Current regulator

Dependencies:   EthernetInterface mbed-rtos mbed



File content as of revision 0:e3a184a83be0:

#include "mbed.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include "EthernetInterface.h"
#define currentStep 0.01

const int PORT = 7;                             //arbitrary port
static const char* SERVER_IP = ""; //IP of server board
static const char* MASK = "";      //mask
static const char* GATEWAY = "";     //gateway

typedef struct {
 char CtrlType;
 float Out;                                     //output from controller
 float Error;                                   //Error between Iset and Current
 float Iset;                                    //Setpoint value for current
 float Voltage;                                 //Voltage over the H-bridge for thr coil
 float Current;                                 //Current to the H-bridge
}  __attribute__ ((packed)) Setting;

Setting status;
SPI spi(PTD2, NC, PTD1);    // mosi, miso(not used), sclk (reset+rdy not used)
DigitalOut cs(PTC12);       //SYNC
DigitalOut led(LED1);
DigitalOut ledgreen(LED2);

AnalogIn BattVolt(A0);      //ADC for the battery voltage resistordivider = 10k/(36k+10k) = 0.217. Measered voltage = (BattVolt*3.3V)/0.217
AnalogIn CoilVolt(A1);      //ADC for the coil voltage. Measered voltage = (CoilVolt*3.3V)/0.217
AnalogIn Current(A2);       //ADC for the current measurement. Measered current = ((Current/3)-(9/2))/(0.05*N) Number of turns of wire throuth current sensor.

int BattVoltRes, CoilVoltRes, CurrentRes;

PwmOut PwmSpare(D3);        //Extra PWM output
PwmOut PwmAlarm(D5);        //PWM for the alarm output set value = 1 for 100% PWM signal
PwmOut PwmPump(D6);         //PWM output for pump
PwmOut PwmFan(D7);          //PWM output for fan

Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);    //tx, rx
EthernetInterface eth;      //create ethernet
UDPSocket server;           //creat server
Endpoint client;            //create endpoint

void InitPot(void) {
    cs = 1;                 //Deselect the device
    spi.format(16,1);       //Setup the spi for 16 bit data, SPI mode = 1 
    spi.frequency(1000000); //1MHz clock
    cs = 0;                 //Select the device
    spi.write(0x1803);      //Send 0x1803 to enable updating of RDAC register for changing potentiometer values
    cs = 1;                 //Deselect the device

void SetPot(int value) {    //Values from 0-1023 are allowed
    cs = 0;                 //Select the device
    spi.write(0x400+value); //Values from 0x0400 to 0x7FF for digital potentiometer 
    cs = 1;                 //Deselect the device   

float GetBattVolt(void) {
    float result; 
    result = (*15.207f);
    return result;     

float GetCoilVolt(void) {
    float result; 
    result = (*15.207f);
    return result;     

float GetCurrent(void) { //For N=2 turns of wire through sensor
    float result;
    result = (*30)-45;
    return result;    

void InitEth(void) {
    eth.init(SERVER_IP, MASK, GATEWAY);                                         //set up IP
    eth.connect();                                                              //connect ethernet
    pc.printf("\nSERVER - Server IP Address is %s\r\n", eth.getIPAddress());    //get server IP address;
    server.bind(PORT);                                                          //bind server 
void ReadSocketDate(void const *args) {
    char buffer[256];
    while(1) {
        int n = server.receiveFrom(client, buffer, sizeof(buffer));  
        pc.printf("Out: \r\n", status.Out);

void UpdateCurrent() {
    if(HighMoment == true) {
        if(status.Current < status.Iset) {
            CurrentOut =(status.Current + currentStep*(status.Iset-status.Current));
        else if(status.Current > status.Iset) {
            CurrentOut = (status.Current - currentStep*(status.Current-status.Iset));
        else {
            CurrentOut = (status.Current);
        pc.printf("CurrentOut: %3.3f%\n\r", CurrentOut);
        //CurrentPot = 0.015*CurrentOut+4; //Conversiom from input current to output voltage to the gate of the MOSFET.
        //CurrentPot = CurrentPot*511.5-1442.45;
        CurrentPot = 7.6725*CurrentOut+603.55;
        pc.printf("CurrentPot: %3.3f%\n\r", CurrentPot);

int main() {

    //InitEth();              //setup Ethernet connection
    InitPot();              //setup potentiometer
    led = 1;
    //Thread DbThread(ReadSocketDate, NULL, osPriorityNormal, (DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE * 2.25));
    while(1) {
        led = !led;    
        UpdateCurrent(CurrentOut, CurrentPot);
        /*for(int i=0; i<1023;i++) {

        //pc.printf("BatteryPercent: %3.3f%%\n\r",*100.0f);
        //pc.printf("CoilPercent: %3.3f%%\n\r",*100.0f);
        //pc.printf("CurrentPercent: %3.3f%%\n\r",*100.0f);
        PwmSpare = 0.1f;
        PwmAlarm = 0.25f;
        PwmPump = 0.5f;
        PwmFan = 0.75f;