Striker Shootout Game w/Accelerometer & Joystick
For our project, we came up with a simple two player game that uses the uLCD-144-G2 as our primary display and external speaker for the game. The objective of the game is for the striker (green triangle) to shoot a small white ball past the goalie (red rectangle). The striker is controller using an accelerometer wired with long wires to the main breadboard in a way that doesn’t limit the movement. The striker can then shoot the ball by pressing the push button on its controller. The goalie then can use the joy stick to move left of right and try to block the shot. If the goalie saves the shot it grows a little larger until it takes up the entire width of the screen in which case, the goalie wins. If the striker score the goalie gets smaller, if the goalie gets small enough to where it vanishes the striker then wins the game. The difficulty of the game varies as the size of the goalie and its movement speed are inverse. Additionally, there is background music for the game and a loading screen image upon start up. During any of the conditions (scoring, saving, winning or losing) the screen will display a message to the players.
Import programStrikerShootout
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