an ultrasonic sensor used as a car sensor

Dependencies:   N5110 PowerControl beep mbed sensor

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00001 /**
00002 @file main.h
00003 @brief Header file containing functions prototypes, defines and global variables.
00004 @brief Revision 1.0.
00005 @author Saleh Jaffal
00006 @date   April 2015
00007 */
00009 #ifndef MAIN_H
00010 #define MAIN_H
00011 //#include "beep.h"
00012 #include "mbed.h"
00013 #include "SRF02.h"
00014 #include "N5110.h"
00015 #include "beep.h" ///@see a library I found to initiate the buzzer 
00016 #include "PowerControl/PowerControl.h"
00017 #include "PowerControl/EthernetPowerControl.h"
00019 #define USR_POWERDOWN (0x104)
00020 N5110 lcd(p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p13,p26);
00021 SRF02 sensor(p28, p27);
00022 /**  
00023 @namespace buzzer
00024 @brief output for status buzzer
00025 */
00026 Beep buzzer(p21);
00027 /**  
00028 @namespace green1
00029 @brief GPIO output for status LED
00030 */
00031 PwmOut green1(p22);
00032 /**  
00033 @namespace green2
00034 @brief GPIO output for status LED
00035 */
00036 PwmOut green2(p23);
00037 /**  
00038 @namespace yellow1
00039 @brief GPIO output for status LED
00040 */
00041 PwmOut yellow1(p24);
00042 /**  
00043 @namespace yellow2
00044 @brief GPIO output for status LED
00045 */
00046 PwmOut yellow2(p25);
00047 /**  
00048 @namespace red1
00049 @brief GPIO output for status LED
00050 */
00051 DigitalOut red1(p29);
00052 /**  
00053 @namespace red2
00054 @brief GPIO output for status LED
00055 */
00056 DigitalOut red2(p30);
00057 /**  
00058 @namespace pot
00059 @brief GPIO input for lcd brightness
00060 */
00061 AnalogIn mypot(p20);
00062 /**  
00063 @namespace button
00064 @brief GPIO input to switch values from the sensor
00065 */
00066 InterruptIn button(p15);
00069 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
00073 void beepOff();
00075 void beepOn(float t);
00077 /**
00078 Shows the welcome message when the LCD is on
00079 */
00080 void welcomeMessage();
00081 /**
00082 gets the distance in cm by dividing 
00083 10 read values by 10
00084 @returns the average distance in cm
00085 */
00086 void getDistanceCm();
00087 /**
00088 gets the distance in inches by dividing 
00089 10 read values by 10
00090 @returns the average distance in inches
00091 */
00092 void getDistanceIn();
00093 /**
00094 gets the distance in us by dividing 
00095 10 read values by 10
00096 @returns the average distance in us
00097 */
00098 void getDistanceUs();
00100 /**
00101 when the button is pressed this 
00102 action is called
00103 */
00104 void buttonPressed();
00105 /**
00106 looks for where the range of the reading is 
00107 to set its conditions
00108 */
00109 void compDist();
00110 /**
00111 compares the cases of each distance
00112 to set the Led's values and the buzzer
00113 */
00114 void distanceA();
00117 int distanceCm ; /*!< distanceCm set in ISR */
00118 int distanceIn ; /*!< distanceIn set in ISR */
00119 int distanceUs ; /*!< distanceUs set in ISR */
00120 int A ;   /*!< used to compare the cases after being set in compDist() */
00122 /**
00123 All distances used to add 
00124 the 10 readings from the sensor
00125 to get an average of 10 readings
00126 per second, so that it will cancel 
00127 out the noise.
00128 */
00129 int distance1;   /*!< distance1 set in ISR */
00130 int distance2 ;   /*!< distance2 set in ISR */
00131 int distance3 ;   /*!< distance3 set in ISR */
00132 int distance4 ;   /*!< distance4 set in ISR */
00133 int distance5 ;   /*!< distance5 set in ISR */
00134 int distance6 ;   /*!< distance6 set in ISR */
00135 int distance7 ;   /*!< distance7 set in ISR */
00136 int distance8 ;   /*!< distance8 set in ISR */
00137 int distance9 ;   /*!< distance9 set in ISR */
00138 int distance10 ;  /*!< distance10 set in ISR */
00140 float mypotVal ;  /*!< mypotVal is used to transfer the vlaue of the pot
00141                        to lcd brightness */
00142 int i=0;
00143 int sum ; /*!< used to add all the distances together (ie distance 1,
00144           distance 2, ...*/
00145 #endif