BLE mouse with uBit ( still some issues to resolve )

Dependencies:   BLE_API microbit_ble_mouse mbed nRF51822

Fork of microbit_mouse_BLE by Shahariar Hossain

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Sun May 27 20:29:53 2018 +0000
Commit message:
connects but does not work !

Changed in this revision

MMA8652.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r b58633511f96 -r c1e87a1869cd MMA8652.lib
--- a/MMA8652.lib	Sun May 27 14:27:20 2018 +0000
+++ b/MMA8652.lib	Sun May 27 20:29:53 2018 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
diff -r b58633511f96 -r c1e87a1869cd main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Sun May 27 14:27:20 2018 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun May 27 20:29:53 2018 +0000
@@ -16,127 +16,229 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "ble/BLE.h"
+#include "HIDServiceBase.h"
 //#include "KeyboardService.h"
 #include "MouseService.h"
 #include "examples_common.h"
 #include "MMA8652.h" // accelerometer 
+//Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
- * This program implements a complete HID-over-Gatt Profile:
- *  - HID is provided by MouseService
+ * This program implements a complete //////////////////////////HID-over-Gatt Profile:
+ *  - //////HID is provided by MouseService
  *  - Battery Service
  *  - Device Information Service
- *
- * Complete strings can be sent over BLE using printf. Please note, however, than a 12char string
- * will take about 500ms to transmit, principally because of the limited notification rate in BLE.
- * KeyboardService uses a circular buffer to store the strings to send, and calls to putc will fail
- * once this buffer is full. This will result in partial strings being sent to the client.
- //The micro:bit has a matrixed display, this is a simple way to use some LEDs on it
-// turn off LED saves 1mA current 
+//The micro:bit has a matrixed display, this is a simple way to use some LEDs on it
+// turn off LED saves 1 mA current 
-//DigitalOut col9(P0_12, 0);
+  DigitalOut col9(P0_12, 0);
 //DigitalOut waiting_led(P0_13);
 //DigitalOut connected_led(P0_15);
-MMA8652 accelerometer( P0_19, P0_20); // i2c pin assign
+MMA8652 accelerometer(P0_20, P0_19); // i2c pin assign
+//I2C i2c(P0_19, P0_20);
+//const int accel_addr = 0x3A;
+ButtonState click;
+MouseButton LR;
+int Xpos = 0;int Ypos = 0;
+int OldXpos = 0; int OldYpos = 0;
+int dX = 0; int dY = 0;
 float accelerometer_data[3];
 float x,y,z;
+Ticker movement,timeout ;
 InterruptIn button1(BUTTON_A);
 InterruptIn button2(BUTTON_B);
 BLE ble;
 //KeyboardService *kbdServicePtr;
+//MouseService musServicePtr(ble);
 MouseService *musServicePtr;
-static const char DEVICE_NAME[] = "micro:bit BLE Mouse";
-static const char SHORT_DEVICE_NAME[] = "BT Mouse";
+static const char DEVICE_NAME[] = "micro:bit_BLE_Mouse";
+static const char SHORT_DEVICE_NAME[] = "uBit-mUs";
 static void onDisconnect(const Gap::DisconnectionCallbackParams_t *params)
-    HID_DEBUG("disconnected\r\n");
+    //////////HID_DEBUG("disconnected\r\n");
 //    connected_led = 0;
-; // restart advertising
 static void onConnect(const Gap::ConnectionCallbackParams_t *params)
-    HID_DEBUG("connected\r\n");
+    ////HID_DEBUG("connected\r\n");
   //  waiting_led = false;
-static void waiting() {
-    if (!musServicePtr->isConnected())
+static void waiting() 
+  //  if (!musServicePtr->isConnected())
        {}// waiting_led = !waiting_led;
-    else
+  //  else
        {}// connected_led = !connected_led;
-void send_string(const char * c) {
+ void stop_mouse_move(void)
+  {
+       // Set mouse state to immobile
+   //    musServicePtr->.setButton(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT, MOUSE_UP);
+       if (!musServicePtr)
+        return;
+    if (!musServicePtr->isConnected()) 
+    {
+        //////HID_DEBUG("we haven't connected yet...\n");
+    } else {
+           musServicePtr->setSpeed(0, 0, 0);
+           }
+  }
+  void start_mouse_move(void)
+  {
+       // Move left with a left button down. If the focus is on a drawing
+       // software, for instance, this should draw a line.
+     //  mouse.setButton(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT, MOUSE_DOWN);
+       musServicePtr->setSpeed(0, 0, 0);
+   //    timeout.attach(stop_mouse_move, 0.2);
+  }
+void register_Lclick() 
+   // send click left
     if (!musServicePtr)
+    if (!musServicePtr->isConnected()) 
+    {
+        //////HID_DEBUG("we haven't connected yet...\n");
+    } else {
+      click = BUTTON_DOWN;
+      musServicePtr->setButton(LR,click);
+           }
-    if (!musServicePtr->isConnected()) {
-        HID_DEBUG("we haven't connected yet...");
+void register_Rclick() 
+    // send click rightLR = MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT;
+   if (!musServicePtr)
+        return;
+    if (!musServicePtr->isConnected()) 
+    {
+        //////HID_DEBUG("we haven't connected yet...\n");
     } else {
-       // int len = strlen(c);
-       // do somethung here to make mouse work
-       //  kbdServicePtr->printf(c);
-       // HID_DEBUG("sending %d chars\r\n", len);
-    }
+   click = BUTTON_DOWN;
+   musServicePtr->setButton(LR,click);
+        }
+void register_Lclick_release() 
+   // send click left_release
+   if (!musServicePtr)
+        return;
+    if (!musServicePtr->isConnected()) 
+    {
+        //////HID_DEBUG("we haven't connected yet...\n");
+    } else {
+   click = BUTTON_UP;
+   musServicePtr->setButton(LR,click);
+            }
-void send_stuff() {
-   // send click left
-   // send_string("n");
+void register_Rclick_release() 
+   // send click right_release
+   if (!musServicePtr)
+        return;
+    if (!musServicePtr->isConnected()) 
+    {
+        //////HID_DEBUG("we haven't connected yet...\n");
+    } else {    
+   click = BUTTON_UP;
+   musServicePtr->setButton(LR,click);
+            }
+void stop_mouse_movement() 
+    musServicePtr->setSpeed(0, 0, 0);
-void send_more_stuff() {
-    // send click right
-    // send_string("p");
+void register_mouse_movement() 
+         if (!musServicePtr)
+        return;
+    if (!musServicePtr->isConnected()) 
+    {
+        //////HID_DEBUG("we haven't connected yet...\n");
+    } else {
+     accelerometer.ReadXYZ(accelerometer_data);
+    x = accelerometer_data[0];
+    y = accelerometer_data[1];
+    z = accelerometer_data[2];
+    // do some math to adjust movement
+    Xpos = x*50.0;
+    Ypos = y*50.0; // float to int conv
+    dX = abs(Xpos - OldXpos); dY = abs(Ypos - OldYpos); 
+    OldXpos = Xpos; OldYpos = Ypos;
+    musServicePtr->setSpeed(dX, dY, 0); 
+    dX=0;dY=0;
+    timeout.attach(stop_mouse_movement, 0.001);
+    }
 int main()
     Ticker heartbeat;
-    button1.rise(send_stuff);
-    button2.rise(send_more_stuff);
+    button1.rise(register_Lclick);
+    button2.rise(register_Rclick);
-    HID_DEBUG("initialising ticker\r\n");
+    button1.fall(register_Lclick_release);
+    button2.fall(register_Rclick_release);
     heartbeat.attach(waiting, 1);
-    HID_DEBUG("initialising ble\r\n");
-    HID_DEBUG("adding hid service\r\n");
-    MouseService musService(ble);
-    musServicePtr = &musService;
-    HID_DEBUG("adding device info and battery service\r\n");
-    HID_DEBUG("setting up gap\r\n");
                                            (uint8_t *)DEVICE_NAME, sizeof(DEVICE_NAME));,
                                            (uint8_t *)SHORT_DEVICE_NAME, sizeof(SHORT_DEVICE_NAME)); uint8_t *)DEVICE_NAME);
-    HID_DEBUG("advertising\r\n");;
+    wait(10);
+   // movement.attach(&register_mouse_movement, 0.05);
     while (true) 
+        register_mouse_movement();
     /// make the following a separate periodic ticker
-    accelerometer.ReadXYZ(accelerometer_data);
-    x = accelerometer_data[0];
-    y = accelerometer_data[1];
-    z = accelerometer_data[2];
+    //accelerometer.ReadXYZ(accelerometer_data);
+    // x = accelerometer_data[0];
+    // y = accelerometer_data[1];
+    // z = accelerometer_data[2];