FRMD KL25Z <=i2c=> NXP PCF8563 (RTC) FRMD KL25Z SPI=> MCP23S17 => (GLCD) T6963C FRMD KL25Z Tsi => 3 button : <--> <enter> <++> FRMD KL25Z => Bip()

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Show/hide line numbers GLCD_spi.h Source File


00001 #ifndef GLCDSPI_H
00002 #define GLCDSPI_H
00004 /*** GLCD_spi.h***
00005 *  Új változat  char* int_string(int)
00006 * MCP23S17 - Microchip MCP23S17 16-bit Port Extender using SPI
00007 * Copyright (c) 2010 Gert van der Knokke
00008 */
00009 #include "mbed.h"
00011 // for 21 characters on a row (6x8 font)
00012 #define LCDFONTSEL  0xFF
00013 // for 16 characters on a row (8x8 font)
00014 // #define LCDFONTSEL 0xDF
00016 #define IODIRA      0x00
00017 #define IODIRB      0x01
00018 #define IPOLA       0x02
00019 #define IPOLB       0x03
00020 #define GPINTENA    0x04
00021 #define GPINTENB    0x05
00022 #define DEFVALA     0x06
00023 #define DEFVALB     0x07
00024 #define INTCONA     0x08
00025 #define INTCONB     0x09
00026 #define IOCONA      0x0A
00027 #define IOCONB      0x0B
00028 #define GPPUA       0x0C
00029 #define GPPUB       0x0D
00030 #define INTFA       0x0E
00031 #define INTFB       0x0F
00032 #define INTCAPA     0x10
00033 #define INTCAPB     0x11
00034 #define GPIOA       0x12
00035 #define GPIOB       0x13
00036 #define OLATA       0x14
00037 #define OLATB       0x15
00039 // LCD pin connections/bit numbers
00040 #define LCD_HALT    0x80
00041 #define LCD_FS      0x20
00042 #define LCD_RST     0x10
00043 #define LCD_CD      0x08
00044 #define LCD_CE      0x04
00045 #define LCD_RD      0x02
00046 #define LCD_WR      0x01
00048 //      T6963C OPCODES
00049 #define TXHOME      0x40    // SET TXT HOME ADDRESS
00050 #define TXAREA      0x41    // SET TXT AREA
00051 #define GRHOME      0x42    // SET GRAPHIC HOME ADDRESS
00052 #define GRAREA      0x43    // SET GRAPHIC AREA
00053 #define OFFSET      0x22    // SET OFFSET ADDRESS
00054 #define ADPSET      0x24    // SET ADDRESS POINTER
00055 #define AWRON       0xB0    // SET AUTO WRITE MODE
00056 #define AWROFF      0xB2    // RESET AUTO WRITE MODE
00059 /* This file contains definitions for all of the commands in a t6963. */
00060 /********************************************************************/
00061 /*  Register set */
00062 #define CPS 0x21 //Cursor pointer set
00063 #define ORS 0x22 //Offset register set
00064 #define APS 0x24 //Address pointer set
00065 #define THAS 0x40 //Text home address set
00066 #define TAS 0x41 //Text area set
00067 #define GHAS 0x42 //Graphic home address set
00068 #define GAS 0x43 //Graphic area set
00069 #define OM 0x80 //OR mode
00070 #define EM 0x81 //EXOR mode
00071 #define AM 0x83 //AND mode
00072 #define TAM 0x84 //TEXT ATTRIBUTE mode
00073 #define DOF 0x90 //Display OFF
00074 #define CONBOF 0x92 //Cursor ON, Blink OFF
00075 #define CONBON 0x93 //Cursor ON, Blink ON
00076 #define TONGOF 0x94 //Text ON, Graphic OFF
00077 #define TOFGON 0x98 //Text OFF, Graphic ON
00078 #define TONGON 0x9C //Text ON, Graphic ON
00079 #define LC1 0xA0 //1 Line cursor
00080 #define LC2 0xA1 //2 Line cursor
00081 #define LC3 0xA2 //3 Line cursor
00082 #define LC4 0xA3 //4 Line cursor
00083 #define LC5 0xA4 //5 Line cursor
00084 #define LC6 0xA5 //6 Line cursor
00085 #define LC7 0xA6 //7 Line cursor
00086 #define LC8 0xA7 //8 Line cursor
00087 #define DAWS 0xB0 //Data auto write set
00088 #define DARS 0xB1 //Data auto read set
00089 #define AR 0xB2 //Auto reset
00090 #define DWAAI 0xC0 //Data write and ADP increment
00091 #define DRAAI 0xC1 //Data read and ADP increment
00092 #define DWAAD 0xC2 //Data write and ADP decrement
00093 #define DRAAD 0xC3 //Data read and ADP decrement
00094 #define DWAAN 0xC4 //Data write and ADP nonvariable
00095 #define DRAAN 0xC5 //Data read and ADP nonvariable
00096 #define SP 0xE0 //Screen PEEK
00097 #define SC 0xE8 //Screen COPY
00098 #define BR 0xF0 //Bit RESET
00099 #define BS 0xF8 //Bit SET
00100 //add 3 bit data to these
00101 //commands to select bit
00103 // for 21 characters on a row (6x8 font)
00104 #define LCDFONTSEL  0xFF
00105 // for 16 characters on a row (8x8 font)
00106 // #define LCDFONTSEL 0xDF
00108 // lcd dimensions in pixels
00109 #define LCD_XWIDTH     128
00110 #define LCD_YHEIGHT    64
00112 #if LCDFONTSEL == 0xFF
00113 // lcd dimensions in characters
00114 #define LCD_WIDTH   22
00115 #define LCD_HEIGHT  16
00116 #define PIXELWIDTH  6
00117 #else
00118 #define LCD_WIDTH   16
00119 #define LCD_HEIGHT  16
00120 #define PIXELWIDTH  8
00121 #endif
00123 #define TEXT_STARTADDRESS       0x0000
00124 #define GRAPHIC_STARTADDRESS    0x1000
00127 #define CENTERX 50
00128 #define CENTERY 32
00129 #define INNER_RADIUS    20
00130 #define OUTER_RADIUS    25
00131 #define CENTER_CIRCLE   5
00133 extern char d[14]={0};  // inttochar() visszaadott érték string-je 
00135 //DigitalOut K_LED(LED1), P_LED(LED3), Z_LED(LED2);
00136 SPI spi(PTC6, PTC7, PTC5);  // mosi, miso, sclk
00137 DigitalOut cs2(PTC10);       //CS1=PTC11; CS2=PTC10; CS3=PTC4 Hardware CS a panelon
00138 //----------------------------------------------------
00139 void SPI_init()
00140 {
00141     // set SPI to full speed (10 MHz mode)
00142     spi.format(8,0);
00143     spi.frequency(10000000);
00144     //spi.frequency(10000);
00145 }
00146 //----------------------------------------------------
00148 void lcd_data(unsigned char d)  // write 8 bits lcd data
00149 {
00150     cs2=0;
00151     spi.write(0x40);
00152     spi.write(GPIOB);  // select GPIOB
00153     spi.write(d);      // set data byte
00154     cs2=1;
00156     cs2=0;
00157     spi.write(0x40);
00158     spi.write(GPIOA);  // select GPIOA
00159     spi.write(LCDFONTSEL-LCD_CE-LCD_CD);   
00160     cs2=1;
00162     cs2=0;
00163     spi.write(0x40);
00164     spi.write(GPIOA);  // select GPIOA
00165     spi.write(LCDFONTSEL - LCD_WR - LCD_CE - LCD_CD);   
00166     cs2=1;
00168     cs2=0;
00169     spi.write(0x40);
00170     spi.write(GPIOA);  // select GPIOA
00171     spi.write(LCDFONTSEL - LCD_CD);   
00172     cs2=1;
00174 }
00175 //----------------------------------------------------
00177 void lcd_command(unsigned char c)   // write 8 bits lcd command
00178 {
00179     cs2=0;
00180     spi.write(0x40);
00181     spi.write(GPIOB);  // select GPIOB
00182     spi.write(c);      // set data byte
00183     cs2=1;
00185     cs2=0;
00186     spi.write(0x40);
00187     spi.write(GPIOA);  // select GPIOA
00188     spi.write(LCDFONTSEL-LCD_CE);   
00189     cs2=1;
00191     cs2=0;
00192     spi.write(0x40);
00193     spi.write(GPIOA);  // select GPIOA
00194     spi.write(LCDFONTSEL - LCD_WR - LCD_CE);   
00195     cs2=1;
00197     cs2=0;
00198     spi.write(0x40);
00199     spi.write(GPIOA);  // select GPIOA
00200     spi.write(LCDFONTSEL);   
00201     cs2=1;
00202 }
00203 //----------------------------------------------------
00204 void lcd_init()     //Grafikus LCD initializálása
00205 {
00206     cs2=0;
00207     spi.write(0x40);
00208     spi.write(IODIRA);  // select IODIRA at start
00209     spi.write(0x00);    // IODIRA all outputs
00210     spi.write(0x00);    // IODIRB all outputs
00211     cs2=1;
00212     wait(0.1);
00214     cs2=0;
00215     spi.write(0x40);
00216     spi.write(GPIOA);  // select GPIOA at start
00217     spi.write(LCDFONTSEL-LCD_RST);    // activate reset
00218     spi.write(0x00);    // all B outputs 0
00219     cs2=1;
00220     wait(0.1);
00222     cs2=0;
00223     spi.write(0x40);
00224     spi.write(GPIOA);  // select GPIOA at start
00225     spi.write(LCDFONTSEL);    // deactivate reset
00226     cs2=1;
00227     wait(0.1);
00229     // set text home address at 0x0000
00230     lcd_data(TEXT_STARTADDRESS%0x100);
00231     lcd_data(TEXT_STARTADDRESS/0x100);
00232     lcd_command(TXHOME);
00234     // set graphic home address at 0x1000
00235     lcd_data(GRAPHIC_STARTADDRESS%0x100);
00236     lcd_data(GRAPHIC_STARTADDRESS/0x100);
00237     lcd_command(GRHOME);
00239     // set text area 
00240     lcd_data(LCD_WIDTH);
00241     lcd_data(0x00);
00242     lcd_command(TXAREA);
00244     // set graphic area
00245     lcd_data(LCD_WIDTH);
00246     lcd_data(0x00);
00247     lcd_command(GRAREA);
00249     // mode set (internal character generation mode)
00250     lcd_command(0x80);
00252     // set offset register
00253     lcd_data(0x02);
00254     lcd_data(0x00);
00255     lcd_command(OFFSET);
00257     // display mode (text on graphics on cursor off)
00258     lcd_command(0x90+0x08+0x04);
00260 }
00261 //-------------------------------------------------
00263 //------------------------------------------------------
00264 char* int_string(double da){    // elő nullák nélküli kiíratás
00266     int b,c,dx,i;  //b=adott helyiértéken a számjegy, c=0 akkor elő nulla; dx= az elő nullák nélküli helyiérték száma
00267     char* f;        // egy karakter tipusú változó pointere
00268     c=0;
00269     dx=0;
00270     for(i=0;i<15;i++){d[i]=char(0x00);}
00271     //teszt adat: 
00272     //da=123456;
00273     b=int(da/100000000);    // 9. helyiérték
00274     if(b>0){c=1;d[dx]=0x30 | char(b);dx++;}
00275     da = da - b*100000000;  // 8. helyiérték
00276     b=int(da/10000000);
00277     if(b>0 | c>0){c=1;d[dx]=0x30 | char(b);dx++;}
00278     da = da - b*10000000;  // 7. helyiérték
00279     b=int(da/1000000);
00280     if(b>0 | c>0){c=1;d[dx]=0x30 | char(b);dx++;}
00281     da = da - b*1000000;  // 6. helyiérték
00282     b=int(da/100000);
00283     if(b>0 | c>0){c=1;d[dx]=0x30 | char(b);dx++;}
00284     da = da - b*100000;  // 5. helyiérték
00285     b=int(da/10000);
00286     if(b>0 | c>0){c=1;d[dx]=0x30 | char(b);dx++;}
00287     da = da - b*10000;  // 4. helyiérték
00288     b=int(da/1000);
00289     if(b>0 | c>0){c=1;d[dx]=0x30 | char(b);dx++;}
00290     da = da - b*1000;  // 3. helyiérték
00291     b=int(da/100);
00292     if(b>0 | c>0){c=1;d[dx]=0x30 | char(b);dx++;}
00293     da = da - b*100;  // 2. helyiérték
00294     b=int(da/10);
00295     if(b>0 | c>0){c=1;d[dx]=0x30 | char(b);dx++;}
00296     da = da - b*10;  // 1. helyiérték
00297     b=int(da);
00298     if(b>0 | c>0){c=1;d[dx]=0x30 | char(b);dx++;}
00299     // visszatérési érték: d[] string
00300     f = d;  // f tartalmazza a d char tömb pointerét
00301     return f;
00302 }
00306 //------------------------------------------------------
00307 void lcd_string(char y,char x,char *s)      // put a text string at position x,y (character row,column)
00308 {                                                 
00309     int adr;
00310     adr=TEXT_STARTADDRESS+x+y*LCD_WIDTH;    // 0x0000 + x + y + 22
00311     lcd_data(adr%0x100);                    // % maradék képzés jele
00312     lcd_data(adr/0x100);
00313     lcd_command(ADPSET);
00314     lcd_command(AWRON);
00315     while (s[0]){
00316         // convert from ascii to t6963
00317         lcd_data(s[0]-32);
00318         s++;
00319     }
00320     lcd_command(AWROFF);
00321 }
00322 //----------------------------------------------------
00323 void lcd_cls()      // clear lcd display memory (8k)        
00324 {
00325     int a;
00326     lcd_data(0x00);
00327     lcd_data(0x00);
00328     lcd_command(ADPSET);
00329     lcd_command(AWRON);
00330     for (a=0; a<8192; a++) lcd_data(0);
00331     lcd_command(AWROFF);
00332 }
00333 //----------------------------------------------------
00334 void lcd_plot(char x,char y,char color)     // set or reset a pixel on the display on position x,y with color 0 or 1
00335 {
00336     int adr;                         
00337     adr = GRAPHIC_STARTADDRESS + ((LCD_WIDTH) * y) + (x/PIXELWIDTH);   // calculate offset
00338     lcd_data(adr%0x100);       // set low byte
00339     lcd_data(adr/0x100);       // set high byte
00340     lcd_command(ADPSET);           // set address pointer
00341     if (color) lcd_command(BS + ((PIXELWIDTH-1)-(x%PIXELWIDTH)));   // use bit set mode
00342         else  lcd_command(BR + ((PIXELWIDTH-1)-(x%PIXELWIDTH)));  // use bit reset mode
00343 }
00344 //----------------------------------------------------
00346 void lcd_line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1,char color)        // Bresenham line routine 0-128 x 0-64 color= char(1)
00347 {                                                               // color 1, 0
00348     char steep=1;
00349     int i,dx,dy,e;
00350     signed char sx,sy;
00352     dx = abs(x1-x0);
00353     sx = ((x1 - x0) >0) ? 1 : -1;
00354     dy=abs(y1-y0);
00355     sy = ((y1 - y0) >0) ? 1 : -1;
00357     if (dy > dx)
00358     {
00359         steep=0;
00360         // swap X0 and Y0
00361         x0=x0 ^ y0;
00362         y0=x0 ^ y0;
00363         x0=x0 ^ y0;
00365         // swap DX and DY
00366         dx=dx ^ dy;
00367         dy=dx ^ dy;
00368         dx=dx ^ dy;
00370         // swap SX and SY
00371         sx=sx ^ sy;
00372         sy=sx ^ sy;
00373         sx=sx ^ sy;
00374     }
00376     e = (dy << 1) - dx;
00378     for (i=0; i<=dx; i++)
00379     {
00380         if (steep)
00381         {
00382             lcd_plot(x0,y0,color);
00383         }
00384         else
00385         {
00386             lcd_plot(y0,x0,color);
00387         }
00388         while (e >= 0)
00389         {
00390             y0 += sy;
00391             e -= (dx << 1);
00392         }
00393         x0 += sx;
00394         e += (dy << 1);
00395     }
00396  }
00397 //----------------------------------------------------
00399 // kör kirajzolása
00400 void lcd_circle(int x0,int y0, int radius, char color)      // Bresenham circle routine
00401 {
00402     int i;
00403     float cx =1.3;       // kör rajzolás  LCD torzítás kompenzálása
00404     i=0;
00405     //char sa[3];
00406     int f = 1 - radius;
00407     int dx = 1;
00408     int dy = -2 * radius;
00409     int x = 0;
00410     int y = radius;
00411     //float cx =1.3;
00412     lcd_plot(x0 * cx, y0 + radius,color);
00413     lcd_plot(x0 * cx, y0 - radius,color);
00414     lcd_plot((x0 + radius) * cx, y0,color);
00415     lcd_plot((x0 - radius) * cx, y0,color);
00417     while(x < y){
00418         i++;
00419         if(f >= 0) 
00420         {
00421             y--;
00422             dy += 2;
00423             f += dy;
00424         }
00425         x++;
00426         dx += 2;
00427         f += dx;    
00428         lcd_plot((x0 + x) * cx, y0 + y,color);
00429         //a=(x0+x)*cx;
00430         //glcd_inttochar(a);
00431         //lcd_string(0,0,d);
00432         //a= y0 + y;
00433         //glcd_inttochar(a);
00434         //lcd_string(12,0,d);
00435         lcd_plot((x0 - x) * cx, y0 + y,color);
00436         lcd_plot((x0 + x) * cx, y0 - y,color);
00437         lcd_plot((x0 - x) * cx, y0 - y,color);
00438         lcd_plot((x0 + y) * cx, y0 + x,color);
00439         lcd_plot((x0 - y) * cx, y0 + x,color);
00440         lcd_plot((x0 + y) * cx, y0 - x,color);
00441         lcd_plot((x0 - y) * cx, y0 - x,color);
00442         //wait(.2);
00443     }
00444 }
00446 #endif