Working version

Dependencies:   mbed mbed-rtos SDFileSystem EthernetInterface DS1820

diff -r ad2d0aa4726b -r dce8f2a2d706 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Tue Feb 02 14:42:29 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Nov 22 09:05:25 2019 +0000
@@ -1,154 +1,610 @@
+/*Current regulator software----------------------------------------------------
+Project: TTEM2 current regulator
+Date: 16/05-17
+Name: Søren Møller Dath
+Target: NXP FRDM-K64F rev E3 MBED platform
+Input: temperature, voltage from PAPC program thrugh UDP protocol
+Input: Setup file through UDP protocol send from PC. Values are stored on 
+microSD card and read at startup
+Output: Spi signal controlling digital potentiometer for changing gate voltage 
+for a MOSFET controlling the current for the TTEM2 TX system
+Output: PWM control of fan and pump for cooling system, and buzzer alarm for low 
+voltage and high temperature.
+Output: Debug information through terminal
+Nyt pin til ds1822 temp sensor
 #include "mbed.h"
+#include "EthernetInterface.h"
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+#include "DS1820.h"
 #include <stdint.h>
-#include "DS18B20.h"
-#include "PID.h"
-#include "EthernetInterface.h"
+#define Debug 0         //Set to 1 for debug mode, 0 for normal
+const int board_PORT = 20;
+const int pc_PORT = 30;
+static const char* SERVER_IP = ""; //IP of server (pc)
+static const char* CLIENT_IP = ""; //IP of client (MBED board) 0.102
+static const char* MASK = "";    //mask
+static const char* GATEWAY = "";   //gateway
-#define RATE 1
-#define SensorOffset 1.2 //Its about this that they show to must.
+typedef struct {                                    //Data received from PAPC through UDP Ethernet
+    char CtrlType;                                  //Must be 1
+    float Temperature;                              //Measured temperature for MOSFETs
+    float SetOutput;                                //output from controller (Not used)
+    float Error;                                    //Error between Iset and Current (Not used)
+    float Iset;                                     //Setpoint value for current (Not used)
+    float Voltage;                                  //Measured voltage over the H-bridge for thr coil
+    float Current;                                  //Measured current through the H-bridge
+}  __attribute__ ((packed)) Setting1;
+Setting1 status;
-char* SERVER_ADDRESS = "";
-const int SERVER_PORT = 2222;
-typedef struct {
- char MeassageID;
- float Kp,tauI,tauD;   
-}  __attribute__ ((packed)) TPID;    
+typedef struct {                                    //Data from tTEM regulator application on pc to microcontroller board
+    char CtrlType;                                  //Must be 2
+    float SetCurrent;                               //Setpoint value for current (same as Iset)
+    float SetTemp;                                  //Setpoint value for temperature
+    float SetSmallCurrentStepsize;                  //Current small stepsize for proportional regulator
+    float SetLargeCurrentStepsize;                  //Current large stepsize for proportional regulator
+    float SetStartupCurrentAbove50;                 //Startup current if temperature above 50 deg
+    float SetStartupCurrent35to50;                  //Startup current if temperature between 35-50 deg   
+    float SetStartupCurrent25to35;                  //Startup current if temperature between 25-35 deg
+    float SetStartupCurrent15to25;                  //Startup current if temperature between 15-25 deg
+    float SetStartupCurrent5to15;                   //Startup current if temperature between  5-15 deg
+    float SetStartupCurrentBelow5;                  //Startup current if temperature below 5 deg
+    float SetLowVoltAlarm;                          //Define when the alarm will sound
+    float SetHighTempAlarm;                         //Define when the alarm will sound
+    float SetPumpLowSpeed;                          //Lowest possible pump speed
+    float SetPumpHighSpeed;                         //Highest possible pump speed
+    float SetFanLowSpeed;                           //Fixed speed for then fan
+    float SetFanMidSpeed;                           //Fixed speed for then fan
+    float SetFanHighSpeed;                          //Fixed speed for then fan
+    float SetStartupTime;                           //Number of seconds for startup
+    float SetLowMoment;                             //Current above this value is defined as High Moment and regulator is only active if above                      
+    float SetLowestCurrent;                         //The lowest value the current can be set to 0-1023
+    float SetResetCurrentTime;                      //Reset setupCurrent if no data has been received from PAPC within this time
+    float PumpUpdateValue;                          //How much should the pump PWM value be changed pr interval                      
+    float PumpUpdateInterval;                       //How often should the pump PWM value be change
+    float PumpTempTolerance;                        //Temp tolerance for changing between regulator state and high/low state 
+   }  __attribute__ ((packed)) Setting2; 
+Setting2 setup;
 typedef struct {
- char CtrlType;
- float tempeture;     //nuværende temperatur
- float setpoint; //Hvad temperatur vi skal nå.
- float pump;     //Stilling af pumpen
- char mode;      //0: Auto; 1: manuel
- float PWM;      //Manuel power 
-}  __attribute__ ((packed)) Tsetting;
+    float Temperature;                              //Measured voltage over the H-bridge for thr coil
+    float Voltage;                                  
+    float Current; 
+    float RegTemp;                                  //Measured temperature for MOSFETs
+    bool DataReceived;
+    int CurrentStep;
+}  __attribute__ ((packed)) Data;
+Data reply;
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);        //create PC interface for terminal
+EthernetInterface eth;          //create ethernet
+UDPSocket server, sock;         //creat Ethernet socket
+Endpoint DataIn, pserver;       //create endpoint
+DigitalOut red(LED_RED);        //debug led
+DigitalOut statusGreen(PTC10);  //Lights up when active regulating NOT USED
+DigitalOut statusRed(PTC11);    //Lights up when reatch upper limit for a while NOT USED
+SPI spi(PTD2, NC, PTD1);        //mosi, miso(not used), sclk (reset+rdy not used) for DAC
+DigitalOut cs(PTC12);           //SYNC SPI
+SDFileSystem sd(PTE3, PTE1, PTE2, PTE4, "sd"); // mosi, miso, sclk, cs, name
+AnalogIn BattVolt(A0);          //ADC for the battery voltage resistordivider = 10k/(36k+10k) = 0.217. Measered voltage = (BattVolt*3.3V)/0.217
+AnalogIn CoilVolt(A1);          //ADC for the coil voltage. Measered voltage = (CoilVolt*3.3V)/0.217 NOT USED
+AnalogIn Current(A2);           //ADC for the current measurement. Measered current = ((Current/3)-(9/2))/(0.05*N) Number of turns of wire throuth current sensor. NOT USED
+DS1820 probe(D15);            //PTE24 Data from DS1822+ digital temp. sensor TJEK AT DEN VIRKER PÅ DENNE NYE PLACERING I STEDET FOR A3
+DigitalIn FillWater(D2);        //Input for pushbutton for filling water on to the system
+PwmOut PwmSpare(D3);            //Extra PWM output NOT USED
+PwmOut PwmAlarm(D7);            //PWM for the alarm output set value = 1 for 100% PWM signal NOT USED
+PwmOut PwmPump(D6);             //PWM output for pump
+PwmOut PwmFan(D5);              //PWM output for fan
+Timer t, PumpTimer, DataReceivedTimer;             //Timer for resetting startup current and pump
-DigitalOut led(LED_GREEN); //Varmelegme
-DigitalOut Heat(A3); //Varmelegme
-PwmOut Pump(A4);
+float SetValue = 0.0f;          //Set value for the current regulator
+float tempProbe = 0.0f;
+bool firstRun = 0;              //Just to check if data has been received for the first time
+float PumpValue = 0.0f;
+enum states { 
+    PUMP_LOW,
+enum states state = PUMP_REG;
+//Char arrays for storing ini variables on SD card
+char A[50], B[50], C[50], D[50], E[50], F[50], G[50], H[50], I[50], J[50], K[50], L[50], M[50], N[50], O[50], P[50], Q[50], R[50], S[50], T[50], U[50], V[50], W[50], X[50];
-Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);     // serial comms over usb back to console
-DS18B20 thermom(A5, DS18B20::RES_12_BIT); // Dallas 1-wire
-float SetTemp;
+//FUNCTION DECLARATIONS---------------------------------------------------------
+void InitUSB(void);
+void InitEth(void);
+void ReadFile(void); //For SD card
+void WriteFile(void); //For SD card
+float Map(float, float, float, float, float);
+void InitPot(void);
+void SetPot(int);
+float GetBattVolt(void);
+//float GetCoilVolt(void);
+//float GetCurrent(void);
+void Alarm(void);
+void UpdateTemp(void);
+void UpdateStartupCurrent(void);
+void UpdateCurrent(void);
+void ReadSocketDate(void const *args);
+void ReturnUDPData(void);
+int main(void);
+void InitUSB(void) //UART is only used for debug with a terminal
+    pc.baud(9600);    //baud
-PID controller(10.0, 0.02, 5.0, RATE);
-Timeout TurnOffHeat;
-Tsetting status;
-EthernetInterface eth;
-UDPSocket server,sock;;    //Denne server. Modtager data fra PC sock er til at sende data
-Endpoint process_server, DataIn;
-TPID PidFactors;
+void InitEth(void)
+    if (Debug) 
+        eth.init();
+    else    
+        eth.init(CLIENT_IP, MASK, GATEWAY);                                     //set up IP
+    eth.connect(60000);                                                         //connect ethernet timeout = 60s
+    pc.printf("\nBoard IP Address is %s\r\n", eth.getIPAddress());              //get client IP address
+    pc.printf("\nBoard Gateway Address is %s\r\n", eth.getGateway());
+    pc.printf("\nBoard Network Mask is %s\r\n", eth.getNetworkMask());
+    pc.printf("\nBoard MAC address is %s\r\n", eth.getMACAddress());
+    sock.init();
+    server.bind(board_PORT);
+    pserver.set_address(SERVER_IP,pc_PORT);
+void ReadFile (void) {
+    FILE *set = fopen("/sd/ini.txt", "r");  // Open "ini.txt" on the SD file system for read
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",A,&setup.SetCurrent);
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",B,&setup.SetTemp);   
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",C,&setup.SetSmallCurrentStepsize);   
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",D,&setup.SetLargeCurrentStepsize);   
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",E,&setup.SetStartupCurrentAbove50);
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",F,&setup.SetStartupCurrent35to50); 
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",G,&setup.SetStartupCurrent25to35); 
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",H,&setup.SetStartupCurrent15to25); 
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",I,&setup.SetStartupCurrent5to15); 
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",J,&setup.SetStartupCurrentBelow5); 
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",K,&setup.SetLowVoltAlarm);   
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",L,&setup.SetHighTempAlarm);  
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",M,&setup.SetPumpLowSpeed);   
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",N,&setup.SetPumpHighSpeed);   
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",O,&setup.SetFanLowSpeed);   
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",P,&setup.SetFanMidSpeed);   
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",Q,&setup.SetFanHighSpeed);   
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",R,&setup.SetStartupTime);   
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",S,&setup.SetLowMoment);   
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",T,&setup.SetLowestCurrent);   
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",U,&setup.SetResetCurrentTime); 
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",V,&setup.PumpUpdateValue); 
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",W,&setup.PumpUpdateInterval); 
+    fscanf(set,"%s %f",X,&setup.PumpTempTolerance); 
+    fclose(set);
-void initSpeedCtrl(void)
-    controller.setInputLimits(0,100); //0..100 RPM
-    //Pwm output from 0.0 to 1.0
-    controller.setOutputLimits(0.0, 1.0);
-//   controller.setBias(1.0);
-    controller.setMode(AUTO_MODE);
-    controller.setSetPoint(status.setpoint); //tomgang
+void WriteFile(void) { // write to SD memory
+    FILE *fp = fopen("/sd/ini.txt", "w");  // Open "ini.txt" on the SD file system for write
+    fprintf(fp,"SetCurrent %f\r\n",setup.SetCurrent);  
+    fprintf(fp,"SetTemp %f\r\n",setup.SetTemp);   
+    fprintf(fp,"SetSmallCurrentStepsize %f\r\n",setup.SetSmallCurrentStepsize); 
+    fprintf(fp,"SetLargeCurrentStepsize %f\r\n",setup.SetLargeCurrentStepsize);   
+    fprintf(fp,"SetStartupCurrentAbove50 %f\r\n",setup.SetStartupCurrentAbove50);
+    fprintf(fp,"SetStartupCurrent35to50 %f\r\n",setup.SetStartupCurrent35to50);
+    fprintf(fp,"SetStartupCurrent25to35 %f\r\n",setup.SetStartupCurrent25to35);
+    fprintf(fp,"SetStartupCurrent15to25 %f\r\n",setup.SetStartupCurrent15to25);
+    fprintf(fp,"SetStartupCurrent5to15 %f\r\n",setup.SetStartupCurrent5to15);
+    fprintf(fp,"SetStartupCurrentBelow5 %f\r\n",setup.SetStartupCurrentBelow5);
+    fprintf(fp,"SetLowVoltAlarm %f\r\n",setup.SetLowVoltAlarm);   
+    fprintf(fp,"SetHighTempAlarm %f\r\n",setup.SetHighTempAlarm); 
+    fprintf(fp,"SetPumpLowSpeed %f\r\n",setup.SetPumpLowSpeed);   
+    fprintf(fp,"SetPumpHighSpeed %f\r\n",setup.SetPumpHighSpeed); 
+    fprintf(fp,"SetFanLowSpeed %f\r\n",setup.SetFanLowSpeed);   
+    fprintf(fp,"SetFanMidSpeed %f\r\n",setup.SetFanMidSpeed); 
+    fprintf(fp,"SetFanHighSpeed %f\r\n",setup.SetFanHighSpeed);   
+    fprintf(fp,"SetStartupTime %f\r\n",setup.SetStartupTime);   
+    fprintf(fp,"SetLowMoment %f\r\n",setup.SetLowMoment);   
+    fprintf(fp,"SetLowestCurrent %f\r\n",setup.SetLowestCurrent); 
+    fprintf(fp,"SetResetCurrentTime %f\r\n",setup.SetResetCurrentTime);   
+    fprintf(fp,"PumpUpdateValue %f\r\n",setup.PumpUpdateValue);   
+    fprintf(fp,"PumpUpdateInterval %f\r\n",setup.PumpUpdateInterval);   
+    fprintf(fp,"PumpTempTolerance %f\r\n",setup.PumpTempTolerance);   
+    fclose(fp);
+//InitPot-----------------------------------------------------------------------TESTED POT = digital potentiometer (DAC)
+//Setup digital potentiometer
+void InitPot(void) {
+    cs = 1;                 //Deselect the device
+    spi.format(16,1);       //Setup the spi for 16 bit data, SPI mode = 1 
+    spi.frequency(1000000); //1MHz clock
+    cs = 0;                 //Select the device
+    spi.write(0x1803);      //Send 0x1803 to enable updating of RDAC register for changing potentiometer values
+    cs = 1;                 //Deselect the device
+//Update of potentiometer value
+void SetPot(int value) {    //Values from 0-1023 are allowed
+    cs = 0;                 //Select the device
+    spi.write(0x400+value); //Values from 0x0400 to 0x7FF for digital potentiometer 
+    cs = 1;                 //Deselect the device   
-void HeatOff() {
-  Heat=0; led=1; 
+float GetBattVolt(void) {
+    float result; 
+    result = (*15.207f+0.2f);
+    return result;     
+//Alarm check for low battery or high temperature-------------------------------TESTED NOT USED
+void Alarm(void) {      
+    if ((status.Temperature>setup.SetHighTempAlarm)) {
+        pc.printf("Water temperature high\r\n");
+        PwmAlarm = 1.0f;
+        wait(0.5);
+        PwmAlarm = 0.0f;
+        wait(0.5);   
+    }
+    else {
+        PwmAlarm = 0.0f;                                //Turn off the alarm
+    }
+void UpdateTemp(void) {
+    switch(state) {
+    case PUMP_HIGH:
+        //pc.printf("State = PUMP_HIGH\n\r");
+        PwmFan = setup.SetFanHighSpeed;
+        PwmPump = setup.SetPumpHighSpeed;
+        if(status.Temperature < setup.SetTemp) { //Temp is lower than setpoint go to PUMP_REG state
+            state = PUMP_REG;
+        }
+    break;
+    case PUMP_LOW:
+        //pc.printf("State = PUMP_LOW\n\r");
+        PwmFan = setup.SetFanLowSpeed;
+        PwmPump = setup.SetPumpLowSpeed;
+        if(status.Temperature > setup.SetTemp) { //Temp is higher than setpoint go to PUMP_REG state
+            state = PUMP_REG;
+        }
+    break;
+    case PUMP_REG:
+        //pc.printf("State = PUMP_REG\n\r");
+        //PwmFan = setup.SetFanMidSpeed;
+        if(>setup.PumpUpdateInterval){                        
+            if(status.Temperature>setup.SetTemp){       //Temp too high turn up pump
+                PumpValue = PumpValue + setup.PumpUpdateValue;     //0.05f;
+                if(PumpValue>0.3f){
+                    PumpValue = 0.3;        
+                }
+                //pc.printf("Turn pump up\n\r");
+            }
+            else if(status.Temperature<setup.SetTemp) { //Temp too low turn down pump
+                PumpValue = PumpValue - setup.PumpUpdateValue*10;
+                //pc.printf("Turn pump down\n\r");
+            }
+            else {
+                PumpValue = PumpValue;
+            }
+            //Restart timer used for making the cooling system run a little time after PAPC has stopped
+            PumpTimer.stop();
+            PumpTimer.reset();
+            PumpTimer.start();
+        }  
+        //Make sure the value can not be lower than lowest value or higher than higest.
+        if(PumpValue<setup.SetPumpLowSpeed){
+            PumpValue = setup.SetPumpLowSpeed;    
+        }
+        if(PumpValue>setup.SetPumpHighSpeed){
+            PumpValue = setup.SetPumpHighSpeed;    
+        }
+        PwmPump = PumpValue;
+        PwmFan = PumpValue;
+        //pc.printf("PumpValue: %3.3f%\n\r",PumpValue);
+        if(status.Temperature-setup.SetTemp >= setup.PumpTempTolerance) { //Temp is higher than tolerance go to PUMP_HIGH state 
+            state = PUMP_HIGH;    
+        }
+        if(setup.SetTemp-status.Temperature >= setup.PumpTempTolerance) { //Temp is lower than tolerance go to PUMP_LOW state
+            state = PUMP_LOW;    
+        }
+    break;
+    }    
-void ReadTemp() {
-float RegError;    
-    status.tempeture=thermom.GetTemperature()-SensorOffset;
-    while ((status.tempeture<-20) || (status.tempeture>110)) status.tempeture=thermom.GetTemperature(); //læs igen
-    if (status.mode==1) {
-    controller.setProcessValue(status.tempeture);
-    RegError =controller.compute();
-        if (RegError>0.01) {
-          Heat=1; led=0;
-          TurnOffHeat.attach(&HeatOff,RegError/RATE);  
+void UpdateStartupCurrent(void) {
+    probe.convertTemperature(true, DS1820::all_devices);
+    float output = 0.0f;
+    float tempC = 0.0f;
+    tempC = probe.temperature();
+    wait_ms(10);
+    pc.printf("Temp: %3.1f%\n\r",tempC);
+    //reply.ReturnTemp = tempC;                   //TEST FOR SENDIND DATA BACK TO PC
+    if (tempC>=50.0f) {
+        output = setup.SetStartupCurrentAbove50; //500
+    }
+    else if (50.0f>tempC && tempC>=35.0f) {
+        output = setup.SetStartupCurrent35to50; //600
+    }
+    else if (35.0f>tempC && tempC>=25.0f) {
+        output = setup.SetStartupCurrent25to35; //700   
+    }
+    else if (25.0f>tempC && tempC>=15.0f) {
+        output = setup.SetStartupCurrent15to25; //800        
+    }
+    else if (15.0f>tempC && tempC>=5.0f) {
+        output = setup.SetStartupCurrent5to15; //900
+    }
+    else {
+        output = setup.SetStartupCurrentBelow5; //1023
+    }
+    SetPot(output);                    //Startup current in order to slowly startup 
+    SetValue = output;                 //The currentUpdate function needs to know where it should start to regulate from   
+    pc.printf("StartupCurrent: %3.3f%\n\r",output);
+void UpdateCurrent(void) {
+probe.convertTemperature(true, DS1820::all_devices);
+    if(status.Current >= setup.SetLowMoment) {
+        if (probe.temperature()<50.0f) {  //Only regulate if temp measured on regulator mosfet is below 50 degree
+            //Voltage must be above a defined level or it should not be possible to turn more down
+            //Implement large step if big error and small step if small error
+            statusGreen = 1; //LED not used
+            //Current too high turn it down but only if voltage is not to low!
+            if((setup.SetCurrent < status.Current) && (status.Voltage > setup.SetLowVoltAlarm)) {  
+                float error = status.Current-setup.SetCurrent;
+                if (error>=0.5f) { //large step  0.5f = 0.5A
+                    SetValue = SetValue - setup.SetLargeCurrentStepsize;
+                    pc.printf("Turn down large\n\r");
+                    if (SetValue < setup.SetLowestCurrent) { //FitPC shuts down if value is below this number
+                        SetValue = setup.SetLowestCurrent;
+                    }
+                }
+                else { //small step
+                    SetValue = SetValue - setup.SetSmallCurrentStepsize;         
+                    pc.printf("Turn down small\n\r");
+                    if (SetValue < setup.SetLowestCurrent) { //FitPC shuts down if value is below this number
+                        SetValue = setup.SetLowestCurrent;
+                    }
+                }
+                SetPot(SetValue);
+                pc.printf("SetValue: %3.3f%\n\r",SetValue);
+            }
+            //Current too low turn it up
+            else if(setup.SetCurrent > status.Current) { 
+                float error = setup.SetCurrent-status.Current;
+                if (error>=1.0f) { //large step
+                    SetValue = SetValue + setup.SetLargeCurrentStepsize;
+                    pc.printf("Turn up large\n\r");
+                    if (SetValue > 1023) {
+                        SetValue = 1023;
+                    } 
+                }
+                else { //small step
+                    SetValue = SetValue + setup.SetSmallCurrentStepsize;  
+                    pc.printf("Turn up small\n\r");  
+                    if (SetValue > 1023) {
+                        SetValue = 1023;
+                    }    
+                }
+                if (SetValue >= 1023) {
+                    pc.printf("Unable to turn up higher, change battery\n\r");  
+                    statusRed = 1;
+                    PwmAlarm = 1.0f;
+                    wait(0.25);
+                    PwmAlarm = 0.0f;
+                    wait(0.25);
+                }
+                SetPot(SetValue);
+                pc.printf("SetValue: %3.3f%\n\r",SetValue);
+            }
+        }
+        //else go to safe state if regulator mosfet temperature is above 50 deg.
+        else {
+            //pc.printf("SetValue: %3.3f%\n\r",SetValue);
+            SetPot(setup.SetStartupCurrentBelow5);
-    if (status.mode==0) {        
-        if (status.PWM>0.01) {
-          Heat=1; led=0;
-          TurnOffHeat.attach(&HeatOff,status.PWM/RATE);  
+void ReadSocketDate(void const *args) {
+    char in_buffer[1024];
+    while(true) {
+        int n = server.receiveFrom(DataIn, in_buffer, sizeof(in_buffer));     
+        if (in_buffer[0]==1) {                 //Receiving from PAPC, copy to status struct
+            memcpy(&status,&in_buffer[0],sizeof(status));  
+            UpdateCurrent();                    //Turn up/down the current
+            UpdateTemp();                       //Control speed of pump based on temperature 
+            firstRun = 1;                       
+            //pc.printf("Data modtaget\r\n");
+            pc.printf("Temperatur: %3.1f%\r\n",status.Temperature);
+            pc.printf("Voltage:    %3.3f%\r\n",status.Voltage);
+            pc.printf("Current:    %3.3f%\r\n\r\n",status.Current);
+        } 
+        else if (in_buffer[0]==2) {            //Receiving from tTEM regulator application, copy to setup struct
+            memcpy(&setup,&in_buffer[0],sizeof(setup));
+            //Acustic alarm to confirm data has been received 
+            reply.DataReceived = true;         //Sends a boolean to the tTEM regulation software confirming data has been received
+            DataReceivedTimer.stop();
+            DataReceivedTimer.reset();
+            DataReceivedTimer.start();
+            PwmAlarm = 1.0f; // NOT USED
+            wait(0.05);
+            PwmAlarm = 0.0f;
+            wait(0.05);
+            PwmAlarm = 1.0f;
+            wait(0.05);
+            PwmAlarm = 0.0f;
+            WriteFile();            //Write data to SD card   
+            pc.printf("Data has been received from setup file\r\n");
+            //Print the received data to terminal
+            /*pc.printf("SetCurrent:               %3.2f%\r\n",setup.SetCurrent);
+            pc.printf("SetTemp:                  %3.2f%\r\n",setup.SetTemp);
+            pc.printf("SetSmallStepsize:         %3.2f%\r\n",setup.SetSmallCurrentStepsize);
+            pc.printf("SetLargeStepsize:         %3.2f%\r\n",setup.SetLargeCurrentStepsize);
+            pc.printf("SetStartupCurrentAbove50: %3.2f%\r\n",setup.SetStartupCurrentAbove50);
+            pc.printf("SetStartupCurrent35to50:  %3.2f%\r\n",setup.SetStartupCurrent35to50);
+            pc.printf("SetStartupCurrent25to35:  %3.2f%\r\n",setup.SetStartupCurrent25to35);
+            pc.printf("SetStartupCurrent15to25:  %3.2f%\r\n",setup.SetStartupCurrent15to25);
+            pc.printf("SetStartupCurrent5to15:   %3.2f%\r\n",setup.SetStartupCurrent5to15);
+            pc.printf("SetStartupCurrentBelow5:  %3.2f%\r\n",setup.SetStartupCurrentBelow5);
+            pc.printf("SetLowVoltAlarm:          %3.2f%\r\n",setup.SetLowVoltAlarm);
+            pc.printf("SetHighTempAlarm:         %3.2f%\r\n",setup.SetHighTempAlarm);
+            pc.printf("SetPumpLowSpeed:          %3.2f%\r\n",setup.SetPumpLowSpeed);
+            pc.printf("SetPumpHighSpeed:         %3.2f%\r\n",setup.SetPumpHighSpeed);
+            pc.printf("SetFanLowSpeed:           %3.2f%\r\n",setup.SetFanLowSpeed);
+            pc.printf("SetFanMidSpeed:           %3.2f%\r\n",setup.SetFanMidSpeed);
+            pc.printf("SetFanHighSpeed:          %3.2f%\r\n",setup.SetFanHighSpeed);
+            pc.printf("SetStartupTime:           %3.2f%\r\n",setup.SetStartupTime);
+            pc.printf("SetLowMoment:             %3.2f%\r\n",setup.SetLowMoment);
+            pc.printf("SetLowestCurrent:         %3.3f%\r\n",setup.SetLowestCurrent);
+            pc.printf("SetResetCurrentTime:      %3.3f%\r\n",setup.SetResetCurrentTime);
+            pc.printf("PumpUpdateValue:          %3.3f%\r\n",setup.PumpUpdateValue);
+            pc.printf("PumpUpdateInterval:       %3.3f%\r\n",setup.PumpUpdateInterval);
+            pc.printf("PumpTempTolerance:        %3.3f%\r\n",setup.PumpTempTolerance);
+            */
-    }            
-void sendStatus() {
+        else {                              //Error
+            pc.printf("Invalid CrtlType, must be 1 for status or 2 for setup\r\n"); 
+        }
+        t.reset();                          //Reset and start the timer for measure if PAPC has been stopped
+        t.start();
+    }
-void ReadSocketDate(void const *args) {
- char buffer[256];
- printf("ReadThread Init Done\r\n");
- while (1) {
-    int n = server.receiveFrom(DataIn, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
-    if (buffer[0]==0) { //seach function
-        if (strcmp(DataIn.get_address(),process_server.get_address())!=0) {
-           process_server.set_address(DataIn.get_address(),SERVER_PORT); 
-           printf(" New Adress: %s\r\n",DataIn.get_address());
-        } 
-    }    
-    if (buffer[0]==1) {
-        memcpy(&status,&buffer[0],sizeof(status));
-        printf("NEW Settings [%s]:\r\n",DataIn.get_address());
-        printf(" setpoint: %.1f \r\n",status.setpoint);    
-        if (!status.mode) printf("Manual mode %.1f\n\r",status.PWM); else printf("Auto mode\n\r");
-        printf(" Pump: %.1f \r\n",status.pump);  
-        Pump=status.pump/100; 
+void ReturnUDPData(void) {
+    char out_buffer[sizeof(reply)];
+    //Send data back through UDP
+    probe.convertTemperature(true, DS1820::all_devices);
+    tempProbe = probe.temperature(); 
+    //wait_ms(750);
+    while(tempProbe==-1000) {
+        //pc.printf("Temp probe crc error\n\r");
+        tempProbe = probe.temperature();
+        //wait_ms(750);   
-    if (buffer[0]==2) {
-        memcpy(&PidFactors,&buffer[0],sizeof(PidFactors));
-        printf("NEW PID %.2f %.2f %.2f\r\n", PidFactors.Kp,PidFactors.tauI,PidFactors.tauD);
-        controller.setTunings(PidFactors.Kp,PidFactors.tauI,PidFactors.tauD);
-    }    
- }       
+    reply.Temperature = status.Temperature;  //Data received from PAPC is send to tTEM regulator application
+    reply.Voltage = status.Voltage;
+    reply.Current = status.Current;
+    reply.RegTemp = tempProbe;  //Data measured by the microcontroller
+    reply.CurrentStep = SetValue;
+    //pc.printf("RegTemp: %3.3f%\n\r",tempProbe);
+    memcpy(&out_buffer[0],&reply, sizeof(reply));
+    sock.sendTo(pserver, out_buffer, sizeof(out_buffer)); //reply 
+    wait_ms(550);
+    if(>5) {
+        reply.DataReceived = false;
+        DataReceivedTimer.stop();
+        DataReceivedTimer.reset();
+    }
+int main(void)
+    PwmFan   = 0.0f; 
+    PwmPump  = 0.0f; 
+    PwmSpare = 0.0f;                        //Do not use this PWM output 
-int main() {
-  char out_buffer[sizeof(status)];
-  led=1; 
-  Pump.period_ms(1);
-  Pump.write(0);
-  pc.printf("\n\r---------------------------------------------------------------\n\r");
-  pc.printf("BrewController INIT\n\r");
-  status.CtrlType=1;
-  status.setpoint=0;
-  eth.init(); //Use DHCP  
-  eth.connect();
-  pc.printf("IP Address is %s\n\r", eth.getIPAddress());  
-  sock.init();
-  server.bind(SERVER_PORT);
-  process_server.set_address(SERVER_ADDRESS, SERVER_PORT);
-  pc.printf("Temp Sensor: \n\r");
-  DS18B20::ROM_Code_t ROM_Code;
-  thermom.ReadROM(&ROM_Code);
-  pc.printf("Family code: 0x%X\n\r", ROM_Code.BYTES.familyCode);
-  pc.printf("Serial Number: ");
-  for (unsigned i = 6; i != 0; --i) {
-      pc.printf("%02X%s", ROM_Code.BYTES.serialNo[i-1], (i != 1)?":":"\r\n");
-  }
-  pc.printf("CRC: 0x%X\r\n", ROM_Code.BYTES.CRC);
-  Thread DbThread(ReadSocketDate, NULL, osPriorityNormal, (DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE * 2.25));
-  initSpeedCtrl();
-  pc.printf("---------------------------------------------------------------\n\r");
-  pc.printf("\n\rRunning ...\n\r");
-  while (1) {
-      ReadTemp(); 
-      //send data til PC
-      memcpy(&out_buffer[0],&status.CtrlType,sizeof(status));
-      sock.sendTo(process_server, out_buffer, sizeof(status));          
-    //  printf("Data to: %s Temp= %.1f Out[0] %x \r\n",process_server.get_address(),status.tempeture, out_buffer[0]);
-      wait(RATE);
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
+    InitUSB();                              //initialize the PC interface 
+    pc.printf("Init USB done\r\n");                                               
+    InitEth();                              //Init ethernet connection
+    pc.printf("Init Ethernet done\r\n");                                               
+    InitPot();                              //setup potentiometer
+    pc.printf("Init POT done\r\n");                                               
+    ReadFile();                             //Read ini values from SD card that was last received from UDP.
+    pc.printf("Read MicroSD card done\r\n");                                               
+    UpdateStartupCurrent();                 //Set the startup current at a value dependent of the measured temperature     
+    wait(setup.SetStartupTime);             //Wait a while for everything to startup  
+    PumpValue = (setup.SetPumpLowSpeed+setup.SetPumpHighSpeed)*0.5f;
+    //FanValue = setup.SetFanMidSpeed;
+    PumpTimer.reset();
+    PumpTimer.start();
+    Thread DbThread(ReadSocketDate, NULL, osPriorityNormal, (DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE * 2.25));
+    FillWater.mode(PullUp);                 //Enable pull-up resister on bushbutton input
+    statusGreen = 0;
+    statusRed = 0;
+    wait_ms(10);
+    while(true)                                                                            
+    {   
+        red = !red;    
+        Alarm();                            //Check if battery is running low          
+        if (firstRun == 0) {                //No data has been received so manual overwrite of pwmpump is allowed, if data has been received it can not be changed manual
+            if(FillWater == 0) {            //Button has been pushed
+               PwmPump = 1.0f;              //Run pump at half speed to fill system
+            }
+            else {
+                PwmPump = 0.0f;    
+            }
+        }
+        //Reset setvalue for current regulator if PAPC has been stopped for a given time
+        if (setup.SetResetCurrentTime==0) {
+            t.stop();                       //If Time= 0, disable the resetting function
+            t.reset();
+        }
+        else if(>setup.SetResetCurrentTime) {
+            //No data received for 10 sek. reset the current
+            UpdateStartupCurrent(); 
+            PwmPump = 0.0f; //Pump and fan should not run if no data has been received from papc
+            PwmFan = 0.0f;  
+            PwmAlarm = 0.0f; //Stop the alarm
+            firstRun = 0;
+            statusGreen = 0;  
+            statusRed = 0; 
+            status.Temperature = 0;
+            status.Voltage = 0;
+            status.Current = 0;
+            //pc.printf("Resetting start value\n\r");
+            t.stop();
+            t.reset();
+        }
+        ReturnUDPData();
+    }
\ No newline at end of file