RTOS enum

#define osFeature_Signals      16      ///< maximum number of Signal Flags available per thread
#define osFeature_Semaphore    8       ///< maximum count for SemaphoreInit function

/// Priority used for thread control.
typedef enum  {
  osPriorityIdle          = -3,          ///< priority: idle (lowest)
  osPriorityLow           = -2,          ///< priority: low
  osPriorityBelowNormal   = -1,          ///< priority: below normal
  osPriorityNormal        =  0,          ///< priority: normal (default)
  osPriorityAboveNormal   = +1,          ///< priority: above normal
  osPriorityHigh          = +2,          ///< priority: high
  osPriorityRealtime      = +3,          ///< priority: realtime (highest)
  osPriorityError         =  0x84        ///< system cannot determine priority or thread has illegal priority
} osPriority;

/// Timer type value for the timer definition
typedef enum  {
  osTimerOnce             =     0,       ///< one-shot timer
  osTimerPeriodic         =     1        ///< repeating timer
} os_timer_type; 

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