Tuned for OS2 to reduce flash code size for smaller MCU's. Added further functions since 2018 v1.7 firmware. Improved faster large web page sending. Built in fast NTP Client time and RTC setting function. ATParser message handling improvements and updated.


Dependents:   ESP8266-NTP-Test

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00002 #ifndef ESP8266_H
00003 #define ESP8266_H
00005 #include "ATParser.h"
00008 class ESP8266
00009 {
00010 public:
00011     ESP8266(PinName tx, PinName rx, bool debug=false);
00013     /**
00014     * Startup the ESP8266
00015     *
00016     * @param mode of WIFI 1-client, 2-host, 3-both
00017     * @return true only if ESP8266 was setup correctly
00018     */
00019     bool startup(int mode);
00021     /**
00022     * Start the ESP8266 in server mode
00023     *
00024     * @param mode of WIFI 1-client, 2-host, 3-both
00025     * @param port    
00026     * @param timeout
00027     * @return true only if ESP8266 was setup correctly
00028     */  
00029     bool startServer(int mode,int port,int timeout);
00031     /**
00032     * Reset ESP8266
00033     *
00034     * @return true only if ESP8266 resets successfully
00035     */
00036     bool reset(void);
00038     /**
00039     * Get ESP8266 firmware version.
00040     *
00041     * @return firmware version.
00042     */   
00043     const char *getFirmware(void);
00045     /**
00046     * Enable/Disable DHCP
00047     *
00048     * @param enabled DHCP enabled when true
00049     * @param mode mode of DHCP 0-softAP, 1-station, 2-both
00050     * @return true only if ESP8266 enables/disables DHCP successfully
00051     */
00053     bool dhcp(bool enabled, int mode);
00055     /**
00056     * Connect ESP8266 to AP
00057     *
00058     * @param ap the name of the AP
00059     * @param passPhrase the password of AP
00060     * @return true only if ESP8266 is connected successfully
00061     */
00062     bool connect(const char *ap, const char *passPhrase);
00064     /**
00065     * Disconnect ESP8266 from AP
00066     *
00067     * @return true only if ESP8266 is disconnected successfully
00068     */
00069     bool disconnect(void);
00071     /**
00072     * Get the IP address of ESP8266
00073     *
00074     * @return null-teriminated IP address or null if no IP address is assigned
00075     */
00076     const char *getIPAddress(void);
00078     /**
00079     * Get the MAC address of ESP8266
00080     *
00081     * @return null-terminated MAC address or null if no MAC address is assigned
00082     */
00083     const char *getMACAddress(void);  
00085     /**
00086     * Check if ESP8266 is conenected
00087     *
00088     * @return true only if the chip has an IP address
00089     */
00090     bool isConnected(void);
00092     /**
00093     * Open a socketed connection
00094     *
00095     * @param type the type of socket to open "UDP" or "TCP"
00096     * @param id id to give the new socket, valid 0-4
00097     * @param port port to open connection with
00098     * @param addr the IP address of the destination
00099     * @return true only if socket opened successfully
00100     */
00101     bool open(const char *type, int id, const char* addr, int port);
00103     /**
00104     * Sends data to an open socket
00105     *
00106     * @param id id of socket to send to
00107     * @param data data to be sent
00108     * @param amount amount of data to be sent - max 2048
00109     * @return true only if data sent successfully
00110     */
00111     bool send(int id, const void *data, uint32_t amount);
00113     /**
00114     * Sends larger web page data to a connection
00115     * more controlled with comms failure recovery
00116     * 
00117     * @param id id of socket to send to
00118     * @param data web page data to be sent
00119     * @param amount amount of data to be sent.
00120     * No theoretical limit, use for large data pages.
00121     * Sends in 2048kbit chunks. 
00122     * @return true only if data sent successfully
00123     */    
00124     bool sendWebPage(int id, const char* page, uint32_t amount); 
00126     /**
00127     * Receives data from an open socket
00128     *
00129     * @param id id to receive from
00130     * @param data placeholder for returned information
00131     * @param amount number of bytes to be received
00132     * @return the number of bytes received
00133     */
00134     int32_t recv(int id, void *data, uint32_t amount);
00136     /**
00137     * Receives data from an open web socket
00138     *
00139     * @param id id to receive from
00140     * @param data placed in 4 containers
00141     * @param char requestType;
00142     * @param char request;
00143     * @param int linkId;
00144     * @param int ipdLen;
00145     * @return the number of bytes received
00146     */   
00147     const char *recvWebRequest(void);    
00149     /**
00150     * Closes a socket
00151     *
00152     * @param id id of socket to close, valid only 0-4
00153     * @return true only if socket is closed successfully
00154     */
00155     bool close(int id);
00157      /* Return RSSI for active connection
00158      *
00159      * @return      Measured RSSI
00160      */
00161     int8_t getRSSI();
00163     /**
00164     * Gets NTP time in seconds since 1970.
00165     *
00166     * @param NTPpool url for server e.g. "1.nl.pool.ntp.org"
00167     * @param tzoffset +/- seconds offset for required time zone e.g. 3600 to add one hour
00168     * @param setRTC If true, Set's MCU internal RTC to the received seconds since 1970 including offset 
00169     * @return seconds since 1970
00170     */   
00171     int32_t getNTP(char * NTPpool, int tzoffset, int setRTC);
00174     /**
00175     * Allows timeout to be changed between commands
00176     *
00177     * @param timeout_ms timeout of the connection
00178     */
00179     void setTimeout(uint32_t timeout_ms);
00181     /**
00182     * Checks if data is available
00183     */
00184     bool readable();
00186     /**
00187     * Checks if data can be written
00188     */
00189     bool writeable();
00191     char requestType[6];
00192     char request[50];
00193     int linkId;
00194     int ipdLen;
00195     int _con_status;
00196     char _ssid[32];
00197     char _APIP_buffer[16];
00198     char _APMAC_buffer[18];
00199     char _STAIP_buffer[16];
00200     char _STAMAC_buffer[18];
00201     char _firmware[200];
00204 private:
00205     BufferedSerial _serial;
00206     ATParser _parser;
00207     Timer t;       
00208 };
00210 #endif