_param, sft_t *sft, 
00190                                 uint8_t *response)
00191 {
00193                 return build_response_basis_rtu(sft, response);
00195 }
00198 /* Fast CRC */
00199 static uint16_t crc16(uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t buffer_length)
00200 {
00201         uint8_t crc_hi = 0xFF; /* high CRC byte initialized */
00202         uint8_t crc_lo = 0xFF; /* low CRC byte initialized */
00203         unsigned int i; /* will index into CRC lookup */
00205         /* pass through message buffer */
00206         while (buffer_length--) {
00207                 i = crc_hi ^ *buffer++; /* calculate the CRC  */
00208                 crc_hi = crc_lo ^ table_crc_hi[i];
00209                 crc_lo = table_crc_lo[i];
00210         }
00212         return (crc_hi << 8 | crc_lo);
00213 }
00215 /* If CRC is correct returns 0 else returns INVALID_CRC */
00216 static int check_crc16(modbus_param_t *mb_param,
00217                        uint8_t *msg,
00218                        const int msg_length)
00219 {
00220         int ret;
00221         uint16_t crc_calc;
00222         uint16_t crc_received;
00224         crc_calc = crc16(msg, msg_length - 2);
00225         crc_received = (msg[msg_length - 2] << 8) | msg[msg_length - 1];
00227         /* Check CRC of msg */
00228         if (crc_calc == crc_received) {
00229                 ret = 0;
00230         } else {
00231                 char s_error[64];
00232                 sprintf(s_error,
00233                         "invalid crc received %0X - crc_calc %0X", 
00234                         crc_received, crc_calc);
00235                 ret = INVALID_CRC;
00236                 error_treat(mb_param, ret, s_error);
00237         }
00239         return ret;
00240 }
00242  int modbus_send(modbus_param_t *mb_param, uint8_t *query,
00243                        int query_length)
00244 {
00245         int ret;
00246         uint16_t s_crc;
00247         int i;
00249                 s_crc = crc16(query, query_length);
00250                 query[query_length++] = s_crc >> 8;
00251                 query[query_length++] = s_crc & 0x00FF;
00253         if (mb_param->debug) {
00254                 for (i = 0; i < query_length; i++)
00255                         printf("[%.2X]", query[i]);
00256                 printf("\n");
00257         }
00259         //mbed
00260         for (i = 0; i < query_length; i++) serial.putc(query[i]);
00262       //          ret = write(mb_param->fd, query, query_length);
00264         /* Return the number of bytes written (0 to n)
00265            or PORT_SOCKET_FAILURE on error */
00266        /*
00267         if ((ret == -1) || (ret != query_length)) {
00268                 ret = PORT_SOCKET_FAILURE;
00269                 error_treat(mb_param, ret, "Write port/socket failure");
00270         }
00271         */
00272         return ret;
00273 }
00275 /* Computes the length of the header following the function code */
00276 static uint8_t compute_query_length_header(int function)
00277 {
00278         int length;
00280         if (function <= FC_FORCE_SINGLE_COIL ||
00281             function == FC_PRESET_SINGLE_REGISTER)
00282                 /* Read and single write */
00283                 length = 4;
00284         else if (function == FC_FORCE_MULTIPLE_COILS ||
00285                  function == FC_PRESET_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS)
00286                 /* Multiple write */
00287                 length = 5;
00288         else
00289                 length = 0;
00291         return length;
00292 }
00294 /* Computes the length of the data to write in the query */
00295 static int compute_query_length_data(modbus_param_t *mb_param, uint8_t *msg)
00296 {
00297         int function = msg[mb_param->header_length + 1];
00298         int length;
00300         if (function == FC_FORCE_MULTIPLE_COILS ||
00301             function == FC_PRESET_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS)
00302                 length = msg[mb_param->header_length + 6];
00303         else
00304                 length = 0;
00306         length += mb_param->checksum_length;
00308         return length;
00309 }
00313 /* Waits a reply from a modbus slave or a query from a modbus master.
00314    This function blocks for timeout seconds if there is no reply.
00316    In
00317    - msg_length_computed must be set to MSG_LENGTH_UNDEFINED if undefined
00319    Out
00320    - msg is an array of uint8_t to receive the message
00321    - p_msg_length, the variable is assigned to the number of
00322      characters received. This value won't be greater than
00323      msg_length_computed.
00325    Returns 0 in success or a negative value if an error occured.
00326 */
00327  int receive_msg(modbus_param_t *mb_param,
00328                        int msg_length_computed,
00329                        uint8_t *msg, int *p_msg_length)
00330 {
00331         int select_ret;
00332         int read_ret;
00333 //        fd_set rfds;
00334 //        struct timeval tv;
00335         int length_to_read;
00337         uint8_t *p_msg;
00339         enum { FUNCTION, BYTE, COMPLETE };
00340         int state;
00342         if (mb_param->debug) {
00343                 if (msg_length_computed == MSG_LENGTH_UNDEFINED)
00344                         printf("Waiting for a message...\n");
00345                 else
00346                         printf("Waiting for a message (%d bytes)...\n",
00347                                msg_length_computed);
00348         }
00349    printf("0");
00350         /* Add a file descriptor to the set */
00351         //FD_ZERO(&rfds);
00352         //FD_SET(mb_param->fd, &rfds);
00354         if (msg_length_computed == MSG_LENGTH_UNDEFINED) {
00355                 /* Wait for a message */
00356                 //tv.tv_sec = 60;
00357                 //tv.tv_usec = 0;
00359                 /* The message length is undefined (query receiving) so
00360                  * we need to analyse the message step by step.
00361                  * At the first step, we want to reach the function
00362                  * code because all packets have that information. */
00363                 msg_length_computed = mb_param->header_length + 2;
00364                 state = FUNCTION;
00365         } else {
00366                // tv.tv_sec = 0;
00367                // tv.tv_usec = TIME_OUT_BEGIN_OF_TRAME;
00368                 state = COMPLETE;
00369         }
00371         length_to_read = msg_length_computed;
00373         select_ret = 1;
00374       //  WAIT_DATA();
00376         /* Initialize the readin the message */
00377         (*p_msg_length) = 0;
00378         p_msg = msg;
00380         while (select_ret) {
00382            read_ret=0;
00383                 //read_ret = read(mb_param->fd, p_msg, length_to_read);
00384                        printf("1");
00385                 while(serial.readable()) {
00386                 p_msg[read_ret] = serial.getc();
00387                   printf("x");
00388                 read_ret++;
00389                 }
00390                      printf("2");
00391                 /* Sums bytes received */ 
00392                 (*p_msg_length) += read_ret;
00394                 /* Display the hex code of each character received */
00395                 if (mb_param->debug) {
00396                         int i;
00397                         for (i=0; i < read_ret; i++)
00398                                 printf("<%.2X>", p_msg[i]);
00399                 }
00401                 if ((*p_msg_length) < msg_length_computed) {
00402                         /* Message incomplete */
00403                         length_to_read = msg_length_computed - (*p_msg_length);
00404                 } else {
00405                         switch (state) {
00406                         case FUNCTION:
00407                                 /* Function code position */
00408                                 length_to_read = compute_query_length_header(msg[mb_param->header_length + 1]);
00409                                 msg_length_computed += length_to_read;
00410                                 /* It's useless to check
00411                                    p_msg_length_computed value in this
00412                                    case (only defined values are used). */
00413                                 state = BYTE;
00414                                 break;
00415                         case BYTE:
00416                                 length_to_read = compute_query_length_data(mb_param, msg);
00417                                 msg_length_computed += length_to_read;
00418                                 if (msg_length_computed > MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH) {
00419                                      error_treat(mb_param, TOO_MANY_DATA, "Too many data");
00420                                      return TOO_MANY_DATA;  
00421                                 }
00422                                 state = COMPLETE;
00423                                 break;
00424                         case COMPLETE:
00425                                 length_to_read = 0;
00426                                 break;
00427                         }
00428                 }
00430                 /* Moves the pointer to receive other data */
00431                 p_msg = &(p_msg[read_ret]);
00433                 if (length_to_read > 0) {
00434                         /* If no character at the buffer wait
00435                            TIME_OUT_END_OF_TRAME before to generate an error. */
00436                         //tv.tv_sec = 0;
00437                         //tv.tv_usec = TIME_OUT_END_OF_TRAME;
00439                         //WAIT_DATA();
00440                 } else {
00441                         /* All chars are received */
00442                         select_ret = FALSE;
00443                 }
00444         }
00446              printf("8");
00447         if (mb_param->debug)
00448                 printf("\n");
00450         if (mb_param->type_com == RTU) {
00451                  printf("CRC");
00452                 check_crc16(mb_param, msg, (*p_msg_length));
00453         }
00455         /* OK */
00456         return 0;
00457 }
00460 /* Receives the response and checks values (and checksum in RTU).
00462    Returns:
00463    - the number of values (bits or word) if success or the response
00464      length if no value is returned
00465    - less than 0 for exception errors
00467    Note: all functions used to send or receive data with modbus return
00468    these values. */
00469  int modbus_receive(modbus_param_t *mb_param, 
00470                           uint8_t *query,
00471                           uint8_t *response)
00472 {
00473         int ret;
00474         int response_length;
00475         int response_length_computed;
00476         int offset = mb_param->header_length;
00478         response_length_computed = compute_response_length(mb_param, query);
00479         ret = receive_msg(mb_param, response_length_computed,
00480                           response, &response_length);
00481         if (ret == 0) {
00482                 /* GOOD RESPONSE */
00483                 int query_nb_value;
00484                 int response_nb_value;
00486                 /* The number of values is returned if it's corresponding
00487                  * to the query */
00488                 switch (response[offset + 1]) {
00489                 case FC_READ_COIL_STATUS:
00490                 case FC_READ_INPUT_STATUS:
00491                         /* Read functions, 8 values in a byte (nb
00492                          * of values in the query and byte count in
00493                          * the response. */
00494                         query_nb_value = (query[offset+4] << 8) + query[offset+5];
00495                         query_nb_value = (query_nb_value / 8) + ((query_nb_value % 8) ? 1 : 0);
00496                         response_nb_value = response[offset + 2];
00497                         break;
00498                 case FC_READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS:
00499                 case FC_READ_INPUT_REGISTERS:
00500                         /* Read functions 1 value = 2 bytes */
00501                         query_nb_value = (query[offset+4] << 8) + query[offset+5];
00502                         response_nb_value = (response[offset + 2] / 2);
00503                         break;
00504                 case FC_FORCE_MULTIPLE_COILS:
00505                 case FC_PRESET_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS:
00506                         /* N Write functions */
00507                         query_nb_value = (query[offset+4] << 8) + query[offset+5];
00508                         response_nb_value = (response[offset + 4] << 8) | response[offset + 5];
00509                         break;
00510                 case FC_REPORT_SLAVE_ID:
00511                         /* Report slave ID (bytes received) */
00512                         query_nb_value = response_nb_value = response_length;
00513                         break;
00514                 default:
00515                         /* 1 Write functions & others */
00516                         query_nb_value = response_nb_value = 1;
00517                 }
00519                 if (query_nb_value == response_nb_value) {
00520                         ret = response_nb_value;
00521                 } else {
00522                         char *s_error = (char *)malloc(64 * sizeof(char));
00523                         sprintf(s_error, "Quantity (%d) not corresponding to the query (%d)",
00524                                 response_nb_value, query_nb_value);
00525                         ret = ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE;
00526                         error_treat(mb_param, ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE, s_error);
00527                         free(s_error);
00528                 }
00529         } else if (ret == COMM_TIME_OUT) {
00531                 if (response_length == (offset + 3 + mb_param->checksum_length)) {
00532                         /* EXCEPTION CODE RECEIVED */
00534                         /* Optimization allowed because exception response is
00535                            the smallest trame in modbus protocol (3) so always
00536                            raise a timeout error */
00538                         /* CRC must be checked here (not done in receive_msg) */
00539                         if (mb_param->type_com == RTU) {
00540                                 ret = check_crc16(mb_param, response, response_length);
00541                                 if (ret != 0)
00542                                         return ret;
00543                         }
00545                         /* Check for exception response.
00546                            0x80 + function is stored in the exception
00547                            response. */
00548                         if (0x80 + query[offset + 1] == response[offset + 1]) {
00550                                 int exception_code = response[offset + 2];
00551                                 // FIXME check test
00552                                 if (exception_code < NB_TAB_ERROR_MSG) {
00553                                         error_treat(mb_param, -exception_code,
00554                                                     TAB_ERROR_MSG[response[offset + 2]]);
00555                                         /* RETURN THE EXCEPTION CODE */
00556                                         /* Modbus error code is negative */
00557                                         return -exception_code;
00558                                 } else {
00559                                         /* The chances are low to hit this
00560                                            case but it can avoid a vicious
00561                                            segfault */
00562                                         char *s_error = (char *)malloc(64 * sizeof(char));
00563                                         sprintf(s_error,
00564                                                 "Invalid exception code %d",
00565                                                 response[offset + 2]);
00566                                         error_treat(mb_param, INVALID_EXCEPTION_CODE,
00567                                                     s_error);
00568                                         free(s_error);
00569                                         return INVALID_EXCEPTION_CODE;
00570                                 }
00571                         }
00572                         /* If doesn't return previously, return as
00573                            TIME OUT here */
00574                 }
00576                 /* COMMUNICATION TIME OUT */
00577                 error_treat(mb_param, ret, "Communication time out");
00578                 return ret;
00579         }
00581         return ret;
00582 }
00584 static int response_io_status(int address, int nb,
00585                               uint8_t *tab_io_status,
00586                               uint8_t *response, int offset)
00587 {
00588         int shift = 0;
00589         int byte = 0;
00590         int i;
00592         for (i = address; i < address+nb; i++) {
00593                 byte |= tab_io_status[i] << shift;
00594                 if (shift == 7) {
00595                         /* Byte is full */
00596                         response[offset++] = byte;
00597                         byte = shift = 0;
00598                 } else {
00599                         shift++;
00600                 }
00601         }
00603         if (shift != 0)
00604                 response[offset++] = byte;
00606         return offset;
00607 }
00609 /* Build the exception response */
00610 static int response_exception(modbus_param_t *mb_param, sft_t *sft,
00611                               int exception_code, uint8_t *response)
00612 {
00613         int response_length;
00615         sft->function = sft->function + 0x80;
00616         response_length = build_response_basis(mb_param, sft, response);
00618         /* Positive exception code */
00619         response[response_length++] = -exception_code;
00621         return response_length;
00622 }
00624 /* Manages the received query.
00625    Analyses the query and constructs a response.
00626    If an error occurs, this function construct the response
00627    accordingly.
00628 */
00629 void modbus_manage_query(modbus_param_t *mb_param, const uint8_t *query,
00630                          int query_length, modbus_mapping_t *mb_mapping)
00631 {                   
00632         int offset = mb_param->header_length;
00633         int slave = query[offset];
00634         int function = query[offset+1];
00635         uint16_t address = (query[offset+2] << 8) + query[offset+3];
00636         uint8_t response[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
00637         int resp_length = 0;
00638         sft_t sft;
00640         sft.slave = slave;
00641         sft.function = function;
00642 //        if (mb_param->type_com == TCP) {
00643   //              sft.t_id = (query[0] << 8) + query[1];
00644     //    } else {
00645                 sft.t_id = 0;
00646                 query_length -= CHECKSUM_LENGTH_RTU;
00647       //  }
00649         switch (function) {
00650         case FC_READ_COIL_STATUS: {
00651                 int nb = (query[offset+4] << 8) + query[offset+5];
00653                 if ((address + nb) > mb_mapping->nb_coil_status) {
00654                         printf("Illegal data address %0X in read_coil_status\n",
00655                                address + nb); 
00656                         resp_length = response_exception(mb_param, &sft,
00657                                                          ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS, response);  
00658                 } else {
00659                         resp_length = build_response_basis(mb_param, &sft, response);
00660                         response[resp_length++] = (nb / 8) + ((nb % 8) ? 1 : 0);
00661                         resp_length = response_io_status(address, nb,
00662                                                          mb_mapping->tab_coil_status,
00663                                                          response, resp_length);
00664                 }
00665         }
00666                 break;
00667         case FC_READ_INPUT_STATUS: {
00668                 /* Similar to coil status (but too much arguments to use a
00669                  * function) */
00670                 int nb = (query[offset+4] << 8) + query[offset+5];
00672                 if ((address + nb) > mb_mapping->nb_input_status) {
00673                         printf("Illegal data address %0X in read_input_status\n",
00674                                address + nb); 
00675                         resp_length = response_exception(mb_param, &sft,
00676                                                          ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS, response);
00677                 } else {
00678                         resp_length = build_response_basis(mb_param, &sft, response);
00679                         response[resp_length++] = (nb / 8) + ((nb % 8) ? 1 : 0);
00680                         resp_length = response_io_status(address, nb,
00681                                                          mb_mapping->tab_input_status,
00682                                                          response, resp_length);
00683                 }
00684         }
00685                 break;
00686         case FC_READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS: {
00687                 int nb = (query[offset+4] << 8) + query[offset+5];
00689                 if ((address + nb) > mb_mapping->nb_holding_registers) {
00690                         printf("Illegal data address %0X in read_holding_registers\n",
00691                                address + nb); 
00692                         resp_length = response_exception(mb_param, &sft,
00693                                                          ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS, response);
00694                 } else {
00695                         int i;
00697                         resp_length = build_response_basis(mb_param, &sft, response);
00698                         response[resp_length++] = nb << 1;
00699                         for (i = address; i < address + nb; i++) {
00700                                 response[resp_length++] = mb_mapping->tab_holding_registers[i] >> 8;
00701                                 response[resp_length++] = mb_mapping->tab_holding_registers[i] & 0xFF;
00702                         }
00703                 }
00704         }
00705                 break;
00706         case FC_READ_INPUT_REGISTERS: {
00707                 /* Similar to holding registers (but too much arguments to use a
00708                  * function) */
00709                 int nb = (query[offset+4] << 8) + query[offset+5];
00711                 if ((address + nb) > mb_mapping->nb_input_registers) {
00712                         printf("Illegal data address %0X in read_input_registers\n",
00713                                address + nb);
00714                         resp_length = response_exception(mb_param, &sft,
00715                                                          ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS, response);
00716                 } else {
00717                         int i;
00719                         resp_length = build_response_basis(mb_param, &sft, response);
00720                         response[resp_length++] = nb << 1;
00721                         for (i = address; i < address + nb; i++) {
00722                                 response[resp_length++] = mb_mapping->tab_input_registers[i] >> 8;
00723                                 response[resp_length++] = mb_mapping->tab_input_registers[i] & 0xFF;
00724                         }
00725                 }
00726         }
00727                 break;
00728         case FC_FORCE_SINGLE_COIL:
00729                 if (address >= mb_mapping->nb_coil_status) {
00730                         printf("Illegal data address %0X in force_singe_coil\n", address); 
00731                         resp_length = response_exception(mb_param, &sft,
00732                                                          ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS, response);  
00733                 } else {
00734                         int data = (query[offset+4] << 8) + query[offset+5];
00736                         if (data == 0xFF00 || data == 0x0) {
00737                                 mb_mapping->tab_coil_status[address] = (data) ? ON : OFF;
00739                                 /* In RTU mode, the CRC is computed and added
00740                                    to the query by modbus_send, the computed
00741                                    CRC will be same and optimisation is
00742                                    possible here (FIXME). */
00743                                 memcpy(response, query, query_length);
00744                                 resp_length = query_length;
00745                         } else {
00746                                 printf("Illegal data value %0X in force_single_coil request at address %0X\n",
00747                                        data, address);
00748                                 resp_length = response_exception(mb_param, &sft,
00749                                                                  ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE, response);
00750                         }
00751                 }
00752                 break;          
00753         case FC_PRESET_SINGLE_REGISTER:
00754                 if (address >= mb_mapping->nb_holding_registers) {
00755                         printf("Illegal data address %0X in preset_holding_register\n", address); 
00756                         resp_length = response_exception(mb_param, &sft,
00757                                                          ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS, response);  
00758                 } else {
00759                         int data = (query[offset+4] << 8) + query[offset+5];
00761                         mb_mapping->tab_holding_registers[address] = data;
00762                         memcpy(response, query, query_length);
00763                         resp_length = query_length;
00764                 }
00765                 break;
00766         case FC_FORCE_MULTIPLE_COILS: {
00767                 int nb = (query[offset+4] << 8) + query[offset+5];
00769                 if ((address + nb) > mb_mapping->nb_coil_status) {
00770                         printf("Illegal data address %0X in force_multiple_coils\n",
00771                                address + nb);
00772                         resp_length = response_exception(mb_param, &sft,
00773                                                          ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS, response);
00774                 } else {
00775                         /* 6 = byte count, 7 = first byte of data */
00776                         set_bits_from_bytes(mb_mapping->tab_coil_status, address, nb, &query[offset + 7]);
00778                         resp_length = build_response_basis(mb_param, &sft, response);
00779                         /* 4 to copy the coil address (2) and the quantity of coils */
00780                         memcpy(response + resp_length, query + resp_length, 4);
00781                         resp_length += 4;
00782                 }
00783         }
00784                 break;
00785         case FC_PRESET_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS: {
00786                 int nb = (query[offset+4] << 8) + query[offset+5];
00788                 if ((address + nb) > mb_mapping->nb_holding_registers) {
00789                         printf("Illegal data address %0X in preset_multiple_registers\n",
00790                                address + nb);
00791                         resp_length = response_exception(mb_param, &sft,
00792                                                          ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS, response);
00793                 } else {
00794                         int i, j;
00795                         for (i = address, j = 0; i < address + nb; i++, j += 2) {
00796                                 /* 6 = byte count, 7 and 8 = first value */
00797                                 mb_mapping->tab_holding_registers[i] = 
00798                                         (query[offset + 7 + j] << 8) + query[offset + 8 + j];
00799                         }
00801                         resp_length = build_response_basis(mb_param, &sft, response);
00802                         /* 4 to copy the address (2) and the no. of registers */
00803                         memcpy(response + resp_length, query + resp_length, 4);
00804                         resp_length += 4;
00805                 }
00806         }
00807                 break;
00808         case FC_READ_EXCEPTION_STATUS:
00809         case FC_REPORT_SLAVE_ID:
00810                 printf("Not implemented\n");
00811                 break;
00812         }
00814         modbus_send(mb_param, response, resp_length);
00815 }
00817 /* Listens any message on a socket or file descriptor.
00818    Returns:
00819    - 0 if OK, or a negative error number if the request fails
00820    - query, message received
00821    - query_length, length in bytes of the message */
00822 int modbus_listen(modbus_param_t *mb_param, uint8_t *query, int *query_length)
00823 {
00824         int ret;
00826         /* The length of the query to receive isn't known. */
00827         ret = receive_msg(mb_param, MSG_LENGTH_UNDEFINED, query, query_length);
00829         return ret;
00830 }
00832 /* Reads IO status */
00833 static int read_io_status(modbus_param_t *mb_param, int slave, int function,
00834                           int start_addr, int nb, uint8_t *data_dest)
00835 {
00836         int ret;
00837         int query_length;
00839         uint8_t query[MIN_QUERY_LENGTH];
00840         uint8_t response[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
00842         query_length = build_query_basis(mb_param, slave, function, 
00843                                          start_addr, nb, query);
00845         ret = modbus_send(mb_param, query, query_length);
00846         if (ret > 0) {
00847                 int i, temp, bit;
00848                 int pos = 0;
00849                 int offset;
00850                 int offset_length;
00852                 ret = modbus_receive(mb_param, query, response);
00853                 if (ret < 0)
00854                         return ret;
00856                 offset = mb_param->header_length;
00858                 offset_length = offset + ret;          
00859                 for (i = offset; i < offset_length; i++) {
00860                         /* Shift reg hi_byte to temp */
00861                         temp = response[3 + i];
00863                         for (bit = 0x01; (bit & 0xff) && (pos < nb);) {
00864                                 data_dest[pos++] = (temp & bit) ? TRUE : FALSE;
00865                                 bit = bit << 1;
00866                         }
00868                 }
00869         }
00871         return ret;
00872 }
00874 /* Reads the boolean status of coils and sets the array elements
00875    in the destination to TRUE or FALSE. */
00876 int read_coil_status(modbus_param_t *mb_param, int slave, int start_addr,
00877                      int nb, uint8_t *data_dest)
00878 {
00879         int status;
00881         if (nb > MAX_STATUS) {
00882                 printf("ERROR Too many coils status requested (%d > %d)\n",
00883                        nb, MAX_STATUS);
00884                 return TOO_MANY_DATA;
00885         }
00887         status = read_io_status(mb_param, slave, FC_READ_COIL_STATUS,
00888                                 start_addr, nb, data_dest);
00890         if (status > 0)
00891                 status = nb;
00893         return status;
00894 }
00897 /* Same as read_coil_status but reads the slaves input table */
00898 int read_input_status(modbus_param_t *mb_param, int slave, int start_addr,
00899                       int nb, uint8_t *data_dest)
00900 {
00901         int status;
00903         if (nb > MAX_STATUS) {
00904                 printf("ERROR Too many input status requested (%d > %d)\n",
00905                        nb, MAX_STATUS);
00906                 return TOO_MANY_DATA;
00907         }
00909         status = read_io_status(mb_param, slave, FC_READ_INPUT_STATUS,
00910                                 start_addr, nb, data_dest);
00912         if (status > 0)
00913                 status = nb;
00915         return status;
00916 }
00918 /* Reads the data from a modbus slave and put that data into an array */
00919 static int read_registers(modbus_param_t *mb_param, int slave, int function,
00920                           int start_addr, int nb, uint16_t *data_dest)
00921 {
00922         int ret;
00923         int query_length;
00924         uint8_t query[MIN_QUERY_LENGTH];
00925         uint8_t response[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
00927         if (nb > MAX_REGISTERS) {
00928                 printf("EROOR Too many holding registers requested (%d > %d)\n",
00929                        nb, MAX_REGISTERS);
00930                 return TOO_MANY_DATA;
00931         }
00933         query_length = build_query_basis(mb_param, slave, function, 
00934                                          start_addr, nb, query);
00936         ret = modbus_send(mb_param, query, query_length);
00938       /*
00939         if (ret > 0) {
00940                 int offset;
00941                 int i;
00943                 ret = modbus_receive(mb_param, query, response);
00945                 offset = mb_param->header_length;
00947                 // If ret is negative, the loop is jumped ! 
00948                 for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) {
00949                         // shift reg hi_byte to temp OR with lo_byte 
00950                         data_dest[i] = (response[offset + 3 + (i << 1)] << 8) | 
00951                                 response[offset + 4 + (i << 1)];    
00952                 }
00953         }
00954     */     
00955            return ret;
00956 }
00958 /* Reads the holding registers in a slave and put the data into an
00959    array */
00960 int read_holding_registers(modbus_param_t *mb_param, int slave,
00961                            int start_addr, int nb, uint16_t *data_dest)
00962 {
00963         int status;
00965         if (nb > MAX_REGISTERS) {
00966                 printf("ERROR Too many holding registers requested (%d > %d)\n",
00967                        nb, MAX_REGISTERS);
00968                 return TOO_MANY_DATA;
00969         }
00971         status = read_registers(mb_param, slave, FC_READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS,
00972                                 start_addr, nb, data_dest);
00973         return status;
00974 }
00976 /* Reads the input registers in a slave and put the data into
00977    an array */
00978 int read_input_registers(modbus_param_t *mb_param, int slave,
00979                          int start_addr, int nb, uint16_t *data_dest)
00980 {
00981         int status;
00983         if (nb > MAX_REGISTERS) {
00984                 printf("ERROR Too many input registers requested (%d > %d)\n",
00985                        nb, MAX_REGISTERS);
00986                 return TOO_MANY_DATA;
00987         }
00989         status = read_registers(mb_param, slave, FC_READ_INPUT_REGISTERS,
00990                                 start_addr, nb, data_dest);
00992         return status;
00993 }
00995 /* Sends a value to a register in a slave.
00996    Used by force_single_coil and preset_single_register */
00997 static int set_single(modbus_param_t *mb_param, int slave, int function,
00998                       int addr, int value)
00999 {
01000         int ret;
01001         int query_length;
01002         uint8_t query[MIN_QUERY_LENGTH];
01004         query_length = build_query_basis(mb_param, slave, function, 
01005                                          addr, value, query);
01007         ret = modbus_send(mb_param, query, query_length);
01008         if (ret > 0) {
01009                 /* Used by force_single_coil and
01010                  * preset_single_register */
01011                 uint8_t response[MIN_QUERY_LENGTH];
01012                 ret = modbus_receive(mb_param, query, response);
01013         }
01015         return ret;
01016 }
01018 /* Turns ON or OFF a single coil in the slave device */
01019 int force_single_coil(modbus_param_t *mb_param, int slave,
01020                       int coil_addr, int state)
01021 {
01022         int status;
01024         if (state)
01025                 state = 0xFF00;
01027         status = set_single(mb_param, slave, FC_FORCE_SINGLE_COIL,
01028                             coil_addr, state);
01030         return status;
01031 }
01033 /* Sets a value in one holding register in the slave device */
01034 int preset_single_register(modbus_param_t *mb_param, int slave,
01035                            int reg_addr, int value)
01036 {
01037         int status;
01039         status = set_single(mb_param, slave, FC_PRESET_SINGLE_REGISTER,
01040                             reg_addr, value);
01042         return status;
01043 }
01045 /* Sets/resets the coils in the slave from an array in argument */
01046 int force_multiple_coils(modbus_param_t *mb_param, int slave,
01047                          int start_addr, int nb,
01048                          const uint8_t *data_src)
01049 {
01050         int ret;
01051         int i;
01052         int byte_count;
01053         int query_length;
01054         int coil_check = 0;
01055         int pos = 0;
01057         uint8_t query[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
01059         if (nb > MAX_STATUS) {
01060                 printf("ERROR Writing to too many coils (%d > %d)\n",
01061                        nb, MAX_STATUS);
01062                 return TOO_MANY_DATA;
01063         }
01065         query_length = build_query_basis(mb_param, slave,
01066                                          FC_FORCE_MULTIPLE_COILS, 
01067                                          start_addr, nb, query);
01068         byte_count = (nb / 8) + ((nb % 8) ? 1 : 0);
01069         query[query_length++] = byte_count;
01071         for (i = 0; i < byte_count; i++) {
01072                 int bit;
01074                 bit = 0x01;
01075                 query[query_length] = 0;
01077                 while ((bit & 0xFF) && (coil_check++ < nb)) {
01078                         if (data_src[pos++])
01079                                 query[query_length] |= bit;
01080                         else
01081                                 query[query_length] &=~ bit;
01083                         bit = bit << 1;
01084                 }
01085                 query_length++;
01086         }
01088         ret = modbus_send(mb_param, query, query_length);
01089         if (ret > 0) {
01090                 uint8_t response[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
01091                 ret = modbus_receive(mb_param, query, response);
01092         }
01095         return ret;
01096 }
01098 /* Copies the values in the slave from the array given in argument */
01099 int preset_multiple_registers(modbus_param_t *mb_param, int slave,
01100                               int start_addr, int nb,
01101                               const uint16_t *data_src)
01102 {
01103         int ret;
01104         int i;
01105         int query_length;
01106         int byte_count;
01108         uint8_t query[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
01110         if (nb > MAX_REGISTERS) {
01111                 printf("ERROR Trying to write to too many registers (%d > %d)\n",
01112                        nb, MAX_REGISTERS);
01113                 return TOO_MANY_DATA;
01114         }
01116         query_length = build_query_basis(mb_param, slave,
01117                                          FC_PRESET_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS, 
01118                                          start_addr, nb, query);
01119         byte_count = nb * 2;
01120         query[query_length++] = byte_count;
01122         for (i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
01123                 query[query_length++] = data_src[i] >> 8;
01124                 query[query_length++] = data_src[i] & 0x00FF;
01125         }
01127         ret = modbus_send(mb_param, query, query_length);
01128         if (ret > 0) {
01129                 uint8_t response[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
01130                 ret = modbus_receive(mb_param, query, response);
01131         }
01133         return ret;
01134 }
01136 /* Returns the slave id! */
01137 int report_slave_id(modbus_param_t *mb_param, int slave, 
01138                     uint8_t *data_dest)
01139 {
01140         int ret;
01141         int query_length;
01142         uint8_t query[MIN_QUERY_LENGTH];
01144         query_length = build_query_basis(mb_param, slave, FC_REPORT_SLAVE_ID, 
01145                                          0, 0, query);
01147         /* HACKISH, start_addr and count are not used */
01148         query_length -= 4;
01150         ret = modbus_send(mb_param, query, query_length);
01151         if (ret > 0) {
01152                 int i;
01153                 int offset;
01154                 int offset_length;
01155                 uint8_t response[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
01157                 /* Byte count, slave id, run indicator status,
01158                    additional data */
01159                 ret = modbus_receive(mb_param, query, response);
01160                 if (ret < 0)
01161                         return ret;
01163                 offset = mb_param->header_length;
01164                 offset_length = offset + ret;
01166                 for (i = offset; i < offset_length; i++)
01167                         data_dest[i] = response[i];
01168         }
01170         return ret;
01171 }
01173 /* Initializes the modbus_param_t structure for RTU
01174    - device: "/dev/ttyS0"
01175    - baud:   9600, 19200, 57600, 115200, etc
01176    - parity: "even", "odd" or "none" 
01177    - data_bits: 5, 6, 7, 8 
01178    - stop_bits: 1, 2
01179 */
01180 void modbus_init_rtu(modbus_param_t *mb_param, const char *device,
01181                      int baud, const char *parity, int data_bit,
01182                      int stop_bit)
01183 {
01184         memset(mb_param, 0, sizeof(modbus_param_t));
01185         strcpy(mb_param->device, device);
01186         mb_param->baud = baud;
01187         strcpy(mb_param->parity, parity);
01188         mb_param->debug = FALSE;
01189         mb_param->data_bit = data_bit;
01190         mb_param->stop_bit = stop_bit;
01191         mb_param->type_com = RTU;
01192         mb_param->header_length = HEADER_LENGTH_RTU;
01193         mb_param->checksum_length = CHECKSUM_LENGTH_RTU;
01194 }
01197 /* By default, the error handling mode used is FLUSH_OR_RECONNECT_ON_ERROR.
01199    With FLUSH_OR_RECONNECT_ON_ERROR, the library will flush to I/O
01200    port in RTU mode or attempt an immediate reconnection which may
01201    hang for several seconds if the network to the remote target unit
01202    is down in TCP mode.
01204    With NOP_ON_ERROR, it is expected that the application will
01205    check for error returns and deal with them as necessary.
01206 */
01207 void modbus_set_error_handling(modbus_param_t *mb_param,
01208                                error_handling_t error_handling)
01209 {
01210         if (error_handling == FLUSH_OR_RECONNECT_ON_ERROR ||
01211             error_handling == NOP_ON_ERROR) {
01212                 mb_param->error_handling = error_handling;
01213         } else {
01214                 printf("Invalid setting for error handling (not changed)\n");
01215         }
01216 }
01219 /* Sets up a serial port for RTU communications */
01220 static int modbus_connect_rtu(modbus_param_t *mb_param)
01221 {
01223         return 0;
01224 }
01227 /* Establishes a modbus connexion.
01228    Returns -1 if an error occured. */
01229 int modbus_connect(modbus_param_t *mb_param)
01230 {
01231         int ret;
01232            ret = modbus_connect_rtu(mb_param);
01234         return ret;
01235 }
01237 /* Closes the file descriptor in RTU mode */
01238 static void modbus_close_rtu(modbus_param_t *mb_param)
01239 {
01241 }
01243 /* Closes a modbus connection */
01244 void modbus_close(modbus_param_t *mb_param)
01245 {
01246        modbus_close_rtu(mb_param);
01248     }
01250 /* Activates the debug messages */
01251 void modbus_set_debug(modbus_param_t *mb_param, int boolean)
01252 {
01253         mb_param->debug = boolean;
01254 }
01256 /* Allocates 4 arrays to store coils, input status, input registers and
01257    holding registers. The pointers are stored in modbus_mapping structure. 
01259    Returns: TRUE if ok, FALSE on failure
01260 */
01261 int modbus_mapping_new(modbus_mapping_t *mb_mapping,
01262                        int nb_coil_status, int nb_input_status,
01263                        int nb_holding_registers, int nb_input_registers)
01264 {
01265         /* 0X */
01266         mb_mapping->nb_coil_status = nb_coil_status;
01267         mb_mapping->tab_coil_status =
01268                 (uint8_t *) malloc(nb_coil_status * sizeof(uint8_t));
01269         memset(mb_mapping->tab_coil_status, 0,
01270                nb_coil_status * sizeof(uint8_t));
01271         if (mb_mapping->tab_coil_status == NULL)
01272                 return FALSE;
01274         /* 1X */
01275         mb_mapping->nb_input_status = nb_input_status;
01276         mb_mapping->tab_input_status =
01277                 (uint8_t *) malloc(nb_input_status * sizeof(uint8_t));
01278         memset(mb_mapping->tab_input_status, 0,
01279                nb_input_status * sizeof(uint8_t));
01280         if (mb_mapping->tab_input_status == NULL) {
01281                 free(mb_mapping->tab_coil_status);
01282                 return FALSE;
01283         }
01285         /* 4X */
01286         mb_mapping->nb_holding_registers = nb_holding_registers;
01287         mb_mapping->tab_holding_registers =
01288                 (uint16_t *) malloc(nb_holding_registers * sizeof(uint16_t));
01289         memset(mb_mapping->tab_holding_registers, 0,
01290                nb_holding_registers * sizeof(uint16_t));
01291         if (mb_mapping->tab_holding_registers == NULL) {
01292                 free(mb_mapping->tab_coil_status);
01293                 free(mb_mapping->tab_input_status);
01294                 return FALSE;
01295         }
01297         /* 3X */
01298         mb_mapping->nb_input_registers = nb_input_registers;
01299         mb_mapping->tab_input_registers =
01300                 (uint16_t *) malloc(nb_input_registers * sizeof(uint16_t));
01301         memset(mb_mapping->tab_input_registers, 0,
01302                nb_input_registers * sizeof(uint16_t));
01303         if (mb_mapping->tab_input_registers == NULL) {
01304                 free(mb_mapping->tab_coil_status);
01305                 free(mb_mapping->tab_input_status);
01306                 free(mb_mapping->tab_holding_registers);
01307                 return FALSE;
01308         }
01310         return TRUE;
01311 }
01313 /* Frees the 4 arrays */
01314 void modbus_mapping_free(modbus_mapping_t *mb_mapping)
01315 {
01316         free(mb_mapping->tab_coil_status);
01317         free(mb_mapping->tab_input_status);
01318         free(mb_mapping->tab_holding_registers);
01319         free(mb_mapping->tab_input_registers);
01320 }
01321 /** Utils **/
01323 /* Sets many input/coil status from a single byte value (all 8 bits of
01324    the byte value are setted) */
01325 void set_bits_from_byte(uint8_t *dest, int address, const uint8_t value)
01326 {
01327         int i;
01329         for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
01330                 dest[address+i] = (value & (1 << i)) ? ON : OFF;
01331         }
01332 }
01334 /* Sets many input/coil status from a table of bytes (only the bits
01335    between address and address + nb_bits are setted) */
01336 void set_bits_from_bytes(uint8_t *dest, int address, int nb_bits,
01337                          const uint8_t tab_byte[])
01338 {
01339         int i;
01340         int shift = 0;
01342         for (i = address; i < address + nb_bits; i++) {
01343                 dest[i] = tab_byte[(i - address) / 8] & (1 << shift) ? ON : OFF;
01344                 /* gcc doesn't like: shift = (++shift) % 8; */
01345                 shift++;
01346                 shift %= 8;
01347         }
01348 }
01350 /* Gets the byte value from many input/coil status.
01351    To obtain a full byte, set nb_bits to 8. */
01352 uint8_t get_byte_from_bits(const uint8_t *src, int address, int nb_bits)
01353 {
01354         int i;
01355         uint8_t value = 0;
01357         if (nb_bits > 8) {
01358                 printf("Error: nb_bits is too big\n");
01359                 nb_bits = 8;
01360         }
01362         for (i=0; i < nb_bits; i++) {
01363                 value |= (src[address+i] << i);
01364         }
01366         return value;
01367 }