This setup simulates a multi-game multiplayer arcade gaming system. The program allows the player to choose from four different games:
Super Tic-Tac-Toe (abbreviated STTT)
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock (abbreviated RPSLK)
All games except Pac-Man communicate with another gaming system via an XBee module to simulate multiplayer. Pac-Man is multiplayer as well, but the characters in the game are controlled using the three tactile switches on one board.
Two boards are needed to enjoy all the games. The components needed for both are:
The goal of the game is to reach seven points before the other player does. The first player to reach seven points wins. Correctly mimic a sequence to earn a point. Incorrectly mimic a sequence and lose a point. The score will not go below zero. The game offers four different difficulties to choose from: Easy, Normal, Heroic, and Legendary. More information about gameplay can be found by choosing to view the instructions.
Super Tic-Tac-Toe
The goal of the game is similar to the Tic-Tac-Toe on a grander scale. A player that places three of their symbols in a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal row within a small block wins the block. A player that places three of their symbols within small blocks in a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal row wins the game. The red X always goes first, and the blue O always goes second.
The goal of the game for each respective player is similar to the traditional single-player Pac-Man, except for the fact that there are two ghosts and they are controlled by players. Pac-Man starts with three lives, and the ghosts have infinite lives. Pac-Man's objective is to eat all of the pac dots before running out of lives. The ghosts' objective is to prevent Pac-Man from doing so. If Pac-Man comes into contact with a ghost, he dies and loses a life, unless Pac-Man has a power-up.
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock
The goal of the game is to pick a hand that will beat the other player's. The rules (i.e. which hands beat other hands) are displayed before continuing, and players can play as many times as they want.
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