このライブラリは模型用のDCモータをmbedで直接制御します。 モータは正転、反転動作が可能です。 モータの回転速度は可変できます。 This library is directly controlled by a DC motor for model mbed. Motor forward rotation, inversion operation is possible. The motor speed is adjustable.

Dependents:   adxl335_motor_direction

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DcMotorDirectDrive Class Reference

DcMotorDirectDrive Class Reference

Dc motor direct drive class. More...

#include <DcMotorDirectDrive.h>

Public Member Functions

 DcMotorDirectDrive (PinName pwmPin, PinName referencePin)
 Create a eight dot matrix led array object connected to the specified DigitalOut pin.
void DcMotorDirectDrive_main (float request)
 Data set to the seven segment LED display.

Detailed Description

Dc motor direct drive class.


 // DcMotorDirectDrive Library Example
 // This program controls the motor 3.
 // Repeat the forward and reverse motor.
 // Continuously varies the rotational speed of the motor.
 // <schematic>
 //                                   motor1,2,3 : mabuchi motor RF-300C-11440  DC3V 18mA 2200rpm)
 //                              __
 //    p21(pwmOut)     ---------|  |  motor1
 //                             |  |--
 //    p22(digitalOut) ---------|__|
 //                              __
 //    p23(pwmOut)     ---------|  |  motor2
 //                             |  |--
 //    p24(digitalOut) ---------|__|
 //                              __
 //    p25(pwmOut)     ---------|  |  motor3
 //                             |  |--
 //    p26(digitalOut) ---------|__|

 #include "mbed.h"

 #include "DcMotorDirectDrive.h"

 //                          pwm pin
 //                          |  
 //                          |    reference pin                          
 //                          |    |
 DcMotorDirectDrive motor1(p21, p22);
 DcMotorDirectDrive motor2(p23, p24);
 DcMotorDirectDrive motor3(p25, p26);

 DigitalOut led1(LED1);
 DigitalOut led4(LED4);

 Timer timer;    // data change timer
 int main() {
    float siji = 1.0f;  // motor output (+1.0 -> ... -> +0.5 -> -1.0 -> ... -> -0.5 -> +1.0)
    uint8_t fugo = 0;   // 0 : normal rotation,  1 : reverse rotation

    while(1) {
        // After 100[ms] to start the process
        if(timer.read_ms() >= 100){
            if(fugo == 0){
                // Normal rotation
                // siji = +1.0 -> +0.5 
                 siji -= 0.005;
                if(siji < 0.5f){
                    fugo = 1;
                    siji = -1.0f;
                // Reverse rotation
                siji += 0.005;
                if(siji > -0.5f){
                    fugo = 0;
                    siji = +1.0f;
            // Outputs a control instruction to the motor
            // rotation display
            if(siji > 0.5){
                // normal rotation
                led1 = 1;
                led4 = 0;
                // reverse rotation
                led1 = 0;
             led4 = 1;        

Definition at line 136 of file DcMotorDirectDrive.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DcMotorDirectDrive ( PinName  pwmPin,
PinName  referencePin 

Create a eight dot matrix led array object connected to the specified DigitalOut pin.

DC motor direct drive object connected to the specified DigtalOutput pin.

pwmPinPwmOut pin to connect to. pwm pin (p21 - p26)
referencePinDigitalOut pin to connect to. Reference power supply pin (p5 - p30)

Definition at line 18 of file DcMotorDirectDrive.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void DcMotorDirectDrive_main ( float  request )

Data set to the seven segment LED display.

floatrequest motor output request (-1.0 - 0.0 - 1.0) -1.0 to 0.0 : Reverse rotation, 0.0 : stop, 0.0 to +1.0 : normal rotation

Definition at line 34 of file DcMotorDirectDrive.cpp.