FRMD KL25Z <=i2c=> NXP PCF8563 (RTC) FRMD KL25Z SPI=> MCP23S17 => (GLCD) T6963C FRMD KL25Z Tsi => 3 button : <--> <enter> <++> FRMD KL25Z => Bip()

Dependencies:   TSI mbed

Fork of RTC8564NB_Clock by masa miya

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed May 14 04:46:52 2014 +0000
Commit message:
FRMD KL25Z <=i2c=> NXP PCF8563 (RTC); FRMD KL25Z SPI=> MCP23S17 => (GLCD T6963C); FRMD KL25Z Tsi => 3 button : <--> <enter> <++>; FRMD KL25Z => Bip()

Changed in this revision

EthernetNetIf.lib Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
GLCD_spi.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
NTPClient.lib Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
RTC.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TSI.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TextLCD.lib Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TouchMenu.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
bip.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 7c1d3790f08d -r c271f83a69e4 EthernetNetIf.lib
--- a/EthernetNetIf.lib	Wed Apr 27 11:03:21 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
diff -r 7c1d3790f08d -r c271f83a69e4 GLCD_spi.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/GLCD_spi.h	Wed May 14 04:46:52 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+#ifndef GLCDSPI_H
+#define GLCDSPI_H
+/*** GLCD_spi.h***
+*  Új változat  char* int_string(int)
+* MCP23S17 - Microchip MCP23S17 16-bit Port Extender using SPI
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Gert van der Knokke
+#include "mbed.h"
+// for 21 characters on a row (6x8 font)
+#define LCDFONTSEL  0xFF
+// for 16 characters on a row (8x8 font)
+// #define LCDFONTSEL 0xDF
+#define IODIRA      0x00
+#define IODIRB      0x01
+#define IPOLA       0x02
+#define IPOLB       0x03
+#define GPINTENA    0x04
+#define GPINTENB    0x05
+#define DEFVALA     0x06
+#define DEFVALB     0x07
+#define INTCONA     0x08
+#define INTCONB     0x09
+#define IOCONA      0x0A
+#define IOCONB      0x0B
+#define GPPUA       0x0C
+#define GPPUB       0x0D
+#define INTFA       0x0E
+#define INTFB       0x0F
+#define INTCAPA     0x10
+#define INTCAPB     0x11
+#define GPIOA       0x12
+#define GPIOB       0x13
+#define OLATA       0x14
+#define OLATB       0x15
+// LCD pin connections/bit numbers
+#define LCD_HALT    0x80
+#define LCD_FS      0x20
+#define LCD_RST     0x10
+#define LCD_CD      0x08
+#define LCD_CE      0x04
+#define LCD_RD      0x02
+#define LCD_WR      0x01
+//      T6963C OPCODES
+#define TXHOME      0x40    // SET TXT HOME ADDRESS
+#define TXAREA      0x41    // SET TXT AREA
+#define GRHOME      0x42    // SET GRAPHIC HOME ADDRESS
+#define GRAREA      0x43    // SET GRAPHIC AREA
+#define OFFSET      0x22    // SET OFFSET ADDRESS
+#define ADPSET      0x24    // SET ADDRESS POINTER
+#define AWRON       0xB0    // SET AUTO WRITE MODE
+#define AWROFF      0xB2    // RESET AUTO WRITE MODE
+/* This file contains definitions for all of the commands in a t6963. */
+/*  Register set */
+#define CPS 0x21 //Cursor pointer set
+#define ORS 0x22 //Offset register set
+#define APS 0x24 //Address pointer set
+#define THAS 0x40 //Text home address set
+#define TAS 0x41 //Text area set
+#define GHAS 0x42 //Graphic home address set
+#define GAS 0x43 //Graphic area set
+#define OM 0x80 //OR mode
+#define EM 0x81 //EXOR mode
+#define AM 0x83 //AND mode
+#define TAM 0x84 //TEXT ATTRIBUTE mode
+#define DOF 0x90 //Display OFF
+#define CONBOF 0x92 //Cursor ON, Blink OFF
+#define CONBON 0x93 //Cursor ON, Blink ON
+#define TONGOF 0x94 //Text ON, Graphic OFF
+#define TOFGON 0x98 //Text OFF, Graphic ON
+#define TONGON 0x9C //Text ON, Graphic ON
+#define LC1 0xA0 //1 Line cursor
+#define LC2 0xA1 //2 Line cursor
+#define LC3 0xA2 //3 Line cursor
+#define LC4 0xA3 //4 Line cursor
+#define LC5 0xA4 //5 Line cursor
+#define LC6 0xA5 //6 Line cursor
+#define LC7 0xA6 //7 Line cursor
+#define LC8 0xA7 //8 Line cursor
+#define DAWS 0xB0 //Data auto write set
+#define DARS 0xB1 //Data auto read set
+#define AR 0xB2 //Auto reset
+#define DWAAI 0xC0 //Data write and ADP increment
+#define DRAAI 0xC1 //Data read and ADP increment
+#define DWAAD 0xC2 //Data write and ADP decrement
+#define DRAAD 0xC3 //Data read and ADP decrement
+#define DWAAN 0xC4 //Data write and ADP nonvariable
+#define DRAAN 0xC5 //Data read and ADP nonvariable
+#define SP 0xE0 //Screen PEEK
+#define SC 0xE8 //Screen COPY
+#define BR 0xF0 //Bit RESET
+#define BS 0xF8 //Bit SET
+//add 3 bit data to these
+//commands to select bit
+// for 21 characters on a row (6x8 font)
+#define LCDFONTSEL  0xFF
+// for 16 characters on a row (8x8 font)
+// #define LCDFONTSEL 0xDF
+// lcd dimensions in pixels
+#define LCD_XWIDTH     128
+#define LCD_YHEIGHT    64
+// lcd dimensions in characters
+#define LCD_WIDTH   22
+#define LCD_HEIGHT  16
+#define PIXELWIDTH  6
+#define LCD_WIDTH   16
+#define LCD_HEIGHT  16
+#define PIXELWIDTH  8
+#define TEXT_STARTADDRESS       0x0000
+#define GRAPHIC_STARTADDRESS    0x1000
+#define CENTERX 50
+#define CENTERY 32
+#define INNER_RADIUS    20
+#define OUTER_RADIUS    25
+#define CENTER_CIRCLE   5
+extern char d[14]={0};  // inttochar() visszaadott érték string-je 
+//DigitalOut K_LED(LED1), P_LED(LED3), Z_LED(LED2);
+SPI spi(PTC6, PTC7, PTC5);  // mosi, miso, sclk
+DigitalOut cs2(PTC10);       //CS1=PTC11; CS2=PTC10; CS3=PTC4 Hardware CS a panelon
+void SPI_init()
+    // set SPI to full speed (10 MHz mode)
+    spi.format(8,0);
+    spi.frequency(10000000);
+    //spi.frequency(10000);
+void lcd_data(unsigned char d)  // write 8 bits lcd data
+    cs2=0;
+    spi.write(0x40);
+    spi.write(GPIOB);  // select GPIOB
+    spi.write(d);      // set data byte
+    cs2=1;
+    cs2=0;
+    spi.write(0x40);
+    spi.write(GPIOA);  // select GPIOA
+    spi.write(LCDFONTSEL-LCD_CE-LCD_CD);   
+    cs2=1;
+    cs2=0;
+    spi.write(0x40);
+    spi.write(GPIOA);  // select GPIOA
+    spi.write(LCDFONTSEL - LCD_WR - LCD_CE - LCD_CD);   
+    cs2=1;
+    cs2=0;
+    spi.write(0x40);
+    spi.write(GPIOA);  // select GPIOA
+    spi.write(LCDFONTSEL - LCD_CD);   
+    cs2=1;
+void lcd_command(unsigned char c)   // write 8 bits lcd command
+    cs2=0;
+    spi.write(0x40);
+    spi.write(GPIOB);  // select GPIOB
+    spi.write(c);      // set data byte
+    cs2=1;
+    cs2=0;
+    spi.write(0x40);
+    spi.write(GPIOA);  // select GPIOA
+    spi.write(LCDFONTSEL-LCD_CE);   
+    cs2=1;
+    cs2=0;
+    spi.write(0x40);
+    spi.write(GPIOA);  // select GPIOA
+    spi.write(LCDFONTSEL - LCD_WR - LCD_CE);   
+    cs2=1;
+    cs2=0;
+    spi.write(0x40);
+    spi.write(GPIOA);  // select GPIOA
+    spi.write(LCDFONTSEL);   
+    cs2=1;
+void lcd_init()     //Grafikus LCD initializálása
+    cs2=0;
+    spi.write(0x40);
+    spi.write(IODIRA);  // select IODIRA at start
+    spi.write(0x00);    // IODIRA all outputs
+    spi.write(0x00);    // IODIRB all outputs
+    cs2=1;
+    wait(0.1);
+    cs2=0;
+    spi.write(0x40);
+    spi.write(GPIOA);  // select GPIOA at start
+    spi.write(LCDFONTSEL-LCD_RST);    // activate reset
+    spi.write(0x00);    // all B outputs 0
+    cs2=1;
+    wait(0.1);
+    cs2=0;
+    spi.write(0x40);
+    spi.write(GPIOA);  // select GPIOA at start
+    spi.write(LCDFONTSEL);    // deactivate reset
+    cs2=1;
+    wait(0.1);
+    // set text home address at 0x0000
+    lcd_data(TEXT_STARTADDRESS%0x100);
+    lcd_data(TEXT_STARTADDRESS/0x100);
+    lcd_command(TXHOME);
+    // set graphic home address at 0x1000
+    lcd_data(GRAPHIC_STARTADDRESS%0x100);
+    lcd_data(GRAPHIC_STARTADDRESS/0x100);
+    lcd_command(GRHOME);
+    // set text area 
+    lcd_data(LCD_WIDTH);
+    lcd_data(0x00);
+    lcd_command(TXAREA);
+    // set graphic area
+    lcd_data(LCD_WIDTH);
+    lcd_data(0x00);
+    lcd_command(GRAREA);
+    // mode set (internal character generation mode)
+    lcd_command(0x80);
+    // set offset register
+    lcd_data(0x02);
+    lcd_data(0x00);
+    lcd_command(OFFSET);
+    // display mode (text on graphics on cursor off)
+    lcd_command(0x90+0x08+0x04);
+char* int_string(double da){    // elő nullák nélküli kiíratás
+    int b,c,dx,i;  //b=adott helyiértéken a számjegy, c=0 akkor elő nulla; dx= az elő nullák nélküli helyiérték száma
+    char* f;        // egy karakter tipusú változó pointere
+    c=0;
+    dx=0;
+    for(i=0;i<15;i++){d[i]=char(0x00);}
+    //teszt adat: 
+    //da=123456;
+    b=int(da/100000000);    // 9. helyiérték
+    if(b>0){c=1;d[dx]=0x30 | char(b);dx++;}
+    da = da - b*100000000;  // 8. helyiérték
+    b=int(da/10000000);
+    if(b>0 | c>0){c=1;d[dx]=0x30 | char(b);dx++;}
+    da = da - b*10000000;  // 7. helyiérték
+    b=int(da/1000000);
+    if(b>0 | c>0){c=1;d[dx]=0x30 | char(b);dx++;}
+    da = da - b*1000000;  // 6. helyiérték
+    b=int(da/100000);
+    if(b>0 | c>0){c=1;d[dx]=0x30 | char(b);dx++;}
+    da = da - b*100000;  // 5. helyiérték
+    b=int(da/10000);
+    if(b>0 | c>0){c=1;d[dx]=0x30 | char(b);dx++;}
+    da = da - b*10000;  // 4. helyiérték
+    b=int(da/1000);
+    if(b>0 | c>0){c=1;d[dx]=0x30 | char(b);dx++;}
+    da = da - b*1000;  // 3. helyiérték
+    b=int(da/100);
+    if(b>0 | c>0){c=1;d[dx]=0x30 | char(b);dx++;}
+    da = da - b*100;  // 2. helyiérték
+    b=int(da/10);
+    if(b>0 | c>0){c=1;d[dx]=0x30 | char(b);dx++;}
+    da = da - b*10;  // 1. helyiérték
+    b=int(da);
+    if(b>0 | c>0){c=1;d[dx]=0x30 | char(b);dx++;}
+    // visszatérési érték: d[] string
+    f = d;  // f tartalmazza a d char tömb pointerét
+    return f;
+void lcd_string(char y,char x,char *s)      // put a text string at position x,y (character row,column)
+    int adr;
+    adr=TEXT_STARTADDRESS+x+y*LCD_WIDTH;    // 0x0000 + x + y + 22
+    lcd_data(adr%0x100);                    // % maradék képzés jele
+    lcd_data(adr/0x100);
+    lcd_command(ADPSET);
+    lcd_command(AWRON);
+    while (s[0]){
+        // convert from ascii to t6963
+        lcd_data(s[0]-32);
+        s++;
+    }
+    lcd_command(AWROFF);
+void lcd_cls()      // clear lcd display memory (8k)        
+    int a;
+    lcd_data(0x00);
+    lcd_data(0x00);
+    lcd_command(ADPSET);
+    lcd_command(AWRON);
+    for (a=0; a<8192; a++) lcd_data(0);
+    lcd_command(AWROFF);
+void lcd_plot(char x,char y,char color)     // set or reset a pixel on the display on position x,y with color 0 or 1
+    int adr;                         
+    adr = GRAPHIC_STARTADDRESS + ((LCD_WIDTH) * y) + (x/PIXELWIDTH);   // calculate offset
+    lcd_data(adr%0x100);       // set low byte
+    lcd_data(adr/0x100);       // set high byte
+    lcd_command(ADPSET);           // set address pointer
+    if (color) lcd_command(BS + ((PIXELWIDTH-1)-(x%PIXELWIDTH)));   // use bit set mode
+        else  lcd_command(BR + ((PIXELWIDTH-1)-(x%PIXELWIDTH)));  // use bit reset mode
+void lcd_line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1,char color)        // Bresenham line routine 0-128 x 0-64 color= char(1)
+{                                                               // color 1, 0
+    char steep=1;
+    int i,dx,dy,e;
+    signed char sx,sy;
+    dx = abs(x1-x0);
+    sx = ((x1 - x0) >0) ? 1 : -1;
+    dy=abs(y1-y0);
+    sy = ((y1 - y0) >0) ? 1 : -1;
+    if (dy > dx)
+    {
+        steep=0;
+        // swap X0 and Y0
+        x0=x0 ^ y0;
+        y0=x0 ^ y0;
+        x0=x0 ^ y0;
+        // swap DX and DY
+        dx=dx ^ dy;
+        dy=dx ^ dy;
+        dx=dx ^ dy;
+        // swap SX and SY
+        sx=sx ^ sy;
+        sy=sx ^ sy;
+        sx=sx ^ sy;
+    }
+    e = (dy << 1) - dx;
+    for (i=0; i<=dx; i++)
+    {
+        if (steep)
+        {
+            lcd_plot(x0,y0,color);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            lcd_plot(y0,x0,color);
+        }
+        while (e >= 0)
+        {
+            y0 += sy;
+            e -= (dx << 1);
+        }
+        x0 += sx;
+        e += (dy << 1);
+    }
+ }
+// kör kirajzolása
+void lcd_circle(int x0,int y0, int radius, char color)      // Bresenham circle routine
+    int i;
+    float cx =1.3;       // kör rajzolás  LCD torzítás kompenzálása
+    i=0;
+    //char sa[3];
+    int f = 1 - radius;
+    int dx = 1;
+    int dy = -2 * radius;
+    int x = 0;
+    int y = radius;
+    //float cx =1.3;
+    lcd_plot(x0 * cx, y0 + radius,color);
+    lcd_plot(x0 * cx, y0 - radius,color);
+    lcd_plot((x0 + radius) * cx, y0,color);
+    lcd_plot((x0 - radius) * cx, y0,color);
+    while(x < y){
+        i++;
+        if(f >= 0) 
+        {
+            y--;
+            dy += 2;
+            f += dy;
+        }
+        x++;
+        dx += 2;
+        f += dx;    
+        lcd_plot((x0 + x) * cx, y0 + y,color);
+        //a=(x0+x)*cx;
+        //glcd_inttochar(a);
+        //lcd_string(0,0,d);
+        //a= y0 + y;
+        //glcd_inttochar(a);
+        //lcd_string(12,0,d);
+        lcd_plot((x0 - x) * cx, y0 + y,color);
+        lcd_plot((x0 + x) * cx, y0 - y,color);
+        lcd_plot((x0 - x) * cx, y0 - y,color);
+        lcd_plot((x0 + y) * cx, y0 + x,color);
+        lcd_plot((x0 - y) * cx, y0 + x,color);
+        lcd_plot((x0 + y) * cx, y0 - x,color);
+        lcd_plot((x0 - y) * cx, y0 - x,color);
+        //wait(.2);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 7c1d3790f08d -r c271f83a69e4 NTPClient.lib
--- a/NTPClient.lib	Wed Apr 27 11:03:21 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
diff -r 7c1d3790f08d -r c271f83a69e4 RTC.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/RTC.h	Wed May 14 04:46:52 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+#ifndef RTC_H
+#define RTC_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "GLCD_spi.h"
+#include "TouchMenu.h"
+#define RTC8563 0xA2
+#define CONTROL1 0x00
+#define CONTROL2 0x01
+#define SECONDS 0x02
+#define MINUTES 0x03
+#define HOURS 0x04
+#define DAYS 0x05
+#define WEEKDAYS 0x06
+#define MONTHS 0x07
+#define YEARS 0x08
+#define MINUTE_ALARM 0x09
+#define HOUR_ALARM 0x0A
+#define DAY_ALARM 0x0B
+#define WEEKDAY_ALARM 0x0C
+#define CLOCKOUT_FREQ 0x0D
+#define TIMER_CINTROL 0x0E
+#define TIMER 0x0F
+#define _READ 0x01
+I2C i2c(PTE0, PTE1);    //SDA, SCL
+TouchRun TchR2;
+DigitalOut K_LED(LED1), P_LED(LED3), Z_LED(LED2);
+char year, month, day, week, hour, minute, sec;
+int iyear, imonth, iday, iweek, ihour, iminute, isec;
+char ntp_year[3], ntp_month[3], ntp_day[3], ntp_week[4];
+char ntp_hour[3], ntp_minute[3], ntp_sec[3];
+char week_val;
+char week_chr[7][4] = {"Vas","Het","Ked","Sze","Csu","Pen","Szo"};
+void rtc_write(char address, char value){
+    i2c.start();
+    i2c.write(RTC8563);
+    i2c.write(address);
+    i2c.write(value);
+    i2c.stop();
+char rtc_read(char address){
+    char value;
+    i2c.start();
+    i2c.write(RTC8563);
+    i2c.write(address);
+    i2c.start();
+    i2c.write(RTC8563 | _READ);
+    value =;
+    i2c.stop();
+    return value;
+void time_just(){
+    char _min, _hour;
+    //test_led = !test_led;
+    _min = rtc_read(MINUTES);
+    if (_min >= 0x30) { 
+            _hour = rtc_read(HOURS);
+            if (_hour == 0x23)
+                _hour = 0x00;
+            else if ((_hour & 0x0F) == 0x09)
+                _hour = (_hour & 0xF0) + 0x10;
+            else
+                _hour = _hour + 0x01;
+            rtc_write(HOURS, _hour);
+    }
+    rtc_write(MINUTES, 0x00);
+    rtc_write(SECONDS, 0x00);
+void rtc_reset(){
+    //just_button.rise(&time_just);
+    lcd_cls();
+    lcd_string(2,1,"RTC8563 CLOCK RESET" );
+    wait(1);
+    rtc_write(CONTROL1, 0x20); //stop
+    rtc_write(CONTROL2, 0x00);
+    rtc_write(YEARS, 0x36);                   //((ntp_year[0]-0x30)<<4)+(ntp_year[1]-0x30)); 
+    rtc_write(MONTHS,0x02);                   //((ntp_month[0]-0x30)<<4)+(ntp_month[1]-0x30));
+    rtc_write(DAYS, 0x03);                    //((ntp_day[0]-0x30)<<4)+(ntp_day[1]-0x30));
+    rtc_write(HOURS, 0x04);                    //((ntp_hour[0]-0x30)<<4)+(ntp_hour[1]-0x30));
+    rtc_write(MINUTES,0x05);                  //((ntp_minute[0]-0x30)<<4)+(ntp_minute[1]-0x30));
+    rtc_write(SECONDS,0x00);                  //((ntp_sec[0]-0x30)<<4)+(ntp_sec[1]-0x30));
+    rtc_write(WEEKDAYS, week_val);
+    rtc_write(CLOCKOUT_FREQ, 0x00); // 0x83 = TE on & 1Hz
+    rtc_write(TIMER_CINTROL, 0x00);
+    rtc_write(CONTROL1, 0x00); //start
+void rtc_data_read(){ 
+    i2c.start();
+    i2c.write(0xA2);
+    i2c.write(0x02);
+    i2c.stop();
+    i2c.start();
+    i2c.write(0xA3);
+    sec =     & 0x7F;
+    minute =  & 0x7F;
+    hour =      & 0x3F;
+    day =        & 0x3F;
+    week =   & 0x07;
+    month =    & 0x1F;
+    year =;
+    i2c.stop();
+    //lcd.locate(0,0);
+    sprintf(buffer,"%c%c/%c%c/%c%c %s",
+        ((year >> 4) & 0x0F) + 0x30, (year & 0x0F) + 0x30,              //int((year >> 4)& 0x0F)*10 + int(year & 0x0F), 
+            ((month >> 4) & 0x01) + 0x30, (month & 0x0F) + 0x30, 
+                ((day >> 4) & 0x03)+ 0x30, (day & 0x0F) + 0x30, 
+                    week_chr[week & 0x07]);
+    lcd_string(0,0,buffer);
+    //lcd.locate(0,1); 
+    sprintf(buffer,"%c%c:%c%c:%c%c",
+        ((hour >> 4) & 0x03) + 0x30, (hour & 0x0F) + 0x30, 
+            (minute >> 4) + 0x30, (minute & 0x0F) + 0x30, 
+                (sec >> 4) + 0x30, (sec & 0x0F) + 0x30 );
+    lcd_string(0,13,buffer);
+void rtc_data_set(){
+    rtc_data_read();
+    //--------------------------------------------------    
+    year = (int)((((year >> 4)& 0x0F)*10) + (year & 0x0F));
+    sprintf(buffer,"Year: ");
+    year = SetBox(year, 0, 99);
+    Bip(1,1);
+    sprintf(buffer,"%d",year);
+    if(year > 9){                 // két helyiértékesetén
+        year = buffer[0] & 0x0F;
+        year = (year<<4) + (buffer[1] & 0x0F);
+    }else{                      // egy helyiérték esetén
+        year = buffer[0] & 0x0F;
+    }
+    // a visszaalakítás azonos mint a beolvasásnál
+    //sprintf(buffer,"Year:%c%c", ((year >> 4) & 0x0F) + 0x30, (year & 0x0F) + 0x30);
+    //lcd_string(5,0,buffer);
+    //--------------------------------------------------
+    month = (int)((((month >> 4)& 0x01)*10) + (month & 0x0F));
+    sprintf(buffer,"Month: ");
+    month = SetBox(month, 1, 12);
+    Bip(1,1);
+    sprintf(buffer,"%d",month);
+    if(month > 9){                 // két helyiértékesetén
+        month = buffer[0] & 0x0F;
+        month = (month<<4) + (buffer[1] & 0x0F);
+    }else{                      // egy helyiérték esetén
+        month = buffer[0] & 0x0F;
+    }
+    //--------------------------------------------------
+    day = (int)((((day >> 4)& 0x03)*10) + (day & 0x0F));
+    sprintf(buffer,"Day: ");
+    day = SetBox(day, 1, 31);
+    Bip(1,1);
+    sprintf(buffer,"%d",day);
+    if(day > 9){                 // két helyiértékesetén
+        day = buffer[0] & 0x0F;
+        day = (day<<4) + (buffer[1] & 0x0F);
+    }else{                      // egy helyiérték esetén
+        day = buffer[0] & 0x0F;
+    }
+    //--------------------------------------------------
+    week = (int)((((week >> 4)& 0x03)*10) + (week & 0x0F));
+    sprintf(buffer,"Week: ");
+    week = SetBox(week + 1, 1, 7);
+    Bip(1,1);
+    sprintf(buffer,"%d",week - 1);
+    if(week > 9){                 // két helyiértékesetén
+        week = buffer[0] & 0x0F;
+        week = (week<<4) + (buffer[1] & 0x0F);
+    }else{                      // egy helyiérték esetén
+        week = buffer[0] & 0x0F;
+    }
+   //--------------------------------------------------
+    hour = (int)((((hour >> 4)& 0x03)*10) + (hour & 0x0F));
+    sprintf(buffer,"Hour: ");
+    hour = SetBox(hour, 0, 23);
+    Bip(1,1);
+    sprintf(buffer,"%d",hour);
+    if(hour > 9){                 // két helyiértékesetén
+        hour = buffer[0] & 0x0F;
+        hour = (hour<<4) + (buffer[1] & 0x0F);
+    }else{                      // egy helyiérték esetén
+        hour = buffer[0] & 0x0F;
+    }
+   //--------------------------------------------------
+    minute = (int)((((minute >> 4)& 0x07)*10) + (minute & 0x0F));
+    sprintf(buffer,"Minute: ");
+    minute = SetBox(minute, 0, 23);
+    Bip(1,1);
+    sprintf(buffer,"%d",minute);
+    if(minute > 9){                 // két helyiértékesetén
+        minute = buffer[0] & 0x0F;
+        minute = (minute<<4) + (buffer[1] & 0x0F);
+    }else{                      // egy helyiérték esetén
+        minute = buffer[0] & 0x0F;
+    }
+    //-------------------------------------------------
+    rtc_write(CONTROL1, 0x20);                  //stop       
+    rtc_write(CONTROL2, 0x00);
+    rtc_write(YEARS, year);                   //((ntp_year[0]-0x30)<<4)+(ntp_year[1]-0x30)); 
+    rtc_write(MONTHS,month);
+    rtc_write(DAYS, day);
+    rtc_write(WEEKDAYS,week);
+    rtc_write(HOURS, hour);
+    rtc_write(MINUTES, minute);
+    rtc_write(SECONDS,0x00);
+    rtc_write(CONTROL1, 0x00); //start
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 7c1d3790f08d -r c271f83a69e4 TSI.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TSI.lib	Wed May 14 04:46:52 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 7c1d3790f08d -r c271f83a69e4 TextLCD.lib
--- a/TextLCD.lib	Wed Apr 27 11:03:21 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
diff -r 7c1d3790f08d -r c271f83a69e4 TouchMenu.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TouchMenu.h	Wed May 14 04:46:52 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+#ifndef TOUCHMENU_H
+#define TOUCHMENU_H
+#include "bip.h"
+#include "TSISensor.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "GLCD_spi.h"
+/*   TouchRun osztály
+// Példányosítás:  TouchRun TchR;
+class TouchRun{
+    TouchRun();        // Konstruktor
+    //~TouchRun();       // Destructor
+    int touch_run(void);
+    void kurzor(void);
+    void kurzor_torles(void);
+    void kep(void);
+    void akcio(void);
+    char buffer[22]; 
+    int touch_status;
+    int touch_value;
+    int T_value;
+    int a;
+    TSISensor tsi;
+    Timer touch_timer;
+//** Fügvény definició **********************
+void TouchRun::kurzor(){
+    lcd_string(touch_value+1,1,">>");
+void TouchRun::kurzor_torles(){
+    lcd_string(2,0,"    ");
+    lcd_string(3,0,"    ");
+    lcd_string(4,0,"    ");    
+    lcd_string(5,0,"    ");
+    lcd_string(6,0,"    ");        
+void TouchRun::akcio(){
+    int touch=0;
+    touch = int(tsi.readPercentage()*100);                   // vissza adott érték:
+    if(touch==0){touch_value=0; return;}
+    if(touch>0 & touch<33)  {touch_value=1; return;}       // [<]        z_villan();
+    if(touch>32 & touch<66) {touch_value=2; return;}      // [ent]       z_villan();
+    if(touch>65 & touch<101){touch_value=3; return;}     // [>]          z_villan();
+    return;
+void TouchRun::kep(){
+    //lcd_cls();
+    lcd_string(7,0,"<--> <Ent> <++> ");
+int TouchRun::touch_run(){           //  Touch állapotgép
+    //DigitalOut K_LED(LED3);
+    switch(touch_status){
+        case 0:             // állókép kiírása
+            //K_LED = 1;
+            kep();
+            T_value=1;
+            touch_status++;        
+            return 0;
+        case 1:                     // akció???
+            akcio();                // Melyik gombot nyomta meg? : touch_value = 0 semmi, =1 [<], =2 [ENter], =3 [>]
+            if(touch_value>0){      // Ha volt akció, tovább lép
+                Bip(2,1);
+                touch_status++; 
+            }
+            sprintf(buffer,">%d<",touch_value);
+            lcd_string(7,18,buffer);
+            return(touch_value);
+        case 2:             // akció volt
+            //kurzor();
+            //K_LED = 0;
+            touch_timer.reset();    //késleltet
+            touch_timer.start();
+            touch_status++;
+            return 0;
+        case 3:             // timer túl csordult???
+            a= touch_timer.read_ms();
+            if(a > int(300)){
+                touch_timer.stop();
+                touch_status++;
+            }
+            return 0;
+        case 4:             // kúrzor megjelenítése
+            //kurzor_torles();
+            touch_status=1; //touch_status++;
+            return 0;
+    }
+    return 0;
+TouchRun::TouchRun(){       //Konstruktor
+    touch_status = 0;
+    touch_value = 0;
+    //DigitalOut P_LED(LED1), Z_LED(LED2), K_LED(LED3);
+//TouchRun::~TouchRun(){}     //Destructor
+// Meghívás:       b = TchM.menu_run(a);       //Fő menü
+// (a) Meghívás paramétere: megadja melyik menüsort jelenitse meg a kép függvény
+// (b) Visszatérési paraméter: megadja melyik sorról nyomott <Enter>-t (touch_value)
+    int menu_run(int);
+    TouchRun TchR1;
+    void mstart(int);
+    int mkurzor(int);
+    void kurzor_torles(void);
+    void akcio(void);
+    int t_value;
+    int m_kurzor;
+    int m_kurzor_old;
+    char buffer[22]; 
+    int menu_status;
+    int menu_value;
+    int M_value;
+    int mk_value;
+    TSISensor tsi;
+    Timer menu_timer;
+//** Fügvény definiciók **********************
+void mstart(int a){
+    char menu_chr[10][7][15] = { 
+    {"FRMD KL25Z ","   RTC menu   ","   Acc menu   ","   MMG menu   ","   Press menu ","   SET menu   ","   Fo  menu   ",},
+    {"RTC menu   ","   Date Set   ","   Time Set   ","   Alarm Set  ","   RTC RUN    ","              ","   Fo  menu   ",},
+    {"Acc menu   ","   Acc 1      ","   Acc 2      ","   Acc 3      ","   Acc RUN    ","              ","   Fo  menu   ",},
+    {"MMG menu   ","   MMG 1      ","   MMG 2      ","   MMG 3      ","   MMG4       ","              ","   Fo  menu   ",},
+    {"Press menu ","   Press1     ","   Press2     ","   Press3     ","   Press4     ","              ","   Fo  menu   ",},
+    {"SET menu   ","   RTC Set    ","   6.  2      ","   6.  3      ","   6. 4       ","              ","   Fo  menu   ",},
+    {"Date Set m.","   Year Set   ","   Month set  ","   Day set    ","   Week set   ","              ","   Fo  menu   ",}, //RTC
+    {"Time Set m.","   Hour Set   ","   Minute set ","   Second set ","              ","              ","   Fo  menu   ",}, //RTC
+    {"AlarmSet m.","  AHour Set   ","  AMinute set ","  ASecond set ","              ","              ","   Fo  menu   ",}, //RTC
+    {"RTC RUN    ","   Start      ","   STOP       ","              ","              ","              ","   Fo  menu   ",}, //RTC
+                                };
+    //lcd_string(0,5,menu_chr[a][0]);
+    lcd_string(1,0,menu_chr[a][1]);
+    lcd_string(2,0,menu_chr[a][2]);
+    lcd_string(3,0,menu_chr[a][3]);
+    lcd_string(4,0,menu_chr[a][4]);
+    lcd_string(5,0,menu_chr[a][5]);
+    lcd_string(6,0,menu_chr[a][6]);
+    lcd_line(0,7,128,7,char(1));
+    lcd_line(0,55,128,55,char(1));
+    m_kurzor = 1;
+    m_kurzor_old = 1;
+int mkurzor(int delta){
+    m_kurzor = m_kurzor_old + delta;
+    if(m_kurzor<1){m_kurzor=6;}
+    if(m_kurzor>6){m_kurzor=1;}
+    lcd_string(m_kurzor_old,0,"  ");
+    lcd_string(m_kurzor,0,"->");
+    m_kurzor_old = m_kurzor;
+    return m_kurzor;
+int menu_run(int a){
+    menu_status=0;
+    while(1){
+        switch(menu_status){
+            case 0:
+                mstart(a);
+                mk_value = mkurzor(0);
+                menu_status++; 
+                break;
+            case 1:
+                t_value = TchR1.touch_run();
+                if(t_value>0){
+                    menu_status++;  
+                }
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                menu_status = 1;
+                switch(t_value){
+                    case 1:
+                        mk_value = mkurzor(-1);
+                        break;
+                    case 3:
+                        mk_value = mkurzor(1);
+                        break;
+                    case 2:
+                        sprintf(buffer,"=>%d",mk_value);
+                        lcd_string(6,15,buffer);
+                        return mk_value;                      
+                }
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+//    return 0;
+void SendBox(){     //buffer[12] -ben van a szöveg változó
+    lcd_string(1,2,"                ");
+    lcd_string(2,2,"                ");    
+    lcd_string(3,2,"                ");    
+    lcd_string(4,2,"     SendBox    ");    
+    lcd_string(5,2,"                ");    
+    lcd_string(6,2,"                ");    
+    lcd_string(3,4,buffer);    
+    lcd_line(18,10,110,10,char(1));
+    lcd_line(110,10,110,50,char(1));
+    lcd_line(110,50,18,50,char(1));
+    lcd_line(18,50,18,10,char(1));
+    wait(2);
+    lcd_line(18,10,110,10,char(0));
+    lcd_line(110,10,110,50,char(0));
+    lcd_line(110,50,18,50,char(0));
+    lcd_line(18,50,18,10,char(0));
+int SetBox(int value, int min, int max){             ////buffer[12] -ben van a szöveg változó
+    TouchRun TchR2;
+    int t_value;
+    lcd_string(1,2,"                ");
+    lcd_string(2,2,"    SetBox      ");    
+    lcd_string(3,2,"                ");    
+    lcd_string(4,2,"                ");    
+    lcd_string(5,2,"                ");    
+    lcd_string(6,2,"                ");    
+    lcd_string(4,4,buffer);    
+    sprintf(buffer,"%d", value);
+    lcd_string(4,9,buffer);
+    lcd_line(18,10,110,10,char(1));
+    lcd_line(110,10,110,50,char(1));
+    lcd_line(110,50,18,50,char(1));
+    lcd_line(18,50,18,10,char(1));
+    while(1){
+        t_value = TchR2.touch_run();    
+        switch(t_value){
+            case 0:
+            break;
+            case 1:     //-- 0-99 között lehet
+                value--;
+                if(value<min){value = max;}
+            break;
+            case 2:     // Ent.
+                return value;
+            case 3:     //++  0-99 között lehet
+                value++;
+                if(value>max){value = min;}
+            break;    
+        }
+        //sprintf(buffer,"  ");
+        //lcd_string(4,9,buffer);
+        sprintf(buffer,"\b\b%d ", value);
+        lcd_string(4,9,buffer);
+    }
+void BoxClear(){
+    lcd_line(18,10,110,10,char(0));
+    lcd_line(110,10,110,50,char(0));
+    lcd_line(110,50,18,50,char(0));
+    lcd_line(18,50,18,10,char(0));
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 7c1d3790f08d -r c271f83a69e4 bip.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bip.h	Wed May 14 04:46:52 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#ifndef BIP_H
+#define BIP_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+/*  Ez egy 0.1 s hosszú 1 kHz jel alapból, meghívása: Bip(int freq, int time)
+// freki = 1 kHz * freq
+// idő   = 0.1 s * time
+// Flehsználja: PTD7 lábat
+DigitalOut bip(PTD7);
+Ticker timer;
+int v=0;
+void attime(){v=1;}
+void Bip(int freq, int time){
+    v=0;
+    timer.attach(&attime, 0.1*time); 
+    while(1){
+        bip = !bip;
+        wait(0.001/freq);  
+        if(v>0){bip = 0; return;}  
+    }   
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 7c1d3790f08d -r c271f83a69e4 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Apr 27 11:03:21 2011 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed May 14 04:46:52 2014 +0000
@@ -1,182 +1,45 @@
-This is the clock which used highly quality RTC module RT8564NB. 
-This module is I2C controllable. At the time of poweron/reset, the start 
-time received from ntp server.
-Revision History:
-Rev. 0.01A 2011/04/26 New
-Rev. 0.01B 2011/04/27 Add time justify function, sec LED 
- */
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include "TextLCD.h"
-#include "EthernetNetIf.h"
-#include "NTPClient.h"
-#define RTC8564NB_ADR 0xA2
+#include "GLCD_spi.h"
+#include "TouchMenu.h"
+#include "RTC.h"
-#define CONTROL1 0x00
-#define CONTROL2 0x01
-#define SECONDS 0x02
-#define MINUTES 0x03
-#define HOURS 0x04
-#define DAYS 0x05
-#define WEEKDAYS 0x06
-#define MONTHS 0x07
-#define YEARS 0x08
-#define MINUTE_ALARM 0x09
-#define HOUR_ALARM 0x0A
-#define DAY_ALARM 0x0B
-#define WEEKDAY_ALARM 0x0C
-#define CLOCKOUT_FREQ 0x0D
-#define TIMER_CINTROL 0x0E
-#define TIMER 0x0F
-#define _READ 0x01
-TextLCD lcd(p24, p26, p27, p28, p29, p30);
-EthernetNetIf eth; 
-NTPClient ntp;
-I2C i2c(p9, p10);
-DigitalOut sec_led(LED1);
-DigitalOut test_led(LED2);
-InterruptIn just_button(p15);
-int offset_JAPAN = 32400;
-char year, month, day, week;
-char hour, minute, sec;
-char ntp_year[3], ntp_month[3], ntp_day[3], ntp_week[4];
-char ntp_hour[3], ntp_minute[3], ntp_sec[3];
-char week_val;
-char week_chr[7][4] = {"Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"};
+//char buffer[12];
+int m_value,b;
+void Start(){
+    SPI_init();
+    lcd_init();
-void rtc_write(char address, char value)
-    i2c.start();
-    i2c.write(RTC8564NB_ADR);
-    i2c.write(address);
-    i2c.write(value);
-    i2c.stop();
+    K_LED=1;
+    Z_LED=1;
+    P_LED=1;
+    lcd_cls();
+    lcd_string(2,6,"RTC Start");
+    Bip(2,3);       // 1 kHz * freki, 0.1 s * time
+    //rtc_reset();
+    rtc_data_set();
+    lcd_cls();
+    //a=0;
+    b=0;
-char rtc_read(char address)
-    char value;
-    i2c.start();
-    i2c.write(RTC8564NB_ADR);
-    i2c.write(address);
-    i2c.start();
-    i2c.write(RTC8564NB_ADR | _READ);
-    value =;
-    i2c.stop();
-    return value;
-void time_just()
-    char _min, _hour;
-    test_led = !test_led;
-    _min = rtc_read(MINUTES);
-    if (_min >= 0x30) { 
-            _hour = rtc_read(HOURS);
-            if (_hour == 0x23)
-                _hour = 0x00;
-            else if ((_hour & 0x0F) == 0x09)
-                _hour = (_hour & 0xF0) + 0x10;
-            else
-                _hour = _hour + 0x01;
-            rtc_write(HOURS, _hour);
-    }
-    rtc_write(MINUTES, 0x00);
-    rtc_write(SECONDS, 0x00);
 int main() {
-    just_button.rise(&time_just);
+    Start();
+    //rtc_reset();
+    while(1){
+        rtc_data_read();
+        if(sec != b){
+            //Bip(1,1);
+            b=sec;
+            Z_LED =0;
+            wait(.1);
+            Z_LED=1;
+        }
+    }
+    //for(;;){}
-    lcd.cls();
-    lcd.printf("RTC8564NB CLOCK" );
-    wait(2.0);
-    /* Set up Ethernet */
-    lcd.cls();
-    lcd.printf("Setting up Eth\n");
-    EthernetErr ethErr = eth.setup();
-    if (ethErr) {
-        lcd.cls();
-        lcd.printf("Error with Eth\nNum: %d", ethErr);
-        return -1;
-    }   
-    /* Set up NTP */
-    lcd.printf("Setting up NTP\n");
-    Host server(IpAddr(), 123, "");
-    ntp.setTime(server);
-    time_t seconds = time(NULL)+offset_JAPAN;
-    lcd.cls();
-    strftime(ntp_year, 16, "%y", localtime(&seconds));
-    strftime(ntp_month, 16, "%m", localtime(&seconds));
-    strftime(ntp_day, 16, "%d", localtime(&seconds));
-    strftime(ntp_week, 16, "%a", localtime(&seconds));
-    strftime(ntp_hour, 16, "%H", localtime(&seconds));
-    strftime(ntp_minute, 16, "%M", localtime(&seconds));
-    strftime(ntp_sec, 16, "%S", localtime(&seconds));
-    switch (ntp_week[0]){
-        case 'S': 
-            switch (ntp_week[1]) {
-                case 'u': week_val = 0x00; break;
-                case 'a': week_val = 0x06; break;
-            }
-            break;
-        case 'M': week_val = 0x01; break;
-        case 'T': 
-            switch (ntp_week[1]) {
-                case 'u': week_val = 0x02; break;
-                case 'h': week_val = 0x04; break;
-            }
-            break;
-        case 'W': week_val = 0x03; break;
-        case 'F': week_val = 0x05; break;
-    }
-    rtc_write(CONTROL1, 0x20); //stop
-    rtc_write(CONTROL2, 0x00);
-    rtc_write(YEARS, ((ntp_year[0]-0x30)<<4)+(ntp_year[1]-0x30)); 
-    rtc_write(MONTHS, ((ntp_month[0]-0x30)<<4)+(ntp_month[1]-0x30));
-    rtc_write(DAYS, ((ntp_day[0]-0x30)<<4)+(ntp_day[1]-0x30));
-    rtc_write(HOURS, ((ntp_hour[0]-0x30)<<4)+(ntp_hour[1]-0x30));
-    rtc_write(MINUTES, ((ntp_minute[0]-0x30)<<4)+(ntp_minute[1]-0x30));
-    rtc_write(SECONDS, ((ntp_sec[0]-0x30)<<4)+(ntp_sec[1]-0x30));
-    rtc_write(WEEKDAYS, week_val);
-    rtc_write(CLOCKOUT_FREQ, 0x00); // 0x83 = TE on & 1Hz
-    rtc_write(TIMER_CINTROL, 0x00);
-    rtc_write(CONTROL1, 0x00); //start
-    while(1) { 
-        year = rtc_read(YEARS);
-        month = rtc_read(MONTHS);
-        day = rtc_read(DAYS);
-        week = rtc_read(WEEKDAYS);
-        hour = rtc_read(HOURS);
-        minute = rtc_read(MINUTES);
-        sec = rtc_read(SECONDS);
-        lcd.locate(0,0);
-        lcd.printf("20%c%c/%c%c/%c%c %s",
-            ((year >> 4) & 0x03) + 0x30, (year & 0x0F) + 0x30, 
-                ((month >> 4) & 0x01) + 0x30, (month & 0x0F) + 0x30, 
-                    ((day >> 4) & 0x03)+ 0x30, (day & 0x0F) + 0x30, 
-                        week_chr[week & 0x07]);
-        lcd.locate(0,1); 
-        lcd.printf("%c%c:%c%c:%c%c",
-            ((hour >> 4) & 0x03) + 0x30, (hour & 0x0F) + 0x30, 
-                (minute >> 4) + 0x30, (minute & 0x0F) + 0x30, 
-                    (sec >> 4) + 0x30, (sec & 0x0F) + 0x30 );
-        sec_led = !sec_led;
-        wait(0.5);
-    }
diff -r 7c1d3790f08d -r c271f83a69e4 mbed.bld
--- a/mbed.bld	Wed Apr 27 11:03:21 2011 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Wed May 14 04:46:52 2014 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file