LED Strip Control


RGB LED strips are useful for a number of purposes such as home decoration and car underglow. With additional networking support, a strip can also be used to alert the user to notifications on their computer while also providing useful information about the notification itself (eg. glow blue for Facebook notifications). This project is meant to give the user some insight into how to control an RGB LED strip via an entertaining and decorative demonstration.


The project has three modes of operation that the user can cycle through. The first mode, the Color Select mode, allows the user to select (using the first pushbutton) and alter (using the slider) the value of each of the R, G, and B values that the LED Strip displays. The second mode is the Strobe mode, in which the user selects the frequency at which the previously chosen color blinks using the slider. The last mode is the Flow mode, in which the mbed randomly generates new RGB values to gradually shift toward and the user selects the shift rate using the slider.




mbedLED Strip (via driver circuit)Pushbutton 1Pushbutton 2Slider
p6Digital Out
p10Digital Out
p16Analog Out

Circuit Layout


Relevant Resources

Reference the following page for the pushbuttons' pull-up circuits: http://mbed.org/users/4180_1/notebook/pushbuttons/

Reference the following page for the R, G, and B pins' driver circuits: http://mbed.org/users/4180_1/notebook/relays1/


Import programLEDStrip_Control

Control an LED Strip with different operation modes using two pushbuttons and a slider. The second pushbutton cycles through the modes. The first mode is Color Select mode, in which the user can select (using the first pushbutton) and alter (using the slider) the value of each of the R, G, and B values. The second mode is Strobe mode, in which the user selects the frequency at which the previously chosen color blinks using the slider. The last mode is Flow mode, in which the mbed randomly generates new RGB values to gradually shift toward and the user selects the shift rate using the slider.

Video Demonstration

Future Work

In the future I'd like to use this build to make a useful high-visibility notification system for my computer, as mentioned in the introduction. I'd also like to build on this project to support ambient lighting for my computer screen, in which the LED strip displays the prominent color on my computer screen and projects the light on the wall behind it. Additionally, it would be preferable if a proper enclosure were built for this device.

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