Ported a code that FRDM-KL46Z act as a USB mouse originally developed by jksoft, to FRDM-K22F. SW2 and SW3 act as left and right buttons respectively because K22F lacks a touch sensor, in contrast to KL46Z.
Dependencies: FXOS8700Q USBDevice mbed
jksoftさんのUSBマウス(FRDM-KL46Z用)をFRDM-K22Fにポーティング。 KL46Zとは異なり、K22Fにはタッチセンサがありません。このため、SW2を左ボタン、SW3を右ボタンとしています。
Ported USB mouse for FRDM-KL46Z originally developed by jksoft to FRDM-K22F. SW2 and SW3 act as left and right buttons respectively because K22F lacks a touch sensor, in contrast to KL46Z.
Revision | Date | Who | Commit message |
2:0053ee456979 | 2015-03-21 | sknn | Fixed y-axis mouse cursor movement (it was opposite directions).; Enabled printf debugging.; Tiny refactoring. |
1:3c6efa018b57 | 2015-03-21 | sknn | Translated Japanese comments into English |
0:2a59676aa462 | 2015-03-21 | sknn | jksoft???USB???(FRDM-KL46Z??)?FRDM-K22F???????; ? https://media.dmm-make.com/item/2065/ |