Use a Wii classic controller with Pokitto

Dependencies:   PokittoLib

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Wed Mar 21 16:00:24 2018 +0000
Commit message:
Using a Wii classic controller with Pokitto

Changed in this revision

gfx.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gfx.h	Wed Mar 21 16:00:24 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1956 @@
+#include <stdint.h>
+// circle
+const uint8_t sprite_circle[] =
+// map
+const uint8_t sprite_map[] = {
+//Total colors 3
+const uint16_t sprite_pal[] = {
+//Sprite sheet:10x11
+const uint8_t sprites [][18] ={
+//[0] cell:0x0
+//[1] cell:1x0
+//[2] cell:2x0
+//[3] cell:3x0
+//[4] cell:4x0
+//[5] cell:5x0
+//[6] cell:6x0
+//[7] cell:7x0
+//[8] cell:8x0
+//[9] cell:9x0
+//[10] cell:10x0
+//[11] cell:11x0
+//[12] cell:12x0
+//[13] cell:13x0
+//[14] cell:14x0
+//[15] cell:15x0
+//[16] cell:0x1
+//[17] cell:1x1
+//[18] cell:2x1
+//[19] cell:3x1
+//[20] cell:4x1
+//[21] cell:5x1
+//[22] cell:6x1
+//[23] cell:7x1
+//[24] cell:8x1
+//[25] cell:9x1
+//[26] cell:10x1
+//[27] cell:11x1
+//[28] cell:12x1
+//[29] cell:13x1
+//[30] cell:14x1
+//[31] cell:15x1
+//[32] cell:0x2
+//[33] cell:1x2
+//[34] cell:2x2
+//[35] cell:3x2
+//[36] cell:4x2
+//[37] cell:5x2
+//[38] cell:6x2
+//[39] cell:7x2
+//[40] cell:8x2
+//[41] cell:9x2
+//[42] cell:10x2
+//[43] cell:11x2
+//[44] cell:12x2
+//[45] cell:13x2
+//[46] cell:14x2
+//[47] cell:15x2
+//[48] cell:0x3
+//[49] cell:1x3
+//[50] cell:2x3
+//[51] cell:3x3
+//[52] cell:4x3
+//[53] cell:5x3
+//[54] cell:6x3
+//[55] cell:7x3
+//[56] cell:8x3
+//[57] cell:9x3
+//[58] cell:10x3
+//[59] cell:11x3
+//[60] cell:12x3
+//[61] cell:13x3
+//[62] cell:14x3
+//[63] cell:15x3
+//[64] cell:0x4
+//[65] cell:1x4
+//[66] cell:2x4
+//[67] cell:3x4
+//[68] cell:4x4
+//[69] cell:5x4
+//[70] cell:6x4
+//[71] cell:7x4
+//[72] cell:8x4
+//[73] cell:9x4
+//[74] cell:10x4
+//[75] cell:11x4
+//[76] cell:12x4
+//[77] cell:13x4
+//[78] cell:14x4
+//[79] cell:15x4
+//[80] cell:0x5
+//[81] cell:1x5
+//[82] cell:2x5
+//[83] cell:3x5
+//[84] cell:4x5
+//[85] cell:5x5
+//[86] cell:6x5
+//[87] cell:7x5
+//[88] cell:8x5
+//[89] cell:9x5
+//[90] cell:10x5
+//[91] cell:11x5
+//[92] cell:12x5
+//[93] cell:13x5
+//[94] cell:14x5
+//[95] cell:15x5
+//[96] cell:0x6
+//[97] cell:1x6
+//[98] cell:2x6
+//[99] cell:3x6
+//[100] cell:4x6
+//[101] cell:5x6
+//[102] cell:6x6
+//[103] cell:7x6
+//[104] cell:8x6
+//[105] cell:9x6
+//[106] cell:10x6
+//[107] cell:11x6
+//[108] cell:12x6
+//[109] cell:13x6
+//[110] cell:14x6
+//[111] cell:15x6
+};//Sprite sheet:4x5
+const uint8_t sprite_buttons [][66] ={
+//[0] cell:0x0
+//[1] cell:1x0
+//[2] cell:2x0
+//[3] cell:3x0
+//[4] cell:0x1
+//[5] cell:1x1
+//[6] cell:2x1
+//[7] cell:3x1
+//[8] cell:0x2
+//[9] cell:1x2
+//[10] cell:2x2
+//[11] cell:3x2
+//[12] cell:0x3
+//[13] cell:1x3
+//[14] cell:2x3
+//[15] cell:3x3
+//[16] cell:0x4
+//[17] cell:1x4
+//[18] cell:2x4
+//[19] cell:3x4
+//[20] cell:0x5
+//[21] cell:1x5
+//[22] cell:2x5
+//[23] cell:3x5
+//[24] cell:0x6
+//[25] cell:1x6
+//[26] cell:2x6
+//[27] cell:3x6
--- a/main.cpp	Sun Oct 22 19:13:22 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Mar 21 16:00:24 2018 +0000
@@ -1,12 +1,219 @@
 #include "Pokitto.h"
+#include "gfx.h"
+#define ADDRESS 0xA4 // 0x52 << 1
+Pokitto::Core game;
+I2C i2c(P0_5, P0_4);    // sda, scl
+unsigned char dataFormat;
+unsigned char controllerType[6];
+bool connected, old_connected;
+uint8_t _data[21];
+int w_LX, w_RX, w_LY, w_RY, w_LT, w_RT, w_AX, w_AY, w_AZ;
+bool w_RIGHT, w_DOWN, w_L, w_MINUS, w_HOME, w_PLUS, w_R, w_LZ, w_B, w_Y, w_A, w_X, w_RZ, w_LEFT, w_UP;
+int wiiError,oldError;
+int controlType=-1;
+unsigned char conTypes[3][6]={
+    {0x00,0x00,0xA4,0x20,0x00,0x00}, // 0 = Nunchuck
+    {0x00,0x00,0xA4,0x20,0x01,0x01}, // 1 = Classic controller
+    {0x01,0x00,0xA4,0x20,0x01,0x01}, // 2 = Classic controller pro
+char *controller[3] = {"Nunchuck","Classic controller","Classic controller pro"};
+void init_classic();
+void checkController(){
+    //game.display.clear();
+    char tempText[20];
+    game.display.setCursor(0,77);
+    controlType=-1;
+    for(char s=0; s<3; s++){
+        unsigned char tempCount=0;
+            for(char t=0; t<6; t++){
+                // check controller against known models. 5th byte ignored, as it is changed by init process
+                if(t!=4){ if(controllerType[t] == conTypes[s][t]){ tempCount++; } }
+            }
+        if(tempCount==5){controlType=s;}
+    }
+    //Serial.print("Controller:");
+    if(controlType<0){
+        game.display.print("Not Connected");
+        //  Serial.println("Not Connected");
+    }else{
+        //  Serial.println(controller[controlType]);
+        sprintf(tempText,"%s\n",controller[controlType]);
+        game.display.print(tempText);
+    }
+        sprintf(tempText,"DataFormat = %d\n",dataFormat);
+        game.display.print(tempText);
+void updateClassic()
+            i2c.write(ADDRESS, (const char*)0x00, 1);
+            // wait
+            wait_ms(10);
+            if(, (char*)_data, 8)){
+                connected = 0;
+            }else{
+                connected = 1;
-Pokitto::Core mygame;
+                if(controlType == 0){
+                    // nunchuck
+                    // nunchuck only does format 1
+                    w_LX = _data[0];
+                    w_LY = _data[1];
+                    w_AX = (_data[2] << 2) | ((_data[5] >> 2) & 3);
+                    w_AY = (_data[3] << 2) | ((_data[5] >> 4) & 3);
+                    w_AZ = (_data[4] << 2) | ((_data[5] >> 6) & 3);
+                    w_LZ = !((_data[5] >> 0) & 1);
+                    w_L = !((_data[5] >> 1) & 1);
+                }
+                if(controlType == 1 || controlType == 2){
+                    // classic controller or classic controller pro
+                    w_LX = _data[0];
+                    w_RX = _data[1];
+                    w_LY = _data[2];
+                    w_RY = _data[3];
+                    w_LT = _data[4];
+                    w_RT = _data[5];
+                    w_RIGHT = _data[6]&B10000000 ? 0:1;
+                     w_DOWN = _data[6]&B01000000 ? 0:1;
+                        w_L = _data[6]&B00100000 ? 0:1;
+                    w_MINUS = _data[6]&B00010000 ? 0:1;
+                     w_HOME = _data[6]&B00001000 ? 0:1;
+                     w_PLUS = _data[6]&B00000100 ? 0:1;
+                        w_R = _data[6]&B00000010 ? 0:1;
+                       w_LZ = _data[7]&B10000000 ? 0:1;
+                        w_B = _data[7]&B01000000 ? 0:1;
+                        w_Y = _data[7]&B00100000 ? 0:1;
+                        w_A = _data[7]&B00010000 ? 0:1;
+                        w_X = _data[7]&B00001000 ? 0:1;
+                       w_RZ = _data[7]&B00000100 ? 0:1;
+                     w_LEFT = _data[7]&B00000010 ? 0:1;
+                       w_UP = _data[7]&B00000001 ? 0:1;
+                }
+            }
+            if(old_connected == 0 && connected == 1){
+                wait_ms(10);
+                init_classic();
+            }
+            old_connected = connected;
+void init_classic()
+    i2c.frequency(100000);
+    for(char t=0; t<6; t++){
+      controllerType[t] = 0x00;
+    }
+    //if(!i2c.write(ADDRESS, NULL, 0)){
+        char dat[] = {0xF0,0x55,0xFB,0x00,0xFE,0x03};
+        i2c.write(ADDRESS, &dat[0], 2);
+        i2c.stop();
+        wait_ms(1);
+        i2c.write(ADDRESS, &dat[2], 2);
+        i2c.stop();
+        wait_ms(1);
+        i2c.write(ADDRESS, &dat[4], 2);
+        i2c.stop();
+        wait_ms(1);
+        char cmd[] = {0xFA};
+        i2c.write(ADDRESS, cmd, sizeof(cmd));
+        wait_ms(1);
+        if(, (char*)controllerType, 6)){
+            connected = 0;
+        }else{
+            connected = 1;
+        }
+        i2c.stop();
+        dataFormat = controllerType[4];
+        checkController();
+        /*
+          Known data types
+          1. Standard Wii Classic controller
+          2. ?
+          3. Classic controller, easier to read, not universally supported by 3rd part controllers
+          4. Wii Motion Plus
+        */
+        //update_classic();
+  //  }
 int main () {
-    mygame.begin();
-    while (mygame.isRunning()) {
-        if (mygame.update()) {            
-            mygame.display.print("Hello World!");
+    game.begin();
+    game.display.setFont(font3x5);
+    game.display.setInvisibleColor(0);
+    game.display.load565Palette(sprite_pal);
+    while (game.isRunning()) {
+        if (game.update()) {            
+            updateClassic();
+    //game.display.clear();
+    char tempText[40];
+    sprintf(tempText,"%03d\n%03d\n%03d\n%03d\n%03d\n%03d\n%03d\n%03d\n%03d\n \n%03d\n", connected, _data[0],_data[1],_data[2],_data[3],_data[4],_data[5],_data[6],_data[7],controllerType[4]);
+    game.display.setCursor(0,0);
+    game.display.print(tempText);
+    sprintf(tempText,"%s\n",controller[controlType]);
+    game.display.setCursor(0,120);
+    game.display.print(tempText);
+    char ox=8, oy=16;
+    // draw background!
+    for(char t=0; t<3; t++){
+        game.display.drawBitmap(ox+24+t*16,oy+w_LT/60,sprite_buttons[12+t+(w_L*8)]);
+        game.display.drawBitmap(ox+136+t*16,oy+w_RT/60,sprite_buttons[16+t+(w_R*8)]);
+    }
+    for(uint8_t y=0; y<12; y++){
+        for(uint8_t x=0; x<25; x++){
+            game.display.drawBitmap(ox+x*8,oy+y*8,sprites[sprite_map[x+25*y]]);
+        }
+    }
+    game.display.drawBitmap(ox+64+(w_LX-127)/10,oy+56+(127-w_LY)/10,sprite_circle);
+    game.display.drawBitmap(ox+120+(w_RX-127)/10,oy+56+(127-w_RY)/10,sprite_circle);
+    if(w_RIGHT)game.display.drawBitmap(ox+45,oy+32, sprite_buttons[11]);
+    if(w_DOWN)game.display.drawBitmap(ox+36,oy+41, sprite_buttons[9]);
+    if(w_LEFT)game.display.drawBitmap(ox+27,oy+32, sprite_buttons[10]);
+    if(w_UP)game.display.drawBitmap(ox+36,oy+23, sprite_buttons[8]);
+    if(w_MINUS)game.display.drawBitmap(ox+80,oy+32,sprite_buttons[6]);
+    if(w_HOME)game.display.drawBitmap(ox+96,oy+32,sprite_buttons[5]);
+    if(w_PLUS)game.display.drawBitmap(ox+112,oy+32,sprite_buttons[6]);
+    if(w_X)game.display.drawBitmap(ox+152,oy+16,sprite_buttons[0]);
+    if(w_Y)game.display.drawBitmap(ox+136,oy+28,sprite_buttons[1]);
+    if(w_A)game.display.drawBitmap(ox+168,oy+28,sprite_buttons[2]);
+    if(w_B)game.display.drawBitmap(ox+152,oy+40,sprite_buttons[3]);
+    if(w_LZ)game.display.drawBitmap(ox+77,oy+2,sprite_buttons[7]);
+    if(w_RZ)game.display.drawBitmap(ox+110,oy+2,sprite_buttons[7]);