PIR grove sensor that sends the sensed data to Thingspeak.com through the wifi module ESP 8266

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00001 #include "ESP8266.h"
00003 // Constructor
00004 ESP8266::ESP8266(PinName tx, PinName rx, int br) : comm(tx, rx) {
00005     comm.baud(br);
00006 }
00008 // Destructor
00009 ESP8266::~ESP8266() { }
00011 // Add <CR> + <LF> at the end of the string
00012 void ESP8266::AddEOL(char * s) {
00013     char k;
00014     k = strlen(s); // Finds position of NULL character
00015     s[k] = 0x0D; // switch NULL for <CR>
00016     s[k + 1] = 0x0A; // Add <LF>
00017     s[k + 2] = 0; // Add NULL at the end
00018 }
00020 // Add one ASCII character at the end of the string
00021 void ESP8266::AddChar(char * s, char c) {
00022     char k;
00023     k = strlen(s);
00024     s[k] = c;
00025     s[k + 1] = 0;
00026 }
00028 // Converts integer number to null-terminated string
00029 void ESP8266::itoa(int n, char * s) {
00030     char k = 0;
00031     char r[11];
00033     if(n == 0) {
00034         s[0] = '0';
00035         s[1] = 0;
00036     } else {
00037         while(n != 0) {
00038             r[k]= (n % 10) + '0';
00039             n = n / 10;
00040             k++;
00041         }
00042         while(k > 0) {
00043             s[n] = r[k - 1] + '0';
00044             n++;
00045             k--;
00046         }
00047         s[n] = 0;
00048     }
00049 }
00051 // Sends command to ESP8266. Receives the command string
00052 void ESP8266::SendCMD(char * s) {
00053     AddEOL(s);
00054     comm.printf("%s", s);
00055 }
00057 // Resets the ESP8266
00058 void ESP8266::Reset(void) {
00059     char rs[10];
00060     strcpy(rs, "AT+RST");
00061     SendCMD(rs);
00062 }
00064 // Receive reply until no character is received after a given timeout in miliseconds
00065 void ESP8266::RcvReply(char * r, int to) {
00066     Timer t;
00067     bool ended = 0;
00068     char c;
00070     strcpy(r, "");
00071     t.start();
00072     while(!ended) {
00073         if(comm.readable()) {
00074             c = comm.getc();
00075             AddChar(r, c);
00076             t.start();
00077         }
00078         if(t.read_ms() > to) {
00079                 ended = 1;
00080         }
00081     }
00082     AddChar(r, 0x00);
00083 }
00085 // Gets the AP list. Parameter: the string to receive the list
00086 void ESP8266::GetList(char * l) {
00087     char rs[15];
00088     strcpy(rs, "AT+CWLAP");
00089     SendCMD(rs);
00090     RcvReply(l, 5000); // Needs big timeout because it takes long to start replying
00091 }
00093 // Joins a Wifi AP. Parameters: SSID and Password (strings)
00094 void ESP8266::Join(char * id, char * pwd) {
00095     char cmd[255];
00096     strcpy(cmd, "AT+CWJAP=");
00097     AddChar(cmd, 0x22);
00098     strcat(cmd, id);
00099     AddChar(cmd, 0x22);
00100     AddChar(cmd, 0x2C);
00101     AddChar(cmd, 0x22);
00102     strcat(cmd, pwd);
00103     AddChar(cmd, 0x22);
00104     SendCMD(cmd);
00105 }
00107 // Gets ESP IP. Parameter: string to contain IP
00108 void ESP8266::GetIP(char * ip) {
00109     char cmd[15];
00110     strcpy(cmd, "AT+CIFSR");
00111     SendCMD(cmd);
00112     RcvReply(ip, 2000);
00113 }
00115 //Defines wifi mode; Parameter: mode; 1= STA, 2= AP, 3=both
00116 void ESP8266::SetMode(char mode) {
00117     char cmd[15];
00118     strcpy(cmd, "AT+CWMODE=");
00119     mode = mode + 0x30; // Converts number into corresponding ASCII character
00120     AddChar(cmd, mode); // Completes command string
00121     SendCMD(cmd);
00122 }
00124 // Quits the AP
00125 void ESP8266::Quit(void) {
00126     char cmd[15];
00127     strcpy(cmd, "AT+CWQAP");
00128     SendCMD(cmd);
00129 }
00131 // Sets single connection
00132 void ESP8266::SetSingle(void) {
00133     char cmd[15];
00134     strcpy(cmd, "AT+CIPMUX=0");
00135     SendCMD(cmd);
00136 }
00138 // Sets multiple connection
00139 void ESP8266::SetMultiple(void) {
00140     char rs[15];
00141     strcpy(rs, "AT+CIPMUX=1");
00142     SendCMD(rs);
00143 }
00145 // Gets connection status. Parameter: string to contain status
00146 void ESP8266::GetConnStatus(char * st) {
00147     char cmd[15];
00148     strcpy(cmd, "AT+CIPSTATUS");
00149     SendCMD(cmd);
00150     RcvReply(st, 2000);
00151 }
00153 // Starts server mode. Parameter: port to be used
00154 void ESP8266::StartServerMode(int port) {
00155     char rs[25];
00156     char t[4];
00157     strcpy(rs, "AT+CIPSERVER=1,");
00158     itoa(port, t);
00159     strcat(rs, t);
00160     SendCMD(rs);
00161 }
00163 // Close server mode.
00164 void ESP8266::CloseServerMode(void) {
00165     char rs[20];
00166     strcpy(rs, "AT+CIPSERVER=0");
00167     SendCMD(rs);
00168 }