lwip memory and full speed throughput test.

Dependencies:   EthernetInterface mbed-rtos mbed

This project represents a throughtput test for the EthernetInterface, based on the lwIP library.

The purpose of this is to be able to make a comparison of full speed (Rx,Tx and Rx+Tx) and memory between the EthernetInterface based on the lwIP and the one based on PicoTCP.

The benchmark consists of three parts:

  • we are sending 1 Megabyte from the board to host
  • we are waiting for the host to send us 1 Megabyte of data
  • on the last part we are using a TCP Echo Server to send and receive back 1 Megabyte of data

we send/receive 1024 packets of 1024 bytes each and we measure how many bits per second we transmit and receive.

The result:
TX+RX Throughput: 4194304 bytes in 41 seconds (0.774) Mbits/s

Memory report
Current free memory : 22644 bytes
Maximum free memory : 24716 bytes
Minimum free memory : 22644 bytes
Average free memory : 22644 bytes

The python script used

import sys, socket
import random, string
import select
from time import time
N_PACKETS = 1024

TOT_BITS = (LEN_PACKET * N_PACKETS * 8) * 4. # TX bits + RX bits
PACKET = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase+string.digits) for _ in range(LEN_PACKET))
MEGA = 1024 * 1024.
UPDATE_STEP = (N_PACKETS/20) # Make the update step such as one step = 5%
UPDATE_R_STEP = (N_PACKETS/20) #Make the update step such as one step = 1%
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
start = time()
rx_total = 0
tx_total = 0
data = ''
i = 0
lp = []
p = select.poll()
while(True): # keeping this in for robustness testing, when the test will run for days
	#Stage I - sending data from host towards mbed board	
	print "Started sending data...."
	while (i < N_PACKETS):
	  p.register(s, select.POLLOUT)
	  lp = p.poll(1)
	  if (len(lp) > 0):
	    if (i % UPDATE_STEP) == 0: print "sent %d/%d (%.2f%%)" % (i, N_PACKETS, float(i)/ float(N_PACKETS) * 100.)

	#Stage II - receving data from the mbed board
	print "Started receiving data...."
	while(len(data) < N_PACKETS * LEN_PACKET):	
		p.register(s, select.POLLIN)
		lp = p.poll(1)
		if(len(lp) > 0):
		    r = s.recv(LEN_PACKET)
		    if (r != ''):
		      data += r
		      if (len(data) / LEN_PACKET) % UPDATE_R_STEP: print "recvd %d/%d (%.2f%%)" % (len(data)/LEN_PACKET, N_PACKETS, float(len(data))/ float(N_PACKETS * LEN_PACKET) * 100.)
		      print "Error receiving !"

	#Stage III - echo between host and mbed board
	print "Started echoing data...."
	for i in range(N_PACKETS):
		if (i % UPDATE_STEP) == 0: print "%.2f%%" % (float(i)/float(N_PACKETS) * 100.)
		data = s.recv(LEN_PACKET)
		if (len(data) != LEN_PACKET):
			print "Error echoing !"

	print "Test was finished!"

t = time() - start
print "TX+RX Throughput: %d bytes in %d seconds (%.3f)Mbits/s" % (TOT_BITS / 8, t, ((TOT_BITS / t) / MEGA))

This test is based on the following libraries

Import librarymbed-rtos

Official mbed Real Time Operating System based on the RTX implementation of the CMSIS-RTOS API open standard.

Import libraryEthernetInterface

mbed IP library over Ethernet

Click here to see the results for PicoTCP


Switched to the official Ethernet library. Benchmark is the same. default tip

2013-07-17, by tass [Wed, 17 Jul 2013 11:21:53 +0000] rev 2

Switched to the official Ethernet library. Benchmark is the same.

Fixed a few missing things.

2013-07-09, by tass [Tue, 09 Jul 2013 08:34:28 +0000] rev 1

Fixed a few missing things.

lwIP memory usage benchmark.

2013-07-08, by tass [Mon, 08 Jul 2013 12:25:13 +0000] rev 0

lwIP memory usage benchmark.