mDMA implements DMA APIs for mbed. It is inspired by modDMA and simpleDMA. Compared with other mbed DMA implementations, mDMA has new features like 1) support LLI 2) support more than 4KB data transfer 3) support vectorized transfer. 4) support burst transfer. 5) Improved memory-memory transfer. It could beat memcpy 6) The library implementation fit the code structure of mbed sdk. Currently only support LPC1768 but could be extended to other platforms.

Dependents:   test_mDMA

diff -r 000000000000 -r 8e50c5fd42f6 dma_api.c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dma_api.c	Mon Mar 09 21:29:27 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+#include "dma_api.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+int _channel_num = 8;
+//Define LPC1768 DMA IRQ. Different platforms might have different name
+//DMA channel control register bit set
+#define DMA_CCxControl_TransferSize_Pos 0
+#define DMA_CCxControl_SBSize_Pos 12
+#define DMA_CCxControl_DBSize_Pos 15
+#define DMA_CCxControl_SWidth_Pos 18
+#define DMA_CCxControl_DWidth_Pos 21
+#define DMA_CCxControl_SI_Pos 26
+#define DMA_CCxControl_DI_Pos 27
+#define DMA_CCxControl_I_Pos 31
+//DMA Channel config register bit set
+#define DMA_CCxConfig_E_Pos 0
+#define DMA_CCxConfig_SrcPeripheral_Pos 1
+#define DMA_CCxConfig_DestPeripheral_Pos 6
+#define DMA_CCxConfig_TransferType_Pos 11
+#define DMA_CCxConfig_IE_Pos 14
+#define DMA_CCxConfig_ITC_Pos 15
+#define DMA_CCxConfig_L_Pos 16
+#define DMA_CCxConfig_A_Pos 17
+#define DMA_CCxConfig_H_Pos 18
+// DMA interrupt callback
+func_ptr dma_irq_finish[8];
+func_ptr dma_irq_error[8];
+// Optimisation 1. Use burst mode
+#define BURST_ENABLED 1
+// Optimisation 2. Pack bytes/half  to word
+#define  WORD_TRANSFER 1
+// define whether transfer large size data supported
+// map the trigger index
+int trigger_value [33] = {
+    -1, // ALWAYS ,
+    0, // _SSP0_TX,
+    1, // _SSP0_RX,
+    2, // _SSP1_TX,
+    3, // _SSP1_RX,
+    4, // _ADC,
+    5, // _I2S0,
+    6, // _I2S1,
+    7, // _DAC,
+    8, // _UART0_TX,
+    9, // _UART0_RX,
+    10, // _UART1_TX,
+    11, // _UART1_RX,
+    12, // _UART2_TX,
+    13, // _UART2_RX,
+    14, // _UART3_TX,
+    15, // _UART3_RX,
+    24, // _MATCH0_0,
+    25, // _MATCH0_1,
+    26, // _MATCH1_0,
+    27, // _MATCH1_1,
+    28, // _MATCH2_0,
+    29, // _MATCH2_1,
+    30, // _MATCH3_0,
+    31 // _MATCH3_1,
+typedef struct DMA_InitTypeDef{
+    uint32_t DMA_DstAddr; //Specifies the destination base address for DMAy Channelx. 
+    uint32_t DMA_SrcAddr;     // Specifies the source base address for DMAy Channelx. 
+    uint32_t DMA_TransferSize;// Specifies the source  transfer size  
+    uint32_t DMA_SrcBurst; // Specifies the source  burst size    
+    uint32_t DMA_DestBurst; // Specifies the destination burst size   
+    uint32_t DMA_SrcWidth; //Specifies the source transfer width   
+    uint32_t DMA_DestWidth; // Specifies the destination transfer width   
+    uint32_t DMA_LLI; // Specifies the next link address   
+    LLI* LLI_list[32]; // Declare an array to store up to 32 linked lists. We probably won't need that much
+    unsigned int LLI_count; 
+    bool DMA_SrcInc;  // Specifies whether the source is incremented or not 
+    bool DMA_DestInc; // Specifies whether the destination is incremented or not 
+    bool DMA_TermInt; // Specifies whether the terminal count interrupt enabled or not 
+    uint32_t DMA_TriggerSource; // Specifies the source trigger 
+    uint32_t DMA_TriggerDestination; // Specifies the destination trigger 
+    TransferType  DMA_TransferType;
+}DMA_InitTypeDef ;
+  * @brief  Check whether the address is with memory ranage.
+  * @param  src: the physical address
+  * @retval 0 or 1
+  */
+inline static bool is_memory(uint32_t addr);
+ * @brief  Static function. Automatice cacluate the transfer type according to the source and destination address
+ * @param  src_addr. Source starting address.
+ * @param  dst_addr. Destination starting address.
+ * @retval Transfer type. It can be M2M,M2P,P2M or P2P
+ */
+static TransferType get_transfer_type(uint32_t src_addr, uint32_t dst_addr );
+  * @brief  Static function. Get the channel address according to the channel number
+  * @param  channel. The chosen channel number
+  * @retval Chosen channel base address
+  */
+inline static LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef* return_channel(int channel)
+    return (LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef*)(LPC_GPDMACH0_BASE + 0x20*channel);
+  * @brief    Enable DMA Burst mode for optimisation
+  */
+void DMA_destination(DMA_InitTypeDef* DMA_InitStruct, uint32_t dst, unsigned int width, bool inc)
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DstAddr = dst;
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcBurst = 0x00; // 1 byte To be done
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DestWidth = (width >>4);
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DestInc = inc;
+void DMA_source(DMA_InitTypeDef* DMA_InitStruct, uint32_t src, unsigned int width, bool inc)
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcAddr = src;
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcBurst = 0x00; // 1 byte
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcInc = inc;
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcWidth = (width >> 4);
+void DMA_trigger_source(DMA_InitTypeDef* DMA_InitStruct, TriggerType trig)
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TriggerSource = trigger_value[trig];
+void DMA_trigger_destination(DMA_InitTypeDef* DMA_InitStruct, TriggerType trig)
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TriggerDestination = trigger_value[trig];
+// Currently, not support more than 4K transfer in LLI
+void DMA_next(DMA_InitTypeDef* DMA_InitStruct, const uint32_t src, const uint32_t dst, uint32_t size)
+      //static int count = 0; 
+      DMA_InitStruct->LLI_list[DMA_InitStruct->LLI_count] = malloc(sizeof(LLI));
+      DMA_InitStruct->LLI_list[DMA_InitStruct->LLI_count]->LLI_dst = dst;
+      DMA_InitStruct->LLI_list[DMA_InitStruct->LLI_count]->LLI_src = src;
+      DMA_InitStruct->LLI_list[DMA_InitStruct->LLI_count]->LLI_next = 0; // 0 not NULL as the programmer manual says LLI_next should be 0 if it is the last of the lists
+      DMA_InitStruct->LLI_list[DMA_InitStruct->LLI_count]->LLI_control = size & 0xFFF; 
+      DMA_InitStruct->LLI_count++;
+//  TBD: need to add assert to check the input size;
+void DMA_next(DMA_InitTypeDef* DMA_InitStruct, LLI* list)
+  DMA_InitStruct->DMA_LLI = (uint32_t)list; 
+void DMA_init(int channel, DMA_InitTypeDef* DMA_InitStruct)
+    LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef* GPDMA_channel;
+    // Get DMA channel address
+    GPDMA_channel = return_channel(channel);
+    // Calcuate transfer type according to source address and destination address
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TransferType = get_transfer_type(DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcAddr, DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DstAddr);
+    // Reset interrupt pending bits for DMA Channel
+    LPC_GPDMA->DMACIntTCClear = 1<<channel;
+    LPC_GPDMA->DMACIntErrClr = 1<<channel;
+    /*--------------------------- DMAy channelx request select register ----------------*/
+    // Choose UART or Timer DMA request for DMA inputs 8 through 15
+    if ((DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TriggerSource & 0x10) || (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TriggerDestination & 0x10))
+        LPC_SC->DMAREQSEL |= 1 << ((DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TriggerSource || DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TriggerSource) - 24); // I don't know why. The user manual says DMAREQSET is GPDMA register, but in mbed, it is LPC_SC register
+    else
+        LPC_SC->DMAREQSEL &= ~(1 << ((DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TriggerSource - 24)&& (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TriggerDestination - 24)));
+    /*--------------------------- DMAy channelx source and destination ----------------*/
+    // Write to DMA channel source address
+    GPDMA_channel->DMACCSrcAddr = DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcAddr;
+    // Write to DMA channel destination address
+    GPDMA_channel->DMACCDestAddr = DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DstAddr;
+    #ifdef BURST_ENABLED
+    if (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TransferType == M2M)
+    {
+      /*always set burst size as 256 as the performance is same no matter what the burst size is. Need to double confirm, it seems the 
+        interconnect would wrap the burst size as 4 no matter what the DMA AHB has set. This is to avoid DMA AHB bus take over too many bus bandwidth*/
+        DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcBurst = 7; // 
+        DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DestBurst = 7; 
+    }
+        #endif
+    /*--------------------------- DMAy channelx control register ----------------*/
+    // Set TransferSize
+    // Set source burst size
+    // Set destination burst size
+    // Set source width size
+    // Set destination width size
+    // Set source increment
+    // Set destination increment
+    // Set destination increment
+    // Enable terminal count interrupt
+    GPDMA_channel->DMACCControl |= (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcBurst << DMA_CCxControl_SBSize_Pos)  |
+                                   (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DestBurst << DMA_CCxControl_DBSize_Pos) |
+                                   (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcWidth << DMA_CCxControl_SWidth_Pos)  |
+                                   (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DestWidth << DMA_CCxControl_DWidth_Pos) |
+                                   (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcInc << DMA_CCxControl_SI_Pos)    |
+                                   (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DestInc << DMA_CCxControl_DI_Pos)   |
+                                   (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TermInt << DMA_CCxControl_I_Pos );
+    /*--------------------------- DMAy channelx configuration register ----------------*/
+    // Set source periheral trigger. If the source is memory, this bit is ignored. Set according to low 4 bit of DMA_Trigger
+    // Set destination periheral trigger. If the destination is memory, this bit is ignored. Set according low 4 bit of DMA_Trigger
+    // Set transfer type: M2M, M2P, P2M, M2M
+    GPDMA_channel->DMACCConfig |= ((DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TriggerSource & 0x0f) << DMA_CCxConfig_SrcPeripheral_Pos)|    //set SrcPeripheral according low 4 bit of DMA_Trigger
+                                  ((DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TriggerDestination & 0x0f) << DMA_CCxConfig_DestPeripheral_Pos)|      //set DstPeripheral according low 4 bit of DMA_Trigger
+                                  (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TransferType << DMA_CCxConfig_TransferType_Pos);
+    /* set link list items register*/
+    if(DMA_InitStruct->LLI_count != 0)
+    {
+        int j;
+        for (j=0; j < DMA_InitStruct->LLI_count; j++) 
+        {
+            DMA_InitStruct->LLI_list[j]->LLI_control |= GPDMA_channel->DMACCControl;
+            if (j< DMA_InitStruct->LLI_count - 1)
+                DMA_InitStruct->LLI_list[j]->LLI_next = (uint32_t)DMA_InitStruct->LLI_list[j+1];
+            }
+            GPDMA_channel->DMACCLLI = (uint32_t)DMA_InitStruct->LLI_list[0];  
+        }
+            //LPC_GPDMA->DMACSync =0x1;                                                         
+}//end of DMA_init
+void DMA_start(int channel, DMA_InitTypeDef* DMA_InitStruct, unsigned int length)
+    LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef* volatile GPDMA_channel;
+    // Get DMA channel address
+    GPDMA_channel = return_channel(channel);
+    // Set the transfer size
+    // Put it here rather than in DMA_Init. So that one could send new transfer data without reinit other registers
+    int length_low;
+    int length_high;
+    int length_unalligned; 
+    int length_alligned; 
+    if ((DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DstAddr % sizeof(long) == 0) && (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcAddr % sizeof(long) == 0) && // Only use word aligned when starting addresss is at 4 bytes boundary
+        (length_low >=4) && // Only use word aligned when length is no less than 4
+        (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcInc == 1) &&   // Only use word aligned when the source is incretmental 
+        (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DestInc == 1) &&  // Only use word aligned when the address is incretmental
+        (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcWidth < 0x2))  // Only use word aligned when the source width is less than 4 bytes      
+    {
+        unsigned int old_SrcWidth = DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcWidth;
+        unsigned int old_DstWidth = DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DestWidth;
+        unsigned int new_width = 2; // New width will be word
+        length_unalligned = (length & 0x3) >> DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcWidth;
+        length_alligned = length - length_unalligned;
+        int length_new = length_alligned << DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcWidth >> new_width;
+        GPDMA_channel->DMACCConfig &= ~(1ul << DMA_CCxConfig_ITC_Pos); // mask DMA terminate count IRQ
+        GPDMA_channel->DMACCControl |= 1ul << DMA_CCxControl_I_Pos;
+        // Unmask IE
+        GPDMA_channel->DMACCConfig |= 1ul << DMA_CCxConfig_IE_Pos;  // unmask DMA Errr IRQ
+        while (length_new > 0xfff)
+        {
+            GPDMA_channel->DMACCControl = 0xfff << DMA_CCxControl_TransferSize_Pos |
+                                          (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcBurst << DMA_CCxControl_SBSize_Pos)  |
+                                          (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DestBurst << DMA_CCxControl_DBSize_Pos) |
+                                          (2 << DMA_CCxControl_SWidth_Pos)  |
+                                          (2 << DMA_CCxControl_DWidth_Pos) |
+                                          (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcInc << DMA_CCxControl_SI_Pos)    |
+                                          (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DestInc << DMA_CCxControl_DI_Pos)   |
+                                          (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TermInt << DMA_CCxControl_I_Pos);  
+            LPC_GPDMA->DMACConfig = 0x01;
+            GPDMA_channel->DMACCConfig |= 1ul << DMA_CCxConfig_E_Pos;
+            length_new -= 0xfff;
+            // DMACCSrcAddr currently hold the end address of first part
+            GPDMA_channel->DMACCSrcAddr = GPDMA_channel->DMACCSrcAddr  + 1;
+            GPDMA_channel->DMACCDestAddr = GPDMA_channel->DMACCDestAddr +  1;
+            while (DMA_channel_active(channel));
+        }
+        GPDMA_channel->DMACCControl = length_new << DMA_CCxControl_TransferSize_Pos |
+                                      (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcBurst << DMA_CCxControl_SBSize_Pos)  |
+                                      (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DestBurst << DMA_CCxControl_DBSize_Pos) |
+                                      (2 << DMA_CCxControl_SWidth_Pos)  |
+                                      (2 << DMA_CCxControl_DWidth_Pos) |
+                                      (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcInc << DMA_CCxControl_SI_Pos)    |
+                                      (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DestInc << DMA_CCxControl_DI_Pos)   |
+                                      (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TermInt << DMA_CCxControl_I_Pos);  
+        LPC_GPDMA->DMACConfig = 0x01;
+        GPDMA_channel->DMACCConfig |= 1ul << DMA_CCxConfig_E_Pos;
+        while (DMA_channel_active(channel));
+        GPDMA_channel->DMACCSrcAddr = GPDMA_channel->DMACCSrcAddr  + 4;
+        GPDMA_channel->DMACCDestAddr = GPDMA_channel->DMACCDestAddr +  4;
+        DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TransferSize = length_unalligned;
+        GPDMA_channel->DMACCControl = length_unalligned << DMA_CCxControl_TransferSize_Pos |
+                                      (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcBurst << DMA_CCxControl_SBSize_Pos)  |
+                                      (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DestBurst << DMA_CCxControl_DBSize_Pos) |
+                                      (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcWidth << DMA_CCxControl_SWidth_Pos)  |
+                                      (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DestWidth << DMA_CCxControl_DWidth_Pos) |
+                                      (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcInc << DMA_CCxControl_SI_Pos)    |
+                                      (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DestInc << DMA_CCxControl_DI_Pos)   |
+                                      (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TermInt << DMA_CCxControl_I_Pos);                                                                              
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            GPDMA_channel->DMACCConfig &= ~(1ul << DMA_CCxConfig_ITC_Pos); // mask DMA terminate count IRQ
+            GPDMA_channel->DMACCControl |= 1ul << DMA_CCxControl_I_Pos;
+            // Unmask IE
+            GPDMA_channel->DMACCConfig |= 1ul << DMA_CCxConfig_IE_Pos;  // unmask DMA Errr IRQ
+            while (length > 0xfff)
+            {
+                GPDMA_channel->DMACCControl = 0xfff << DMA_CCxControl_TransferSize_Pos |
+                                               (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcBurst << DMA_CCxControl_SBSize_Pos)  |
+                                               (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DestBurst << DMA_CCxControl_DBSize_Pos) |
+                                               (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcWidth << DMA_CCxControl_SWidth_Pos)  |
+                                               (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DestWidth << DMA_CCxControl_DWidth_Pos) |
+                                               (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcInc << DMA_CCxControl_SI_Pos)    |
+                                               (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DestInc << DMA_CCxControl_DI_Pos)   |
+                                               (DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TermInt << DMA_CCxControl_I_Pos);  
+                 LPC_GPDMA->DMACConfig = 0x01;
+                 GPDMA_channel->DMACCConfig |= 1ul << DMA_CCxConfig_E_Pos;
+                 length -= 0xfff;
+                 // DMACCSrcAddr currently hold the end address of first part
+                 GPDMA_channel->DMACCSrcAddr = GPDMA_channel->DMACCSrcAddr  + 1;
+                 GPDMA_channel->DMACCDestAddr = GPDMA_channel->DMACCDestAddr +  1;
+                 while (DMA_channel_active(channel));
+            }
+            GPDMA_channel->DMACCSrcAddr = GPDMA_channel->DMACCSrcAddr  + 1;
+            GPDMA_channel->DMACCDestAddr = GPDMA_channel->DMACCDestAddr +  1;
+            DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TransferSize = length;
+        }
+    // Enable Interrupt
+    // Unmask ITC
+    GPDMA_channel->DMACCConfig |= 1ul << DMA_CCxConfig_ITC_Pos;
+    GPDMA_channel->DMACCControl |= DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TransferSize << DMA_CCxControl_TransferSize_Pos;
+    DMA_InitStruct->LLI_count = 0; // Clear the LLI lists count so that we could reuse this channel next time
+    // Enable DMA 
+    LPC_GPDMA->DMACConfig = 0x01;
+    GPDMA_channel->DMACCConfig |= 1ul << DMA_CCxConfig_E_Pos;
+bool DMA_channel_active(int channel)
+    LPC_SC->PCONP |= (1 << 29);
+    return (LPC_GPDMA->DMACEnbldChns && (1<<channel));
+void DMA_reset(int channel)
+    assert (channel <= _channel_num && channel>=0); 
+    LPC_SC->PCONP |= (1 << 29);
+    LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef* GPDMA_channel;
+    //Get DMA channel address
+    GPDMA_channel = return_channel(channel);
+    GPDMA_channel->DMACCConfig = 0;
+    GPDMA_channel->DMACCControl = 0;
+    GPDMA_channel->DMACCLLI = 0;
+    GPDMA_channel->DMACCSrcAddr = 0;
+    LPC_GPDMA->DMACIntErrClr |= 1 << channel; // clear the interrupt
+    LPC_GPDMA->DMACIntTCClear |= 1 << channel;
+    dma_irq_error [channel] = 0;
+    dma_irq_finish[channel] = 0;  
+DMA_InitTypeDef* DMA_struct_create(void)
+    DMA_InitTypeDef* DMA_InitStruct = (DMA_InitTypeDef*) malloc(sizeof(DMA_InitTypeDef));
+    /*-------------- Reset DMA init structure parameters values ------------------*/
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DstAddr = 0;
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcAddr = 0;
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TransferSize = 0;
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcBurst = 0;
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DestBurst = 0;
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcWidth = 0;
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DestWidth = 0;
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_LLI = 0;
+    DMA_InitStruct->LLI_count = 0 ; 
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_SrcInc = 0;
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DestInc = 0;
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TermInt = 1; // always enable terminal count interrupt in default
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TriggerSource = trigger_value[ALWAYS];
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TriggerDestination = trigger_value[ALWAYS];
+    DMA_InitStruct->DMA_TransferType = M2M;
+    return DMA_InitStruct;
+} //end of DMA_StructInit
+void DMA_struct_delete(DMA_InitTypeDef* ptr)
+    free(ptr);
+inline static bool is_memory(uint32_t addr)
+    if ((addr >> 28) == 0 || (addr >> 28)== 1)
+        return 1;
+    else
+        return 0;
+void DMA_IRQ_handler(void)
+    //only call the attached function when certain interrupt happened on the right channel
+    unsigned i ; 
+    uint32_t FinishStatus=0;
+    uint32_t ErrStatus=0;
+    FinishStatus = LPC_GPDMA->DMACIntTCStat & 0xFF;
+    ErrStatus = LPC_GPDMA->DMACIntErrStat & 0xFF;
+    if (FinishStatus !=0) //only checking when there is interrupt happened
+        for (i =0; i < 8; i++) // roundrobin checking how many channels get interrupts 
+        {
+            if (FinishStatus & 1 << i)
+                dma_irq_finish[i]();
+        }
+    if (ErrStatus !=0)          
+         for (i =0; i < 8; i++) 
+         {
+             if (ErrStatus & 1 << i)
+                 dma_irq_error[i]();
+         }       
+    LPC_GPDMA->DMACIntTCClear |= FinishStatus;
+    LPC_GPDMA->DMACIntErrClr |= ErrStatus;
+void DMA_IRQ_attach(int channel, int status, func_ptr ptr)
+    assert(channel <= _channel_num && channel >= 0);
+    assert(status == ERR || status == FINISH);
+    if (status == ERR)
+        dma_irq_error[channel] = ptr;
+    else if (status == FINISH)
+        dma_irq_finish[channel] = ptr;
+void DMA_IRQ_detach(int channel)
+    dma_irq_error[channel] = 0;
+    dma_irq_finish[channel] = 0;
+static TransferType get_transfer_type(uint32_t src_addr, uint32_t dst_addr)
+    if (is_memory(src_addr)) {   //if source is memory
+        if(is_memory(dst_addr))  //if destination is memory
+            return M2M;    //return M2M if source is memory and destination is memory.
+        else    //if destination is peripheral
+            return M2P;    //return M2P if source is memory and destination is peripheral
+    } else {        //if source is peripheral
+        if(is_memory(dst_addr))      //if destination is memory
+            return P2M;     //return P2M if source is peripheral and destination is memory
+        else        //if destination is peripheral
+            return P2P;     //return P2P if source is peripheral and destination is peripheral
+    }
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