TCP Official Tx Benchmark
Dependencies: PicoTCP lpc1768-picotcp-eth mbed-rtos mbed
This project represents a the official TCP Tx Benchmark for the PicoTCP library.
The mbed board is sending one Megabyte to the other side and we measure how fast it does that.
The result:
PicoTCP TX Throughput: 1048576 bytes in < 1 seconds (10.097)Mbits/s
The python script used (which you should rename it to PicoTCP_Official_TCP_Tx_Benchmark.py)
#!/usr/bin/python import sys, socket import random, string import select from time import time ECHO_SERVER_ADDRESS = "" ECHO_SERVER_PORT = 7 N_PACKETS = 1024 LEN_PACKET = 1024 TOT_BITS = (LEN_PACKET * N_PACKETS * 8) # TX bits PACKET = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase+string.digits) for _ in range(LEN_PACKET)) MEGA = 1024 * 1024. UPDATE_STEP = (N_PACKETS/20) # Make the update step such as one step = 5% UPDATE_R_STEP = (N_PACKETS/100) #Make the update step such as one step = 1% s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((ECHO_SERVER_ADDRESS, ECHO_SERVER_PORT)) start = time() rx_total = 0 tx_total = 0 data = '' i = 0 lp = [] p = select.poll() while(True): # keeping this in for robustness testing, when the test will run for days #Stage II - receving data from the mbed board print "Started receiving data...." while(len(data) < N_PACKETS * LEN_PACKET): p.register(s, select.POLLIN) lp = p.poll(1) if(len(lp) > 0): r = s.recv(LEN_PACKET) if (r != ''): data += r if (len(data) / LEN_PACKET) % UPDATE_R_STEP: print "recvd %d/%d (%.2f%%)" % (len(data)/LEN_PACKET, N_PACKETS, float(len(data))/ float(N_PACKETS * LEN_PACKET) * 100.) else: print "Error receiving !" sys.exit(1) print "Test was finished!" break; t = time() - start s.close() print "PicoTCP TX Throughput: %d bytes in %d seconds (%.3f)Mbits/s" % (TOT_BITS / 8, t, ((TOT_BITS / t) / MEGA))
This test is based on the following libraries
Import librarylpc1768-picotcp-eth
A PicoTCP driver for the lpc1768 mbed board
Import libraryPicoTCP
Free (GPLv2) TCP/IP stack developed by TASS Belgium
Import librarymbed-rtos
Official mbed Real Time Operating System based on the RTX implementation of the CMSIS-RTOS API open standard.