This program is designed to work with RedBearLab BLE Controller App - Chat App. Type something from the Terminal to send to the BLEController App or vice verse. Characteristics received from App will print on Terminal. This Program scans some analog and digital inputs and save them in flash with timestamp. A RTC has been implemented. Using chat application (available for smart phones) some commands can be send to BLE Nano in order to perform some tasks. Other types of commands can be send via serial interface from a PC, especially data extraction from flash.

Dependencies:   BLE_API mbed nRF51822

Fork of nRF51822_SimpleChat_VT by Valentin Tanasa

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00001 #include "myData.h"
00004 uint8_t eNrDaysPerMonth[12]= {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
00005 static uint8_t g_currPage = MAX_PAGE_NUM;  // current page in Flash to be write
00007 uint8_t flash_currPage(){
00008     return g_currPage;    
00009 }
00011 uint8_t flash_go_nextPage(){
00012     g_currPage --;
00013     if (g_currPage < MIN_PAGE_NUM) {
00014         g_currPage = MAX_PAGE_NUM;
00015     }
00016     return g_currPage;    
00017 }
00020 uint8_t flash_prev_N_Page(uint8_t nr_of_pages){
00021     uint8_t retVal;
00022     retVal = g_currPage + nr_of_pages;
00024     if (retVal > MAX_PAGE_NUM ) {
00025         retVal = MIN_PAGE_NUM + (retVal % MAX_PAGE_NUM - 1);
00026     }
00027     return retVal;    
00028 }
00030 void search_latest_in_flash(mdate_time_t * outDateTime){
00031     uint8_t page_nr, sizeB,temp[6];
00032     uint16_t max_page=(uint16_t)MAX_PAGE_NUM+1u;
00033     int retVal;
00034     mdate_time_t max_datetime={16,1,1,0,0,0}, inv_datetime={255,255,255,255,255,255};
00036     sizeB=sizeof(mdate_time_t);
00037     uint32_t* p_curr_addr;
00039     for (page_nr = MAX_PAGE_NUM; page_nr>= MIN_PAGE_NUM; page_nr --){
00040         p_curr_addr= (uint32_t *)((uint16_t)BLE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE * page_nr);
00041         p_curr_addr += 2; // skip the magic number and the word count                
00043         memcpy(temp, p_curr_addr, sizeB);        
00044         retVal = memcmp(&temp, &inv_datetime, sizeB);
00045         if (retVal!=0) {
00046             retVal  = memcmp(&temp, &max_datetime, sizeB);
00047                 if (retVal >0) {
00048                         memcpy(&max_datetime, &temp, sizeB);
00049                         max_page= page_nr;
00050                 }
00051         }
00052     }
00054     memcpy(outDateTime, &max_datetime, sizeB);    
00055     g_currPage= (uint8_t)(max_page-1u);
00056 }
00058 void update_time(mdatetime_manager_t* myDateTimeVar, uint16_t tseconds){
00059     //memcpy(&myDateTimeVar->newDateTime, &myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime, sizeof(mdate_time_t));    
00060     if (myDateTimeVar->updateDateTime ==false){
00061         myDateTimeVar->newDateTime.seconds = (myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime.seconds + tseconds)% 60; 
00062         myDateTimeVar->newDateTime.minutes = (myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime.minutes + ((tseconds + myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime.seconds) / 60))%60;
00063         if (myDateTimeVar->newDateTime.minutes< myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime.minutes ) { 
00064             myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime.hours++;
00065         }
00066         myDateTimeVar->newDateTime.hours = (myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime.hours + (tseconds / 3600+myDateTimeVar->newDateTime.minutes/60))%24;
00067         if (myDateTimeVar->newDateTime.hours < myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime.hours){
00068             myDateTimeVar-> = (myDateTimeVar-> + 1)%(eNrDaysPerMonth[myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime.month+1]+1);
00069             if (myDateTimeVar-> < myDateTimeVar-> ){
00070                 myDateTimeVar->newDateTime.month = (myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime.month+ 1)%13+1;
00071                 if (myDateTimeVar->newDateTime.month< myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime.month){
00072                     myDateTimeVar->newDateTime.year = (myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime.year+ 1);
00073                 }
00074             }         
00075         }        
00076     } else {        
00077         myDateTimeVar->updateDateTime =false;
00078     }
00080     if (myDateTimeVar->updateDateTime ==true){  // there is a new Date ?        
00081         myDateTimeVar->updateDateTime =true;
00082     }
00083     memcpy(&myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime,&myDateTimeVar->newDateTime, sizeof(mdate_time_t));    
00084 }
00087 int buzz_int(PwmOut* buzzer, uint8_t period, uint8_t duty_cycle){
00088     int retVal = 0;
00089     if ((duty_cycle<10)&&(period<10)){
00090         if (period!=0) {        
00091             buzzer->period_ms(period);
00092             *buzzer = (10.0 - (float)duty_cycle)/9.0;        
00093         } else {
00094             *buzzer = 0;
00095         }
00096     } else {
00097         retVal=-1;
00098     }
00099     return retVal;
00100 }
00102 void assert_error_app(bool condition, Serial *pc, uint16_t error, uint16_t line, const char* file){
00103     if (condition) {
00104         pc->printf("App err = %d, line = %d, file = %s\r\n",error, line, file);
00105     }
00106 }