DHT11 Temperature and humidity sensor using FRDM-K64f and Thingspeak

Dependencies:   DHT ESP8266 mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "DHT.h"
00003 #include "ESP8266.h"
00005 DHT sensor(D4, DHT11);
00006 ESP8266 wifi(PTC17, PTC16, 115200);
00007 Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
00008 DigitalOut RED(LED1);
00009 char snd[255],rcv[1000];
00010 #define IP "" // thingspeak.com IP Address
00011 void wifi_send(void);
00013 int main()
00014 {
00015     pc.baud(115200);   
00016     pc.printf("SET mode to AP\r\n");
00017     wifi.SetMode(1);    // set ESP mode to 1
00018     wifi.RcvReply(rcv, 1000);    //receive a response from ESP
00019     pc.printf("%s",rcv);    //Print the response onscreen
00020     pc.printf("Conneting to Wifi\r\n");
00021     wifi.Join("ssid", "password");     // Your wifi username & Password 
00022     wifi.RcvReply(rcv, 1000);    //receive a response from ESP
00023     pc.printf("%s\n", rcv);    //Print the response onscreen
00024     wait(8);     //waits for response from ESP
00025     pc.printf("Getting IP\r\n");    //get IP addresss from the connected AP
00026     wifi.GetIP(rcv);    //receive an IP address from the AP
00027     pc.printf("%s\n", rcv);
00028     while (1) 
00029     {
00030         pc.printf("PLEASE STAY AWAY\r\n");
00031         pc.printf("Sending WiFi information\n");
00032         wifi_send();
00033         RED=1;
00034         wait(2.0f);
00035         RED=0;
00036         wait(1.5f);
00037     }    
00038 }
00039 void wifi_send(void){
00040     int error = 0;
00041     float h = 0.0f, c = 0.0f;
00043         wait(2.0f);
00044         error = sensor.readData();
00045         if (0 == error) 
00046         {
00047             c   = sensor.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS);
00048             h   = sensor.ReadHumidity();
00049             //printf("Temperature in Celcius: %f\n", c);
00050             //printf("Humidity is %f\n", h);
00051         } 
00052         else 
00053         {
00054             printf("Error: %d\n", error);
00055         }
00056   //WIFI updates the Status to Thingspeak servers//
00057   strcpy(snd,"AT+CIPMUX=1\n");//Setting WiFi into MultiChannel mode
00058   wifi.SendCMD(snd);
00059   pc.printf(snd);
00060   wait(2.0);
00061   wifi.RcvReply(rcv, 1000);
00062   pc.printf("%s\n", rcv);
00063   wait(2);
00064   sprintf(snd,"AT+CIPSTART=4,\"TCP\",\"%s\",80\n",IP); //Initiate connection with THINGSPEAK server 
00065   pc.printf(snd);
00066   wait(3.0);
00067   wifi.RcvReply(rcv, 1000);
00068   pc.printf("%s\n", rcv);
00069   wait(2);
00070   strcpy(snd,"AT+CIPSEND=4,47\n");    //Send Number of open connections,Characters to send 
00071   wifi.SendCMD(snd);
00072   pc.printf(snd);
00073   wait(2.0);
00074   wifi.RcvReply(rcv, 1000);
00075   pc.printf("%s\n", rcv);
00076   wait(2);    
00077   sprintf(snd,"GET http://api.thingspeak.com/update?api_key=**********&field1=%1.3f\n", c); //Post values to thingspeak
00078   pc.printf("%s",snd);
00079   wifi.SendCMD(snd);
00080   wait(2);
00081   sprintf(snd,"GET http://api.thingspeak.com/update?api_key=***********&field2=%1.3f\n", h); //Post values to thingspeak
00082   pc.printf("%s",snd);
00083   wifi.SendCMD(snd);
00084   wait(2);
00085   wifi.RcvReply(rcv, 1000);
00086   pc.printf("%s", rcv);
00087   wifi.SendCMD("AT+CIPCLOSE"); //Close the connection to server
00088   wifi.RcvReply(rcv, 1000);
00089   pc.printf("%s", rcv);
00090 }