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FileSystemLike Class Reference

FileSystemLike Class Reference

A filesystem-like object is one that can be used to open files though it by fopen("/name/filename", mode) More...

#include <FileSystemLike.h>

Inherits mbed::FileBase.

Inherited by LocalFileSystem.

Public Member Functions

 FileSystemLike (const char *name)
 FileSystemLike constructor.
virtual FileHandleopen (const char *filename, int flags)=0
 Opens a file from the filesystem.
virtual int remove (const char *filename)
 Remove a file from the filesystem.
virtual int rename (const char *oldname, const char *newname)
 Rename a file in the filesystem.
virtual DirHandleopendir (const char *name)
 Opens a directory in the filesystem and returns a DirHandle representing the directory stream.
virtual int mkdir (const char *name, mode_t mode)
 Creates a directory in the filesystem.

Detailed Description

A filesystem-like object is one that can be used to open files though it by fopen("/name/filename", mode)

Implementations must define at least open (the default definitions of the rest of the functions just return error values).

Synchronization level: Set by subclass

Definition at line 37 of file FileSystemLike.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FileSystemLike ( const char *  name )

FileSystemLike constructor.

nameThe name to use for the filesystem.